Eighty-four years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Indulgent parents spoil Kids Friday, October 25, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Frye forces life into GRC THREE WEEKS AGO, faculty apathy threatened to stop the Gradua- tion Requirements C o m m i s s i o n (GRC) report dead in its tracks. A literary college faculty meeting call- ed to discuss the GRC failed to mus- ter enough strength for a quorum. When LSA Acting Dean Billy Frye adjourned the meeting with a plea for "everyone to bring along two or three people to the next meeting," it sounded like a feeble attempt to drum up spirit at a lackluster pep rally. No one seemed anxious to tackle the massive, 10-part review of the under- graduate experience. Maybe if they battered the report with enough te- dious debate and bureaucratic shuf- fling, it would conveniently go away, the faculty seemed to.be saying. But Frye is keeping the report visi- ble. He clearly means business when he declares, "The GRC takes prece-, dence over all else. It ought to be adopted before Christmas in order to have some impact." Demonstrating his concern for speedy consideration of the GRC, Frye called a special meeting last Monday evening to dis- cuss the report. CONCLUDING that the previous sys- tem of voting tentatively on sec- tions pending final review of the re- port "had quite unintentionally caus- ed a stultifying pace of discussion and an inability to take definitive action on specific recommendations until final consideration of the re- port," Frye recommended that the faculty "definitely discuss, amend, and vote on each individual recom- mendation." Frye also suggested that some sort of time limit be placed on debate. With the faculty behind him, Frye got the report moving again. The meeting hung on for over three hours of debate that focused on degree re- quirements. The participants' forti- tude demonstrated a renewed con- cern for the GRC's plea for innova- tion. The faculty did not rush the re- port through with a burst of speed, but they did manage to vote on half the section centering on residency and distribution requirements. They opted for flexibility and change in distribution rules. After the long meeting, several faculty members congratulated Frye on his success. It is no small achievement to generate enough faculty support for a quorum. FIVE FULL SECTIONS still await faculty consideration, but what formerly loomed as an endless debate now seems like a realistic task. The report is back off the shelf and onto the faculty floor for discussion. Frye may yet meet his Christmas dead- line, and if the report makes it to the Regents this summer, some of us may feel the gentle repercussions of its recommendations for change. -SARA RIMER By BETH NISSEN IT ISN'T THAT I dislike children. They have a definite charm when they gurgle on strained carrots, take their wobbly first stumbles in little ortho- pedic shoes, sleep embracing a torn blanket, or quesion with hugh wonder- filled eyes. But my tolerance for any child under the age of 12 has decreased markedly in the last few years. The days when children had some idea of what it meant to behave themselves in public seems well past. A child who quietly follows parental. orders is su- spected of having a restricted tyranni- cal parents mnd a crippled imagination. The vast majority of children now on the loose in public have parental per- missionsto dotnearly whatever they please so that they can develop freely and live an idyllic life of unrestricted play. Given that inch of maternal and paternal indulgence, the young oppor- tunists take the proverbial mile and go beserk. MY REACTION to flagrant brattiness combines disgust and jealousy. As a child, I was never allowed to determine behavioral policy; I followed the dic- tates of my parents or suffered the con- sequences. In public, we were told to "behave," a blanket term which meant that we sat still, did not fidget, bite our nails or pick our noses, didn't demand anything, but politely asked, did not pull a sibling's hair regardless of provo- cation, and did not cry unless we were mortally injured or under the age of 11 months. In the presence of adults, we listened to the 'conversation or quietly talked to the nearest sibling or peer. If we were in an audience and the main 'My reaction to flagrant brattiness combines disgust and jealousy. As a child, I was never allowed to deter- mine behavioral policy; I followed the dictates of my parents or suffered the consequences. In public, we were told to "behave," a blanket term which meant that we sat still, did not fidget, bite our nails or pick our noses, didn't demand anything but politely asked, did not pull a sibling's hair regardless of provocation, and did not action bored us, we were not to yawn, squirm or complain, but patiently sit through it and watch our peers yawn, squirm and complain. IF WE WERE guilty of any infractions of these rules, my mother was on hand with two effective public warnings. The first was The Look, a maternal glare guaranteed to put you six feet under if .children, and she was proud of compli- ment on how well-behaved we were. She was often asked the secret of her suc- cess. Which child psychologist did she follow? Having read Dr. Spock thorougn- ly, she used him frequently (usually in hardcover book form, applied to the same part of our backsides as h e r pinch). HER DISCIPLINE was based on intui- and rule free life. Instead of raising sunny, optimistic and free-thinking child- ren, the result of such non-parenting seems to be an entire herd of demand- ing, obnoxious, brassy brats who think only of themselves if they think at all. These self-centered little cyclones are present everywhere - whining and din- ing in restaurants, loudly talking and demanding a third box of popcorn in movies, screaming up and down aisles - ermarkets and pillaging merchan- dise in department stores. IT ISN'T SIMPLY that these child- ren are growing without good guidance or any guidance; they are being guided into the depths of unreality. Their egos have grown obese with a steady diet of yes, gifts, and never having to com- promise. Manydof these childrentare bad playmates, with no' comprehension of sharing and less of giving. They are growing up with the expectation that the rest of -the world is just an expanded carbon copy of their parents' home, smil- ing at them and their cute if ex'cessive demands and glady providing bouneous- demands and gladly providing bount- eously. Reality has to hit rather hard when the world no longer sees or cares if they are cut and does not hear, let alone heed, their demands. With the natural progression of time, these over-pampered children that de- mand the public attention, promise to grow into adults who will have diffi- culty functioning and living with their neighbors. Beth Nissen is a writer for The Daily's Editorial Page. cry unless we were mortally 1 months.' injured or under the age oft .r .., };4".;{.}::":"'".44Y."Yi: "y {" w:.1}::'!"ii4 L:SL"r .'Y:iK;:.; .1qY.".":rtV.14Ml:.Y rVV. }DSO.V .:}}::r:":":':"}:":'}l::";": "; Q':.44'f.;i.;. {+'"" ''I}.>y'""%'..{t :'?:'{'ir ......' ..7{ } .-y ..4t :rhvAa::. 1+:::"".:.' .C,: i.°i.""r.:; ::: {.":;.y:.-r:.:} ." .. rr:.?:%.: dttiti4::.v: {". f :r . r."?: . 5 t. }:"r, r::.":......:.... rtv....:::.tis1 ..:.L".:.::::..b. "r::v: a..":'r' i: }Y: i::: ......:... looks could really kill. It assured us that if we continued doing what we were doing (and somehow we always knew what ia was we were doing to incur The Look), we would have the wrath and perhaps the hand of my mother to face. If The Look was insufficient and our behavior did not improve due to intol- erable conditions and extreme bordom, my mother's pinching fingers would find the appropriate place on our behinds. It did not solve anything to sit as far away from her as possible; she had a pinching arm that extended nine and a half feet. My mother believed in disciplined tion, anger, love and expectations. She loved us, we knew that, even though none of us ever understood that she was about to smack us because she loved us so much. She expected us to learn quickly how to be self-controlled and respon- sible children. When we didn't live up to those expectations, she reacted angrily and intuitively belted us one. An entire subsection of modern par- ents are convinced that. use of discipline will make their children hate them. In- secure in their own roles, they love their children by never saying "no", and pre- sent them with a giftwrapped trouble Letters to The Ford slips toward Nixon ONECAN ONLY HOPE that Gerald Ford's latest campaign charges emanate more from his own demon- strated stupidity than from philo- sophical conviction. Speaking in Ok- lahoma City this week, Ford claimed that the election of a Democratic Congress with the "wrong philoso- phy" could conceivably endanger world peace. This association of opponent in the political arena with treason or war- mongering lends substance to the be- lief that the worst aspects of the Nixon presidency are being slowly resurrected. Hopefully, Ford was just trying to attract votes, got carried away and put his foot in his mouth. Most of the illusions surrounding Gerald Ford are dead by this time. His unconscionable pardon of Nixon, and his assent to U. S.involvement in Chile have revealed his true colors to the American public. He is not the shining knight he was made out to be in the first month of his presi- dency. F COURSE, ANYONE familiar with Ford's congressional voting record would hardly haxe expected hirn to emerge as a new saviour. He was a hack politician selected for the. vice presidency primarily because he had an outstanding record of per- sonal loyalty to the White House and TODAY'S STAFF: News: Jeff Day, Cindy Hill, Mary Kel- leher, Anne Marie Lipinski, Jeff Ristine, Judy Ruskin, Jeff Sorensen, David Whiting Editorial Page: Clifford Brown, Debra Hurwitz, Becky Warner Arts Page: David Blomquist, Ch r i s Kochmanski Photo Technician: Ken Fink had done relatively little to offend anyone. It was a sad reflection on the mor- ale of the nation that he was so im- mediately lionized. We were all so desperate for someone we could trust, even if we couldn't agree with him, that Ford seemed attractive. In retro- spect, such gushing adolescent ad- miration appears naive. But Ford seemed to have all the right attri- butes - a desire for honesty and openness, and a stated intention to introduce a wider spectrum of po- litical views into his.circle of inner advisers. He claimed he wanted to work things out with Congress, and we believed him because he had spent so much time there. Best of all, he didn't seem to have the same vitriolic streak that Nixon possessed. He had friends in the House on both sides of the aisle. He was partisan, yes, but he realized that others had their own views and were entitled to them. He was reported to be a man of few enemies. TT IS FORD'S RETREAT from this position that is'disturbing. Few observers expected miracles from Gerald Ford: frankly, we expected to disagree with most of his decisions. But he has a right to his beliefs, and respect for other views seems to be at the heart of our political system. Believing that one's opponents are morally wrong, that anything is jus- tifiable in the name of preserving the reign of the present rulers, led to the mentality which produced Watergate. And for obvious reasons, the return of that mentality is far more fright- ening than the actual campaign mud- slinging itself. -STEPHEN SELBST Fojtik To The Daily: THREE CHEERS for Liz Tay- lor for telling it like it is about Kathy Fojtik. It's too bad, Liz couldn't have beaten Perry Bul- lard in the primary, because then we would have an effec- tive, independent state repre- sentative in Lansing. I voted for Liz in '72 against the HRP candidate, but this year I have th misfortune to be living in the district of Ms. Fojtik. And after reading Foj- tik's remarks in the Daily I must agree with Taylor that Fojtik is one candidate who can justifiably be called a hpocrite, who deserves to be defeated. What was really irksome was not so much that Fojtik had spent all of that money on con- vention junketeering. She could have admitted that and said big deal. But Fojtik got hysterical and attacked Taylor and HRP for making public information public. And when she actually said, "It isn't any fun going to Miami Beach in July" I couldn't be- lieve my eyes. Is that why BOTH political parties held their conventions there at that time in 1972? THE FINAL straw, though, was when Fojtik arrogantly said that "the money is better than sent on me" than some of the other Commissioners. Yecchh. -Cassie Smith October 17 To The Daily: I HAVE BEEN involved in the grape, lettuce, and Gallo wine boycott for the past 18 months, have picketed nearly every week, and have served as co-ordinator of the local boycott committee. I was shocked at al- legations by three fellow boy- cotters that Kathy Fojtik is try- ing to make political capitalbout of tokenistic support of the boy- cott, and that she has picketed only once in the past year and a half. These statements are sim- ply untrue. Consider the follow- ing facts: 1. Kathy picketed weekly at the Plymouth Road A&P dur- ing the summer of 1973, and has picketed in support of nie boy- cott on a number of occasions since. 2. She has supported resolu- tions in support of the boycott on the County Board of Com- missioners. 3. Late last year, she risked arrest by picketing with the Uni- ted Farm Workers in defiance of an injunction against our picket of A&P. 4. She has also made finan- cial contributions to the United Farm Workers in support of 'be boycott. IT IS TRUE that in recent months she has been less in- volved with the boycott because of her other political activities such as the County Board of Commissioners and the National Organization for Women. How- ever, two of the three authors of the letter criticizing is. Foj- Stik have also been less involved because of other activities in re- cent months. Perhaps the motivation of the letter-writers becomes clearer when one considers that all three are active members of HRP. Kathy Fojtik's efforts on behalf of farmworkers h a v e been considerably greater than many other candidates who have claimed credit for boycott sup- port, including some in HRP. A look at Kathy Fojtik's record in support of farmworkers shows that she has been an active UFW supporter. I wonder if the same can be said of har HRP opponent. -John Farley October 21 duplication To The Daily: IN A LETTER published in the September 26 Michigan Daily, Mr. Charles Hagen wrote of his experiences with t h e copying machines and the Photo- duplication Service of the Grad- uate Library. In an effort to provide rapid library service to all areas of the campus the University Lib- rary has installed 28 coin-oper- ated copying machines in i t s library facilities on the Central Campus and the North C a m- pus. These are standard copiers which operate at low cost and which are serviced by technhc- ians each day, night, weekend, and holiday that the library is open. However, this system for providing service in numerous convenient locations nas bu lt- in disadvantages. The copiers are set at an exposure designed to obtain readable copy from as many different types of ma- terials as possible. Obviously the result will vary depending on the original. In the case of some originals, no copy is pos- siblbe through the use of these machines. Admittedly, there are times when the operation of the ma- chines is faulty, or when the material being copied is moved during the exposure period. In such instances money is refund- ed to the user at the library cir- culation desk without question. Action has been taken to insure that both full and part-time staff will respond courteously to re- qusts for refunds. THE PHOTODUPLICATION Service staff of the Graduate Library is available for special- ized copying services, which are not possible on self-serve ma- Dal tems and equipment and will welcome relocation in lhe Grad- uate Library after completio of the renovation now in progress. -John G. Gantt Ntanager, Photodupli- cation Service- University Library October 7 clericals To The Daily: A MAJOR considera+hon in the upcoming union representa- tion election for the clerical staff at the University is the fact that the University is de- pendent, for the most part, on allocations from the state. Join- ing the UAW will not add money to the budget and excessively high wage demands will result in a reduction in staff, If the University has to tighten i1 s belt, the reduction will probably be in the support staff in view of President Fleming's state- ment that "faculty members are our most important asset and we know it." The purpose of the UM is to educate students and although the clerical staff is very important to the Univer- sity, ours is a supparting role and we should notlose sight of ,that fact. Contrary to pro-union allega- tions, we are not a front for the University administrationn-r are we members of the admin- istration. We are dedicated sec- retaries and clerks who are vit- ally concerned that the effects the UAW will have on wages, benefits, jobs and employ mr- ale will be negative. WE URGE everyone to vote in the election. Be honest with yourself and vote your convc- tions. A "no" vote is in the best interests of the clerical staff at this time. --Secretaries for Nonunionization (formerly Concerned Secretaries) ethics To The Daily: AS A MEMBER of the faculty of this University I would lke to protest that treatment ac- corded two students in an inter- view given by football coach Jerry Hanlon to John Kahler in the Daily on Tuesday, October 8th. The students in question, Greg Boik and Gary Zolociak (neither of whom I know), are singled out by name as having left the team this fall, and then are criticized by their coach. I give the quotation: "They lost the desire to piav," says Hanlon with a touch of disappointment in his voice. "Most kids who come here are willing to accept the challenge and work to achieve somethng. Freshmen come in here, find they can't play right away, and become impatient. But that does not necessarily mean that you quit. You just keep on working to get better." I DON'T KNOW why the two left the team, but I presume there is still freedom of action for students here without their having to be publicly accused of being quitters. I think it is in very bad taste and not in ac- cord with Michigan tradition that Mr. Hanlon, who is an instruc- tor, hence a member of the faculty, should single out two young men in the way that he did and with the innuendo im- plicit in his statements. I con- sider the matter disturbing enough to bring to the attention of the campus and to ask that Coach Hanlon publicly apologize to Messrs. Boik and Zolciak. -Louis J. Orlin Dept. of Near Eastern Studies October 9 swami To The Daily: ALL THE PR in the world will not a sovior make. I too was one of the interested who came to hear Baba Muktananda speak a few weeks ago, and I have seen many "gurus" over the last few years, and have been hoping to find one who at fast commanded a certai amount of human respect and warmth. Alas, the Swami was not one. It was his responsibil- ity to be personally convincing, and he flunked: such people of- ten claim their audience is riot receptive - it's a self-enclosed system the Swami lives in. What I saw, however, was a nervous, impatient, rather bored o 1 d man who sat there twitching, rubbing himself, grimacing, try- ing to upstage whatever else was going on, talking his Ind- ian gibberish through a trans- lator (through whom even a phone book would sound apo- calyptic), a man who didn't even care enough to communi- cate directly, who projected lit- tle warmth, compassion, fascin- ation with anything other than his own presence, who "played" with people the way any auto- crat does, and whose message was strewn with esoteric refer- ences, such as "cleansing the body's 72,000 c h a n n e ls," (I count only 71,343 in my (wn) rather than anything we might be able to relate to. The fol- lowing night, however, a man did speak, Diego Dias Porta, who did project a great deal of caring, common sense, arother- hood, humor and tolerance. But then, he was Mexican, not from the mysterious East. The news media, of course, depend on a certain degree of superficial bra- vado to provide them with a good story. One of these days, maybe someone will publisn in to student's own Daily a per- spective on these self-proclaim- ed saviors that is less tnan re- spectful. -Paul B. Wiener October 7 ' 1&) T~I A 2Ak)C6 TD7M~3 MY U~ FOR' I kv%~v6Nc) 1- AFFLMA Z Sv P61it2Y FOP, Fleming chines. These services include photographic or electrostatic copying of problem malerials involving, if desired enlarge- ment or reduction in size some- times requiring trial copies (at no cost to the customer) before an acceptable copy is produced. Individualized services, of well- paid skilled specialists the use of highly technical equipment, and the preponderance of re- quests for single copies rather than multiple copies, necessi- tate a higher charge to the cus- tomer than the charge for use of a self-copying machine or the charge made by some private local businesses. The cost to the Library's Photoduplication Serv- ice for the fee to the Xerox Co. and for supplies exceeds five cents per copy. A compari- son of rates charged on other campuses shows that our rares are comparable. Mr. Hagen as- serts that "at the University of Washington, the main library copying service provides single Xerox copies at about 5 cents (T -.9 H" jjT I F- .: :; .:r ....? . '{". }4t'. " :;:o. Contact your reps- ' 1 kAI t ('