Eighty-four years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan GEO endorses CCFA Wednesday, October 30, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 HAH! AND THEY TALK ABOUT THE WAR ON INFLATION IN WASHINGTON! SO? WHAT ELSE IS NEW? OUR REPRESENTATIVES IN CONGRESS HAVE QUIETLY RAISED THEIR 'EXPENSE' ALLOWANCES BY MORE THAN $9,00 PER MEMBER! By DAVE GORDON and MICHELE HOYMAN THE GEO STEWARDS COUNCIL has unanimously voted to endorse the CCFA/UAW in the upcoming certifica- tion election among clerical workers at the University of Michigan, October 28- November 1. GEO urges all clericals to vote for the UAW in this election, since a large show of support is important to the continuing ability of the union to effectively represent its constituency. There are compelling arguments for the necessity of unionizing in order to deal effectively with this University. It has been our bitter experience that the only significant economic gains to our constituency have come in response to mass pressure. By establishing a collec- tive bargaining relationship we have been able to muster our unified strength in direct negotiations with the Univer- sity about our terms and conditions of employment. It is our understanding that clericals have faced an equally adamant admin- istration when attempting to improve their salaries and working conditions. (Until recently, a full time clerical's base pay was less than a .5 time assist- ant's pay.) The 8 per cent increase re- cently granted clericals is a direct result of their unionizing effort! It is concrete example of the improvements to be gained through unionization. In our bargaining sessions, the Univer- sity has openly admitted that adminis- tration promises of pay raises quickly become inoperative. However, it is only through legal recognition, victory in the upcoming election, that this improve- ment can be secured and further gains won. CCFA/UAW, formed last year to ef- fectively represent clericals, has shown itself to be the popular representative of University clerical workers. After being the top choice in the recent three-way certification election, it has gained the support of AFSCME clericals, the other organizing group previously seeking to represent clericals. Not only can the local CCFA organiz- ing committee provide strong leadership but the UAW service staff can offer con- sistently competent technical and legal aid in negotiating a contract. In fact, UAW service representatives aided us in bargaining a strong grievance clause which has been agreed to by the Univer- sity. This assistance has been extended to many other non-UAW public sector locals in this region. Furthermore, the UAW has proved to be a strong and effective voice in Lansing, where final authority over the University's funding lies. The gains from unionization go far be- yond economic benefits. Unionization will mean an end to arbitrary practices regarding conditions of work, criteria for promotion and criteria for merit in- creases. Far from taking away individ- ual rights and flexibility, a union con- UAW tract would guarantee the above through a grievance procedure clause and a clause insuring employee input into de- cision-making. WE HAVE FOUND THAT a rank and file participation is necessary for the continuing effectiveness of the union. If the union is to serve the interests of its constituency, it must have the participa- tion and representation of its members. This may be especially true immediate- ly after certification in order to insure widespread input into the contract de- mands and to effectively bargain with the University. GEO and CCFA, as well as other unions on campus, share a com- mon bond in representing university EES. It is our feeling that the unioniza- tion of one segment of university em- ployees can work for the benefit of all. As we said earlier, a big vote in favor of CCFA will send this message to this University!! * * * For the GEO Stewards Council. V THOSE WHO DECLARE WAR NEVER DO THE FIGHTING. II - , THEl MILWAUKEE JOURNAL. clerical debate To The Daily: I HAVE BEEN to several meetings held by personnel and department heads (many who have never been readily avail- able to speak to clericals be- fore). Our esteemed admiiistra- tive staff has been given a can- ned program by their own es- teemed "union breaker" to "help" us make an "informed choice." They are in no way teling us to vote non-union. They want us to make a rational choice based on logic and not one based on emotionalism. They evidently see no reason to be more than mildly concerned about substandard wages and in- equitable benefits. Of course I understand that with the wages they receive, they ar not con- crned about paying bill; or the price of groceries. They profess a strong in- terest in the welfare of the clerical employes. I uce the word profess because I beleve it farcial to assume the ad- ministration is concerned about anything more than their ab- ject fear in dealing with t h e UAW at the bargaining table. OUR CONCERN is a voice. They profess to listen, and yet, we have not been heard. We have found a way to be heard. The recent meetings held by personnel are proof enough. The administration is very obviously listening to the approaching tread of the UAW. -Jane Gould Concerned Clericals for Action October 24 To The Daily: IT'S TIME that clerical work- ers at the University of Michi- gan took a long, hard look at unions. Some people are telling us that all unions, especially the UAW, are "Big Business" greedy to acquire more dues- paying members. If this is true, why did the UAW wait to be invited to the U of M campus by Concerned Clericals for Ac- tion before starting an organ- izing drive? Why, with so much anticipated revenue at stake, has the UAW let clericals run this drive instead of sending in a dozen professional organizers? We will have a UAW local only because the majority of cler- cals o; campus decide to vote that way. But, some skeptics say, after a while all unions do little more for their members than collect dues. How many of the auto workers of today would like to go back to the "good old days" before they had a union? In 1929 the typical auto workers worked 1012 hours for $5.00 a day, seven months a year. The rest of the time the plant was closed and a worker had no in- come, no unemployment insur- ance, and no vacation pay. To- day an auto worker earns about $5.50 per hour (straight time); during layoffs he receives 95 per cent of his regular pay. Among other benefits auto work- ers can retire after thirty years of service at $500/per month, have a blue cross/blue shield plan that pays for prescriptions and dental work, and have a week of holiday time off be- tween Christmas and New Year's. How quickly would auto workers have achieved this from a wise and enlightened manage- ment? BUT THE University might point out that clerical employes in Ann Arbor are not auto work- ers. What expertise does t h e UAW have in the field of repre- senting public employees? For over a year an independent un- ion of clerical employees have hben trvino, ,n,,cesful tn e- Letters But no one should vote for a union because of its track re- cord some place else. We will have a strong UAW local on Michigan's campus when cleri- cals unite together and realize that we can have a voice in de- termining our wages and work- ing conditions. A union will give us the strength we need to de- termine our own future. -Lili Kivisto Library Assistant October 23 To The Daily: THE UAW claims that the new contract at Wayne State University gives clericals "a 30 per cent increase over the next two years and provides for cost of living protection." What they actually received is a 6 per cent range adjustment the first year with a 5 per cent step increase for those eligible on their anni- versary dates and a 4 per cent range adjustment the second year with a 5 per cent step in- crease for those eligible on their anniversary dates. Those who are at the maxim in their class- ification will not receive these raises. The limited quarterly cost of living supplement pro- vides for a maximum of $65 per employee the first year and a maximum of $471 per employee over the two years as the cost of living index rises. As you can see this is not a 30 per cent raise. Vote NO. -Betty Cummings Spokeswoman Secretaries for Nonunionization The University of Michigan To The Daily: AS LONG AGO as 1933 white collar workers who had never thought of trade unions began to wonder if their clean hands and "white collars" were suf- ficient recompense for having nothing to say but "yes sir" about their hours, pay and work- ing conditions. In October of 1974, this 42 year old question must be answered by 3,200 cleri- cal workers employed by the University of Michigan. There have been many at- tempts to cloud this very basic issue. The UAW has been char- acterized as big business. I would agree that the UAW is big business, but the important question here is "does it per- form the services it was set up to carry out?" The answer to this question is an unequivocal yes. The UAW has negotiated some of the best and most pro- gressive contracts in the coun- try. THE STATEMENT has been made that the UAW has had very little experience with pub- lic employees. While this is true, we need to ask the Wayne State AAUP, the Wayne S t a t e Staff Association, and the Wayne StatetClerical and Technical As- sociation what they think of the UAW's expertise and ability to negotiate for public emplyes. Again ,the answer would be posi- tive. It is important to note that the abovementioned groups are not even members of the UAW! The strike fund has been ques- tioned. Let me 'just say t h a t should U of M clerical workers ever go on strike, while the strike itself would be illegal, we would indeed be paid strike benefits. The basic questions before us are, (1) Are the titles "white collar" and "U of M secretary" comparable to a 40-50 per cent raise?" That 40-50 per cent is the extent of the difference be- tween our salaries and the sal- aries of unorganized employees; (2) Don't we, as an integral na,. n the Universitv working to Th vote yes October 28-November 1, 1974. -Deborah Moorehead School of Social Work October 24 To The Daily: JUST ABOUT everything re- garding the pros and cons of unionization of U of M clericals has been said by now. But, for the benefit of those whose minds must be boggled by all the state- ments "for and again", I, too, would like to add my two cents worth. (Alas, unfortunately, these days, my two cents is only worth one.) On the one hand, there is the union which recognizes that in this day and age, it takes more $s to live on,and that in order to merely survive, we need more money. Oversimplified, perhaps, but when it comes down to basics, survival is the first order of the day. Then there is the anti-union group which cites that among the fringe benefits U of M cler- icals enjoy, are such goodies as subsidized tickets to sports events and the pleasure of work- ing in a stimulating environ- ment. THERE ARE, as I see it, two choices: 1) We could feed our families shredded sports tickets while at the same time reminding the kiddies of how stimulating mom's or dad's job may be. To add further credence to this, we might quote the words of our venerable President to "lick our plates clean". or... 2) We can vote "Yes" for the Union. -Bella Leach October 18 To The Daily: THE PUBLIC PRESS carried a story regarding the anti-UAW campaign that William Neff has organized. We cannot quarrel with the University taking an anti-UAW stance, but we note that it blows the neutrality cov- er that the University had pre- viously professed. We do object to Mr. Neff's use of facilities in the Natural Sci- ence Building during working time to train a cadre of anti- UAW supervisors. We further object to those supervisors us- ing University facilities to as- semble clerical employees dur- ing working time to present anti-UAW viewpoints. As you know, we are restrict- ed to non-work time in our pre- sentations to the eligible em- ployees. We therefore are de- manding equal working time and equal University facilities for the presentation of our view- points. Due to the short time remain- ing until the election, we look for a prompt reply. -Hubert H. Emerick Assistant Director UAW-TOP Organizing Department October 17 To The Daily: DURING THE past several weeks the Personnel Office of the University of Michigan has been running a slick, union- busting campaign to break the organizing effort of U of M clericals. Under the cover of hypocritical phrases about "neu- trality," the University has been resorting to every cheap, anti- union trick in the book. In its propaganda letter to clerical employees dated 22 October 1974, the University came out with this astounding piece of management gibberish: "Under the present employment rela- tionship with the University, you, as an individual have every rioht stn m,,-meo ur individal Daily individuals." With a union which they themselves democrad-ally control, University clerical work- ers would have the collective power required to win a mea- sure of democratic control over their working lives. The exer- cise of this collective, demo- cratic power in a struggle with University management is the only possible guarantee of "in- dividual rights" in an employ- ment relationship. THE CONCRETE reality be- hind the University's celestial nonsense is that the University's "more flexible approach" h a s left U of M clericals far behind unionized factory and office workers. Unionized produW-tion and office workers in the auto industry (and non-union workers the auto companies fear would organized if their wages and benefits fell behind the organ- ized workers) make half again as much as unorganized U of M clericals. They have cost-of- living protection and better pen- sions and medical insuran:e, en- tirely paid by the comp:rny. They have more holidays and vacation time. They have in- come protection if they are sick for extended periods or laid off._ layoff protection will become more and more critical as the economic crisis deepens and cs union-scale wages and better working conditions encourage clerical workers to stay at the U of M. Turnover will no longer eliminate enough people to satis- fy management. Through struggle with man- agement, unionized workers can win some control over the hours they work and how they are scheduled. They can limit t h e amount and type of work they do, so that clerical workers do not end up doing the work of their bosses without getting the bosses' pay. Unionized workers can enforce their contract ard t h e i r "individual rights" through a real grievance pro- cedure. Presently, under the so- called Standard Practices Guide, the University sits in judgement on itself when employees have grievances. Obviously the Ui- versity will never convict itself on any important issue. The pro- cedure involves a blatant con- flict of interests and is a j'idi- cial absurdity. LASTLY, for most clerical workers, employment at the University of Michigan is a dead end. The so-called "merit system" of raises and promo- tions sets clerical workers against each other, since the only way one person can get ahead is to clAw her (his) way over the backs of others. In the end, only management gains. Management pets rise to the top, and the University gets more work out of its employees for less money. The real meaning of management's phony concern for "individual rights" is their genuine concern for the "rignt" of the University to pay low wages and require more work. It is unfortunate that the Uni- versity cannot be a bit less hy- pocritical about its self-interest. -Peter Solenberger October 28 To the Daily: THE UAW claims that cleri- cal workers at Chrysler Corpora- tion are unionized. Some cleri- cals in some departments are unionized; secretaries are not. It is obvious that Chrysler Cor- poration recognizes the fact that secretaries are the right-hand of management and that secre- taries and their bosses cannot be adversaries during ;ontract negotiations without it affecting their working relationship as well as the overall effectiveness of the comnanv. If the "nower To The Daily: THE EDITORIAL by J e f f Lipshaw had some good points and some bad ones pertaining to the Military Officer Education Program's (MOEP) appeal for accreditation in LS&A. L i p- shaw's first point was about his only good one. We involved in the MOEP wish to have our courses objectively reviewed for credit just like every other course such as in the Pilot Program, Residential Colege, Course Mart, or any other pro- gram of the University. I agree wholeheartedly that MOEP should follow the established procedure in applying for ac- credditation. The second point made by Lip- shaw is the one I disagree with the most. The link between ROTC and the Vietnam War is hard to see. Althogh the mili- tary did the finghting in Viet- nam let me point something out. The reason for our involvenent in Vietnam was made and sup- norted by the civil ; control of the military, namely the Presi- dents of the USA. Nixon, John- son, or even Kennedy c o u ld have ended our involvement at any time for they had the sole responsibility for the actions of the military. The military has and still only follows the dire- tives from the Commander-in- Chief that resides at 1600 Petn- sylvania Avenue. DEAN WITKE'S statement used by Lioshaw is one of very narrowmindedness. I and every other nerson sh-11 agree that the war in Tndn-hina is NOT over. It has been going on for -v1er 2000 years. Any one who has done even limited research on Tndochina knows that the neonle of Indochina have not only fo"ght the Americans, but the French before us, the Jap- anese before them, not to men- tion between themselves; and if von so way back, even the Chinese have foeht in Indo- china. I agree with Dean Witke that the war is not over. As Plato said. "Only the dead have seen the end of war". The onestion should be: Is the di- rect Amrericn involvement at n end in Vietnam? Also, what if anm link does the foreign pol- icv of the United States have to do with the oi'estion at this Uni- rorsity shout accreditation of the MOE'P courses. As I have dtated before. Dean Witke's link is very shallow and narrow if it exists at all. I state again that the m1i- tarv was not resnrnsible for our involvement in Vietnam. The nirilia , and Political heads of the militnrv sent the armed forc- e into Indochin. The military did the dirty work and natur- a1!v was made the scanegoat by the American Public. But this is not the alestion at hand on this cans today. The auestion is whether or not a certain pro- gram of courses should be giv- en credit in the University. T FATL to see Dean Witke's 11k hetiveen Vietnam and the 1TC. I challenge him and Mr. T nmhaw to Prove their points "ith Gbstantial evidence and lni-ial reasoning. I wish to see a^n demni^ freedom apolied equal- l- to all nrograms and courses of the University, including Pilot Prnrram. Course Mart, the MOEP. and all others alike. Even r do not know whether or nt MOP is worthy of credit. All T wish to see is that is be even an objective review by the cnrrierilam committee. The narrowminded Prejudice of Kit- ke and Lioshaw is now known. I think it is time for some simple objectivity in the decid- someone else's wsar I El IRE-TI '5 I~' ~ - U~ r-74 lAzi /~ Z