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September 05, 1974 - Image 48

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1974-09-05

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Page" Four


E hursday, September !), 19 /It I

Amateurs learn theatre art. .


Housed in what used to be a
city equipment garage, the Ann
Arbor Civic Theatre provides a
place where students and com-
munity members can sharpen
their dramatic skills.
Although an amateur group,
civic theatre present five major
productions from September to
May, each with a budget from
five to ten thousand dollars.
Earnest in Love, Ten Little In-
dians, Tartuffe, Fiorello, and
Hay Fever are slated to be pro-
duced during the upcoming
NO PREVIOUS theatrical ex-
perience is required to join the
group and civic theatre Presi-
dent Carol Deniston encourages
University 'students to "come
down and learn."

"For anyone interested in
theatre," says student Larry
Coven, "civic is a great place to
go, but not because it's easy.
It provides good theatre experi-
ence. There's less pressure in
civic theatre than elsewhere.
Perhaps there's not the exper-
tise of the University Players,
but there's a great sense of fun.
Deniston says about 60 per
cent of the theatre group's sev-.
eral hundred members are Uni-
versity students and faculty.

no formal connection with the
University and cannot offer
credit. Its main benefits,eac-
cording to Deniston, are theatre
experience and a place where
job auditions, scholarship and
workshop opportunities for stu-
dents are posted.
All of the group's major per-
formances require six to eight
weeks of preparation and are
held in Mendelssohn theatre.
fessionals as well as amateurs
find civic theatre rewarding.
"The theatre gets 30 to 35 offers

from professional directors each
year and can only accept five."
The directors are the only
members Who are paid.
If you should decide to join
civic theatre, Deniston sug-
gests you attend their mass
meeting on the evening of Fri-
day, Sept. 6 at 7:30. There will
also be a series of workshops
on Saturday the seventh begin-
ning'at 10 a.m.
The organizational meetings
will be held at 201 Mulholland,
off of W. Liberty between 6th
and 7th Streets in the garage.

-Books ab
-600 Post
-Cards fik

ers V
e yo

"STUDENTS CAN and do oc-
cupy positions right up to the
board of directors," she says.
"They are a very important
part of civic theatre because of-C u h ra nhsamte
the great enthusiasm they
Despite its obvious Fattraction n0 m usic an Tood
for students, civic theatre hasgc
By BILL HEENAN side guests, who perform their
being, doing and living :Music will fill the air this fall piano, guitar, harpsichord and
as The Bach Club once again flute pieces for anyone who
o celebrate life holds its informal weekly get- cares to listen.
u have never seen togethers. On occasion however, the club
No musical knowledge is re- brings in the big name enter-
quired to enjoy these musical tainment. Two years ago, for
sessions, just an appreciation example, the club featured na-
for good music, good food and tionally known flameco guitarist
pleasant company. Juan Serrano.
variety of classical music every of musical delight, the club
week. The compositions are not serves an assortment of home-
limited to those of Johann Se- made delicacies. Apple pie,
bastian Bach, as the name of cheese, wine, banana nut bread,
1205 S. University the club suggests, but include and carrot cake usually round
everything from Beethoven to out the evening.
761-7177 Bernstein. Membership is open to all
We're here to help Usually the performers are those who show up. To cover
, Bibles, Record & Stationery of local vintage, University mu- food costs however, 'the club
sic students and occasional out- charges 75 cents admission.



A painful dose, of culture

PLUS: Gifts, Children's Books


with history o f art courses

We d,e to t kv
M ti
and welcome to the Village Bell. The Village
Bell is a campus-based restaurant/bar, located
minutes from the Diag. A familiar meeting place
for students, the Village Bell is a great place for
students to enjoy beer, wine, and mixed drinks.
It is also one of the finest campus restaurants,
joining food and drink in a relaxed atmosphere.
D i n n e r is served seven days a week; Monday
through Saturday 5:00 until 9:00, Sunday noon
until 9:00. Sandwiches available.
e ( u4/Ivers eI /
1321 South University ~ :O''

Getting a dose of- culture at
the University can be a pretty
trying experience but unlike the
results of some other college
encounters a little bit of penicil-
lin won't cure the problem.
For some inexplicable reason,
introductory history of art
courses at first glance seem to
offer a relatively painless route
to a good grade and at least a
minimal appreciation, for those
nebulous, "finer things" in life.
BUT THAT'S only at first
glance. A nominally closer in-
spection - like sitting in the

class for a week ,skimming a not to blame for his unceasing NESTLED ON the Modern
chapter of the text, and put- interest in the Renaissance and Language Building's second
ting in an hour at the print his propensity for drooling on floor - home of another 'U' hot
study gallery - reveals the and on about the exceptionals
generally demonic nature of the use of triangles in many of the spot: the foreign language la
subject. compositions. -- the gallery is a small roo
Not to mention a graphic proof filled with copies and slides o
of the old adage: If it sounds FREUD WOULD have had a all the pictures shown in ever
good in the catalogue some- field day with that. But the history of art course offered.
thing has got to be wrong. worst part was that most of the
Of course, each history of art students eventually started see- J kust before exams the plat
class will, vary depending on ing triangles too is choked by people hoping t
whos techig ad wat ext Which is not to say the lec-!,get in some last minute' stud
whose teaching and what text Wihi o osytelc ing or feverishly attempting t
book the professor decides to tures were completely worth- mngeor frihly attemptg
but omeare n- ess ecase wthot thm a amake-up for half a semester
use, but some problems are in- less, because without them as a missed classes in an hour.
herent in the subject matter. measuring stick it would be im-
possible to appreciate how; 01 course the best time
much duller the text book - study' there is very early in t
EVEN IN History of Art 102: Gardner's History of Art -!morning or late at night -,n
Western Art from the End of could make the subject. body is there then. That's b
the Middle Ages to the. Present case i:place is locked.
which featured the same pro Thevolume goes on and 0 cau i edy
fessor and odious text book for much like the Nixon ;tape tran- During the rest of the day
the entire semester there was scripts but nearly all of the least several score of tweed
some variance in quality - former is "unintelligible". How- looking people stand aro
ever Gardner has much better stroking their chins mutte
from mediocre to just plain in- illustrations - mostly black and things like: "look at the bras
tolerable. white photographs of paintings work . . . obviously Baroque,
First the professor only got -that were originally done in "a classic example of neo-cla
through the 17th century and color. sical architecture . . . noti
then just because he chose to the double barrel vaults an
skip Rembrant. The 300-person SELLING FOR almost $15, the sweeping exterior," and "tw
class received not 'so much as book is actually much more point' perspective adds sue
a glimpse of a Picasso, or a Re- functional for purposes other depth to those figures . .. mar
noir, let alone a Warhol. ithan reading. For instance, velous, absolutely marvelous."
Perhaps, the professor was'
Perap, heprfeso ws'placed in a trunk of a ear dur-I'


U aLE k U U


ing the winter, it will provide THE KEY TO success in art
the extra weight needed for history is in fact going to the
good traction on Ann Arbor's print study gallery, but onCe
slick streets. there the clever student need
The book can also do a pret not waste time looking at the
ty good job on small rodents if paintings but rather should jusi
they are hit squarely with it. stand around listening to the
And Gardner completely obliv- diletantes.
iates roaches - the kind that In this way, students pick up
scurry as well as the variety all the important phrases and
that smolders. lingo needed to get through the
Still, the absolute dregs of art final and can start using then
history is a visit to the print text book for more importani
study gallery - the University's, things.' After all they paid a tol
answer to skid row.' of money for it.




Featuring these
fine names in
musical equipment:
* Marshall
" Fender''
* Sunn
* Ovation
- Martin.

. Gibson
. Wurlizer
" Ludwig
" Rogers
" Zickos
" Slingerland-



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