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November 05, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-11-05

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Remember to


Polls open


a.m. -8


See Editorial Page



'4immoom t t

See Today for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXX <V, No. 53

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 5, 1974

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


Foul forecast
While politics-watchers from George Gallup to
GOP Sen. Hugh Scott are predicting a rough'
outcome for the Republicans today, a little rain
could dampen the Democratic landslide. The
Daily's weather bureau forecasts cold, wet weather
in nearly all the key midwest and northeast in-
dustrial states, where Democrats look for their
biggest margins. Meanwhile, the outlook for GOP
strongholds in the West and South is fair with
mild temperatures. A tme-worn political maxim
says Democratic voters are less likely to go to the
polls, especially in bad weather.
An explosion Sunday afternoon extensively dam-
aged a Chemistry Building laboratory. Fire of-
ficials say the blast blew off the doors of a freezer
and causeJ n large fire which destroyed chemicals
in the lab. the blaze was believed caused by
chemical vapors that ignited. No damage estimate
has been made. No one vQ injured.
On Saturday morning, we reported that th
Second Congressional District race includes two
minor party candidates-Roy Jones of the Ameri-
can Independent Party and Ron Ziegler of the
U.S. Labor Party-as well as incumbent Gop
Congressman Marvin Esch, Democrat John Reu-
ther and HRP candidate Phil Carroll. We failed to
mention a sixth candidate: the Socialist Workers
Party's Martha Pettit, a University student.
Happenings ...
..today start with a trip to your local polling
place to vote for the candidates of your choice.
Polls open at 7 a.m. and close promptly at 8 p.m.
. . . At 4 p.m. Josette Feral will speak on "The
Dialectics of the Feminist Movement in France"
at the Women's Studies Program Office at 1058
LSA Bldg. . . . Jean Boggs, director of the
National Gallery of Canada will speak at 4:10 p.m.
in Aud. A of Angell Hall on Picasso's last 30 years
. . at 6:30 p.m. the Concerned Clericals for
Action/UAW discuss the local structure and con-
tract demands at 202 E. Washington, Room 312 ...
the first meeting of the Women and Health
Project of the Ann Arbor Health Care Collective
takes place at 305 Packard at 7:30 . . . and also
at 8 p.m. the Jewish Arts Festival is holding
workshops, discussions and films at 1429 Hill St.
Bar blaze
A survivor accused the owner of a blazing Seoul,
Korea, go-go club yesterday of blocking the exist
to collect bills from terrified patrons trying to
flee a fire that killed 88 persons. The owner also
was being questioned with four employes about
reports they blocked the only exit for 10 minutes
to make sure all bills were paid. Kim Hi-ja, one
of the first to dash out of the club, told police
she "ran toward the door as soon as I heard a
shout of fire. Club owners blocked the way asking
for money for the bills," she said. "There was a
stampede toward the door but the workers were
standing in the way. The entrance was blocked."
Armed, heavily legged
Like Patty Hearst, Kinky the kangaroo, has
allegedly surfaced once again, only to disappear
without confirmation of his presence-or ques-
tioned existence. The latest round came yesterday
when Kinky was reported spotted by a trucker
on a rural road near Plano, Ill., 40 miles south-
west of Chicago. The driver used his citzen's band
radio to call the owner of a service station to re-
port that what he thought was a kangaroo in the
company of three deer. The driver said he trailed
the deer and "another animal that definitely is
not a deer-it's prints in the mud of the field are
much different and I think it is a kangaroo." But
the animal disappeared as it headed toward the

river. The kangaroo was first reported sighted
Oct. 13.
On the inside .. .
.. . Election fan mail and good advice from our
readers is on today's Editorial Page . . . the Arts
Page (on Page 7 today) features an interview
with pianist Vladimir Horowitz . . . and Marc
Feldman writes about his lunch with Bo on the
Sports Page.
On the outside . .
A good thing to bet on today is rain. As an
intensifying fall storm moves to the so'itheast of

The Literary College (LSA) face
whelmingly yesterday to retain the
ed foreign language and English(
quirements but liberalized the nu
required for concentration progra
The actions came as the faculty
ing on the controversial Graduatior
Commission (GRC) report.
Paper explained the commission
guage proposal, which recomme
present fourth semester proficien
be maintained, noting, "Of all the
lems coming before the faculty, th
is the most perennial."
Paper said the commission was

keeps language
in t h e i r view on the requirement; a large more varied."
ulty voted over- minority in the GRC submitted a su'stitute pro- Romance Languages
e long-entrench- posal that would allow students to take a math, Frank Casa responded
Composition re- logic, or computer science sequence instead 'of courses are innovative a
.mber of hours a language. That proposal died swiftly, however, meeting the commission
ms. as Paper warned: "If we abolish the language clude the necessity of a r
continued vot- requirement, we will destroy language teaching
n Requirements in the high schools." THE FACULTY suppo
The faculty underlined its support for the Ian- mendation that students
guage rule by striking a GRC recommendation concentration programs m
fessor Herbert to review the requirement in three years. a department's prerequis


that many


and "go a long way to
's concerns" and pre-
rted the GRC's recom-
be allowed to enroll in
whenever they can meet
ites, with the option to
, which allows freshper-
ration, would help "a
nority who arrive here
mitment to a particular
he notorious sophomore

slump is in many ways the result of being kept
in never-never land between the introductory
courses of freshman year, and the professional
experience of junior and senior years."
STUDENTS are presently required to elect 30
hours which include six cognate hours in their
concentration. The faculty yesterday moved to-
wards greater flexibility in credit hours, allow-
ing students to concentrate in one department ex-
clusively - with as few as 24 hours or as many
as 48.
In addition, cognate courses will no longer be
required by the college.
The faculty voted to maintain the LSA English
composition requirement and reacted favorably to
GRC's suggestion of a special English Composi-
See LSA, Page 2

's foreign lan-
nded that the
cy requirement
perennial prob-
e language one
not unanimous

BUT History Prof. Raymond Grew, who chaired
the GRC, asserted, "The language requirement
is the most resented, opposed, and seriously
avoided in the college."
"We have an obligation," Grew continued, "to
improve teaching (of languages) and make it

change plans if desired.
Grew said the proposal
sons to declare concent
small but important mi
with a clear, excited comi
Grew suggested that "t

vote 'for
publicans braced for major off-
year :Democratic gains, Presi-
dent Ford urged Americans to
vote today to show confidence
in the nation's political system
- a system struggling with eco-
nomic woes and shaken by scan-
"You will not just be voting
for Democrats or Republicans"
Ford said yesterday. "You
will be casting your vote of con-
fidence in the United States of
FORD'S election-eve state-
ment from the White House
Rose Garden did not mention
Watergate. But it was implicit
in the prospect of a voter back-
lash facing his Republican par-
The final Associated Press
survey shows Democrats have
a chance at two-thirds control
of both the House and Senate
and a record number of gover-
norships in the first election to
feel the full brunt of the Water-
gate scandal and the nation's
economic problems.
While the survey and other
polls pointed toward above-av-
erage off-year gains by Demo-
crats, there were forecasts of a
far below average voter turn-
SOME SURVEYS indicated
a record low turnout of less than
40 per cent, a figure cited by
Ford in his message.
"If this is true," Ford said,
"the Congress with which I must
work . . . to control inflation,
strengthen the economy and
preserve peace in the world,
could be elected by only 21 per
cent of the voters. I don't think
anyone wants that kind of mi-
nority decision."
Ford and his spokesman re-
fised to make specific re-elec-
tion predictions, but the Presi-
dent expressed hope last week
that the current Republican-
Democratic ratios would stay
basically unchanged.
In Michigan, Democratic con-
tender Sander Levin appeared
to be in a dead heat with incum-
bent GOP William Milliken on
the eve of voting. A Detroit
News poll published yesterday
showed that recent controversy
about the governor's running
mate may not have harmed his
The poll showed Levin trail-
ing Milliken by about 3 per cent
-a margin so narrow that
either side's ability to "pull the
vote" today could make the dif-

reveal Hunt's
cover-up note

AP Photo

Last-minute stum ping
Governor William Milliken delivers his final round of handshakes in an eleventh-hour campaign
blitz yesterday that took him to Marian Hall, a Flint senior citizens' home. His campaign plane
also flew to Detroit, Lansing and Kalamazoo. The Republican governor is expected to run a
close race with Democrat Sander Levin in today's election.

secution lawyers jolted the
Watergate cover-up trial
yesterday with the disclos-
ure that they had obtained
a copy of an Howard Hunt
memorandum they thought
had been destroyed.
Prosecutor James Neal
said a copy of the two and
a half-page memorandum
was obtained o v e r the
w e e k e n d from William
Bittman, Hunt's former
lawyer. Neal said that for
a year and one-half Bitt-
man had denied that he
ever received the memo.
THE MEMO introduced into
evidence by Neal was headed
"Review and Statement of
Problem." It speaks of the ad-
ministration keeping its com-
mitment in behalf of the seven
defendants in the June 17, 1972,
Watergate break-in.
The s u r p r i s e disclosure
prompted lawyer for two of the
five defendants in the cover-up
trial to move for a mistrial.
"I am faced with a cover-up
within a cover-up," said Jacob
Stein, lawyer for Kenneth Par-
kinson, the man Hunt said he
intended to receive the memo.
U. S. DISTRICT Judge John
Sirica made no immediate re-
sponse to Stein's request for a
mistrial. He denied a similar
request from John Wilson, law-
yer for H. R. Haldeman, former
White House staff chief and one
of the five men charged with
conspiring to block the investi-
gation of the Watergate break-
The judge told prosecution
and defense attorneys to sub-
mit legal arguments by the end
of the week on whether he
should summon Bittman to
court to testify about what hap-
Bittman was named an unin-
dicted co-conspirator in the case
and the prosecutors had indi-
cated they wanted him to testi-
BUT AFTER disclosing how
he had obtained the memo,
Neal said he had dropped all
plans to call the attorney as a
Sirica refused to allow the
prosecutors to recall Hunt to the
stand Monday to confirm that
the unsigned document was the
See LAWYERS, Page z

Ru rs ley, Eckstein
exchange charges

State senator Gilbert Burs-
ley (R-Ann Arbor) and his
Democratic opponent Peter Eck-
stein filled the air with charges
and counter-charges yesterday
as their race for the 18th sena-
torial district went into its final
Eckstein lashed out at Burs-
ley for what the Democrat
claimed was misuse of the state
senator's franking privileges.
Last week Bursley mailed 17,-
000 pamphlets dealing with the
four state-wide ballot proposals,
'and Eckstein claimed the action
was "not illegal, but it is im-
proper. It cost the taxpayers
nearly $2,000.'"
B U R S L E Y countered by
claiming that Eckstein was mis-
leading the public into thinking

that he is the incumbent in the
race. Bursley contended that
early in the campaign, Eckstein
used a poster which touted the
Democrat as the present state
Bursley charged that the pos-
ter, which allegedly read "Peter
Eckstein - State Senator," was
placed on a van and driven in
parades through Dexter and
Ypsilanti. Bursley characteriz-
.ed the act as "unethical and un-
But an Eckstein spokesperson
denied the charge, commenting,
"Anyone who wants to pass
themselves off as an incumbent
these days must be crazy."
ECKSTEIN responded that the
wording on the poster "was just
a mistake that couldn't be cor-
rected," and accused Bursley of

"using it as a smokescreen" to
divert attention from his voting
record on political reform.
Eckstein also expressed doubt
about the validity of the com-
plaint because Bursley is mak-
ing the charge months after the
alleged violations occurred.
Bursley, however, says that he
'reported the incidents then" to
a Republican official.
In a telegram yesterday to
the state's Fair Election Cam-
paign Commission (FECC),
Bursley asked the commission
to order Eckstein not to use the
poster on election day. In an-
other telegram to the FECC,
Eckstein campaign manager
Sally Reames called the charges
"a publicity - seeking cheap
shot." As of last night the FECC
See SENATE, Page 10

wound up his campaign for
governor yesterday as it was
learned that the local Levin
organization is distributing a
leaflet that appears to show
a United Farm Workers en-
leaf let
Local campaign workers for
Democratic gubernatorial can-
didate Sander Levin are distri-
buting a leaflet which makes it
appear Levin has been endorsed
by the United Farm Workers
The UFW, a nationwide or-
ganization seeking to unionize
migrant workers with the AFL-
CIO, has made it clear they are
not endorsing any candidates in
the state's November elections
and one spokesperson for the
group said the leaflet "has up-
set some people."
"BOTH THE Democrats and
the Human Rights Party had
unofficially asked . us for our
support, but we made it very
clear that we don't endorse can-
didates except in special cir-
cumstances when it directly af-
fects the UFW, such as in Cali-
fornia," said UFW state direc-
tor Sam Baca. "I think the
Levin people conceived the leaf-
let idea after the statewide
Teamsters endorsed Milliken in
September. It's obvious to us
that it is not a UFW leaflet,
but people draw different in-
A spokesperson for the Levin
organization strongly denied that
the campaign literature was in-

Lobby chief may lose post over Esch ad

Common Cause, a national
citizens' lobby, is asking its lo-
cal director to resign because
he wrote U.S. Rep. Marvin
Esch (R-Ann Arbor) a lauda-
tory letter - ostensibly in the

Clerk's office.
FOR THESE reasons, Com-
mon Cause Executive V i c e
President I) a v i d Cohen an-
nounced last night that Hath-
away will be "asked to step

anything wrong," he added.
"IT WOULD be a mistake if
people in 'Washington did this,"
Hathaway said. "We have a
good organization doing good
wrk here."

which features Hathaway's un-
authorized letter, typewritten on
C o m m o n Cause stationery,
"clearly fosters the false im-
pression that Common Cause
does support" the Congress-
man's candidacy.

Seeking a fifth consecutive
term in the House, Esch is op-
posed by Democrat John Reuth-
er and Human Rights Party
(HRP) candidate Phil. Carroll
in today's general election.

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