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November 07, 1974 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-11-07

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Page Two


Thursday, November 7, 19-7,4

Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, November 7, 1 9i"~

Narrow victories mark races

Voters to decide ERIM fate

(Continued from Page 1)
filed protesting the bond issue
would have been set in motion,!
thus forcing approval by voters.
Former Daily editor and warj
research specialist David Chud-
win, speaking at a rally against
ERIM before the commission
meeting, attacked the institute
for "helping to develop the
electronic battlefield and aid-
ing the U. S. in their role as
international policemen trying
to stifle national liberation
movements around the world."
Bruce Cameron, organizer for
the anti-ERIM group, told thej
commissioners, "ERIM de-
velops c o u n t e r-insurgency
technology" used to suppress
the colonial Third World, term-
ing ERIM's activities "search
and destroy technology."
ALSO SPEAKING to the com-
mission, Barbra Fuller, spokes-
woman for the Interfaith Coun-
cil for Peace, said, "We are
against the secret war research.
of ERIM ... they try to come
into our county and further rob
us of taxes and a good school
Presently ERIM pays no pro-
perty tax on its University-own-
ed site at Willow Run Airport
and has Internal Revenue Serv-
ice tax-exempt status as well.
The stolid walls of ivy-covered
Hutchins Hall shook with laugh-
ter yesterday as University law
students witnessed the dismis-
sal of contracts Prof. Beverly
Pooley, described as a "rig-
orous" professor by one of his
contracts students, staged a
take-off on the well known
scene from the movie Paper
Chase which depicts the humili-
ating but humorous dismissal
of a struggling law student by
his cold and haughty contracts
professor played by John House-

ERIM plans to move to pro- to the county."

perty owned by the Bendix
Corp. on Plymouth Rd. If this
site were granted tax-exempt
status, the city would lose up
to $158,000 in tax revenues.
IN LIEU OF taxes, Brown
has offered 10 per cent of his
organization's income, about
Brown declined to respond to
attacks aimed at ERIM last
night, claiming, "They were
simply reiterating the agony of
the Vietnam War which we all
went through."
"We look to Congress to set
our program," he added. "IfI
people want different defense
activities they should write their
BROWN HAS admitted that
"approximately one-half of our
(ERIM's) activities are funded
by the Defense Department,"
but he points out that the insti-
tute's researchers also investi-
gate water pollution and other
environmental issues.
He has contended ERIM's
military research technology
can be put to non-military uses.;
Pointing out that "ERIM will
offer jobs to the community"
Brown stresses that he employs
some 450 well-paid people who,
"should be considered an asset i

BROWN CLAIMS his organiz-
ation must move because their
lease with the University to use
the Willow Run property ex-
pires in three years.
Although not elated by the
commissioners' move, Brown
commented, "I have nothing
against going to the people." He
predicted the proposal would
have a good chance of winning.
Yet he emphasized that he
would need to raise the request
to $3.2 million in bonds to help
pay $150,000 refinancing penalty
fee for delaying purchase of the
Bendix site.
Elizabeth T a y I o r expressed
guarded optimism over the
chance the county board will
approve of the final resolution
to place the ERIM bond issue
before the voters. She stressed
that the proposal must be re-
written in final form by the
county clerk.
However, the commissioner's
chairman, along with Goodman,
showed confidence that the mo-
tion's final approval would take
Goodman said out that if
"commissioners were to reneg
on their vote," the petition ef-
fort would be started to place
the bond question before voters.

prof sent home
om,' a pplauded
Theodore St. Antoine and other ed out a dime and handed~it to
law school administrators herd- Pooley saying, 'Call your moth-
ed in followed by this guy who er and tell her you're coming
I later learned was John House- home. You'll never make it
man from Paper Chase. through law school.'"

Doly Photo by STEVE KAGAN
OPPONENTS OF THE Environmental Research Institute
of Michigan's (ERIM) defense research demonstrate out-
side the County Bldg. yesterday evening. Later, the county
commission voted to put the question of ERIM's funding to
the voters in a surprise move.

flom - rrycn

I i

EJ . i / v N N 5/ Ai J -'' N HOWEVER, Pooley turned the
tables and took the humiliation
himself as Houseman dismissed
him from the school of law for
his "poor show of intellect."
qtefunny," recalled first year
HouseSenat "It; was well staged and really
(continued from Page 1) "can and should be passed by lawutudnt,"reynldendrick-ea
set up an afternoon appointment the lame duck session."slaw stedereyld Hndrik-
yesterday with Senate Demo- -A few days thereafter, Ford son WPooewearrival and won-
cratic Leader Mike Mansfield will propose to Congress a dering why he was almost 10
to discuss "what this Congress plengthy series of recommenda- mins l e a s a
can do in the lame duck session tiongthyfris remen- minutes late. All of a sadden a
to benefit the le " ions or paring federal spend- troop of people, including Dean
ipeop ing in the current fiscal year ,
that began July 1.
NESSEN, who provided the, ASKED IF Ford might alter
description of the Ford-Mans- any policies or programs in~e m - c
fildagnd, hloannounced: ew~ ofheavy Democrati gain I em loec
-The President will send in Congress, Nessen replied,
Congress a special messageI "I am not aware that there is
when it returns Nov. 18 from any change in his legislativeW in sea
its election recess listing 40 proposals or hopes because of
pieces of legislation Ford thinksE the election."

"MOST OF the class recog-;
nized him immediately and'
broke into a loud round of ap-
plause and laughter. Professor
Pooley and the administrators
took seats in the rear of the
room and Houseman advanced
to the front.
"Houseman began lecturing
about a very well known, but
difficult contracts case xnown
as Hadley vs. Basendale, also
used in Paper Chase. He then
called on Pooley and ordered!
him to relate the facts of thef
case. Pooley mumbled some-
thing unintelligible, and House-
man replied, 'Louder. Let your
intellect fill the room, please.
Stand up and answer the ques-
"Pooley, like the student in
Paper Chase, didn't satisfy
Houseman's request. So, House-
m'an reached in his pocket, pull-

first year law student, said, "I
think it was a joke. It certainly
did a lot to brighten the class.
It went over real well with the
students, who gave the perform-
ance a standing ovation."
According to St. Antoine, "We
did it just to have a little fun.
The students had all seen Paper
Chase on campus a few weeks
ago so most of them rec'gnized
Houseman immediately. When
he proceeded to bawl out Pro-
fessor Pooley for his 'exreme-
ly dismal intellectual perform-
ance' a roar of laughter came
forth, and all had a great
Houseman is in Ann Arbor
with the City Center Acting
Company producing Saroyan's
"Time of Your Life," which
opens tonight at Mendelssohn

rats Power, Roach
ts on Regent Board

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Nessen said that "if the
Democratic Congress has a bet-
ter package, the President has
said all along he would take a
look at it. But I don't think that
there is a Democratic economic'

(Continued from Page 1)
the eight-member body that ex-
ercises near-total control over
University affairs.
Roach, a Grosse Pointe resi-
dent, expressed concern that
Milliken would be less friendly

- I


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THURSDAY NOV. 7-7:30 p.m. I
Gregory Orr and Howard Norman
reading from their works at
I GUILD HOUSE-802 Monroe

to the board now that it will beI
controlled by Democrats by a
five-to-three margin. However,
he noted that the Democrats
have a majority in the legisla-
ture and said he hoped the
state would not move to slash
the University's budget for next
year by four per cent as Milli-
ken has proposed.
D U R I N G THE campaign,
Democrats tended to stress pro-
posals for ending alleged dis-
crimination against women and
minority groups by the Univer-
sity, while Republicans have
stressed financial problems.
"My main concern is that the
University must not be permit-
ted to continue its present racist
and sexist policies," says Pow-
er, the daughter-in-law of for-
mer Regent Eugene Power. She
argues that the University "has
not been meeting its responsi-
bilities in hiring blacks and wo-
men" and points out that there
is only one black female pro-
fessor at the University.
Power vows support for in-
creased minority enrollment.
She argues that the University
has been "very derelict" in
efforts to recruit minorities,
particularly in the Detroit area.
Democrats have also indicated
strong support for clerical work-
ers and teaching assistants in

their demands for higher wages.
Republican regents have de-
clined to indicate whether or
not they will support pay hikes.
ROACH AND Power have also
proposed a comprehensive stu-
dent loan plan which would
make funds available to most
incoming students, not just
those in the lowest income
bracket. The funds would be
handled through local banks and
would cover most University
tuition and room and board
According to Roach, "The
plan would help bridge the gap
between student needs and tui-
tion costs." He adds that the
proposal is "basically a zero
cost plan. There will have to be
an initial outlay of funds, of
c o u r s e, but experience has
shown that most students repay
the loans."
Nevertheless, P o w e r and
Roach have been vague on the
subject of where to cut the
budget in order to fund pay
boosts and loosen the Univer-
sity's tight financial sitaution.
I _______I to______

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