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Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXV, No. 44
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 25, 1974
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Improvements slated
The city's planning and administrative depart-
ments have released a Capital Improvements Bud-
get Program covering the next six years and to-
taling $133 million. About thirty percent of next
year's proposed $10 million budget would involve
acquisition and development of city parks. Other
priorities include $42 million for needed storm drain
improvements and $1 million to resurface streets.
To pay for these improvements the report suggests
that two bond issues and a tax raise be submitted
to voters for approval. A $5 million park bond is-
sue is recommended for 1976, and an $8 or $9 mil-
lion general obligation bond issue is suggested for
next year or early 1976. And a tax rise of 4.48 mills
over 1975-76 was suggested to cover the storm
drain improvements.
Fahr murder trial
Thirty-two-year-old Orville Davis was bound over
for trial in Charlotte, Mi., yesterday for the 1973
slaying of University coed Melanie Fahr. Fifteen
witnesses testified against Davis at a two-day pre-
liminary hearing in Eaton County District Court.
He was bound over on first-degree murder charges
in the shotgun slaying of Fahr, a 19-year-old stu-
dent from Birmingham. Her body was discovered
in an Eaton County field last November, some eight
months after her disappearance from campus.
Davis was arrested last March in Milwaukee,
Wisc., following a dramatic running gun battle
with police. Fahr's car was recovered after the
109 and 308...
... are this week's winning lottery numbers. If
you've pulled both numbers, you can qualify for a
super drawing enabling you, with luck, to win at
least $10,000 and possibly as much as $200,000.
If you have either 109 or 388 you win $25 and
qualify for the million dollar drawing. You've got
to have both 809 and 443 to win $5,000 in the sec-
ond chance drawing. Winning numbers for the Oct.
24 Jackpot Gold $1 tickets are 246181, 73157 and 884.
. . are on the wane today, but there are at
least a few exciting events to spice up your day.
At noon, Democratic County Commissioner Kathy
Fojtik will face her HRP challenger, candidate
Diane Hall, in a debate at the New Morning Book-
store, 124 East Washington . . . this year's Ozone
Parade to celebrate homecoming will begin at 3
p.m. Participants should meet at Stadium Gate 10
at 2 p.m. The best costume and float will be
judged at the Union. The theme: "First I look at
the Purse" . . . the Council for Exceptional Chil-
dren will hold a social from 3 to 6 p.m. at Trotter
House, and are inviting all special education peo-
ple . . . and finally, The Newman Club will meet
at 8 p.m. in the lower chapel of St. Mary's Stu-
dent Chapel. Fr. John Whitney of College St. Scho-
lastica will speak.
Nazis in Boston
Three members of the American Nazi Party
were arrested yesterday on charges of attempting
to incite riot in the city that is rapidly becoming
the Selma of the North - Boston. Among the men
arrested was Harold Mantius of Arlington, Va., the
self-styled leader of a group calling itself the Revo-
lutionary Voice of National Socialism. The Nazis,
who apparently oppose Boston's court-ordered
busing desegregation program rather vociferously,
appeared in Boston twice during the first week of
classes. At that time they drove through the city
in a large yellow school bus displaying "White
Power" signs before they were escorted out of
state by police. Otherwise, only one minor inci-
dent was reported in America's bulwark of liber-
alism: a 17-year-old black student was sprayed in
the face with a chemical by two white youths
while trying to attend classes.
'Roo still missing
Chicago's finest are still pursuing the kangeroo
that has beenhhopping along the city's streets since
Friday, and here's the latest: Australian wildlife
experts have offered some advice on how Chi-
cago's men in blue should find the zoo escapee.
Bill Poole, a government wildlife specialist, says
they should first try to corner him, "walk up slow-
ly up to him and grab his taiL" Randy Bush, a
former cowboy in Australia's kangeroo country,
suggests the searcher dress up in a kangeroo skin
coat, approach the animal and make a mating
gesture. A chuckwagon cook, who likes to prepare
kangeroo tail soup, says authorities ought to hide
behind a bush until the escaped 'roo approaches,
then toss a handful of salt on his tail: In any case,
they say it'll be rough trying to find an animal
that can hop along at 30 miles an hour and leap
10-foot high obstacles.
On the inside ,.
.. . Fred Upton previews the hockey opener
with Ohio State on the Sports page . . . Cinema
Weekend appears on the Arts page . . . and Beth
Nissen writes about the joys of children on the
Rrlinrin nna
of local
dope ring
One of the most massive dope
smuggling operations in Ann Ar-
bor history was exposed Wed-
nesday when federal indict-
ments were brought against ten
persons, including three local
men, on charges they smuggled
a two and a half ton truckload
of marijuana from Mexico to
Ann Arbor in early April 1973.
The value of the grass on the
retail "market" was estimated
by police to approach one mil-
lion dollars.
STEVEN Burns, Paul Mori-
gi and Mary Hyman, all iden-
tified as Ann Arbor residents,
were named by a Chicago feder-
al grand jury in a four-count
indictment. The charges are
conspiracy to distribute mari-
juana, possession of marijuana
and interstate travel to sell con-
trolled substances.
Also charged are five Mexi-
cans, a Chicagoan, and another
as - yet unidentified person.
Three of the suspects, including
Hyman, are presently in cus-
tody, and federal agents said
the rest are being sought. ,
While details of the operation
are still incomplete, federal
agents said yesterday that the
marijuana apparently traveled
in the following fashion:
FROM fields south of Rey-
nosa, Mexico, it was smuggled
across the border to McAllen,
Texas. In McAllen, the grass
was loaded onto a semi-trailer
truck owned by one of the de-
fendants, and then driven to
On Chicago's south side, the
marijuana, or all but a small
part of it, was transferred to a
Hertz rent-a-truck for shipment
to Ann Arbor. Agents said the
grass reached this city on about
April 10, 1973.
Asked how the case was brok-
en, a federal agent in Chicago
said "we have some information
from informants, and extensive
investigation into the case cor-
roborated that information."
THE AGENT, who asked not
to be identified, said a customs
raid in Chicago that uncovered
See DOPE, Page 10
S peaks on behalf
of GPcandidates
CHICAGO (T)--President Ford campaigned yesterday
through Middle America for Republican congressional
candidates, charging that Democrats in Congress are to
blame for the nation's economic ills and will "drive the
budget deeper into the red and the rate of inflation higher
into the blue."
At each stop in his 15-hour campaign day, Ford
pressed his effort to stave off predicted major Democratic
gains in Congress.
"Some of the friends in the opposition seem to think that what
is needed is a veto-proof Congress," Ford told 1,000 persons at a
$50-a-plate luncheon in Des Moines. "The fact of the matter is that
it was heavy Democratic majorities over the years which helped
create most of the problems we are faced with today."
He then posed a question:
AP Photo
Nothing is better for thee ...
... than ine
Homer Hudson, of Hart, Mich., certainly agrees with the old Quaker Oats slogan. He's been eat-
ing oatmeal for breakfast ever since he was old enough to hold a spoon. "I've eaten it all my
life," the 90-year-old retired farmer said, "aocd I've never gone to a doctor because of sick-
ness." He has 300 of the empty two-pound boxes in his house.
"ARE YOU-are we-going
which produced those problems
in the first place-problems of
ever rising prices, of piling
more centralization of power on
to Washington, of undermining
o'w foreign relationstwith hand-
cliff restrictions on the policies
of the President and the secre-
tary of state."
The problems of the past,
Ford declared, "are largely the
faihnre of legislative dictator-
ship by a party so snug in its
seniority that it no longer re-
snonded to the true needs of the
Ford heartily endorsed the re-
election campaign of Iowa's Re-
publican governor, Robert Ray,
and plugged for the election of
the state's GOP congressional
BEFORE THE luncheon, Ford
stood on the steps beneath the
state's gold-domed Capitol and
told a crowd estimated at about
10,000 that he understands farm-
er unhappiness, andthe added:
"1 pledge to you today...
that I will do everything in my
power to make sure that the
American farmer is fully re-
warded for services rendered.
America owes that to the farm-
er. And so does the world."
Ford made no direct refer-
ence to his recent move to slow
down grainnshipments to Russia
-a decision opposed by many
in the farm belt. He declared
it is time to expand farming in
America because "food is the
basic key to world peace."
HIS SPEECH on the Capitol
steps was billed as nonpartisan
but he openly urged Ray's re-
election and said that in Con-
gress "our delicately balanced
two-party system is in some
trouble, some jeopardy."
"If one party upsets that bal-
ance because members of the
other party were too apathetic
to get out and vote, then we
stand guilty of abusing the
American electoral process and
forfeiting hope for effective gov-
ernment." Ford said.
"I urge you to neIp keep this
great, balanced system intact.
Let us not lose it by default."
Winding up a fast-paced day
of politicking with a $250-a-plate
See FORD, Page 2
to continue down the same road
for Nixon
LONG BEACH, Calif. (A') -
Richard Nixon was reported
yesterday to be depressed and
in heavy pain as his doctor
weighed whether surgery is
needed to combat the former
president's phlebitis.
Dr. John Lungren said the
decision on whether Nixon will
need surgery will depend on
whether hospital - administered
anticoagulant drugs are suc-
cessful in treating the inflamed
veins which have painfully
swollen Nixon's left leg.
In phlebitis surgery, the in-
flamed veins are often tied off.
"He came in last night for
tests and didn't expect to stay"
the source close to Nixon said.
"They told him it was a very
dangerous situation, and when
they told him this he became
very depressed and grumpy."
"Yesterday he was in very
bad spirits. The clot situation
is worse than they thought. He
was having heavy pain. Unfor-
tunately, he was working con-
stantly at home on his book and
papers so at least he'll get a
rest here," the source added.
He said allegations that Nixon
may be using his illness to
keep from testifying at the Wat-
ergate cover-up trial "really
doesn't bother him at all. He
doesn't care what people say."
The blood - clotting could
threaten Nixon's life if a clot
in his leg could break loose,
travel through the bloodstream
and lodge in his heart.
N i x o n' s hospitalization on
Wednesday was unexpected.
Lungren had maintained pre-
viously that Nixon was doing
Sirica pa
less- than
pis Dean
'lily white'
By AP and Reuter
Judge John Sirica yesterday
described John Dean, the prose-
cution's chief witness in the
Watergate cover-up trials as
less than a "lily-white angel
in this case."
As the jurors listened, Sirica
said it is up to them to decide
what parts of Dean's testimony
to believe.
SIRICA also said yesterday
that former Attorney General
John Mitchell should have
thrown out the architects of the
Watergate break-in when the
political espionage plot was be-
ing hatched in 1972.
Judge Sirica's frank comment
came while the jury in the
Watergate cover-up case was
out of the room during a brief
lawyers' conference. But the
judge added that perhaps he
should not make such an ob-
"I suppose a judge shouldn't
say anything, because every-
time I say something people
put the wrong interpretation on
it,' he said after a brief wrangle
between trial Chief Prosecutor
James Neal and William Frates,
lawyer for one of the accused,
John Ehrlichman.
I'LL TELL you what is in
my mind," he said. "It's too
bad that Mr. Mitchell didn't
say throw them out of here, get
them out fast, and you wouldn't
be in this courtroom today."
On a day also marked by
several heated exchanges
See LAWYERS, Page 2
HRP launches rent,
child care petitions
The Human Rights Party
(HRP) announced yesterday
that petition drives would begin
today to place rent control and
child care funding referendums
on next April's ballot.
The child care funding pro-
posal would require that no less
than 1.7 per cent (some $300,-
000) of city revenues be ap-
propriated to non-profit day
care centers.
UNDER the proposal, day
Former Student Government
Council President Bill Jacobs
care monies would be appropri-
ated by either the city admin-
istrator or City Council "insur-
ing that the needs of low-income
residents are met."
The rent control measure
aims at municipal control of
rents to prevent abuse of ten-
ants' rights and exorbitant
HRP backed a similar pro-
posal which was defeated in
last April's city elections by an
18 per cent margin.
HRP rewrote the original pro-
posal after seeking opinions
from local Democrats, the
Mayor's Blue Ribbon Commis-
sion on rent -control, economic
professors and lawyers.
The new proposal differs from
the previous effort mainly in
giving greater exemptions for
small landlords, increasing in-
centives for capital improve-
ments, changing rent adjust-
ments and reorganizing the rent
control board.
Democratic council members
Jamie Kenworthy, Colleen Mc-
Gee and Norris Thomas have
expressed approval of HRP's
intentions but favored a rent
cnntrol ordinane inted nn h
Striding briskly into the Lawyers' Club gt
Lounge with a dark blue suit coat slung loan
over his shoulder and a campaign grin ban
on his face, Democratic gubernatorial stud
candidate Sander Levin looked ready to N
face just about anything. legs
However, it soon became apparent did
that he was reluctant to discuss many of aud
the issues raised by the predominantly wer
student audience. "
n c
Mi ilken
emently asserted his support for
ranteed student loans.
We've got to expand the state student
n program. Under my administration,
ks will be sensitive to the needs of
dents," he promised.
EXT THE question of . marijuana
alization came up-a subject Levin
not seem anxious to discuss with an
ience in which at least two people
e openly smoking dope.
The jury isn't in yet on marijuana,"
said. "We have to wait and see what
longterm effects are, and right now
m opposed to its legalization."
osing to Governor Milliken by a mere
per cent of the vote in 1970, Levinm
headed for another tight contest this
e and is doing his utmost to hang
to both moderate and liberal support-
eat made more difficult by the can-
campaign profile
LAST MONTH'S appearance at the
University was probably one of the more
uncomfortable moments in Levin's fall
campaign. There were no babies to kiss,
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