Page Six THE MJCHIGAN DAILY Thursday, Qctbbor 31, 1 974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, October 31, 1974 I _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ _____________________ . ...,l..r, ,r-M.--,.,. .r.Nrr ..._,_ ._m.___. __ .. , . _ . , h ( V fk get the I____ne oii 9 FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557-10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY w Uncontracted Classified Rates WORDS 1 2 3 4 5 6 odd 0-10 1.15 2.30 3.05 3.80 4.55 5.30 .75 11-15 1.40 2.80 3.70 4.60 5.50 6.40 .90 16-20 1.65 3.30 4.35 5.40 6.45 7.50 1.05 21-25 1.90 3.80 5.00 6.20 7.40 8.60 1.20 26-30 2.15 4.30 5.65 7,00 8.35 9.70 1.35 31-35 2.40 4.80 6.30 7.80 9.30 10.80 1.50 36-40 2.65 5.30 6.95 8.60 10.25 11.90 1.65 41-45 2.90 5.80 7.60 9.40 11.20 13.00 1.80 46-50 3.15 6.30 8.25 10.20 12.15 14.10 1.95 INCHES 1 3.15 6.30 8.25 10.20 12.15 14.10 1.95 2 5.65 11.30 14.75 18.20 21.65 25.10 3.45 3 8.15 16.30 21.25 26.20 31.15 36.10 4.95 4 10.65 21.30 27.90 34.20 40.65 47.10 6.45 5 13.15 26.30 34.40 42.20 50.15 58.10 8.95 N.B.; Each group of chorocters counts as one word. Hyphenated words over 5 characters count as two words (this includes telephone numbers) 10 lines equals 1 inch 5 words per line FOR RENT ARROWWOOD HILLS CO-OP - Modern hillside townhouses in the Northside School area. Co-op home ownership gives you income-tax de- ductions of approximately 65% of your monthly payments. Member- ship $300. 1 bdrm,/$125 per mo. 2 bdrms.,/$142 per mo. 3 bdrms./$158 per mo. 4 bdrms./$172 per mo. Phone 761-0590 or visit office, 2400 Arrowwood Trail. Open 9 to 4 daily. Weekends 12 noon-5. eCte HELP WANTED BUSINESS SERVICES MUSICAL MDSE., nA%^ n .a .n* MISCELLANEOUS ALL MEN interested in officiating HOUSECLEANING, Burns Park area.a intramural basketball should con- $2.75/hr. 761-8940. 78J1102 tact Den Nemerouski at the IM -- 1 building 763-1317, as soon as pos- EXPERIENCED GUITAR teacher sible. 86H1103 wants students, folk/jazz. Bob, 769- - -- - - -- -- - - - - 7535. 0UJ113 RADIOS, REPAIRS HAUNTED HOUSE, unbelievably scary!-House planted 2514 Dexter New DUAL 701 direct drive tu Rd., Ann Arbor. 7-10 p.m. Oct. 23- table, SHURE V-I5 cartridge, $375 31. 50c ensures your safety. 45M1031 ($500 list) 761-4741 evenings. '83X1103 INSTANT CASH! We're paying .75- -1 for records in good shape. Jazz-! TANDBERG 3300 X Tape Deck for Blues-Rock. (any quantity). WAZOO sale. 1 year old, ex, cond. 662-7271. 314 E. Liberty. 668-9463 (10-6 Mon.- 76X1103 Sat.) 31M1112 PERSONAL Campus Pinba I I LARGE furnished two bedroom apt. with study available immediately, in older building near campus, lots of character, parking. 662-7787. eCtc LOST AND FOUND FOUND: cat, mostly white, with gray-brown markings on head and back. Near Packard and State. 663- 9507, dA1101 LOST: somewhere on campus, Wo- man's gold watch. Sentimental val- ue. Please call 994-0454. Reward of- fered. 35A115 LOST: 10/24, male black kitten w/ four white paws. White diamond on chest. In State/Lawrence area. Please call 668-7913, he is terribly missed. 51A111 FOUND: Texas Instruments Calcu- lator in Forest and S. Univ. area. Description needed. Call 662-9424: dA1031 LOST: Male Persian kitten. Gray with white paws in Burn's Park vi- cinity (Church St.). Reward. 994- 3193. 13A1031 WANTED: Experienced record store manager and helpers. 663-5724, 73111103 ARBY'S ROAST BEEF RESTAUR- ANT MANAGERS WANTED. Arby'sj Roast Beef has openings for store management positions in the Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti area, excellent start- ing pay for a five week training per- iod. Upon successful completion of, training program, you will assume complete charge of a restaurantI with suitable raise. Rapidly growing company, good promotional oppor- tunity, excellent fringe benefits in- cluding profit sharing and bonus plans. Applicants must have pre- vious fast food management experi- ence. Interview by appointment on- 53H113 BEDDING SALE Mattresses and Box Springs Custom-Made $84.60 complete Mattress only $44.60 and up 52 years service. Locally owned. Same day delivery Call 761-2277 ANN ARBOR BEDDING 1002 Pontiac cJtc TYPING and EDITING. Call Jean, 994-3594, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. cJtc TUTORING, EE, Statistics, Math,, Computers. Call Walt, 994-3594. cJtc EARLY HOUR WAKE-UP SERVICE i'r.......... prompt a, eoswa~ 3n e-up ev- ROCK 'N ROLL BAND will make your next party a success. CallDar- ryl, 994-4542 after 11 p.m. 67X1101 FOR SALE: 1 KLH turntable-amp- lifier, no speakers, $80; 1 Sony reel- to-reel tape deck $75; 1 Zenith AM- FM table model radio, wood finish $40; All in good working condition. Call Scott at 662-3938. 45X113 USED UPRIGHT PIANO, starting at $89.50. Apollo Music Center. 769- 1400. X STEREO: reel to reel tape recorder. Best offer. 769-9581. 40X111 CLASSICAL GUITAR and case. New $120. Call Shari, 761-0716. 13X1031 NEW CARS PEUGEOT 907 N. Main - 769-7936 Alfa Romeo 907 N. Main-769-7935 PHOTO SUPPLIES DARKROOM SERVICES from pro- fessional studio. Choice of develop- ers. Studio 'C', 209 S. Fourth Ave. 665-4550. cDtc PERSONAL ~1217- South University cFte XEROX AND OFFSET Fast, low cost duplicatiog. COPY QUICK 1217 S. University 769-050 BOARD EXAM TUTORING STANLEY H. KAPtJAN TUTORING COURSM0 Enroll now to prepare for upceming MCAT * VAT * L$AT " GRB*ATG10 board exams. For information call: (313) 354-0085. cF'tc WHY WALK FARTIER? Get your Levi's cuffed fla1rs at WILD'S VARSITY SHOP FOR RENT NOV.-JUNE, house, lakefront. Phone 662-8456. 85C1102 LEATHER SHOP FOR SALE, $3800, terms. Top location near University, steady net profit, good growth po- tential, out of state owner cannot be in two places at once. 419-474- 0015, Toledo, early a.m. 82C1103 ROOM for grad student. Share house. 662-4201, 5-7 p.m. 79C1105 SHARE ROOM in nice house close t0 campus. Available now. Cooper- ative vegetarian living. 66242868. 75C1031 ROOM with fireplace and refrigera- tor, $115. 606 Packard No. 1 .8.30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 63C115 ROOM ON CAMPUS. No pets. Utili- ties paid. $70. 662-3579. 49C113 2 ROOMS upstairs for rent, room1 for a pet. On a two lot property,3 1f miles from campus. 668-6417. 46C113 WANT TO LIVE in Vail Co-op or Minnies? Cheap rent-,120/month, room, board. 2 places In Vail, one in Minnies. Call Nancy or Dan, 761-1 7060. dCllO3 HUGE 2-BEDROOM APT. on cam.- pus. Utilities paid. $250. 662-3579. 48C113 NEED PERSON to take over my lease after Fall semester. Own room in large apartment. Nice location. Call 663-9662. dCtc GLORIOUS LUXURY, room, board, fun, TV, laundry, papers, for fe- male. Vail -Co-op, 120/mo. 769-4211. 2501103 CHARACTER one-bedroom flat with study near campus with two pri- vate entrances. $190. Call Renter's Aid, 994-4300. 12 month service fee. C-10-21-1. cCtc FURNISHED modern 2-bedroom apartment near campus. $200 plus deposit. '455-1487. 1901103t FOR RENT LAKE FRONT HOUSE, two bed- rooms, new carpet, washer-dryer, until June 1. $150. Call Renter's Aid, 994-4300. 12 month service fee. T- 10-24-1. cCtc 3-BEDROOM Townhouses $192/mo. Including utilities. No deposit for University students, staff. Available nok. Contact Housing Office, 1011 SAB. 763-3168. 2701102 UNIVERSITY STUDENTS and staff - University family housing units available. Contact Housing Of- fice, 1011 Student Activities Bldg. 763-3168. 90C1108 AVAILABLE Nov. 15, Campus-hospi- tal area. Beautifully furnished large 2-bdrm., dishwasher, air, security system. Rent negotiable. 668-6906. C Need Roommates and don't know anyone on campus? We will find you roommates MEAL CREW JOB opening at Beta Theta Pi, 604 S. State. Must be able to work 11 meals/wk. Inquire in per-I son before Mon., Nov. 4, or call 663- 3927. If no answer call 761-3126. ' 72H1101, CHOIR DIRECTOR and organist, starting Jan. 1, 1975. Country church north of Ann Arbor. Call 449-8711 or 449-2215. 55H119 WORK-STUDY Assistants needed in Specialized Library. Typing skill, junior or higher. Hours flexible. Please call Librarian. 764-3438 for For prompt, courteouts wake-up ser"- ice. 973-0760. cJtc SPECIAL CERAMIC TILE - Bath LOST: Fluffy white male kitten interview,.69111103 with gray spot on head, wearing col-__trw _113 lar. 4 months old. Vicinity S. Univ. ARBY'S ROAST BEEF OF ANN AR- and Washtenaw. 663-4527, 17A1031 BOR & YPSILANTL ASSISTANT DARK, Shepard-like female dog. 20" MANAGERS WANTED. Fast growing tall. White chest and paws, scar on company looking for ambitious per- stomach. Answers to Sasha, Lost sons. Excellent fringe benefits, bet- near Main and Huron. Call 994-0107, ter than average starting pay. Pre-{ 20A1031 vious fast food or management ex- .-......-- - -----perience. Working hours vary to in- elude nights/weekends. Interviews ROOM AND BOAR D by appointment only. Call Mr. Matre at 1-694-1222. 54H113 Ol ENING for one female in Zapata ___- - -- Co-op, North Campus. Available im- WANTED. Photographer's model, mediately. Call 663-6430. 74E1031 women's wear, part-time. No experi- ence necessary. Please send recent USED CARS photo of self along with all meas- urements to Casting Service, Box 99, '69 FORD TORINO GT, must sell. Garden City, Mich. 48135. 22H1102 $650, negotiable. 761-8365. 70N1103 --- ----------- - -- , s t ; j 5x6x4" materials and labor, $189. THE LARGEST guitar repair shop in _ Call 483-4615. cJte Michigan is Instrument Repair Ser- ASK YOUR BARTENDER FOR A ----vice, 131 E. Kalamazoo Ave., Kala- NICE COLD GIRL. 64F1103 TRANSPORTATION mazoo. 616-381-5669. Light and heavy TA.repairs, custom work, rewiring, and If YOU want to help other people, RIDE NEEDED to NYC Nov. L.'One- custom-made guitars. We're only then GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE- IE E En 12minutesaway.93X115 donate to the U. of M. Student way okay. Rich. 994-3153. 34G1031 --- Blood Bank at the Michigan Union RIDE--------------- HOWDY. Remember how last year, Ballroom. (Nov. 4-8, Mon.-Thurs., NovembNEEDED to St. Joseph, Mi., the year before, and the year before 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and Fri. 12-6 p.m.) Call 764-1914 persistently. dG 3 there was an acoustic music shop 67F117 called Music Strings & Things? Last - F SLyear we moved out to the country, GOLD ? FOR SA L Ebut we have just moved back under Cali 668-6767 between 6 and 6:30j - a new name, Guitars Friend, and a tonite. 81F1031 Large selection of Terrarium new way of doing business. Work- ----- Ssupplies and plants. ing through our catalogue, we are ST. PAULI GIRL BEER - MICHI- THE GREENHOUSE able to discount all major brands of GAN'S NEWEST IMPORT. 66F1102j Liberty at Division guitars up to 25 percent; accessories, - GE U 8711031 25 percent; books, including oak, 10 DNG- dF13 _-..-- ------ - -_ - percent; harmonicas, 25 percent; g.- AUTIHENTIC American INDIAN I banjos, dulcimers, ceramic flutes. Jewelry: Silver, Turquoise, Coral- kalimtbas, recorders and all kinds of FREEPORT $314 Necklaces, Rings, Bracelets, Ear- s stuff. Come on up to visit us at NASSAU $279 rings. Evenings: ELAYNE (663-1372) 215 S. State in the Mayflower Book 56B114 Shop, formerly Circle Books. See you FT. LAUDERDALE $279 ---- -----------then. 89X 1031 Includes: Airfare, transfers, 7 nights BOOKS! ___-------_ --__- - I hotel, some meals, and many extras. Priced to sell. Wide variety of books, MARANTZ MOD 2245 Receiver. $325. *Daily breakfast and dinner papers-many in linguistics, psycho- 769-2089 after 7. 21X1030 XMAS BREAK TRIPS logy, foreign language. November 1. 9-5. Sale located in front of Frieze SPEAKERS. Manufacturer direct Call Travel World Corp. Bldg. at E. Washington and S. save $$$ on stereo components. 994-0244 Thayer. Proceeds to Linguistics Johnny Zender is AA's underground Dept. Library. 23B111 audio consultant. Call him till 2-27F1103 __-._- -.-- -----a.m. 769-2221. l3X1l3 EXPRESSIVE MOVEMENT/CREA- TELETYPE KSR-33 and data coup- -------- - - TIVE DANCE WORKSHOP, Friday ler, a computer perepheral for evening, Saturday, Nov. 15-16. No communications. Call 994-1122.- - - experience necessary. Margaret and 95B1031 WANTED: 2 tickets to Elton John Bob Blood, 769-0046. 30F1115 .----- -- in Detroit. Call 763-6568. evenings. _____ -.--..- 30-40% OFF. New shipment of 84Q1103 I Still only .50 per game hand-made sheepskin coats for men, Bowling at the Union women and children. We buy, sell, NEED 2 tickets for Ohio State-Mich. Open 11 a.m. Mon.-Sat. 1 p.m Sun. appraise used and new oriental rugs. game, 662-0814 after 6 p.m. Persian House, 320 E. Liberty. 769- 62Q1031F 8555. cBtc ----ded--_ gm-e - ACU-Ipocket billiard tournament. -- - -- -- 4 IKTS needed to Purdue game. Sat, and Sun., Nov. 9 and 10. For BUSi NESS SERVICES Jr.'Sr. preferred, will pay reasonable men and women. UM Union. cF1031 price. Days 355-2557. Eves. 662-3337. __* __ -I- Ask for Ed. 44Q113 1 ELIMINATION OF PREJUDICE of I----- all kinds. Baha'i Baha'i Faith. 764- Ti TI ROOMMATES 9868. Please feel free to call. cF I . i r i .a ' l i Original, Handcrafted, Jewelry. Gold, Silver, Gems. WEDDING BANDS. Jhan, 769-7550. eFte MONEY-BACK GUARANTEED! Examination TutorIng LSAT, GRE, DAT and MCAT TEST CENTER 662,3700 cFte Offset Printing, Xerox, Wedding and Social Announcements, ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING 214 S. 4th Ave. 994-4664 ci'tc cite BE HAPPIER,,. SCIENTOLOGY WORKS Scientology is an applied religieus philosophy, 668-6113 except Friday. eFte PUBLISHED AUTHOR will write, rewrite, edit, type. 761-2642. 44F031 QUALITY DUPLICATING & OFFSET Fast Copy Service--Low Pirices THE COPY MILL 211 B. S. State 662-3969 Campus (near Ginos) The RFD BOYS play bluegrass mu- sic at the PRETZEL BELL every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 42F1211 ANNUAL DIAMOND SALE-Now in progress. Sale began January 1 4nd will end December 31. Austin Die- mond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. FORD VAN 1965, 6-cylinder stick, $350. Aeschliman Motor Co., phone 434-0642. 71N1106 COMET '71, good cond. Auto radio, 20 mpg. $800. 973-2694. 47N1031 LUNCHTIME BABYSITTER. Mon.- Fri. for 2 school-age children. Burns Park area. Call 665-6287. 41H111j GRAPHIC ARTIST needed to design tickets and posters. Call Mike, 663- 9584 or 662-5517. 13H1031 5 8 minutes to campus month single liability lease Utt University Towers Apts. 536 S. Forest Call 761-2680 cCtc '68 VW automatic. $500. Call Todd. HOUSEKEEPING help, mornings or 761-2611. 12N111 afternoons, 3 to 5 times a week. -__ _Hours flexible. 663-7428. 07H1031 AUTO SALE-- . TOYOTA MARK II, 1971....$1250.00 WANTED: kitchen help. Apply 5:00 VW. 1972, 15,000 miles-------145000 at Dooley's, 310 Maynard. 2001116 VW, 'GHIA, 1971, Coupe .... 1400.00 1---- ---- MERCEDES, 250 S. automatic 2350.00 AUDIO REPAIR. Opening available The above cars are all clean, low for exper. audio technician in our mileage. We will trade for larger growing audio service corp. Salary cars also. Can be seen at iad fringe benefits commensurate IHatto Motor Service exp. and education in audio and 971-9835 ,isual repair. Starting wage rate be- 971-2734 Nights. tween 12,500 and 17,000/yr. Send re- 11N1102 sumes to Mr. Melow, Tape Recorder - - --- - ----- ----- Specialist, Inc. 216 E. Washington, Ann Arbor 48108. Or call 663-4152. I72H111 W E A R A FRAGNANCE DAILMI There are many fine ones to choose from at the Village Apothecary. eFtc UPTIGHT? Use whirlpool. Angela massages muscles. Exclusive, inex- pensive. 971-6867. 03P1210 CO PLi I P? SHIPPING and RECEIVING. A per- son for young dynamic company. Start at $3.75 per hour. (Wage can be improved substantially). Ply- ; mouth area. (Respond to Box. No. - 25, Michigan Daily). 75H1103 t LOOKING for direct Psych. experi- ence? Be Sub House Parents. 769- 7535. 12H113 Quality Work: 973-2135 59JI103I LEAStING. . t Toyota - Alfa Romeo - Peugot 907 No. Main 769-7935 cJtc BIKES AND SCOOTERS IMMACULATE sew-up wheels, cam- pagnolo hubs, mavic rims, chrome f spokes, also 24%" Raleigh profes- sional, superb condition, all cam- pagnolo. 761-1170. Les. 80Z1031 SINGLE ROOM available for M/F in 2-bedroom apt. Good location. Now or January, 663-6109. 80Y1101 OWN ROOM in large furnished apt. Call 761-3197. 60Y113 WOMAN WANTED for large bi-level apt. $72/mo. 761-2904. 15Y1103 BARGAIN CORNER ST. PAULIGI E --- -NICE ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE COLD GIRL. 65F11031 F C A R -___ - _--------------- ---I, EAT AT Nakamura Co-op. $17.50. 31 hours/week for all meals. TV, news- T 1' papers, laundry. 807 S. State. 761- S A N I T Y E M I N N. 6683. 97F1103 A P 0 R BUMPER STICKERS custom printed AA P1 A S R S chile-U-wait! MBL PRESS, 1217 1 P S E C H K E 0 G Prospect. Ann Arbor, 761-0942. cFtc T _ S T A l I 'I r/ I I ..missing out on some of the DAILIES because of delivery mistakes? The Micehigan OFFICE HOURS Circulation Dept. . 9 am.-3 p.m. 764-0554 Classified Dept. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 764-0558 Display Dept... I a.m.4 p.m. 764-0557 Please try to call our offices during these hours. SAM'S STORE LEVI'S DENIMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionals Button Fly Sta-Prest Bells LEVI"S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs WEDDING INVITATIONS-Mod, or traditional. Call 761-0942 anytime. eFtc Remember to vote! KATHY FOJTIK, DEMOCRAT, COUNTY COMMIS- SIONER DISTRICT 14. pd. pol. adv. 57F1105 CROSSWORD PUZZLE Copr. 74 Gen'l features Corp. SO AS LU U F T LA A IAI P ST A L S ANGUN A R ESNE SUEM5 mA Hooded Sweatshirts . . from $5.981 Flannel Shirts from $4.98 Sweaters ... . from $8.98 Western Shirts ......from $6.98 ACROSS 41 1 See each other 42 5 Dull fellow 9 Ishmael's 43 skipper 44 13 Diminutive 46 suffix 14 -Modern poet 50 16 Affirmative 51 answer, in Mexico 53 17 Apollo mission 54 19 Commotion 55 20 Part of a circle 56 21 P.E.N. member 57 23 Booted 58 24 Break down, as atoms 25 Enormous 1 celestial body 27 Ardent supporters 2 30 Age, as cheese 3 31 Dugout 32 Clever saying 4 33 Bacteriologists' 5 material 6 34 Arthur -Doyle 7 35 Boxer Olson 36 Son of, in Scot's B names 9 37 - 'craft, land- 10 water vehicle 38 Sailboat 11 39 Gets set 12 3 d 13 Gibe 15 Historic port of 1492 18 Goalie's post Propelled 22 - Dill, a Roose-24 velt home City in Kansas 25 Observatory 26 scientist 27 Modern overcast -eojse 28 Mrs. Chaplin 29 Singer Smith 30 Negotiable paper 31 Makes a slip 34 DOWN 35 Canasta combinatiton 37 Siall case Sicilian land- 38 mark 40 Truck driver Paris, to Helen 41 Used bait 43 Sachet's raison 44 d'etre 45 Young socialite 46 Lend a hand What not to do 47 on 17 Across 48 A continent: Fr.49 Whirring sound 52 Romberg operetta Irish-Amerieau actress Tear down Sub's sounding device Type of smoke Astronaut Causes of ruina Poet. Mechanical mta Cease Inclinded walk Sheltered inlets Circles around sun or moon Richard Rodgers song Companion of hearty Writer Francois. Highway improvemnttat Bengli poet Jeweler's unit Round, flat ebieet 'Italia'n capital Historic French city Book by Melville Sunder; disrupt Signineant titie Native - 1/2 Cotton Turtlenecks ..... $4.98 OR * * * disagree with a bill we sent you for THE DAILY? WE'D LIKE TO TRY TO STRAIGHT- EN OUT THAT PROBLEM, BUT WE CAN'T IF YOU DON'T LET US KNOW ABOUT IT. O.V gut 207 E. Liberty 663-86 1 1 m A L E A m GEORGE W. ALEXANDER believes: "A judge must be responsive to the community. However, a judge cannot be swayed by tran- sient standards or values but must follow the guidelines given in our basic laws. The entire network of community resources and abilities must be used by a judge. Incarceration is an admission of desperation on the part of both the community and the judge. - --- i Ill' 12 zo ---- 1-- 26t 33 I *M , .ia I i I '.... I I 1 1 35 1 I1 I I i r f 1