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November 01, 1974 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-11-01

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Page Twelve


Friday, November 1, 1974

Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, November 1, 1974

c ,


for District Judge



Don Koster wants the district court to serve the people, first. N o t th(
per hour attorneys or the city's general fund (as the city's obsession


traffic tickets suggests). Here's what a Judge Don Kost
9 He will open the court to working people by holding
in the evenings and on weekends.
* He'll push for a drop-in day care center for a II full
plaintiffs, defendants, witnesses and jurors-who mud

er will do:
regular sessions

-time parents--
st spend a day in

" He'll provide for counseling and information to both plaintiffs and de-
fendants in the Small Claims Division, where attorneys aren't allowed
to practice.

* He'll work to simplify the legal forms in Small Claims C o u r t
landlord/tenant cases so that people don't n e e d three years

and in
of law

school to understand what is happening to them.
* These are just some of Koster's innovations, which would s e r v e the
people first.

We support Don Koster for District Court Judge:

Nancy W. Abbott
W. A. Ashenbaum
Mary S. Adams
Sheryl L. Ade
John H. Adkins
Myrna Ann Adkins
Ann-Ellen Akeley
Roger P. Akeley
Eugene P. Alber
Christine Allen
Layman Allen
Rebecca Alpern
Henry C. Alting
Patricia C. Alting
Ann Y. Amundsen
Ann P. Anderson
Locke Anderson
Susan Artinian
Jeanne M: Axelrod
Kristi M. Babl
Frank Bach
Jerald G. Bachman
Carlene Bagnall
Ann Bailey
J. A. Bailey
Karl D. Bailey
Margaret L. Bailey
Richard W. Bailey
Walter Bailey
Jeff Baill
William Barkenstein
Susan H. Barnes
Marcia W. Barrabee
Carol Bates
Cheryl Bates
Percy Bates
Frank E. Beaver
Gail P. Beaver
Art Bechhoefor
Carol R. Bell
Edmund S. Berchert, Jr.
Viola M. Berchert
Turan Berkan
Nancy Berla
Ernestine S. Beyer
Anita Bishop
Libby Bishop
Nadean Bishop
Herbert Black
Robert C. Black
R. L. Blake
Martin Blank
Karen Blinder
S. M. Blinder
David Bloom
Laurence Blum
Kathy L. Bodary
Michael V. Bodary
Janet Boettger
Carolyn D. Bohan
Harold Borkin
Mitchell Botney
Denise M. Boucher
Patricia Bova
J. A. Bowes
Ken Boyer
Warren D. Bracy
Marjorie C. Brazer
Mike Brennon
Thomas G. Brewer
Carol W. Britz
Charles B. Brown
Judith V. Brown
Richmond Browne
R. Brunner
Joan A. Buchele
Luther H. Buchele
Perry Bullard
Valerie Bunce
Clay Burke
Daniel Burke
K. E Burkhltr

Donald Bylsma
Kenneth Bylsma
Sandra Byars
David Cahill
Jay Callahan
Jaime Camacho
Bruce P. Cameron
Maria Camp
Marlys R. Cappaert
Kore Cares
Robert W. Carr
David Carra
Julie A. Carroll
Martha M. Carter
Richard A. Carter
Paul Cartman
Susanne Cartman
Demaris Cash
Donna J. Caswell
Raymond L. Chapin
Viviane Chen
Nelle Chilton
Grace Chung
Cynthia M. Churchill
Ralph Cicerone
Oma Jeane Clake
Betty Clark
Larry Clark
Mary K. Clark
Warren Clark
Margaret Clinton
Fredda Clisham
Marcia Cluckey.
S. W. Cohan
Joel D. Cohen
William R. Cohen
Brian Colgan
Emilyann Collie
Marian E. Collin
Dr. Carolyn Collins
Eleanor Collins
Pat Collins
Suzanne K. Congdon
Susan Conwell
Jan Cook
Barbara J. Copi
Elizabeth Copley
Robert W. Corby
Budget Courtney
Peter H. Cousins
Fred M. Cox
Gay C. Cox
Charles Crable
Martha Ann Crawford
Alan Crockett
Judith Croxton
John C. Cruz
John B. Culver
Lucile . Curtice
Deborah J. Dahlen
Craig Datema
Elizabeth Davenport
Diane Davidson
Terry Davidson
Mike Del Busso
Ligia R. deReynolds
Jim De Rosia
Ann Russ Desautels
Bob Detwiler
John Dietrich
Andrew Dobrandy
Eric Donahue
Tim Donahue
Sandi Donow
Jeremy Doppolt
Pat Doria
L. Alan Doth
C. Peter Dougherty
Joyce L. Dunstan
Samuel Durham
Sam Durham Jr.
Rob Dwvr

John A. Edgar
Lee Edoren
Ron Egnor
John Eick
Edward Eickhoff
Nancy Elder
David Elins
Frances S. Eliot
Alyce M. Elliott
Claudia Elliott
Elmer Elliott
Bob Elton
Richard A. English
Helen Epps
Morgen Erlewine
Stephen Erlewine
Doug Esse
Carol Everett
Geoffrey Exoo
Kathleen H. Exoo
Raphael E. Ezekiel
Raphael S. Ezekiel
Laura Fabian
Henry J. Fackly
Peter M. Falkenstein
John E. Farley
Lee C. Fawcett
Rita W. Fawcett
Edie M. Faye
Gerald Faye
David Feldt
Robert Ferguson
Steve Fine
Grant Fisher
Marcia Fishman
Jill Floyd
Kathleen M. Fojtik
Jack Forrest
William Fowler
Timothy Fox
Ellen Frank
Joe Frank
Brenda Frechetie
Suzanne Freund
Julie Frick
Bruce Fry
Lynne Fry
Sarah Fulton
Daniel Fusfeld
Edwin A. Gaede
Marge Gaede
Carolyn Gale
Michael T. Gale
Judith Gallatin
Nicholas Galloro
Randall P. Garton
Joan Gedert
Marty Geer
Terry Germanson
Christine M. Gerziortz
Sheldon Ginns
Baiba Glassford
Merianne Glickman
Rubin Glover
Joe D. Goddard
Shirley M. Goddard
Mary Jane Golab
James W. Goldberg
Marilynn B. Gordon
Norbert H. Gormz
Bob Goyer
June Graebel
William Graebel
B. Susan Z. Gray
Bill Gray
Nancy Adadon Gray
William J. Gray
Judith Greenbaum
Joshua Greene
Barbara Greig
Mary Grey
Pttv Griffith

Kenneth Guire
Margaret A. Guire
Leah M. Gunn
Kathy Guntrip
Steve Gurevitz
Ruth L. Gustavson
Ivan P. Hakeem
Andy Hall
Dayl E. Hall
Jesse Hall
Patricia R: Hall
Robert Hampton
Jo Ann Hanley
Mike Hannon
R. J: Harper
Laird Harris
Orviel C. Harrison
James E. Hart
Louisa K. Hart
Penelope J. Hart
Charles Hauss
Robert H. Hauert
Chuck Heath
Greg Hebert
John E. Hechlik
William Heenan
Ute F. Heimann
Jon O. Heise
Beatrice Henshaw
Hugh E. Henshaw
Frank Henyey
Kristine Henyey
Ronald Herron
Stephen Hersh
Betty Hess
Perry E. Hewitt
E. K. Hicks
Noel J. Hicks
Larry Hochman
Rose Hochman
Donald E. Hoff
Kathleen Hoff
David Hollander
William Hollyer
Paula F. Holmes
Robb Holmes
Jane N. Holt
Nicholas Holt
Patsy Honaken
Jessie Collins Hood
Nancy Horntvedt
Steve Housewright
Margaret Howard
Holly Howieson
Ann Hubbell
Billy T. Hughes
Jo Ellen Ivacko
Joseph luacko
Zeke Jabbour
Carl W. Jacobson
Patricia F. Jacobson
Bob Jaffe
Lillia P. James
Randall and Joyce
Avery Johnson
Christine Johnson
Dorothy A. Johnson
Henry Johnson
Mary E. Johnson
Alan H. Jones
Carol Jones
Dorothy Jones
John Jones
Linda Jones
Susan H. Jones
Leonard Kafka
Kathleen Kaikkonen
Aram Kalousdian
Gordon Kane
Lois Kane
Michaiel Kotz

Sue Ann Keller
Jane Kelley
Richard Kellog
David Kempner
Patricia Kempner
Sonya R. Kennedy
Jamie Kenworthy
Candare M. Keogle
Harry M. Kervorkian
Gregory Keys
Susan Kiff
Jan Kiln
Kirsten Kingdon
Carla E. Kirk
Jack Kirscht
Judith Kirscht
P. A. Kirtow
Roy Kitooka
Janet Klaver
Peter Klaver
Rogert F. Klein
Ruth Klein
Larry Knox
Michael Koen
Brenda Kondrath
John Korman
Patricia J. Korten
Joyce L. Kornbluh
Edith A. Korican
D. Kozubei
Elissa T. Kramer
Judith Ann Kramer
Mark Krauss
Patricia Krieger
Gayle Krinsky
Janie Kritzman
L. D. Kritzman
Lynn Kronzek
Tom Kryza
Margaret A. Kuehler
James A. LaCombe
Kathleen A. LaCombe
Bernadette LaFond
Maurice Lake
Marietta Lamb
Matthew M. Lampe
Maurice Laney
Norma Lang
Carol Coleman Lansing
John Stephen Lansing
Marjorie Lansing
David G. La Porte
P. D. Larkey
Gordon Larsen
Patricia Larsen
James E. Lathan
Virginia Lawrence
Judith Lax
Margaret Leary
Gail Lee
Gilbert B. Lee
Jim Lee
Tom S. Lee
Vincent Lee
James Lenihan
Margy Leslie
Anthony Lewis
Ethal K. Lewis
Carolyn Leyh
Steven Li
Carl R. Licker
Nancy Licker
Isabella Liddell
Sara Ann Lincoln
Karen E. Lindervert
Cecille Lindgren
Marilyn Linnger
Barbara List
Stan Livingston
Wally Long
Lylvia K. Lourance
Alice G. Loveiov

Cheryl E. MacFarlane
Donald D. MacMullan
John Magney
Charlotte M. Major
Lewis C. Major, Jr.
Adrienne Malley
Karen F. Maltzer
Bess Manchester
Steve Manchester
Greg Mann
Claudia Mardegian
Mary Marentay
Geraldine Markel
Sheldon F. Markel
Nancy Marks
Judith Morons
Audrey Marsh
Sharon Marsh
Debbie Masters
Michael Mather
J. C. Mathes
Carolyn Mattoon
Robert Mattoon
Donald D. Makey
David McCormick
Linda McCormick
Michael A. McCormick
Colleen McGee
Patricia McGinty
Barbara McGowan
John McGuire
Rosemary McGuire
Jan McIntosh
Marvin H. McKinney
Dorothy Pearl McKivens
Sandra Jean McKivens
Jill McLean
E. C. McMahon
Sizanne McMahon
Don McMillan
Harriet B. McNamara
Bill McNitt
Kenneth D. McWatters
Catherine H. Meade
Nelson K. Meade
Bruce W. Medbery
Helen Melnick
Leonard Melnick
Lori Melton
Michael Merrick
George Metesky
Howard Mevis
Barbara G. Meyer
Anne Meyering
Shirley A. Michelsen
Angela Mihalis
Bret M. Miller
Elissa Miller
Florida Miller
Grady Miller
Louis R. Miller
Matthew Miller
John Minock
Andre Modigliani
Kathy Modigliani
Franz J. Mogdis
Shelia J. Mogdis
Donna Monroe
John R. Moore
James A. Moors
Thomas O. Moors
Synne Pierce Morer
Beverly A. Morgan
Gladys L. Morgan
James N. Morgan
Robert N. Morgan
Hank Morgenstern
Barbra S. Morris
John A. Morris Jr.
Jan L. Morrison
Jock Morrison
Jean Mortimer

Rebecca Mullen
David A. Murphey
'Barbara Murphy
John Murphy
Meri Lou Murray
Thomas J. Murray
Alison T. Myers
Barbara H. Neal
Bruce Neal
Douglas Neal
Robert Neal
Sue Neal
William D. Nee
David H. Nelson
Judy Nieb
Grace Norwalk
Dianne Oklyes
Irene E. Oliver
Bowen Olpern
Joan L. Olsson
Helga Orbach
Marc Orbach
Richard Orndorf
Kenneth Ortman
Judith Overstreet
Bette Owens
James Owens
Andrea Paberzs
Andrew Palmer
Bill Palmer
Nicki Palmer
Steven Parker
Lynn Parsons
Cynthia A. Pasman
Dale L. Passow
Ralph C. Patterson
Barbara Peacock
S. A. Peck
Thomas Peck
Mary S. Pence
David Perlman
Joan R. Perros
Mary Ann Perry
Bill Persak
Edward C. Pierce
Janet Pierce
Mary Lee Pierce
Paul Pierce
Louise Pietsch
Steven Pinney
Steven J. Pinney
Genie Plamondon
Ralph J. Pledger
Susan Pledger
Greg Polopolos
Mary Polopolos
Harry C. Pool
Donna M. Porter
William A. Porter
Charles M. Poser
Nancy Poser
Garrod S. Post
Sally Posthill
Edward Potter
Sarah Power
Ed Prescott
Frances Prevas
Kathleen Price
Percival Price
Meridel Priest
Michael Prochaska
Cynthia Prochaska
Margaret Prokopow
Michael J. Przeslawski
Dan Puky
Barbara Quenon
Betty Quenon
Ernest L. Quenon
Lloyd Quicksey
Nancy L. Quigley
Rachel Radin
Soohie Radakovich

Sally Reames
Reva Reck
W. H. Reddick
Jim Reed
Carol E. Rees
Gerald M. Rees
Dorothy R. Rehak
Marcia B. Reich
Ellen A. Reichman
Steven Reichman
Michael E. Reilly
David Reinstein
Mike Reiter
Sue Remian
Peter Remington
David Ren
Susan Rephan
Alan Reuther
Eric Reuther
John S. Reuther
Carl Reynolds
Carol Reynolds
John Rhyne
Arthur Rich
Paula Rich
Mark Richardson
John W. Rick
Martha L. Roach
Nancy Roach
Alvin E. Roberts
Shirley Roberts
Shelia M. Robertson
Ginny Robinson
Bettina Roe
Eunice Rosasco
Cheryl C. Rosenbaum
Ann T. Ross
Joan Ross
Linda Ross
Marc Ross
Marianne Ross
Donald P. Rossbach
Lisa Rossbach
James L. Rowe
Jonathan D. Rowe
Donald L. Rucknagel
Lena Rucknagel
Peggy Russo
Edward Rutz
Jean T. Ryan
Ellen S. Saalberg
James H. Saalberg
Devorah Sachs
Andy Sacks
Mary J. Samarco
Tom Sampson
Robert P. Sauve
Lois Schafer
Marcy Schmitt'
Al Schneider
Albert F. Schneider
Joan Schneider
Paul Schneider
Gerda Schlansker
Charles F. Schofield
Joyce Schon
Richard R. Schott Jr.
Dan Schottenfels
A. D. Schreiber
Betty Schreiber
Jeanne C. Schultz
Martin Schultz
Donald M. Schwartz
Cathy Selin

Anne Shain
Max Shain
Vivian B. Shaner
Mike Shattow
Tom Sheedy
Karen E. Sheridan
Curt A. Shoultz
Mary Jane Shoultz
Raymond G. Shoultz
Judy Shribman
Bernadette Simon
Dorothy J. Simpson
Karen Simpson
Willie Jay Simpson
Dave Sinclair
Elsie D. Sinclair
Leni Sinclair
John Sinclair
Mike Slezak.
Conrad W. Smith
R. D. Smith
Thelma L. Smith
Timothy Smith
Stephen Solberg
Steven Sonnenberg
Greg Spaly
Marg Spaly
Drew Sparks
Alta Spaulding
Mary S. R. Spooner
Keith Stanovich
Paula Stanovich
Judy St. Clair
Dorothy Steinicke
Martin Stern
Shirley Stevens
Victor Stevens
Allen T. Stewart
Allen T. Stewart M.D.
Bill Stewart
Franchette Stewart
Judith Stich
Stephen Stich
Kevin L. Stiers
Sandra St. Laurent
Susan S. Stillwagon
Frank Stocking
Sue W. Stoll
Strike Strichartz
Tim Stoudt
Rebecca Super
Greg Sutter
Renata Tagliacozzo
Gretchen Tarchinski
Elizabeth Taylor
John E. Taylor
W. W. Taylor
Charles Teachout
Gary Teper
Craig Teufel
Jo Thomas
Norris J. Thomas Jr.
Richard D. Thomas
Michael Tice
James Toy
Marcello Truzzi
Pat Truzzi
Fannie R. Tucker
Franklin Tucker
Horacio M. Tudon
Glory Ushakow
Doug Vanderburg
Fritz Vaughn
Dennis Vaughn

Wes Vivian
Amy V. Vuolo
Debbie Wagner
Jerry Walden
James H. Walker Il
Jonathon A. Walker
Maureen R. Walker
John Waller
Pat Waller
James P. Walsh
Kenneth E. Warner
Susan Warner
Sally Wassman
Jack Watkins
Spud Watkins
Frances W. Weeks
H. Ashley Weeks
Thomas Weeks
Joe Wehrer
Thonias Wehrer
Ann Weingarten
Elizabeth M. Wetzel
Suzanne F. Whitney
William H. Whitney
Geoffrey Wickwire
Arthur W. Wiggins
Reggie Wiggins -
David N. Williams
Edward Williams
Gerry G. Williams
Helen Williams
John Williams
Vanell Williams
Deborah Wilson
Gene Wilson
Jack Wilson
Kevin Wilson
Patricia Wilson
Rose Wilson
Susan Wineberg
Georgie P. Winter
Harriet Winter
Johanna Wirbel
Lois Withey
Mike Withey
Stephen Withey
Tom Wolf
Frank Wolfe
Nancy Wonch
Ann Wood
C. Philip Wood
Dave Woods
Debbie Wood
Walter R. Wood
Collie Woodring
Douglas Woodring
David R. Wotton
Ann Wright
George E. Wright
Lilas Wright
Patricia Carol Wright
Donald F. Wurster
Patricia Yeghissian
Carl D. Yost
Mary Ida Yost
Lyn A. Zahn
John Zahner
Jane Roberts Zak
Richard L. Zalewski
Carol Ziesemer
Bill Zirinsky
Andrew Zweifler
Ruth L. Sweifler
Daniel Zwerdling

REVA RECK, Coordinator
206 Nickels Arcade I Ann Arbor. Michigan 48108

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