FORD WOES BLACK VOTES' See Editorial Page CL4 Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom :43 ii BALMY High-6o Low--35 See Today for details ot. LXXXV, No. 45 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 26, 1974 Ten Cents E STATE COMMISSION REPORT ight Pages e WFYOUSEE WIS HAPPEN C*A1 EIY All doped up The Ann Arbor Sun yesterday announced it is sponsoring a give-away contest with a pound of Columbia marijuana as the grand prize. State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) has agreed to oversee the final drawing for the dope on January 3. "We wanted our contest to reflect the partic- ular interests and needs of the Ann Arbor com- munity," said a Sun editor. "And we wanted to give away things that people would appreciate and get excited about." ERIM move The Environmental Research Institute of Michi- gan (ERIM) won preliminary county support for its proposed move to Ann Arbor. On Thursday the County Board of Commissioners' Ways and Means Committee approved ERIM's request for a bond issue to help finance the move from Willow Run Airport. Final approval from the entire board is expected next month. A number of groups oppose the change of locale because of ERIM's involve- ment in secret government research. Happenings . . . start with God but get more earthly as the day goes on . . . at 9:30 a.m. mass will be given at St. Mary's Church 331 Thompson . . . followed at 10 a.m. by the mighty Mudbowl pitting Sigma Alpha Epsilon against Phi Delta Theta at the SAE house on the corner of South U. and Washtenaw and as an added attraction veterans of the first game held back in 1935 will be on hand . . . then the Wolverines give it a go at 1:30 p.m. against Minnesota's Gophers . . . if that's not your idea of a good time the Go club is holding a meeting at 2 p.m. in room 2050 Frieze Building (by the way Go is an Oriental board game) . . . after the foot- ball game there will be a cider and doughnuts get- together at the Gabriel Richard Center 331 Thomp- son . . . later the Musical Society presents the Pennsylvania Ballet at the Power Center at a p.m. . . . or there is the Michigan - OSU hockey game at Yost Field House beginning at 7:30 p.m. . ..and the events are rounded out by a Woman's Coffeehouse sponsored by the Women's Community Center Collective at Guild House, 802 Monroe, from 9 p.m. to midnight. Who me? Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau yes- terday shrugged off former President Nixon's ref- erence to him on a White House tape as "that ass- hole." "I suppose I can say I have been called worse things by worse men," Trudeau told a press conference. The remark was originally attributed to Nixon aide H. R. "Bob" Haldeman, but it was later determined to have come from the ex-presi- dent's own lips. He had a lengthy telephone con- versation with Trudeau the next day. Spinach power Japanese researchers yesterday claimed that they have found a way of using spinach to convert the sun's rays into electricity. The scientists said that the discovery opened the way to development of economic, large-capacity solar batteries. The process involves taking pure chlorophyl from spinach and other green vegetables and refining it into a film that generates electricty when ex- posed to sunlight. " Polly want a Three Jackson, Miss. boys yesterday admitted breaking into a house and then killing the owner's parrot because they feared the bird would tell on them. During the burglary one of the trio called another boy's name and they feared the parrot would repeat it later so the bird was bumped off. The arrests cleared up 12 area robberies, police reported. 0 On the inside * . . County Commissioner Alan Toth writes about the issues of human liberation on the Editorial Page ... The Homecoming concert featuring David Bromberg and Souther, Hillman, and Furay will be reviewed by Stephen Hersh on the Arts Page ... and the Sports Page brings you Brian Deming previewing the opening hockey game of the sea- son. Plan Cost of p roduace reaches ntew high WASHINGTON,(Reu- ter - The annual retail cost of a typical supermarket basket of U. S. farm-produced ,foods jumped another $25 last month, boosting the yearly food bill for an average family to a re- cord $1,776, according to Ag- riculture Department data re- leased yesterday. Simultaneously with the news that the cost of basic food items had reached a new peak, Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz announced that food costs - from the farm to the consumer - would be examined during a conference to be held here later this month. THE latest hike in the cost of the supermarket basket largely reflected a fresh jump in the profits of middlemen, which were up 3.2 per cent above their August level. The farmers share of consumers ex- penditure on food declined one per cent last month compared with August levels. The conference, being held at President Ford's request, will be run jointly by the Agricul- ture Department and the Presi- dent's Council on Wage and Price Stability. McCord's speeeh may cause him legal woes By DAVID BURHENN Watergate burglar and cele- brity James McCord may be in legal trouble because of a lec- ture he gave at the Univer- sity's Dearborn campus Thurs- day afternoon. McCord addressed about 150 individuals on matters relating to Watergate and President Ford's pardon of Richard Nix- on. BUT according to Detroit News reporter Pat Shellenbar- ger, McCord apparently violated a September 1973 order from Federal Judge John Sirica pro- hibiting him and fellow Water- gate participant Jeb Magruder from going on a lecture circuit. Washington officials said that McCord might also have violat- ed other orders pertaining to his role as a possible witness in the Watergate cover-up trial. In a copyrighted story in the Detroit News yesterday, Shel- lenbarger wrote McCord had told him he received clearance from someone to do the lectures but he would not name any of- ficial in particular. TOD Christofferson, law clerk to Sirica, told the Daily yester- day "I'm not sure whether the judge's order (preventing the See McCORD, Page 8 asks a eointe Regents Proposal calls for Iend to elections '' By JEFF SORENSEN The Governor's Commis- sion on Higher Education has recommended a state constitutional amendment that would replace the Uni- versity Board of Regents, w h o s e members are now chosen in statewide elec- tions, with a nine-member body appointed by the gov- ernor. The Commission also call- ed for "the removal of any 1 e g a 1 barriers prohibiting students, otherwise quali- fied, from serving on uni- versity governing boards." DEMOCRATIC Regents were- sharply critical yesterday of the proposed switch to an appoin- tive system, while Republicans were split on the issue. "I feel strongly that the board members should be elected as they are today, so that they can be responsive to the needs of the people rather than the gov- ernor," said Regent Robert Nederlanderd(D-Detroit)., Regent Lawrence Lindemer (R-Stockbridge) stated that he hadn't seen details of the report but commented that "I have long been in favor of the ap- pointive system." UNIVERSITY President Rob- ben Fleming, who is a member of the governor's commission, said he was "not opposed" to the appointive system. "I don't think it makes all that much difference one way or the other," he remarked. At least one, and possibly two state constitutional amendments as well as legislative action would be required to bring about the changes recommended by the commission. However, the n e c e s s a r y amendments would not reach the ballot until 1976, according to commission staff director Richard Beers, since the report was finalized too late for. this fall's elections. THE COMMISSION recom- mends that the nine University board members would be ap- pointed by the governor for six- year terms, subject to legisla- tive approval. At present, there are eight Regents who are elected for eight-year terms. A "bipartisan clause" in the commission's plan provides that no more than five of the nine members serving on the Uni- versity board at any, one time could represent the same politi- cal party. The commission's r e p o r t argues that the "present elec- tive procedures demonstrate a lack of focus on discussion on educational issues during the campaign." It adds that there See STUDY, Page 8 DAILY ARCHIVES Suspended sentences This is the way it was for Homecoming 25 years ago, when stud ents here hung a giant replica of the Michigan Daily across the front of Stockwell Hall. The date was Oct. 22, 1949 and the Wolverines had just beaten the Minnesota Gophers in the annual battle of the Little Brown Jug. The price for this larger than life news paper was a mere "five touchdowns." The Homecoming game this weekend marks the 25th reunion for the classes of '49. ABANDONS BULLARD: Mogdi* By GORDON ATCHESON Former Democratic mayoral candidate Franz Mogdis has en- dorsed Republican state repre-1 sentative hopeful Rae Weaver in her attempt to unseat his fellow party member incumbent+ Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) this November. Mogdis, who lost the 1973 mayor's race to James Stephen- son, gives his backing to Weav- er in a leaflet to be distributed some time next week. IN THE upcoming election,+ Bullard is also opposed by Hu- man Rights Party candidate Robert Alexander and Ronald backs GOP hopeful Graham of the American Inde- pendent Party. "Politics is political parties, but more importantly it is quality candidates," Mogdis states, "Rae Weaver is such a candidate." Ironically, Weaver is cur- rently employed as Stephenson's administrative assistant at city hall. WEAVER said she has re- ceived backing from a number of other Democrats but refused to name them when asked ear- lier this week. "It's all part of campaign strategy," she ex- plained. The often controversial Bul- lard said yesterday he was not disturbed by Mogdis' endorse- ment of Weaver. "Franz is an unsuccessful Democrat who seems to be moving to the right," Bullard claimed. "I hardly think he has a following among most Demo- crats." MOGDIS said he was "asked" to support Weaver in the Nov. 5 general election and was hap- py to back her candidacy. "We need a woman in the legislature from this district," he said. Commenting on Bullard's two- year record in the House, Mog- dis added "he didn't get accom- plished all that could have been done." Mogdis has been character- ized as a moderate Democrat compared to Bullard who tends to be among the most liberal See MOGDIS, Page 2 .................................::.............. . ... ... ..... ...- GEO faces battle on economic demands By JIM TOBIN In a heated session between University negotiators and the Graduate Employes Organiza- tion (GEO) last night, the Uni- versity strongly questioned sev- eral of the union's key economic demands. Much of the debate centered around GEO demands for a sim- plified pay scale and a demand for a 25 per cent across the of the time should be fully sup- ported," Physics Prof. Law- rence Jones said. University ne- gotiator William Neff asked, "If you work a quarter-time ap- pointment - do you expect to make a living?"l But the GEO said a "quarter time appointment" usually in- volves much more than 10 hours and charged that the University was taking their de- mands lightly. Ozone parade dazzles, baffles By BETH NISSEN The third annual Ozone Home- coming Parade rocked through campus yesterday afternoon with the ludicrous theme of "First I Look at the Purse," or "Why waste time looking at the waistline?" Featuring three bands and OMNI-