Thursday, September 5, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY t age Five Ann Arbor dance scene ; Award winning flicks abou "(continued from Page 3) Friends of Newsreel and theI IN ADDITION, Th fe a tu e s Blin e e , blle trents the Natural Science Audi- New World Film Co-op, which ries each Friday and fea ure Ba ine e, all trium for its weekend show- use the Modern Language listing of the week (continued from Page 3) ' ing gum and. razors at the door, 'lessons are given in what Art p ns e iatrcsshdlpssld.adtrus r ybisigaogwt the most entertaining-. located somewhere between the. ments by staff revii an.artists go through. The and wear soft-soled shoes. Peo-l Worlds organizers call a "non- r e c e n t offerings included worlds of commercial and special "Cinema We offerings tend to be a bit more, pe who can teach others new competitive environment." Also, luh ne, and The God- "art" cinema. Last term's un avant 'garde than most recitals. folk dances are especially ap- they hold evening and weekend father. Newsreel offerings, for exam- In short, then, w Another part of the academic preciated. And s0m e t imnies classes, which may fit into your Cook Memorial Films is an Ipe, included Roman Polanski's cieai'tse prorams prfomane shed thre' fod. cheule mor redil thorganization of law students Macbeth and the Barbra Stres- man and Truffau or ule is 'master's thesis concerts.' If what you want is lessons, {University courses.whc oprtsi rom j and picture Up the Sandbox. anadRefrh Foir dance- lovers on tight bud- and you've been closed outiof ort e s d hThnnieriyrecromtee'10rai0t gets and die-hard dance ad- the University courses, =despair isAther-Yp ossibiityto check ewleterditrbututcey insndi dittee presentations fill not. Lots of other places offer isteY-YC nFit v. Hall. Cook Memorial is the weekly nesterdtibed vryw kndn in Ann Arbor. Lessons are giv- newest of the student film or- Monday mornings by the Uni- that will please you S.. ..en, in nice tiysqecsya anizations, and has aleay erit'spulic relations office, round,. xand tthe instruction is. established a reputation as the carries a listing of most stu-' fryu dw ho e hncapn rnagenerally adequate. A word of n classic Hollywood film group. dent film groups' selections for George Purvis, 26, hoof ers, every Friday night at Barbour Gym warning: with unassailable logic x f A~mong Cook's first selections the 'following week These or- ter, England has c fl dacn, but no apparent reason, be ere such celluloid "greats" as ganizations also plaster posters' friehdly people gather for fok dnig cause this place is neither aW .FedsBn ikado h kok"lctdi e-wrd be-rns Des sco fte entrance fee nominal YMCA nor a YWCA but both the Oscar - winning Mr. Rob-! eral prominent places around after quaffing an i Dresstisrcomfyotheo th , erts. Icampus. in 1.1 seconds. and eginersarewelcme.They do, however, have spe- n~a " O"'°? R >¢M a r; . c~ . o .s...s ?. ci al rates for the needy, and the bill. It's instructive to see instruction, and some are many students fulfill the quali- I compositions ^'performed by cheaper than tuition at the big "fications. The bad news is that PLANTS MAKE GOOD ROOMMATES' their creators, and to see danc-'' most of their dance classes are ers adapting to different styles; Art Worlds., on Main "Street: held weekdays before noon dur-tt in the course of an evening,; in Ann Arbor, offers a wide se- ing prime snoozing school hours. See tY usfo And for you down hoine; lection of classes several times Call them for a catalogue. handclapping hoofers, every' a year. In the past, the spec-! If none of these options ans-'OS friendly people gather for folki ed ballet, belly, tap, modernI shop private teachers. Some T HG REH OS dancing. Dress is comfy, the; jazz, mime clown technique, are good; some are not. Somel HGf [H entrance fee nominal, and be- and the martial arts including charge reasonable rates: oth-' ginners are welcome. Every t'ai ch'i ers don't. Let your fingers do continent is represented by its the walking before you sign up 3 06 S. DIVISION, native dances.j PRICES ARE reasonable,~ for lessons: no one needs brok- quality of instruction ranges en arches or a crippled bank KINDLY CHECK your chew- from competent to great, and balance. la t u ,, vClay Pots xmam VALUABLE COUPO . ...* SEPT. 30, 1974 'ANN ARBOR'CIVICOTHEATI 'A N NA IR BR -CV I C AProudly Presents "SEASON 45" Hello from A.A.C.T.+ since 1929, interested people in the Ann Arbor area have gathered OCT. 9-12 for the fun of performing a varied playbill for ERNEST IN LOVE their audiences. A sparkling mnusical .based on Oscar Wilde's "The Importance of Being Ernest." At our building at 201 Mulholland, every room .DC 82 nd ie Daily car a complete ,end's offer kfew coy. iewers, 'ina ekend" col- Iether your ;over Br r just Streis- ve'no fe: be a mov'e Ann Arbor r'fancy. of Co'ches- aimed ; he ti rcr rnm~ IN1 1 t 1 Si 1 1 1q 1 'ii is bursting at the seams with preparations for w 'L TE six mia jor productions-comedy, drama, and TEN LT L INDIANS musicals-plus workshops of interest, One Acts The top suspense drama by England's Queen of presented in our Cook Theater and many other mystery, Dame Agatha Christie. activties.JAN. 29-FEB. 1 Are you looking for new friends and/or MS TARTU FF E vocation here we are! Theater for most people is Moliere's classic satire on hypocrisy. the actors seen in front of the curtain, but for MS MAR. 12-15 those of us involved we know they are only oneFV facet of theater, it took at least ten behind the FO E L scenes workers doing their thing' before the curtain M EETI N G S The Pulitizer Prize winning musical about- could open. Community Theater is really,'TheaterSET 6 surprise! an honest politician. of Love' (another way of saying no pay) that's MAY 7-10 right we volunteer and that's why we need new HAY FEfGR members, all sizes, all ages, frorm all walks of life. I E E - Inmemory of the late Sir NoelCoward, one of Asamme o ilrcieteOPEN HOUSE Asamme o ilrcieteSpotlight, his wittiest and most delightful comedies. and be notified of up coming auditions, member-¢ SEPT. 6"----..m--_.-mm-mm.m-m-.-..-.-.-.mmm m m sm * ALL PERFORMANCES IN MENDELSSOHN THEATRE ship meetings, parties and other activities. 7:30-10 DNTDLYODRYU ESNTCESTDY If you would like to act; direct; build sets; Name ~ . i hn _______ usher; paint; work sound or lights; man our boxIA f D K S UD Address __Zi off ice; prepare our newsletter; design posters, WO R KHr j City=- - ________ newspaper ads or distribute posters; sew costumes; ; Please reserve--- sets of season tickets at indicated below. I f CF - ~PT 7 '- have encosed . .____ understand the tickets wll be mailed ' E f f t f I f I f f 1