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Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
Vol. LXXXV, No. 43 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 24, 1974 Ten Cents
Ten Wages
OK with the guv
Governor William Milliken has officially approv-
ed the legality of the preferential voting proposal
that will appear on your November ballot as Pro-
posal G. In a letter dated Oct. 8, Milliken okayed
the recommendation made by the attorney gener-
al's office. The office had indicated approval with
a cautionary note for careful administration of the
plan by city officials. The proposal is backed by
Democrats and was originated by the Human
Rights Party.
Ypsi holdup
The FBI nabbed a third suspect Tuesday in con-
nection with last month's dramatic kidnapping-ab-
duction of an Ypsilanti banker and his family. The
suspect, 23-year-old Dennis Davis of Pittsfield
Township, is accused of being one of the five men
who held Ypsilanti Savings Bank branch manager
Richard Green captive, forced him to rob his own
bank, and abducted his wife and two children. Two
other suspects have been arrested in California.
Davis was scheduled to be arraigned yesterday in
Collins at court
John Norman Collins, the man who was con-
victed of the sex slaying of an EMU coed and sus-
pected of several others, has lost another bid for
freedom. Collins and his attorney, Neil Fink of De-
troit, have contended that pre-trial publicity pre-
cluded the possibility of a fair trial for Collins.
In the four years since his conviction, Fink
has exhausted virtually every avenue of appeal
for Collins. Tuesday, the U. S. Supreme Court re-
fused to review his conviction. Collins is presently
serving a life term in Southern Michigan Prison
for the murder of Karen Sue Beineman, an 18-year-
old coed from Grand Rapids. She was the last vic-
tim in a string of seven sex slayings in the Ann
Arbor - Ypsilanti area during a two-year period.
Happenings.. ,
. . . are burgeoning today, midterms notwith-
standing. A Homecoming pep rally will be held
at 8 p.m. at Sigma Chi, the fraternity next to the
Union. Doc Losh, Ann Arbor's perennial homecom-
ing queen, will be featured . . . in a more serious
vein, the Michigan Women in Science will meet
at the same time to discuss programs, projects
and goals in Rackham's West Conference Room
... Concerned Clericals for Action/UAW will hold
a lunch hour meeting at the North Campus Com-
mons Snack Bar from noon to 1 p.m. . . . Of
course, the Bach Club will hold its weekly meet-
ing at 8 p.m. in East Quad's Green Lounge . . .
Dr. Pierre Goosens, a visiting geology prof from
Michigan Tech will speak 'at 4 p.m. in Rm. 1528 of
the C. C. Little Bldg. . . . if you can truck the dis-
tance, EMU interior design students and staff are
presenting a program on Oriental design in the
Roosevelt Hall Auditorium at 7 p.m. . . . the Ski
Team will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Kuenzel Room
of the Union . . . and finally, the Human Rights
Party will hold its October mass meeting at 7:30
p.m. on the fourth floor of the Union.
McCracken speaks
An administration economic advisor - better
known to students as famed University econ Prof.
Paul McCracken - said yesterday at President
Ford's economic summit in Washington that the
nation appears to be headed for a sharp but short
recession. "I think we are probably in the early
stages of what could turn out to be a V-type reces-
sion," said the prof. McCracken described such
a recession as a sharp, but brief, drop in economic
activity. He compared it to more "saucer-like" re-
cent recessions which have been characterized by
a slight deterioration in the economv extended over
a long time period. McCracken, traditionally an ad-
vocate of tight money, called for further easing
of the government's tight money policies.
You think you've got problems: A band of
thieves in Chicago yesterday had to leave behind
$21 million in booty because they didn't have the
time or ability to pull off the operation. Neverthe-
less, it was still the largest cash haul in American
history, with $4 million stolen in the armored ve-
hicle heist. "They got away with as much as they
could in the time that they had," said Cmdr. Vic-
tor Vrdolyak. Vrdolyak said the $25 million was in
$1, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 bills. The cash was
stored in the vault in steel containers, and the
thieves broke into four of the containers. Vrdolyak
said it would have taken at least five or six per-
sons to do the record job.
On the inside ...
... Ken Stein examines King Hussein's relation-
ship to Palestinians on the Editorial Page . . .
Charles Smith reviews last night's University Mu-
sical Society performance . . . and, on the Sports
Page, Rich Lerner takes a look at the 1939-40 Min-
on Dems
Strauss slams tactics
WASHINGTON (P) - President Ford yester-
day announced he will step up his personal
role in the Republican campaign as his attack
on the Democrats Tuesday drew hostile reaction.
Democratic National Chairman Robert Strauss
yesterday described Ford's statement that a
Democratic victory could jeopardize world peace
as "reminiscent of the 1970 campaign efforts of
President Nixon and Vice President Agnew."
WHITE HOUSE Press Secretary Ron Nessen,
announcing Ford's increased stumping sched-
ule, said the President feels the contrast between
his speeches and the vitriolic 1970 campaign of
Nixon and Agnew reflected "the difference be-
tween night and day."
PRESDENTFOR: "I we et he wong The press secretary said he knew of no spe-
cific Democratic candidates Ford had in mind
in talking about jeopardy to world peace.
Ford announced an expansion of plans for pre-
election campaign travel.
AFTER appearances today in DesMoines, Mel-
vin, 111., and
will go to his
Chicago, Nessen said the President
home town of Grand Rapids, Mich.,
next Tuesday and embark Oct. 31 on a three-day
campaign swing through five states.
Ford will fly to Los Angeles Oct. 31 and spend
the night there after attending a GOP fundrais-
ing affair. On Nov. 1 he will speak in Fresno,
Calif., and Portland, Ore., spending the night in
The President will return to Washington Nov.
2 via Salt Lake City; Grand Junction, Colo., and
Wichita, Kan.
"I THINK probably this wraps up the Presi-
dent's campaign schedule," Nessen said.
Ford made his warning that a big Democratic
election victory could threaten world peace at a
GOP rally in Oklahoma City.
Later Tuesday, Ford stopped in Cleveland and
See STRAUSS, Page 7
PRESIDENT FORD: "If we get the wrong
kind of Congress , peace could be in jeopardy."
hopefuls '.
Candidates nearly outnumber-
ed voters at a debate last night
featuring hopefuls in the Uni-
versity Board of Regents race.
A sparse crowd of 25 heard
arguments from 11 of the 15
candidates on the Nov. 5 ballot
who will fill two vacancies on
the eight-member board.
LIBERAL and radical candi-
dates stressed proposals for
ending alleged discrimination
against women and minorities
by the University, while con-
servatives tended to concentrate
on financial problems.
"My main concern is that
the University must not be per-
mitted to continue its present
racist and sexist policies," said
Democrat Sarah Power. She
argued that the University "has What's it ta
not been meeting its responsi- view of 83-y
bilities" in hiring blacks and a retired m
women, and pointed out that to a major
there is only one black female
professor at the University.i
Both Human Rights Party A PPEA
(HRP) candidates, Ellen Hoff-
man and Diane Kohn, pledged
support for affirmative action
guidelines to hire more blacksD
and women and give them in-
creased decision-making pow-
HRP AND Democratic candi-
dates also backed proposals to
allow students to sit on the Re-
gents' Board. By DAVID
"I think a student should be The State C
seated on the Board immedi- ruled yesterda
ately," Hoffman argued. "In accused of ma
the past, the Board has shown can be convi
a lack of concern for students." physical evide
She contended that student stance involved
voting m e m b e r s should be the prosecution
elected by students rather than The judgess
the entire electorate. an expert wi
enough for co
REPUBLICAN candidate Dona
Parker said she opposed im- ACCORDING
medite seating of a student as sources contac
a voting regent, arguinv instead decision mayz
that the state law should be for anyone wh
changed to allow students to with another p
that fact in co
See REGENT, Page 2 testimony conv
ROBERT STRAUSS: "This kind of rhetoric is
reminiscent of the Nixon-Agnew campaign of
Haldeman 'S
lawyer calls
WASHINGTON QP-The judge at the Watergate cover-
up trial was accused of being "palpably unfair" by a
defense lawyer yesterday during a fist-pounding, shouting
argument out of the jury's hearing.
The dispute between U.S. District Judge John Sirica
and John Wilson-both in their 70s and long-time
acquaintances-lasted only a few minutes, and the issue
later was resolved amicably.
IT CAME as Wilson, representing H. R. Haldeman, was cross-
examining the lead-off government witness, former White House
AP Photo
Street-level politics
ke to be a candidate? Not much more than a well-drawn sandwich sign, in the
year-old Lionel Weeks, shown out on the campaign trail in Denver yesterday. Weeks,
nan, is running for Colorado's First Congressional District seat. He doesn't belong
party, and has no experience in politics-splendid qualifications these days.
rug case evidence
counsel John Dean, and com-
paring his testimony at the
Senate Watergate hearings with
tape recordings played for the
jury earlier.
Later, the attorney for de-
fendant John Mitchell got Dean
to admit. he was willing to place
blame for the Watergate break-
in on Mitchell, a former attor-
ney general, although he had
"no direct evidence" that Mit-
chell authorized the burglary,
which occurred June 17, 1972.
"You joined in the plan to
have Mitchell step forward to
save yourself?" asked attorney
William Hundley.
"IT WOULD have saved
everybody in the White House,"
Dean replied.
"You had no real evidence
Mitchell authorized the bur-
"I had no direct evidence."
By day's end, Hundley had not
finished his cross-examination
of Dean, on the witness stand
for the sixth day. Lawyers for
the other three defendants, John
Ehrlichman, Robert Mardian
and Kenneth Parkinson also are
expected to cross examine him.
See LAWYER, Page 7
i i
ROCKMART, Ga. (Rf) -- Sev-
en children died and 72 others
were injured yesterday when a
work train backed into a crowd-
ed bus and dragged it hundreds
of feet before leaving it crushed
beneath the caboose.
The dead ranged in age from
6 to 12. The driver of the bus
was also injured.
"I LOOKED up. I saw the
train coming, then I heard a
thump when it hit and every-
body started rolling over. Ev-
erybody was screaming and
crying," said Bobby Bannister,
See BUS, Page 7
Court of Appeals
ay that persons
rijuana possession
cted even if no
ence of the sub-
d is produced by
said testimony of
witness alone is
to several
ted last night, the
make it possible
o has used drugs
erson to testify to
urt, and have the
ict the defendant.
Nixon re-admitted to
Hospital for 'tests'
The appeals court decision is
a result of a case involving two
Upper Peninsula youths, Victor
Belleville and Edward Dale,
who were originally convicted
of the testimony of two young
police informers.
The informers testified they
had bought marijuana from
Belleville and Dale, but that
they had smoked the evidence.
ESCANABA l a w y e r Nino
Green handled the case, and
appealed to the state court on
the grounds that the original
judge's instructions were im-
proper, that important witnesses
were not called, and that no
physical evidence of the sub-
stance was produced.
The high court reversed the
conviction on the first two
points, and then made the con-
troversial ruling on the third
Details of the decision nave
not yet been released, and the
impact of the decision cannot
yet be accurately assessed.
But local attorneys Jonathan
and Jeremy Rose said last night
that the ruling appears to con-
flict with previous supreme
court decisions.
The two said the law requires
that it first must be proven a
crime was committed before a
defendant can be convicted of
that crime.
THE COURT'S opinion read,
"When marijuana has been
consumed, it is often impossible
to bring physical evidence of
tne charge before the fact-
finder. The main witness testi-
Sorority initiates first man
in 65 years: Wi lbur Cohen
The police informers, accord-
ing to Green, would be con-
sidered accomplices bemause
they participated in the illegal
GREEN and the Roses have
agreed to consider filing a joint
appeal to the state Supreme
See COURT, Page 7
LONG BEACH, Calif (A) -
Former President Richard Nix-
on reported back to Memorial
Hospital Medical Center of
Long Beach late last night for
further diagnostic tests related
to the phlebitis condition in his
left leg.
Jack Weiblen, hospital vice
president, said Nixon returned
to the hospital for "repeat diag-
nostic tests." He did not elabo-
"WE HAVE no plans to ad-
mit him," Weiblen added.
sician, Dr. John Lungren, was
administering the tests.
Weiblen said Nixon, wearing
a gray suit and limping slightly
reported to the hospital at about
6:10 p.m. PDT.
"It was planned earlier in the
day," Weiblen said. "It was not
an emergency."
NIXON apparently made the
50-mile trip to Long Beach from
his home at San Clemente by
car. It was not immediately
known if any members of his
family accompanied him.
A news photographer said
Pi Lambda Theta, a women's
honorary society, inducted a
stunning, five-foot-nine-inch bru-
nette last night. The horn-rim-
med glasses and tell-tale signs
of grey could not detract from
the obvious impression the new
member made on the old guard.
Wilbur Cohen was an instant
Cohen, dean of the Univer-
sity's Education School, was the
first guy to make it into the
previously segregated ranks of
Pi Lambda Theta in its 65-year
history. Flustered and pink in
the face, he announced: "Of all
the things I've done in forty
years, this is the most unusual."
He added, "I'll look forward to
seeiAg more men here."
COHEN, of course, had to
battle the usual p-r e j u d i c e
particular case. This is consid-
ered a common hazard in af-
firmative action programs.
Another spur to enlist Wilbur
might have been the decision
of the group's male counterpart,
Phi Delta Kappa, to integrate
six months ago. They inducted
their first woman last March,
and initiated another six last
The two organizations are
now merged in everything but
name. They sponsor programs
jointly, such as seminars in
education. Both recruit the ma-
jority of their members from
the field of education, although
Pi Lambda Theta will accept
anyone who has taken courses
in the education school, and Phi
Delta Kappa bestows honorary
memberships to men and wo-
men in related fields.
Sorority sister:
Wilbur Cohen