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October 29, 1974 - Image 1

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See Today for details

Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom

Vol. LXXXV, No. 47

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 29, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages plus 14 page Supplement





Food stamps
Some 2,100 University students receive food
stamps, a study conducted by the U.S. Department
of Agriculture has revealed, and government of-
ficials are reportedly not too happy about it. They
say many of the 15,000 students on food stamps
across the state-not to mention the 250,000 na-
tionally-come fromwmiddle or upper income
families who can well afford to fork over the
money. The study showed that students nationwide
will collect between $50 and $60 million in food
stamps. (A single person can receive a maximum
$46 a month.) On a comparative basis, University
students seem to be faring quite a bit better than
their collegiate neighbors in the food stamp busi-
ness: The study showed 1,300 students at MSU and
only 600 at Western Michigan 'U' collect food
Scrabble results
It was the first Scrabble Tournament in the
Midwest, and the second on any college campus.
And, with first-place winner Jerome Hiniker
sweeping 1,254 points in the Sunday's three-game
competition, it was truly an event to behold. Held
Sunday in the Union, the tournament drew 68 word
game competitors. Sponsors UAC and Scrabble
Players Inc. awarded Hiniker a Scrabble T-shirt,
a sterling silver pin designating his first place
finish and a deluxe Scrabble game. Eleven others
won T-shirts and pins. Awards were given for the
highest single turn score-98-and for the evening's
secret word- boo."
Happenings .. .
are topped today by a forum on ERIM and
war research, sponsored, logically, by the Ad
Hoc Committee to Stop ERIM War Research.
Speakers will include Democratic County Commis-
sioner Alan Toth; Jesse Hall, member of the
Union for Radical Political Economics; and Prof.
Donald Rucknagel of the Dept. of Human Genetics.
It's at 7:30 p.m. in the Union's Assembly Room
County Commissioner candidates Diane Hall
and Ronald Strauss will face incumbent Kathy
Fojtik for a debate at 8 p.m. in Alice Lloyd's Red
Carpet Lounge . . . the Ann Arbor Health Care
Collective will meet at 8 p.m. in Rm. 2207 of the
Union . . David Bromberg will appear at the
Ark, beginning at 9 p.m. . the Residential
College Lecture series will present psch Prof.
Ted Newcomb speaking on "Does College Change
Students?" at 7 p.m. in East Quad's Greene
Lounge . . and the status of women at the
University will be discussed during this month's
"Symposium '74" on WUOM (91.7 FM) at 8 p.m.
Guests will be University President Robben Flem-
ing, Kathleen Shortridge of the University's Office
of Affirmative Action Programs, Zena Zumeta of
the Women Law Students, and Dorothy McGuigan
of the Center for the Continuing Education of
Seoul protests
The students were protesting strict government
controls, and strict government controls stopped
them. In Seoul, South Korea yesterday, riot police
used tear gas to halt about 2,000 student protestors
as they marched off the campus at Ehwa Women's
University. The students were demanding the
release of protestors convicted by courts-martial
under two emergency presidential decrees this
year. The protest followed a campus rally by about
4,000 students who adopted a resolution calling for
restoration of democratic freedoms and release of
detained students, professors and religious figures.
The resolution also called for an end to the
alleged suppression of the freedoms of schools and
the press. As the police threw tear gas, the students
withdrew and marched back to the campus,
chanting slogans.
Harris poll
The latest from the Harris pollsters: a 60 per

cent majority of the American public believes U.S.
intervention in Chile was wrong. Eighteen per cent
approved, and, typically, 22 per cent had no
opinion. A majority of 83 per cent agreed that
every country should have the right to self-
determination-without friendly assistance from
their neighbors. Among the 1,544 adults polled na-
tionwide, 73 per cent rated Secretary of State
Henry Kissinger's performance as good to excel-
lent. That's compared to 85 per cent from last
May. So cheer up, folks, there may be some hope
after all.
On the inside ...
read about the Daily Libels' 301st consecutive
victory over the Datum Technics on the Sports
Page . . . Richard Conlir discusses the PIGRIM
report on transit ballot issues on the Editorial
Page . . . and on the Arts Page, Joan Borus
writes about singer Biff Rose, while David Blom-
quist reviews "Juggernaut."
i . - .

Ecks tein
In a press conference yester-
day at Democratic headquar-
ters, U. S. Senator Philip Hart
(D-Mich.) endorsed a proposal
by state senate hopeful Peter
Eckstein that would limit in-
dividual campaign contributions
to $10.
Under the proposal, campaign
financing would be totally at
the public's e x p e n s e. The
vaguely worded plan calls for
each registered voter in the
state to receive five coupons,
each worth two dollars in state
funds. The voter would then
choose which candidates or bal-
lot propositions would receive
the coupons.
The recipient would redeem
the coupons with the state.
"THE PUBLIC will never be
sure of a legislator's motives
when private money is involv-
ed," Hart said. "Private mon-
ey in campaigns poisons the
Eckstein stressed that his
proposed "certificate" (coupon)
notion would be an indi-
vidual action and not a collec-
tive action. The United Auto
Workers, for example, couldn't
collect the certificates and give
them to one specific candidate,
he said.
Eckstein, who is r u n n i n g
against incumbentGilbert Burs-
ley (R-Ann Arbor) and Lisa
North of the Human Rights
See HART, Page 8

Confesses on stand
at Watergate trial
WASHINGTON (M -- Watergate conspirator Howard
Hunt admitted yesterday he lied at least 12 times in
appearances before a grand jury. But he said that after
reading transcripts of the White House tapes he decided
to tell all he knew about the break-in.
Testifying at the Watergate cover-up trial, Hunt said,
"In the spring of this year I began to read transcripts
Z>r of the White House tapes. I felt a sense of rude awaken-
"I REALIZED these men were not worthy of my continued

RICHARD BENNETT, a cafeteria worker at East Quad, takes the opportunity provided by Sen-
ator Philip Hart's (D-Mich.) visit to the dormitory yesterday to voice grievances concerning the
welfare system. Bennett, 72, said he was forcer] to return to work because inflation made his
Social Security payments insufficient. Hart was in town to stump for Democratic state senate
candidate Peter Eckstein.

The former CIA agent, who
spiracy and wiretapping in the
Watergate break-in trial, said
that when he was subpoenaed
this past summer to testify
again, he was "faced with the
hard decision of whether to con-
tinue to lie to protect others
or to tell all."
He said his attorneys advised
him to tell everything he knew.
"I had sensed all along that
my own children knew that my
testimony was not candid in
all respects," Hunt said. "I de-
cided to tell the truth.
Under questioning by Assist-
ant Special Prosecutor Richard
Ben-Veniste, Hunt admitted that
he had lied at least 12 times
since granted immunity from
prosecution on the basis of his
testimony before a federal
grand jury.
HE SAID he lied about his
contacts with former White
House special counsel Charles
Colson and fellow break-in de-
fendant James McCord as well
as about his knowledge of the
involvement of others in the
Watergate break-in.
As he cited specific answers
Hunt had given the grand jury
Ben-Veniste asked:
"Was that testimony true or
was it false?"
"It was false," Hunt replied
each time.
"Did you know it was false
at the time" Ben-Veniste ask-
"Yes, sir," Hunt replied.
Defense attorneys will begin
their cross-examination of Hunt
When he leaves the stand, the
prosecution plans to call Jeb
Stuart Magruder, former depu-
ty director of the Nixon re-elec-
tion committee as its next wit-
has pleaded guilty to conspiring
to obstruct justice and has been
cooperatiing with the prosecu-
Earlier, Hunt described how
his wife was used as a conduit
for payments to the break-in de-
But the payments proved
disappointingly small,. Hunt
testified. "The arrears were
steadily mounting," he said.
PROSECUTORS at the trial
of five former Nixon adminis-
tration and campaign aides en-
tered into evidence an account-
ing Hunt's wife, Dorothy, gave
to his attorney, William Bitt-
man, of the distribution of $53,-

was convicted of burglary con-
Strauss in
brief visilt
Congressman Marvin Esch
(R-Mich.) made a whirlwind,
20-minute visit here yesterday
to campaign for Ron Strauss,
Republican candidate for Wash-
tenaw County commissioner,
and to do a little politicking for
his own re-election effort.
In response to questions, Esch
outlined what he termed the
main issues in his campaign:
reform of Congress and cuts in
the defense budget.
UNDER THE heading of con-
gressionni reform, Esch advo-
cated abolition of the seniority
system, open committee meet-
ings and a better definition of
what executive privilege en-
He also pointed to his role in
passing the War Powers Act,
which limits the president's
powers to make war.
Esch called for defense cuts,
starting with troop reductions.
He argued that since manpower
costs account for 56 per cent of
the defense budget, considerable
savings could be made in this
HE EXPLAINED his backing
of the B-1 bomber proposal as
a cost-cutter, asserting that de-
velopment of the long-range
plane would mean fewer over-
seas bases.
These bases presently em-
ploy thousands of men and make
the U.S. dependent on host coun-
tries for support, the incumbent
claimed. He argued that ap-
proval of the B-1 was in line
with contemporary foreign pol-
icy, which calls for flexibility
to respond to foreign crises
without large-scale deployment
of troops.
As Esch put it, "Mr. Schles-
inger has never kept up with
Kissinger." He speculated that
President Ford might not keep
Schlesinger on as Secretary of
See ESCH, Page 2

Chances Are.



trap f
One night last June, Gulli-
ver's, a bar in Port Chester,
N.Y., burned to the ground, kill-
ing 24 patrons in one of the
worst fire tragedies in U.S.
Many of the conditions which
caused the Gulliver's disaster
are present in the newly opened
city bar Chances Are.
OVERCROWDING, limited ac-
cess to exits, and other fire
code violations are common at
the night spot, making it a po-
tential death trap in case of a
major fire.
John Carver, president of the
corporation which owns Chances
Are, admits that the bar vio-

* or city 's
lated fire regulations in the past
but claims the hazards have
been eliminated.
However, staff estimates of
average occupancy in the bar
show Chances Are in gross
violation of the municipal fire
code, as interpreted by city of-
sets the maximum legal occu-
pancy of Chances Are at 832,
basing his calculations on a
formula allowing 15 square feet
of floor space per person. Terry
Alexander of the Department of
Building and Safety Engineering
cites a figure of less than 600,
indicating that his department
uses the normal seating floor

bar patrons

area to determine maximum oc-
Dave Mickelson, a manager
of Chances Are, estimates, "We
usually get about 900, people in
here," adding that up to 1,000
may be present at any time. He
indicates that the number of
patrons in the bar can be de-
termined by checking a counter
on the cash register used for
collecting the cover charge.
A bouncer recently estimated
Chances Are occupancy at "up
to 1,200."
YET CARVER claims, "We
never get that many people in
here." He says the management
has begun admitting fewer peo-
ple as of last weekend.
Lee says he plans to send a
fire inspector to count the peo-

ple entering Chances Are to-
night, when well-known per-
former Stephen Stills will be
playing two sets at the bar.
As a dance bar, Chances Are
is particularly subject to over-
crowding, since many people do
not have seats during crowded
periods. In the case of the Gul-
liver's fire, estimates of -he
crowd on hand ranged from 200
by the owners to 700 by patroas.
WHEN FIRE breaks oit, im-
mediate access to exits is par-
ticularly important. According
to Port Chester Fire Chief Vin-
cent Rathgeb, "The only way
most people know to get out of
a place like this is the way they
came in." Four exits were un-
used during the Gulliver's fire
See BAR, Page 8

Report recommends
govt. food reserves



Ferency: Outside

WASHINGTON (P) - The fed-
eral government should "assume
the principal responsibility" for
creating a food reserve as a
buffer against world hunger
and depressed prices for U.S.
farmers, the Committee for
Economic Development (CED)
said yesterday.
"Such a policy is urgently
needed to enable the nation to
cope effictively with the short-
term consequences of poor har-
vests here or abroad," the com-
mittee said.
reserve of key commodities also
would help insure relatively
stable food prices for American
consumers the CED said in a
66-page statement.
The report, "A New U.S.
Farm Policy for C h a n g i n g
World Food Needs," was pre-
pared by a CED subcommittee
ls an r A T'h ~nkn-a ni;r-

THE REPORT came as the
United States prepared for a
United Nations world food con-
ference which begins in Rome
next week. The delegates will
be led by Agriculture Secretary
Earl Butz who has said U.S.
food reserves should be ?eft in
the hands of farmers and the
private trade.
Although the CED report said
this could be done, such re-
serves need to be initiated and
maintained t h r o u g h federal
poliey direction, it said.
"The trade cannot justifiably
carry large enough reserves of
wheat, corn, soybeans or milk
products to o f f s e t unforseen
shortages and stabilized prioas,"
the renort said.
"THEREFORE, the govern-
ment must do so, either direct-
ly or through programs that en-
able farmers and trade to carry
larger stocks than would other-
~ro in rn -li11 f

state campaign, spotlight

Gubernatorial candidate Zolton Feren-
cy, a frequently fiery and candid politi-
cian, speaks his mind on all the issues-
but this time around, he's far removed
from the spotlight of the race.
After two attempts for the state's top
post while still a Democrat, Ferency is
now running on the Human Rights Party
(HRP) ticket and has little chance to
garner more than four per cent of the
vote. However, his candidacy is still a
major factor in the contest.
campaign profile
HIS TWO opponents, Governor William
Milliken and Democratic hopeful Sander

Because he has little to lose and is
not committed to pleasing a diverse con-
stituency, Ferency makes a point of pub-
licizing his position on issues usually
avoided by Levin and Milliken.
DURING A recent appearance at an
all-white, middle-class high school in
Warren, he spoke out in favor of busing
as a "temporary measure to desegregate
"Busing helps fight the flight to the
lily--white suburbs," he says.
Since "HRP is more interested in the
next generation than the next election,"
Ferency is able to speak about the
problems of racism with white suburban-
ites without fear of alienating potential
"THE MAJOR issue in this campaign
ia ,hn n ,,;,i.nnnofth ae-" he con



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