Sunday, October 27, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven r. -_________________ _________________________________ ________________________________________ ___________ _______________ _________________ (I c I IIIAOO 00 0 w1ov"O" I'000.00 0 ) get the job done h / M- I Fr FOR DIRECT CLASSIFIED SERVICE CALL 764-0557--10 A.M.-4 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY mowror.r mow FOR RENT FOR RENT CHARACTER one-bedroom flat with study near campus with two pri- vate entrances. $190. Call Renter's Aid, 994-4300. 12 month service fee. C-10-21-1. cCtc LAKE FRONT HOUSE, two bed- rooms, new carpet, washer-dryer, until June 1. $150. Call Renter's Aid, 994-4300. 12 month service fee. T- 10-24-1, cCtc FURNISHED modern 2-bedroom apartment near campus. $200 plus deposit. 455-1487; 19C1103 GRADUATE or professional person to share 3-bedroom house with one other for $135/mo. plus utilities. 410 S. First St. 994-6572, ask for Ed Paulette. 2301027 TWO MEN for modern 3-person apt. in Baits. Includes use of kitchen, laundry, etc. Call 764-4081. 7601027 8 MONTH FALL-WI NTER LEASE AT UNIVERSITY TOWERS A PTS. S. UNIVERSITY AT FOREST 5 minutes to class FURNISHED APARTMENTS HEATED SWIMMING. POOL RECREATION ROOM STUDY LOUNGE PIANO ROOM FREE WEEKLY HOUSEKEEPING MOVIES AND PARTIES " " 0 g 0 0 0 VISIT OR CALL 761-2680 eCtc UNIVERSITY STUDENTS and staff - University family housing units available. Contact Housing Of- TICKETS NEED 2 TICKETS to Mich.-OSU .game, will pay very well. Call per- sistently 665-8135. 71Q1027 ROOMMATES WOMAN WANTED for large bi-level apt. $72/mo. 761-2904. 15Y1103 QUIET, studious male to share two bedroom apartment, $110 mo. Phone 994-5540 after four. 77Y1026 OWN ROOM in large modern furn- ished apartment. Call 761-3197. 24Y1027 SITUATIONS WANTED PAINTING, CARPENTRY, ETC., by Experienced Workman. Call 971-5784 for Free Estimates. d EXPERIENCED Bass player with equip. wants to join small rock band. 434 3153 after 5. 4001027 MISCELLANEOUS j FOR WOMEN interested in playing on the U-M volleyball club, there will be an organizational meeting Mon., Oct. 28, 7:00 p.m. in the main gym of I-M sports bldg. .69M1027 HAUNTED HOUSE. unbelievably scary!I House planted 2514 Dexter Rd., Ann Arbor. 7-10 p.m. Oct. 23- 31. 50c ensures your safety: 45M1031 INSTANT CASH! We're paying .75- $1 for records in good shape. Jazz- Blues-Rock. (any quantity). WAZOO 314 E. Liberty. 668-9463 (10-6 Mon.-' Sat.) 31M1112 USED CARS JAGUAR 1966 XKE Roadster. Must! sell this week. 665-6046. 21N1029 WANTED TO RENT NEED ROOM, efficiency or- 1-bdrm. apt. Jan. or before. Michelle. 663- 9875. 10L1029 WANTED: Secure 1 garage for stor- age and maintenance of my motor- cycle. 971-5104. 16L1030 FEMALE NEEDS a place to live in a house or apartment. Call 769- 3215. 81L1029 TRANSPORTATION RIDE NEEDED to NYC Nov. 1, and to return Sun. or Mon. Rich, 994- 3153. 01G1027 PETS AND SUPPLIES FREE 512 month Lab. puppy. 761- 2818. Good home preferred. 99T1027 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS CLASSICAL GUITAR and case. New1 $120. Call Shari, 761-0716. 13X1031j TEAC 1200A/U tape deck, $2.40, 665- 4558 after 5. 90X1030 AMP-FENDER SUPER REVERB. MINT. SACRIFICE. $250. 994-4964 Days. 94X1030 THE LARGEST guitar repair shop in Michigan is Instrument Repair Ser- vice, 131 E. Kalamazoo Ave., Kala- mazoo. 616-381-5669. Light and heavy repairs, custom work, rewiring, andE custom-made guitars. We're only 112 minutes away. 93X115 HELP WANTED AUDIO REPAIR. Opening available for exper. audio technician in our growing audio service corp. Salary and fringe benefits commensurate w/exp. and education in audio and visual repair. Starting wage rate be- tween 12,500 and 17,000/yr. Send re- sumes to Mr. Melow,ETape Recorder Specialist, Inc. 216 E. Washington, Ann Arbor 48108. Or call 663-4152. 72H111 MAKE SOME extra money-make my wardrobe at reasonable rates, plenty of sewing available. 769-8549 evenings. 01H1029 SHIPPING and RECEIVING. A per- son for young dynamic company. Start at $3.75 per hour. (Wage can be improved substantially). Ply- mouth area. (Respond to Box. No. 25, Michigan Daily). 75H1103 BANDS! Want weekend gigs? Cali Jim, 662-0918. 61H1030 # SECRETARIAL HELP wanted GEO bargaining approx. 8 hrs./week, at- tend bargaining sessions and type transcripts of sessions. Send re- sume to GEO, room 9 Michiganj PERSONAL HAND LETTERING done. Call Mary, 764-0808. 16F1029 The third-party candidate serves only her party policy council. KA- THY FOJTIK SERVES YOU. Vote Fojtik, Democrat, County Comm is- sioner, 86F1027 GAY CHRISTIANS organizing for Metropolitan Community Church, Sun., 2 p.m., 1383 Rosewood (right off Packard past Stadium). Info: 763-4186, 761-2044 (Gay Hotline, 24 hrs., 7 days) 96F1027 The third party candidate hears only party council commands. KA- THY FOJTIK listens to her consti- tuency with an open mind. VOTE F O J T I K, DEMOCRAT, COUNTY COMMISSIONER. 84F1027 WANT TO MEET creative woman to share interests; feelings. Jim: 994- 5521 after 10 p.m. 51F1027 GROWN SO FAST, we've gone com- I puter! Free questionnaire, details: Saturday Night Insurance, Box 543. PERSONAL EQUALITY of men and women. Baha'i Faith. 764-9868. Please feel free to call. cF EVERY DAY is RING DAY at the Michigan Union. See our display of class rings at the concession stand on the first floor. cFtc THE ONENESS of mankind. Baha'i Faith. 764-9868. Please feel free to call. cF1027 WE'RE NUMBER ONE in diamond sales in Ann Arbor. Find out why. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. cFtc EAT AT Nakamura Co-op. $17.50, 3%2 hours/week for all meals. TV, news- papers, laundry. 807 S. State. 761- 6683' 97F1103 SPORTS CLASSES BEGINNING OCT. 28 and 29-Ski Conditioning, M. W. F. 3:00, Waterman; Volley- ball, T. Th., 12:00, Barbour; Jog- ging, T. Th., 2:00, Waterman. Info 764-8455 or attend first class. 87F1027 The third-party candidate dangles from party bosses' strings. KATHY FOJTIK stands tall on her record. VOTE FOJTIK, DEMOCRAT, COUN- TY COMMISSIONER. 85F1027 CHILDREN'S HALLOWEEN PAJAMA COSTUMES All Styles SUB-LEASE: 1 man needed for nice, fice, 1011 Student Activities Bldg. quiet, furnished 2-bedroom apt. In- 763-3168. 70C1023 dividual lease. 662-1044 Saturdays and Sundays, 9-12 a.m. AvailableE soon or January. Walking distance SOUTH VIEW APARTMENTS of campus and hospitals. 02C1101 STUDENTS WELCOME IMMEDIATE OPENING for, women in double room on lovely Owen Extra large unfurnished apartments; Co-op, 1017 Oakland. Room, board, bus service to door every % hours. laundry, etc. $130/mo. Call Suzanne Studio, 1-bdrm. 2-bdrm. Rent starts at 761-3957. 4401027 $135. Also available furnished. Grovt St. at Factory St. in Ypsi. One block 3-BEDROOM Townhouses $192/mo. off I-94 at Huron exit, cCtc including utilities. No deposit for University students, staff. Available NEW CARS nok. Contact Housing Office, 1011 SAB. 763-3168. 27C11021 NEED PERSON to take over my PEUGEOT lease after Fall semester. Own room in large apartment. Nice location, 907 N. Main - 769-7936 Call 663-9662. dC1022 League or call 665-7174, 10-2 daily. A 36H1027 MEAL JOBS available. Lunch and/ NON-PROFIT CREATIVE or dinner. Call 761-5227. 18H1030 ARTS CENTER _________________________________2131'7 SO. M AIN STREET LOOKING for direct Psych. experi- 668-6244/668-6222 ence? Be Sub House Parents. 769- 1 RGI 7535. 19113 RCITER NOW FOR B USIN.SS SER VICE BUSINESS SERVICES I . PAINTING, CARPENTRY, ETC., by GIBSON F5 MANDOLIN. Near new. Experienced Workman. Call 971-5784 Mint condition. With fitted case. for Free Estimates. d $1000. 616-345-4155, 92X1030 A & N ASSOCIATES guarantees ac- HOWDY. Remember how last year, curate manuscripts, prompt deli- the year before, and the year before very. 475-7310 evenings, dJ115 there was an acoustic music shopi (Failed Music Strinas & Thinas? Last Tn : L II.Tl !TT ...1... IMMED ATE OCCUPANCY - Fur- nished 2-bdrm. for 2, 3 or 4 people. From $200. 917 Packard and 815 South State. Also unfurnished 3- bdrm, at $250, 1025 Packard. Lease terms negotiable. Ann Arbor Trust Co., 769-2800. cCtc AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY I MODERN, FURNISHED 1 BEDROOM AND EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS. CAMPUS LOCATIONS. g ' DAHLMANN APTS. 761-7600 oCto LARGE furnished two bedroom apt. with study ,available .,tmediately, in older building near campus, lots of character, parking. 662-7787. cCtc ARROWWOOD HILLS CO-OP -- Modern hillside townhouses in the Northside School area. Co-op home ownership gives you income-tax de- ducti1xts of approximately 65% of your monthly payments. Member- ship $300. 1 bdrm./$125 per mo. 2 bdrms.,/$142 per mo. 3 bdrms./$158 per mo. 4 bdrms./$172 per mo. Phone 761-0590 or visit office, 2400 Arrowwood Trail. Open 9 to 4 daily. Weekends 12 noon-5. cCte AVAILABLE Nov. 15, Campus-hospi- tal area. Beautifully furnished large 2-bdrm., dishwasher, air, security system. Rent nego fable. 668-906. C NEED CHILD CARE? Child Care Action Center, lo- lated in the School of Ed, Bldg., has two full day and one half-day openingsl Call 784-3487 between 8:00 & 1:00, ask for Elaine Alfa Romeo 907 N. Main-769-7935 WANTED TO BUY Buy and Sell Antique Clothing GOLDEN ANTIQUES 619 Packard, 662-5928 cK1029" BIKES AND SCOOTERS IMMACULATE sew-up wheels, cam- pagnolo hubs, mavic rims, chrome! spokes, also 241,2" Raleigh profes- sional, superb condition, all Cam- pagnolo. 761-1170. Les. 80Z1027 FOR SALE SKI BOOTS Lange Comps. size 9- 9% , used twice. 662-2944 eve. Best offer. 11B1027 BUSHNELL BIFOCAL medical mi- croscope, bought new and used 1 term. 662-8798. 5B1030 RALEIGH 10-speed gran sport. 231". Month old. $215. 764-0811. dB1027 FENDER PRECISION BASS. Natural finish maple deck. Month old w/ case. $250. 764-0811. dB1027 TELETYPE KSR-33 and data coup- i, a computer perepheral for communications. Call 994-1122. 95B1031 GBX BASS AMPLIFIER, 160 watts, RMS with covers. Best offer. 434- 5468. 97B1029 30-40% OFF. New shipment of hand-made sheepskin coats for men, women and children. We buy, sell, appraise used and new oriental rugs. Persian House, 320 E. Liberty, 769- 8555. cBtc "*u L EXPERIENCED GUITAR teacher. 1971 CAPRI, must sell, immaculate, year we moved out to the country, wants students, folk/jazz. Bob, 769- must see to appreciate. Price nego- but we have just moved back under 7535. 04J113 tiable. 665-9888. 04N1027 a new name, Guitars Friend, and a .-- _ . . .- . . -----; new way of doing business. Work- GF SECRETARIAL services student! VEGA HATCHBACK, 1972. Four- ing through our catalogue, we are typing-manuscripts, business pa- speed, 34,000 miles, good condition, able to discount all major brands of pers, etc. Student rates. Profession- $1250. Call 482-2354. 81N1027 guitars up to 25 percent; accessories, ally done. Call 994-4309 from 9-5. -- 25 percent; books, including oak, 10 86J129 1971 FORD Club Wagon (Van), ex. percent; harmonicas, 25 percent; cond. $1800. 485-8657. 70N1027 banjos, dulcimers, ceramic flutes, BISA LE A CLASSIC: 1957 Bui kalimbas, recorders and all kinds of BED D IN A E A CASSC: 957Buick Super. V-8. stuff. Come on up to visit us at auto. trans., power steering and 215 S. State in the Mayflower Book Mattresses and Box Springs brakes. Very good condition, but Shop, formerly Circle Books. See youj Custom-Made $84.60 complete needs some work. Best offer. Call then 665-8162 eves. dN1027 __ ._3 Mattress only $44.60 and up '70 MAVERICK, 2-dr, 6 cylstick FOR SALE: BSR-610 turntable. 2 52 years service. Locally owned. 1 owner, good gas mieage. Call 971. mos. old, best offer. 994-0399. Same day delivery 7562 after 6. 00N1027 75X10272 - ~~-, SPINET CONSOLE PIANO Call 761-2277 AUTO SALE Wanted: Responsible party to pur- ANN ARBOR BEDDING TOYOTA MARK II, 1971.. $1250.00 chase spinet piano on low monthly 1002 Pontiac cJtc VW. 1972, 15,000 miles ..... 1450.00 payments. Can be seen locally. Write VW, 'GHIA, 1971, Coupe .... 1400.00 Representative: Ken Bayless. P.O. TYPING and EDITIN~. Call Je MERCEDES, 250 S, automatic 2350.00 Box 276, Shelbyville, Indiana 46176. 94-I94,10 a.m -I0 p.m. cJtc The above cars are all clean, low 79X1122 __4-3__4,______.-_ ______ mileage. We will trade for. larger ----------- TUTORING,EE, Statistics, Math, cars also. Can be seen at MARANTZ MOD 2245 Receiver, $325. Computers. Call Walt, 994-3594. c t Hatto Motor Service 769-2089 after 7. 21X1030 - - Wat, - 4 t 971-9835 EARLY HOUR WAKE-UP SERVICE , 971-2734 Nights. RUNAWAY SALE: guitars at the For prompt, courteous wake-up serv- 11N1102 prices you want. Including Martins. ice 973-0760. cJtc Apollo Music Center, 769-1400. . 973-760 _ _tc I IN Marque Designers-63-7358 LATE FALL PROGRAM 37F1029 Starts Fee BUMPER STICKERS custom printed IARTS AND CRAFTS chile-U-wait! MBL PRESS, 1217 Art Seminar 11/10 Free Prospect, Ann Arbor, 761-0942. cFtc Life Drawing 11/5 $22 Painting 11/5 221 Granhic Design 11/7 20 reSurrealism 11/4 20jWtroos 1/ 2 C am pus Watercolors 11/5 2 Flute Making 11/12 18 Pb Batik 12/3 18 P Basket Weaving 11/7 15b Glass Blowing 11/11 291 Glass Blowing 11/14 29 A In to. Pottery 11/4 23 12 7 '~ Handbuilt Pottery 11/6 23 * House Repairs 11/4 19South n1versity Needlepoint 11/4 18 o t Ur ty Photoscreening 10/30 20 cFtc Intro. Weaving 11/6 20 WEDDING INVITATIONS-Mod, or Stain Glass Sem. 11/11 Free traditional. Gall 761-0942 nytime. Stained Glass 11/13 20 cFtc DANCE _____ Beg. Ballet 11/5 22 XEROX AND OFFSET Intermed. Ballet 11/47 22 Fast, low cost duplicating. Modern Dance 11/6 22 I Creative Dan 8 1217 S. University 769-0560 CraieDance 11/4 18 Creative Dance 11/5 18 WHY WALK FARTHER? Jazz 11/9 20 Get your Levi's cuffed flairs at Tap Dance 11/9 20 G L'SVITY SHOP Ballroom, Dance 11/11 20 (single) Original, Handcrafted, Jewelry. Gold. (couple) 32 Silver, Gems. WEDDING BANDS. Ballroom Dance II 11/11 Jhan, 769-7550. cFtc (see above) Belly Dance I 11/11 30 15% DISCOUNT on all contact, lens Belly Dance I 11/12 30 preparations at the Village Apothe- Beily Dance I 11/12 30 cary, 1112 S. University. cFtc Belly Dance I 11/12 30 Belly Dance II 11/11 3l0 Belly Dance III 11/14 30 ANSWER 10 PREVIOUS PUZZLE Arabic Drum, Tambourine andCOPRA SHAD S PAD Cymbals for Percusion Dancers - and Musicians 11/14 30 R THEATRE G A Y 0 T Clowning Tech. 11/10 22 NR R A Improv. Theatre 11/9 18 E US SEA8EES Mime 10/30 22 ACT M D E R A Y PHOTOGRAPHY Intro, to RARE CARATS T R Photography 10/30 Free A T R A N Session ODE ERASES LUCK Photography I 11/13 18 A R G E A C K S Photography II 11/13 22 Light. Sensitivity 11/26 10 Darkroom 1 11/19; 20 E L I S H A V E R S F R A 10/29 L 1MB6 G R A V YT R A I N Darkroom I11/7; 20 1 !N: L A 12/5 AERY ScT E MAN Darkroom I 11/2 20 Darkroom II 11/3; 22 12/4 Darkroom III 12/7 22 Color Printing I 11/11 32 fM 4M J.. I Color Photo Greeting PERSONAL MONEY-BACK GUARANTEED? Examination Tutoring LSAT, GRE, DAT and MCAT TEST CENTER 662-3700 eFtc Offset Printing, Xerox, Wedding and Social Announcements. ARBOR INSTANT PRINTING 214 S. 4th Ave. 994-4664 cFtc STUDENTS! SINCE 1925 GREENE'S CLEANERS HAVE OFFERED FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY. CALL 662-3231 Daily pickup and delivery to all dorms cFtc The third party candidate says what an elitist handful of party bosses tell her to say. KATHY FOJ- TIK talks straight from her con- science and her. heart. VOTE FOJ- TIK, DEMOCRAT, COUNTY COM- MISSIONER. 82F1027 PUBLISHED AUTHOR will write, rewrite, edit, type. 761-2642. 44F031 WHERE MARGINAL PRICES buy quality diamonds-Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151, cFtc BE HAPPIER.... SCIENTOLOGY WORKS Scientology is an applied religious philosophy, 668-6113 except Friday. cFtc DON'T PAY for a store's overhead via high mark-up. For the area's lowest prices and finest qualitits possible on an engagement ring, shop Austin Diamond, 1209 S. Uni- versity, 663-7151. cFte BOARD EXAM TUTORING STANLEY H. KAPLAN TUTORING COURSES Enroll now to prepare for upcoming MCAT * DAT - LSAT * GRE"ATGSB board exams. For information call: (313) 354-0085. Fc Try Classifieds Order Your Subscription Today 7'64-0558 { I r I d Program in Engineering for Public Systems MON., OCT. 28-12 NOON Lec. Room 1-MLB' Myths and Realities of Future Energy Technology by ALLEN L. HAMMOND LOST AND FOUND cXtc SPEAKERS, Manufacturer direct LOST: Fluffy white male kittn sv $ n see opnns with grayspot on head, wearing col- save $$$ on stereo components. lar. 4 months old. Vicinity S. Univ. nny Zender is AA's underground and Washtenaw. 663-4527. 17A1031 audio consultant. Call him till 2r a.m., 769-2221. 13X113! DARK, Shepard-like female dog, 20" P tall. White chest and paws, scar on PHOTO SUPPLIES stomach. Answers to Sasha. Lost - --- - -- ---. near Main and Huron. Call 994-0107. DARKROOM SERVICES from pro- 20A1029 fessional studio. Choice of develop- -..--.... ---- - .--.. ers. Special services for thesis pa- LOST: mixed Collie-Lab-Sheperd pers. Studio 'C', 209 S. Fourth Ave. puppy with white markings and one 665-4550. cDtcc completely white long-haired kitten - in the Observatory-Geddes area. j H ELP WANTED - Contact 761-2698 nights. 14A1027 TRIE WA --------- - - A-of--- - TRAINEE WANTED to learn televi- LARGE REWARD for return of my sion and stereo repair. Experience black German Shepard. Tan feet, helpful but not necessary. Part- white chest, female. Lost in Oakland time. Send brief resume, including Hill area. Call 763-6500. 06A1029 hours available to work. IndustrialI - Arts, 537 S. Division. Ann Arbor. FOUND: small white dog on S. Di- 20H1027 vision, 763-0008 or 663-9957. dA1027 . -12 _- --_-_--_.-- . - NAVIGATOR and service crew mem- LOST: set of keys, whistle on Lan- ber needed to work during the yard. Reward. 764-5989. 73A1027 "Press on Regardless International" LOST-Female Siberian Husky, 4Rally held . in Marquette. Most ex- yrs. old, black and white with black penses paid. Oct. 30-Nov. 2. Call mask, leather collar with rabies ta.g Jean at 994-3210. 9H1027 from El Paso, answers to "Rigby." HOUSEKEEPING help, mornings or Lost in the Briarwood Hilton area afternoons, 3 to 5 times a week. Wed. Reward $100, no questions Hours flexible. 663-7428. 0711031 asked. Call 763-6315 or 761-7800, ex'.--. 136. 75A29 WANTED: kitchen help. Apply 5:00 at Dooley's, 310 Maynard. 200H1116 SPECIAL CERAMIC TILE - Bath 5x6x4" materials and labor, $189. Call 483-4615. cJtc USED UPRIGHT PIANO, starting at $89.50. Apollo Music Center. 769- PERSONALj U-M BILLIARDS AND BOWLING. OPEN 1 P.M. TODAY MICHIGAN UNION cF1027 IF you don't tell they won't know, that's how good we are. UM Stylists at the Union. Open 8:30 a.m. Mon- day. cF1027 DROP-IN GROUP. "Values in Per- sonal Relationships" - Meet New People - Explore personal feelings, needs, and values. Informal conver- sation and inter-action. Noon Wed- nesdays, Guild House, 802 Monroe. Soup and Sandwich 406. 18F1029 THE FEMINIST Federal Credit Un- ion is the first in history to be set up by women for women. Savings are insured up to $20,000 by the National Credit Union administra- tion. Dividends are set up to 7 per cent. For information call 662-5400 or 665-0916. dF1029 PAINTING, CARPENTRY, ETC., by Experienced Workman. Call 971-5784 for Free Estimates. d Public participation in government is not possible when elected offi- cials must vote according to party dictates. KATHY FOJTIK is free from party control. VOTE FOJTIK, DEMOCRAT, COUNTY COMMIS- SIONER. 83F1027 COMPLETE PROPHYLACTIC de- partment at the Village Apothecary, 1112 S. University. cFtc tgtI i, RD PUZZLE Card Tech. 11/5 Photo Matting & Mounting 11/6 Studio Tech. 12/7 Figure Photog. 11/2 Modeling Photog. 11/13 PHYSICAL AND MEDITATIVE ARTS Kung-Fu (Pa-kau) 11/13 Self-De. Kung-Fu 11/13 Tiger Kung-Fu 11/13 Stick Kung-Fu 11/14 Crane Kung-Fu 11/14 T'ai Chi Ch'uan 11/12 Adv. T'ai Chi 11/12 Cant. T'ai Chi 11/11 Hatha Yoga 11/11 Women's Self-Defense 11/5 Astrology Charts 11/16 Occultism 11/4 Palmistry 11/17 ORGANIC GARDENING 11/2 COMMUNICATION AND 10 10 22 32 26 CROSS WO Copr. '74 Gen'! Features Corp. . r Y. 4 .' S i :/ ' . it . =t . ,r E-z 4 l I irrirr 'irlM l' iG iiM11111 U r. I I I OFFICE HOURS CIRCULATION - 764-0558 COMPLAINTS AND SUBSCRIPTIONS 10 a.m.-4 p.m. CLASSIFIED ADS - 764-0557 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Il 'p:, !' ,.. / r ; : ' '. < i I APARTMENT MANAGER, couple, no children, to manage new apts. on Ford Lake. Send resume and past experience to Mr. Thompson, Inter- national Management Co., 1604 Parklane Towers, East Building, Dearborn 48126. 58H1027 DISHWASHER wanted, 4 nights, ap- ply in person, Village Bell, 1321 S. University. 74H1027 MEDIA ARTS Creative Writing Film Making Oral Interp. 22 22 22 22 22 20 20 20 20 14 18 18 211 12 20 30 18 cF1027 F 11/5 11/7 11/7 1 4 8 12 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 26 30 32 33 35 36 37 39 40 43 44 45 47 49 51 ACROSS Arab garment 52t Ifs, --, or buts 53 Nimble 56t Local level poli- o tics 591 Region 611 Uncommitted: p Colloq. phrase s Male pig 63 Completen "Now I - down 641 to sleep ., .". Netherlands 651 money: Abbr. 66S Miss La Douce , Go into retreat 67 C Lib meeting, to a male chauvinist 1 C Most sensible 2 b P.M. timesb Brag Savory: Colloq. 3E Tumeric 4 Tramped the 5C country road 6S Plant juice 7S MessengerI Garcon's father 8 R Quote 9T Successor of hi fl Mends (fabrics) 10C in a certain way s Illinois ,univer- 11S sity city 12C Ivy League 13 M l3 " 1 I school Cry bleatingly 14 Sharpen a razor Gen. Hideki and 20 others Kelp 23 Speeder-up in 25 processing 26 something 27 Staff symbol, in 28 music 29 Treats with condescension 31 Regme: Abbr. 34 Subdued, as 38 color 41 ).T. book DOWN 42 Cartoonist Peter 44 Records of base- ball accomplish- 46 ment Black notes 48 Yuletide: Fr. 50 Canine s und Spanish lady 52 Site of a French 54 military school Rest day: Abbr. 55 Type of modern, music 57 Condominium alesman's metier 58 Sail support. Caused to be 60 Miss Diamond of 62 I I TV Ornamentations in art Floride or Vir- ginie Rainbow - nutshell ,t to you" Ultimately Stumble Maker of frames for draft aninals Sorts, kinds Existed Moist Scepter's companion Affirmations Dieter's counting unit Ready to be served Consumed Son of Zeus and Callisto Prefixes in names Prefix with ge- narian or gon Matinee for one: Abbr. Unique person: Slang Main,.State etc.: Abbr. Toward the stern Movie studio BARGAIN CORNER I SAM'S STORE LEVI'S DENIMS Bell Bottoms Boot Jeans Traditionls Button Fly Sta-Prest Bells LEVI"S CORDS Bell Bottoms Straight Legs L - 75- 7 I U ire Is 116 I I ,M DEADLINE FOR NEXT DAY-12:00 p.m. DISPLAY ADS - 764-0554 MONDAY thru FRIDAY-12 p.m.-4 p.m. Deadline for, Sunday issue--- THURSDAY at 5 p.m. N~ A I L 9' J--__ 2 I ' rankonctPin Hooded Sweatshirts . . from $5.98 Flannel Shirts from $4.98 32 36 0 27 .3 24 28 29 30 33 34 35 37 3$ 42 43 2 { -4- -4- -r41-14 -i. I I __- J