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November 01, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-11-01

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See Editorial Page



See Today for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol LXXXV, No. 50

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 1, 1974

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

* IflOUS wSAppQ4o CAL~AI
056 and 558
...are this week's winning lottery numbers.
351 and 014 are the second chance numbers. Win-
ning numbers for the Jackpot Gold one dollar
tickets are 876674, 01456 and 216. ,
Happenings ...
.are few and far between today. Prof. Joseph
Cosand, director of the Center for Study of Higher
Education, will speak at a noon luncheon at Guild
House, 802 Monroe, on "Integrity in Administration
in Higher Education . . . and at 8 p.m. Denis De-
loria, a research associate at High Scope Educa-
tional Research Foundation in Ypsilanti, will lec-
ture on "An Experiment Investigating Malnutri-
tion and Educational Deprivation Among Barrio
Children in Cali, Colombia..
The pie of flying keps getting higher. The
Civil Aeronautics Board approved a four per cent
increase yesterday in air fares for passengers fly-
ing within the United States. At the same time, it
made permanent a six per cent hike that it ap-
proved on a temporary basis last April. That hike
had been scheduled to expire yesterday. The two
actions mean domestic air fares on Nov. iS will
have risen 15 per cent since the fuel shortage hit
last winter. The board approved a five per cent
hike last Dec. 1 and the temporary increase on
April 16. The new hike, like previous increases,
was justified by the airlines on the basis of rapid-
ly rising fuel costs and general inflation.
President Ford's job rating has increased over
the hst month to 55 per cent, the latest Gallup Poll
shows. Twenty-eight per cent disapprove of the
president's performance and 17 per cent have no
opinion, according to the survey, which was con-
ducted Oct. 18-21, after Ford's appearance before
a congressional subcommittee to explain his pardon
of former President Richard Nixon. The previous
study, taken one week earlier, showed 52 per cent
approving of Ford's performance. The increase e
Ford's rating has come mainly from Republicans,
who give the P'resident a 75 per cent approval fig-
ure. At his low point in popularity, 65 per cent
of GOP voters approved.
Retai 8 S6 l le stady
If consumers plan to follow President Ford's aim
to cut back spending to fight inflation, the trend
did not show up in October sales reported yester-
day by the nation's leading discount and depart-
ment stores. Sales gains among the big nationwide
retailers such as Sears, Roebuck & Co. and J. C.
Penney Co., were up as much as 21 per cent
in October over a year ago. And the government
reported all retail sales for the last week in Oc-
tober rose to a seasonally adjusted $10.56 billion,
8 per cent above last year. An Associated Press
sampling of stores in several cities also showed
President Ford's Oct. 8 appeal for voluntary spend-
ing cuts to fight inflation has had little effect in its
first few weks.
A San Quentim convict scheduled to be paroled
today after 17 years in jail for murdering his wife
says he won't leave the prison. Ewing Scott, 78,
told prison authorities he won't accept freedom
because he was "illegally detained in the first
place." For Scott, accepting parole would be tan-
tamount to admitting guilt for a crime he claims
he never committed. Raymond Procunier, state
director of corrections, said it was the first time a
convict ever refused parole. "He has refused to
sign the order accepting the parole," Procunier
said Wednesday. "We'll just have to wait and see
if he is going to stick to his position before taking
Govt. I.O.U. -
A 98-year-old black South African has submit-

ted a claim to teedBritishGovernmentr ford db
sheep and 50 goats. Abia Makahane told reporters
that in 1902 his father sold a British army officer
107 sheep and SO goats for food during the Anglo-
Boer War, but was never paid. The family was
given a promissory note by the officer, worth 500
pounds (about $2,000 at the then-current exchange
rate), and Makahne is now demanding his money.
"If they do not settle this soon, I will began to
believe they cannot be trusted," he said. "How
much longer do they think they can hold out on
me?" The British Consulate General in Johannes-.
burg yesterday said that it would willingly look in.-
to the case, although it had no record of Maka-
hane's claim.
On the inside -..
...it's Cinemna Weekend on today's Arts Page
...Richard Flaherty profiles Indiana's Courtney
Snyder, the second leading rusher in the Big Ten,
on the Sports Page . . . and Daily election endorse-
ments appear on the Editorial Page.
On the outside ...

Re ent4
To the average voter, this year's University
Board of Regents race seems to have been con-
ducted with all the publicity of a clandestine CIA
The Regents, who exercise near-total control
over University affairs, normally slip into office
barely noticed at the end of a long ballot. This
year is no exception.
THE REGENTS' contest boasts 15 candidates
who represent all shades of the political spec-
trum, from the American Independent Party
(AIP) of George Wallace to the left-wing U. S.
Labor Party.
Liberal and radical hopefuls in the race have
stressed proposals for ending alleged discrimina-
tion against women and minorities by the Uni-
versity, while conservatives have tended to stress
financial problems.
"My main concern is that the University must






Capinoue on fnce

not be permitted to continue its present racist
and sexist policies," says Democrat Sarah Pow-
er. Sh'e argues that the University "has not been
meeting its responsibilities" in hiring blacks and
women, and points out that there is only one
black female professor at the University. -
campaign profile
BOTH HUMAN Rights Party (HRP) hopefuls,
Ellen Hoffman and Diane Kohn, pledge support
for affirmative action guidelines to hire more
blacks and women and give them increased de-
cision-making powers.
Democratic and HRP candidates indicate their

strong support for clerical workers' and Gradu-
ate Employes' Organization (GEO) demands for
higher wages. . ...
Kohn contends that it is unfair "for the Uni-
versity to pay some professors $30,000-$40,000
when the clericals in many cases are being paid
only $6,000." Hoffman argues that '"TFs (who
are represented by GEO) are simply not being
paid a living wage."
REPUBLICANS and Conservative Party candi-
dates do not indicate whether or not they would
specifically support demands for higher wages.
Republican hopeful Dona Parker admits that
most of the clerical and GEO demands are jus-
tified, but says a final decision on a possible
hike can't be reached without further study.
Parker also admits that discrimination has

occurred in present University hiring and ad-
missions policies towards minority groups and
women, but says she opposes any "quotas" in
employment or enrollment.
"I think the University should encourage mi-
nority enrollment, but to say to a certain per-
centage, I'm afraid I don't agree because it
might exclude some," says Parker.
DEMOCRATIC candidate Thomas Roach, on
the other hand, vows support for increased minor-
ity enrollment. He argues that the University
hasn't made enough effort to recruit minorities,
particularly in the Detroit area.
Recent University financial troubles have
sparked considerable debate, but few proposed
solutions in the campaign.
Last month, Governor William Milliken indi-
cated in a letter to President Robben Fleming
that state appropriations to the University may
be cut as much as four per cent next year.
See REGENT, Page 9




penders' -

even Republicans

Daily Photo by KEN FINK
I vant your blood!
Count Dracula hands out leaflets urging students to participate in the University Blood Bank
drive Nov. 4-8 in the Union Ballroom. Fanging around the Diag yesterday afternoon, the green-
countenanced vampire added just the right touch for' Halloween.

President Gerald Ford urg-
ed the nation's voters last
night to defeat big spend-
ers in Congress and declar-
ed: "If some of them are
Republicans, so be it." '
In a significant shift in
t a c t i c s, the Republican
President softened his at-.
tack on congressional Dem-
ocrats at a time when polls
predicted; major Democra-
tic gains in next Tuesday's
congressional elections.
"I AM not going to suggest
to you that all the big spenders
belong to the opposition party,"
Ford said.
His remarks were prepared
for delivery at a GOP-fund-rais-
ing dinner for the California
party's underog gube rnoia
and other GOP candidates.
wher he toldhan airprt rall
in Sioux City that he won't let
foreign beef and dairy imports
put America's farmers through
the financial wringer.
IT WAS the opening day o
Ford's last round on this year's
campaign trail. The three-day,
six-state Western excursion
brings to 21 the number of
states he has stumped in an ef-
fort to turn the tide for Re-
public ans.
In the Halloween Night speech
to Republicans, who paid from
$250 to $500 a ticket to attend,
Ford had a message in keeping
with the occasion.
"Let's keep Halloween for
our children," he said. "The
last thing we need in Washing-
ton is a trick-or-treat Con-

WHILE repeating his charge
that Congress is responsible for
big government spending and
thus inflation, Ford .eased off
on his accusation that Demo-
cratse are to blame.
"If you are unhappy about
the handling of the nation's fi-
iiances over the past 20 years,
if you think it is time for a
change, remember next Tues-
day who the big spenders are - '
and throw them out. And if
some of them are Republicans,
so be it."
"Now is the time for re-
sponsible men and women of

all political persuasions - Re-
publicans, Democrats and Inde-
pendents .- to come together,
not in an effort at political ad-
vantage, but in a spirit of pa-
triotism, to whip problems like
inflation . . ." Ford said.
HE RETURNED to another
of his favorite themes - that
som congressmen are enan
foreign policy.
But Ford stopped short of
renewing his accusation that if
too many Democrats are elect-
ed, peace will be jeopardized.

SGC squabbles, but

LONG BEACH, California of the
(Reuter) -- Doctors treating the bac
former President Richard Nixon gers a
said yesterday they believed said.
internal bleeding which follow- Lungi
ed an operation two days ago blood
had stopped. started
But there was an imminent If the
danger that the bleeding in again,
Nixon's stomach could begin danger
again, the former president's and the
personal physician, Dr. John improve
Lungren, told a press confer- during
ence at Long Beach Memorial days, h
"WE ARE VERY conscious danger

ack to near
doctors say

real dangers lurking in
.kground. Potential dan-
re still imminent," he
ren said a program of
transfusions had been
to combat the danger.
bleeding does not start
Nixon could be out of
within one to three days
re should be a gradual
ement in his condition
the next two or three
e said.
~REN SAID the main
was that the bleeding

legislator speaks
on discrimination
A major factor in the continuing discrimination encountered
by women and minorities is their disproportionately low employ-
ment at colleges and universities across the country, according
to retiring Congresswoman Edith Green (D-Ore.)
Green, a 20-year veteran of the House of Representatives who
will retire at the end of the current session, made that assessment
yesterday to about 50 people at Hale Auditorium in the Business
THE SPEECH FOCUSED on the Higher Education Act - a bill
designed to end discrimination on the basis of race and sex and
guarantee equal pay for equal work - which Green helped author
and guide through Congress.
The law specifically guarantees identical working benefits and
promotional opportunities for men and women in employment at
colleges and universities.
Green, however, admits the measure has not been entirely
successful and commented, "At times I would like to deny any
parentage of it." .
BUT SHE VEHEMENTLY opposed the establishment of quotas
to insure equal rights.
"I am against giving jobs to groups that have been historic-
ally discriminated against," Green said. "Everyone should be

could start again.
Another surgeon, Dr. James
H-arper, commented, "He could
turn sour on us, but there is no
indication of that today."
Harper said that the original
extensive post-operative bleed-
ing had apparently been re-
duced to a generalized ooze of
blood leaking into a space be-
hind the stomach wall.
HE SAID THAT another sur-
goDr. Donald Mulder, of the
UCLA School of Medicine, was
called in today to examine Nix-
on when a drop in the red cor-
puscle count in the blood was
blood loss, transfusions of fres
ulate - would be pumped into
the 61-year-old former chief of
"WITH THE cooperation of Me-
morial Hospital's blood bank
and the Red Cross, this treat-
ment has now been instituted,"
DnrEln adHickman, who op-
erated on Nixon on Tuesday,
said that Nixon was handling
the surgery well and was main-
taining a cooperative outlook
towards his treatment.
But he said Nixon occasional-
lv became irritated with the
continuous series of tests being
made on him in the hospital's
critical care ward.
THE SURPRISE press con-
ference by Nixon's team of sur-
geons was called late in the af-
ternoon after a morning bulletin
had revrealed that he was still

ippornts I
Amid continued post - election
turmoil, Student Government
Council (SGC) last night ap-
pointed a treasurer despite
warnings from minority party
members that the vote is illegal
under Council rules.
President Carl Sandberg ap-
pears to have control over, most
independent Council members
as well as those of his own
Reform Party. After threaten-
ing to resign if his choice of
treasurer was not approved,
SGC voted 13i/-7% to okay
Elliot Chikofsky for the post.
CAMPUS Coalition (CC) op-
posed this, pointing out that
Chikofsky had been active in a
party which also ran two can-
didates currently charged with
misuse of SGC funds.
CC President David Faye
stated "(Former President) Bill
,Jacobs was the worst barbar-
ous crook we had. We still don't

For fun and recreation in
Harmony, N.C., the townspeople
get together and butcher a
bunch of rabbits with anything
that's handy-sticks, stones, and
knives-and love every minute
of it.
Noted author and humnimtar-
ian Clevelandp Amory fnds the
terday recounted that incident
and other horror stories of
cruelty to animals to about 50
~ .'~ .~people gathered at the Pendle-
ton Center of the Union.

know if Elliot was involved."
Many of the remarks con-
cerned the fact that Chikofsky
succeeded David Schaper s as
treasurer. Schaper has, been
charged along with Jacobs with
misusing $42,000 in Council
SEVERAL Council members
claimed t h a t the treasurer
should be respdnsive to the
SGC, not the pr'esident person-
ally, which would prevent the
apparent monetary mishandling
typical in the past.
After the approval of a treas-
urer, Faye announced he is fil-
ing suit with the Central Stu-
dent Judiciary against all votes
taken by Council last night.
Under SGC rules, the Council
cannot vote on any matters un-
til after its second meeting fol-
lowing an election. Last night's
meeting was the second time the
new Council has met.

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