GEO AND CCFA See Editorial Page Y 131kiau .A6F *r :43 a t t4p EXOTIC High-72 oW-52 See Today for details Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedots Vol. LXXXV, No. 48 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 30, 1974 Ten Cents Eight Pages IFJOUEE PEWS HAMPECALL XMY City traffic Traffic problems in the city may not have an end in sight, but the solutions do. That's the latest word from Traffic Engineer Thomas Urbanik, who spoke Monday night to a city council work session that discussed a wide range of problems under the Streets, Traffic and Parking Department. Ur- banik said once traffic flow improvement methods such as removing parking from streets and com- puterized signals are made, little else can be done under the city's policy against new street construction. He added that a new $400,000 com- puterized signal system will be completely installed within several months. "We're moving a lot of cars around," said Urbanik. "In terms of moving traffic, we have the most efficient method there is, an actuated method." Happenings. .. .. . are topped by a University Skydivers' first jump course at 7 p.m. in Rm. 1042 E. Engin. Ev- eryone is welcome . . . it's candidates' night at 7 p.m. in the council chambers of city hall. Con- gressional candidates, state representative candi- dates and state senate candidates will be on hand . in Jordan Hall's main lounge, 14th district county candidates and district judge candidates will speak at 6:30 p.m. . . . the Society of Auto- motive Engineers will meet for a tune-up class at 7:30 p.m. in Schorling Aud. . . . the Washtenaw County Chapter of the American Red Cross will offer a course in home nursing at 2729 Packard at 1:30 p.m. This is the first of five sessions, call 971- 5300 to register .. . and the Michigan Chapter of the National Psoriasis Foundation will meet at 7:30 p.m. at the med school. D.C.'s Bible The Green Book is out - and so is Richard Nix- on. But it was a close call for the authors of the 1975 edition of "The Social List of Washington, D.C.", a green-covered cloth book considered by some to be the last word of who's "acceptable" at the nation's capital. Traditionally dropped from the book is anyone newly divorced, separated, mov- ed from the capital or the subject of unpleasant notoriety. And the book's publisher, Carolyn Shaw, insinuated that the production of this year's social Bible was something of a hassle. The change in administrations caused a wild scramble and an unprecedented month's delay in publication. Nel- son Rockefeller, half in and half out of the vice- presidency, is half in and half out of the book. The name of Jerald terHorst was rushed to the print- ers as presidential press secretary, then plucked out when he resigned. What was supposed to be a final list of White House staffers was sent to Shaw the day the Green Book went to press - one month late. Yankee go home Americans have been noticing the low cost of Canada's health care - and Canadians have been noticing our interest. The Ontario Hospital Asso- ciation has urged the Ontario government to im- pose a surcharge on non-Canadians - specifically us - who use province hospitals. The resolution, adopted Monday, is designed to discourage Amer- icans seeking to escape the high cost of health care in the U. S. from using Canadian facilities. On the inside ... . . . Dale Gordon and Michele Hoyman write about the GEO on the Editorial Page .. . the Arts Page will explain the story of the French "Wine- gate" trials . . . and on the Sports Page, a report on the Muhammed Ali - George Foreman heavy- weight championship bout in Zaire is featured. On the outside... What a great afternoon to be outside. As dryer and warmer air moves in, the showers will end this morning. Skies will become partly sunny by afternoon and will be fair at night. Afternoon highs will reach balmy 70-75, with lows at night falling to a pleasant 50-55. The chance of rain will fall to 10 per cent by afternoon and remain at 10 per cent at night. Race By GORDON ATCHESON In his re-election campaign, State Rep. Perry Bullard (D- Ann Arbor) has billed himself as the legislator who marches to a different drummer-a mu- sician playing the radical mav- erick's tune. But his major opponents, Re- publican Rae Weaver and Rob- ert Alexander of the Human campaign profile Rights Party (HRP), charge that what ever the music, Bul- lard's two-year record is one of focuses on Bullard 's State Rep. hopefuls charge ineffectivenes grandstanding and ineffective- ness. BULLARD'S performance on the House floor and activities outside the hallowed halls of the Lansing capitol building have become the only real is- sues in the November 5 elec- tion for state representative from the 53rd district. Running in a district tailor- made for a liberal Democrat, Weaver and Alexander face a difficult challenge in trying to unseat the young attorney. The candidates differ on a number of policy matters, but these have taken a back seat to harsh attacks aimed squarely at the incumbent's unorthodox style and supposed failure to act as a responsible advocate for his constituents. NOT OVERLY popular with more traditional Democrats Bul- lard, however, readily flaunts his past actions and quickly unveils plans for more of the same, if given voters. another term by Although coming from totally divergent political perspectives, both Weaver and Alexander jump on Bullard as a man more concerned with his own image than with listening to people and seeking significant changes. They also believe that his "antics," such as publicly smoking marijuana and raising campaign funds by showing a hard-core pornographic movie have seriously eroded1 lative power. "PERRY is a grand says Weaver, who isN well-financed media d may advocate some I concerns but nobody t seriously." Alexander accuses I "one-way communicat his constituents and of lip service to radical g failing to actively mov them. record "The gold Bullard throws in sthe street is really just cop- per," Alexander quips. IN answering these criticisms, his legis- Bullard defiantly argues that he tries to provide "new ideas and perspectives" in the state stander," legislature by bringing forth waging a proposals which focus attention rive. "He on important, yet unpopular con- egitimate cerns. akes him He points to bills designed to legalize marijuana and prostitu- Bullard of tion. "They had no chance of ion" with passing, but the issues should f "paying be brought up," Bullard ex- ;oals" but plains. "Sure it's frustrating- ve toward changing laws takes a long See STATE, Page 2 Nixon in DOCTORS 'WORRIED' critical condition Burns Security not to be cut By JEFF DAY Security Director Frederick Davids told the influential Uni- versity Council last night that he was not phasing out Burns Security Guard activities, de- spite councilbrecommendations that Burns be replaced by a University security network. Instead, Davids told the Coun- cil that he had reduced the' amount of protection purchased from the city police department and used the savings to help es- tablish an independent campus security force. But Davids, former director of the State Police told the council that police protection for the campus had not declined. "Quite frankly," he told the group, "I was told by the police chief that we hadn't been get- ting our money's worth from the city. Well, we are now." The council is composed of administration, faculty and stu- dent representatives who re- commendspolicy for the Board of Regents. DAVIDS said he recommend- ed staying with a supplemen- tary hired guard system, be- cause it was cheaper than train- ing full police agents to do sim- ple guard duty. But he also said that the 10 man security force that he is establishing will provide addi- tional personal security on cam- pus and help to alert police to serious criminal matters. Davids advocated the event- ual establishment of an armed campus force with full police powers, saying, "I have no more concern about a police- man carrying a gun, than I have about a lawyer carrying. a lawbook. There are simply situations where we need our own police." "This University has been lucky up 'til now," he said. "We've had assaults and we've had armed robberies. We're just lucky no one's pulled the trigger." Operated, on for phlebitis By AP and Reuter LONG BEACH, Calif. - Former President Richard Nixon was in critical condi- tion last night after going into shock for three hours following surgery for phle- bitis. "I know the doctors are worried," said a source close to the situation when asked about Nixon's chan- ces of survival. NIXON IS under the care of specially trained nurses. President Ford said he was praying for Nixon'sdrecovery, and the former president's wife and two daughters were stay- ing near Nixon's bedside. Dr. Eldon Hickman, who per- formed Nixon's surgery which had been described as success- ful during the day, planned to stay with Nixon through the night. THE 61-year-old former presi- dent, driven from office by the Watergate scandal, had gone into shock for more than three hours after his dawn operation, his personal physician, Dr. John Lungren said. - The shocks - a state of pro- found depression of the vital processes usually brought on by reduced blood volume or pressure - was apparently caused by the use of blood-thin- ning anti-coagulants, the doctor said. First reports from the operat- ing room had Nixon doing well. He underwent an hour-long op- eration to block off a major upper thigh vein to prevent a large blood clot passing to his heart or lung. DOCTORS SAID the clot threatened his life but they de- layed operating for eight hours until first light yesterday be- cause Nixon was too weak and exhausted. A spokesperson at L o n g Beach Memorial Hospital said that Nixon went into shock at 12:45 p.m. Pacific Time and counter-shock measures were administered for three hours. The cause of the shocks was bleeding in the abdominal wall, the spokesperson said. AS A RESULT of his going into See NIXON, Page 8 Ali Wis Deposed heavyweight champion George Foreman tumbles to the canvas in the eighth round of last night's title fight in Kinshasa, Zaire. His conqueror, Muhammad Ali, sent Foreman sprawling with a series of blows, culminating with a lef-right cambination to win the bout. For full details on the fight see page 7. SPEAKS IN HOME TOWN: Ford say s f oreign and domestic events look good Ford cuts Sawhill from Energy Administration By AP and Reuter GRAND RAPIDS (Reuter) -President Ford, receiving a hero's welcome while campaign- ing in his home town, said last night he received encouraging reports of progress in foreign policy and negotiations to avoid a national coal strike. The President, at a recep- tion for Republican party work- ers in Grand Rapids, said he spoke recently with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who is on an around the world trip. "WE FEEL that we are mak- ing some headway . . . I am confident that we are going to make continued progress to- wards peace," he said. Later, during a meeting with local trade union leaders' President Ford said he had received an encouraging report on progress towards avoiding a national coal strike which could cripple the economy. He said he spoke earlier with He flew home to campaign for local Republican candidates in next Tuesday's elections. Paul Goebel, the Republican candidate for the House of Rep- resentative seat Ford held for 25 years, said he thought the President's appearance would help him win what many think will be a close race. Ford, speaking in downtown Grand Rapids repeated his con- tention that election of a "veto- proof" Democratic Congress would upset the system of checks and balances in the gov- ernment. "IF THAT happens," the President warned, "buckle your seatbelts because the Demo- crats' ideas of checks and bal- ances is different from ours. They write the checks even though there is no balance." Democratic Congress of the past 40 years contributed to inflation or did nothing to stop it, Ford said, sounding the theme he has used throughout his campaign trips. Earlier yesterday, Ford sig- nalled a get-tough attitude to hold down oil imports in a Washington news conference. He said he "will be open to sug- gestions" for revisingthis anti- inflation program if the econ- omy continues to falter. Clericals vote on unionization WASHINGTON (P) - President Ford an- nounced yesterday he is dropping Federal Energy Administrator John Sawhill, an outspoken advocate of energy conservation, at the request -of Interior Secretary Rogers Morton. Ford said there were no "major policy differences" involved - just "some differ- ences in approach or technique." BUT A spokesman for Friends of the Earth, a citizen environment group, called appointment of Robert Seamans, a former secretary of the Air Force and deputy director of the National Aeronautics and Space Agency, to head the new Energy Re- search and Development Agency. AND HE named former astronaut Bill Anders, now a member of the Atomic Ener- gy Commission, to become chairman of the new Nuclear Regulatory Commission. With the AEC being split into the two new groups, Ford said the present AEC This week's slow but steady trek of Uni- versity clericals to campus polling stations marks the last leg of a volatile year-long drive for unionization. The clericals are facing two ballot op- tions in this second unionization election in a month - United Auto Workers (UAW), or no union at all. Union officials claim that a pro-union vote is virtually certain. None of the three received a majority of the vote, setting the stage for this month's run-off. Nevertheless, UAW led the vote count with 1,013 votes, just 198 tallies shy of the 50 per cent plus figure needed to win the election outright. 734 clericals chose no union, while AFSCME finished a poor third with 526 votes. The elections are being overseen by the (CCFA), founded last year, has been the main force behind pro-union forces on campus. AFTER weeks of heated debate, a ma- jority of CCFA leadership voted last win- ter to throw its support behind the UAW as the favored clerical union. However, a splinter group could not ac- cept the UAW choice and began seeking