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October 23, 1974 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1974-10-23

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i1he £fir4ign Daitg
Eighty-four years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan


Wednesday, October 23, 1974

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104

BEING FROM PHILADELPHIA, the small item on
the back page of The Detroit Free Press, titled
"Banned in Philadelphia", caught my eye. Even more
interesting, it involved a TV station where I worked
for two summers several years ago.
This station has a somewhat unusual history. WFIL,
as it was known then, was owned by Walter Annenberg.
Annenberg is presently U. S. Ambassador to Great Bri-
tain, an appointee and close friend of, and large con-
tributor to, a notorious former President.
There are some great stories about Annenberg, many
true, some undoubtedly apocryphal. One involves his
Palm Springs estate, where Nixon has stayed several
times. Faced with the huge cost of watering his private
golf course, Annenberg is supposed to have purchased
the local water company.
Annenberg inherited a large chunk of money from
his father, who made it supplying horse race informa-
tion to bookies and was a veteran of Chicago's violent
newspaper circulation wars. Old Moe Annenberg wasn't
too careful, though, and did a stretch in Federal prison
for income tax evasion.
ONE OF THE THINGS young Walter inherited was
The Philadelphia Inquirer, the city's morning news-
paper. He added a huge communications empire, in-
cluding another Philadelphia daily paper, a string of
radio and television stations, Seventeen magazine, and
the crown jewel, TV Guide, the tube tabloid that sells

in rnuci
15 milhon copies a week. Still, The Inquirer was An-
nenberg's main interest.
Annenberg used the paper as his personal tool. -If
someone crossed Annenberg, he felt the effects on The
Inquirer's front page. One of Annenberg's most not-
able victims was Milton Shapp, now Governor of Penn-
When Shapp was running, unsuccessfully, for. Gov-
ernor in 1966, Annenberg sent reporters to Shapp press
conferences to ask the candidate about an invented
history of hospitalization for mental problems. Shapp
had never had such treatment, and would say so. Next
day, The Inquirer would dutifully report; "Shapp Again
Denies Mental Treatment."
McCloskey, millionaire Phila. builder and one-time
Treasurer of the Democratic National Committee. Mc-
Closkey made Annenberg's black list back in the 1930's,
when he refused to approach FDR about a pardon for
Annenberg's convict father.
McCloskey was, by Annenberg's orders, one of a
number of individuals whose picture was never to ap-
pear in The Inquirer. Well aware of this, McCloskey
once cleverly positioned himself between the presenter
and the recipient of the prestigious Wanamaker Award.
The Inquirer had to run a picture of the event, so An-
nenberg simply had McCloskey airbrushed out of it.
Annenberg didn't take much of a personal interest in



de Ip hi a.
WFIL, but the people he hired to run it reflected his
style. I witnessed at least two incidents of censorship
while I worked there. Once, a John Hartford "protest"
song was edited of a local show as "unAmerican".
Another time, a rather mild parody of the strict dating
and . "petting" rules supposedly taught in Catholic
schools was edited out of a Steve Allen show.
other cities, Annenberg sold his newspapers and most
of his radio and television properties several years
ago. The Inquirer is now owned by Knight newspapers,
owner of The Free Press. WFIL, now WPVI, is owned
by Capital Cities Broadcasting, owners of Detroit's re-
spected WJR.
I was a bit disappointed to see that WPVI was cen-
soring a network show. I thought that had all ended
with Annenberg's reign. I needn't have been disturbed.
A lot has happened in a few years. The Knight-run
Inquirer endorsed Shapp in 1970, and he's likely to be
re-elected this year. Nixon is gone, and Annenberg is
retiring as ambassador. And who did Ford want to
replace him with? The darling of effete snobs, J. Wil-
liam Fulbright.
Meanwhile, in Philadelphia, WPVI was cancelling an
episode of Marcus Welby. Why? According to a WPVI
snokesperson, the show "presented a false stereotype
of homosexuals as persons who pursue and assault
young bovs." Perhaps, after all, the times are a chang-
in', for the better.


Letters to Thte Daily

President's Mediocrity
leading us to depression

ROTC credit? Not here

f LSA curriculum of ROTC courses
such as "Theory and Dynamics of
Military Team Management" and
"Amphibious Warfare" would be
amusing if there were no chance of
passage in the LSA curriculum com-
mittee. However, various expressed
opinions lead to the belief that such
courses may soon become an approv-
ed portion of the University catalog.
The reasoning is expressed in phi-
losophy Prof. Carl Cohen's state-
ment, "If we give credit for working
on a kibbutz, then we must give cre-
dit for working in a trench."
Such logic fails on two counts.
First, it is true that students receive
credit for activities not directly at-
tached to he Universiy curriculum
and not exclusively considered as
academic subjects. But this is not
given sight unseen. It is instead re-
viewed afterward and involves indi-
vidual students receiving attention
for their separate experiences. There
is no authorized, accredited program
for working in a kibbutz. If those in-
volved in ROTC wish to receive cre-
dit for their camp outings, let them
do it the way everyone else does.
proach taken by the curriculum
committee, the question of ROTC
credit is a political one. As LSA As-
sociate Dean Charles Witke stated,
"This brings up the whole damn

continue it. As long as the war in
Southeast Asia continues with the
support of the American government,
any LSA action to reverse its stand
would be unacceptable.
If "the (1969) ROTC decision came
out of faculty disenchantment with
the war in Vietnam," then are we to
believe that once the media empha-
sis on the war is over, that it is time
to begin rebuilding of military and
quasi-military institutions? Certain-
ly this attitude was instrumental in
developing the national ethos that
led to the original Vietnam involve-
tary rather than university-bas-
ed institution is exemplified by its
use of instructors assigned by outside
agencies. If the LSA faculty accre-
dits such courses and such teachers
then it rejects the feeling, at least of
the University community, that the
time is right for the reduction of the
military and military values.
To divorce the political question is
to make a drastic mistake. Univer-
sity curriculum reflects the official
attitude of elements within the com-
munity. If a decision is to be made
regarding ROTC, then that decision
must express disapproval of the at-
titudes and practices that led to the
proliferation of the war in Vietnam
and its continuing American support.
Dean Witke said, "If military educa-
tion is in trouble, maybe the country
is moving in a new direction." Hope-
fully, the LSA curriculum committee
and the LSA faculty will take note of
such a direction and endorse it by
rejecting the ROTC application for
course credit.

To The Daily:
tik" letters to the Editor in
yesterday's Daily: My public
apologies to the Free People's
Clinic Staff, the three individ-
uals who have spent 2,000 hours
on the picket lines, and to any-
one who may think that I have
"changed my story."
I accept full responsibility for
the content and style of my
campaign literature. I am ac-
countable for my actions both
on and off the Board of Com-
missioners. I'm happy to -see
so much interest in county gov-
ernment and my campaign for
First, I would like to clarify
that the picture of the Free
People's Clinic sign in my bro-
chure was not meant to imply
"endorsement," but rather my
personal support for the good
work that goes on at the
clinic. The County has in the
past, as an arm of the state,
paid for the V.D. testing at the
Free People's Clinic, and I ex-
pect this practice to continue.
Also, I have worked with some
of the Free People's Clinic staff
on the County Health Planning
Committee and I though that a
good working relationship ex-
isted between the Clinic and my
Human Services Committee of
the County and the Health Plan-
ning Clinic which I chair. How-
ever, if the picture of the sign
was misleading, it will be de-,
SECOND, AS ONE who over
the years has supported ac-
tively the Lettuce and Grape
Boycotts, and now the Wine
Boycott, I'm sorry to say that
I have not been as active in the
past months, as I had been pre-
viously. However, if I added the
hours I picketed at Plymouth
Mall, each and every Saturday,
last summer-I'm sure, it would
total at least 50 hours. I have
supported the Farmworkers fi-
nancially and through a resolu-
tion passed by the full Board of
Commissioners, and in many
smaller personal ways. Not for
political reasons, but, as a
"farmperson" myself, Iesup-
port the cause. If I offended any
of the coordinators, I will see
to it that no reference is made
to the boycotts in my future
Third, concerning the travel
charge, when first approached
by the radio I indicated that I
did not abuse travel expendi-
tures, which of course I did not.
I have not changed my story,
because it is not a story, it is
the truth. As I reviewed my
personal records, and the coun-
ty records, I clarified the
amount of money spent by me
in the line of county business.
The figures indicate that $764.81
was the cost to Washtenaw
County for travel and expenses
at out of state meetings which
I attended. This $764.81 repre-
sents 15 per cent of the total
allocation ($5,000.00) in the
convention account of the Board
of Commissioners for 1974. The
September computer print out
indicates that $2,271.86, or 45
per cent of the $5,000 has been
expended to date. Of the 45 per
cent expended, my travel ac-
counts for $764.81 or 33 per
cent. If the Board of Commis-
sioner's staff expenditures are
subtracted, the total conven-
tion expenditures of commis-
sioners to date totals $1,777.30.
Of the total expenditures made
by commissioners, my travel

and some expertise. Again, I
remind everyone that all ex-
penditures were previously ap-
proved ,by the Board of Com-
missioners, checked by the Ex-
ecutive Assistant of the Board
of Commissioners, and' review-
ed by the Controller's Office.
The Controller will verify that
no improper expenditures were
made. I hope this clarifies the
Daily's "excellent" article on
county government, I'm only
sorry that I was not contacted
for my input as the commis-
sioner who represents this area.
I thank the Daily for mention-
ing the "strongest efforts" of
the Board: 1) the Consumer Ac-
tion Center, 2) the Pre-Trial Re-
lease Program and the rehabili-
tation projects in the county
jail, 3) the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti
bus service, 4) improved health
care operations. and 5) the at-
tempt to streamline county gov-
emnment. As the record will
show, I was deeply involved in
the implementation of these new
programs, plus many others.
I'm still convinced that I can
achieve more than my HRP
ononent because I am better
able to work with other Demo-
crats and I certainly do have
more experience. The best thing
I can say about the election on
Nov. 5 is, may the best woman
-Kathleen M. Fojtik
To The Daily:
IN ITS declining days- the
Michigan Daily seems to be
turning more and more reac-
tionary and its reporters more
and more incompetent, The Sep-
tember 27, 1974, issue of the
Daily features a page one ar-
ticle on Governor Milliken and
describes how small children
and housewives rush to meet the
Governor to obtain his auto-
graph. This was a fine, touch-
ing, human interest article, but
in terms of Millikens politics
it told us nothing.
It seems strange that the
Daily is reluctant to reveal Mil-
liken for what he really is, an
old-line conservative Republi-
can. The Daily seems overcome
with Milliken's television im-
age of a sort of nice do-nothing
Dudley Do-Right type person. In
fact was this nice guy Milliken
who in 1972 was chairman of
the Michigan Committee to Re-
elect the President (CREEP)
and who went campaigning for
Nixon all around the country.
Till Nixon actually resigned,
Milliken never opened his mouth
advocating Nixon's resignation
or impeachment for the primes
he committed and for the xiod
of the country. And now Mili-
ken's reaction to Nixon's pard-
on has been to play it safe and
say nothing.
DURING HIS five years as
Governor, Milliken's record has
been distinguished by its lack
of achievement. Four years ago
Milliken called for a broad pro-
gram of education reform to
revise the inherently unfair pro-
perty tax 'and to assure , that
each child no matter where
they might live in the s t a t e
would receive an equal educa-
tion. Due to Milliken's inept
leadership this program never
got off the ground and the k ds
in Detroit are still receivine an
inferior quality education. What
Milliken has done as Governor
is allow Michigan's unemploy-

small part of Milliken's dismal
record as Governor. Hopefully
the Daily will catch on and
start telling students more about
the sad facts of the Millikn
administration because there is
so much to tell.
-Daniel D. Swanson
September 27
To The Daily:
THE AT LEAST 96.5 per cent
of the students who boycotted
the SGC presidential election
have been vindicated - like the
last tw presidential contests,
this one was rigged in favor of
the incumbent, Carl Sandberg.
The notion that a dictatorial
Army Reservist and Administra-
tion flunkey would sweep to a
first-ballot victory - after can-
celling the election last soring
-is ridiculos. Not surprisingly,
all four ballot questions went
the way Sandberg wanted them
But at least SGC is broaden-
ing its base. Vote fraud used to
be purely an insider's preroga-
tive: nowadays the ordinary stu-
dent can join in. As the Dail
and many others discovered,
anybody could vote repeatedly
by cleaning off the mark on
one's ID with any of several
popular solvents (I cleaned
mine with Gordon's Dry Gin).
Also, anybodycould vote out-
side his/her constituency simply
by Iving to the poll workers (or
bribing them, if the Daily is
correct). Carl Sandberg h s
gone Bill Jacobs and Lee Gill
one better -che has democrat-
ized corrution.
-Bob Black
SGC Member-Elect (?)
October 18
men s group
To The Daily:
AS MEN WHO have felt the
isolation society has caused us
to experience, we became or-
ganized into several small
groups where we could exchange
life experiences, relate feelings
and offer emotional suport.
Basically our experiences have
been supportive and we now
feel the need to help any inter-
ested men in coming together
to form their own groups.
There are many reasons men
may feel for organizing. The is-
sues which brought us togtner
were gaining emotional support
from other men, working out
fears and doubts about gayness,
the sex roles we have been
conditioned into, developing a
sensitivity towards other men,
and for some people there was
a desire to make new friends.
Many of us have felt the reed
to learn about our sexism and
to be able to relate to women
in non-oppressive ways.
GROUPS CAN offer people
whatever the members decide
are their needs. Your reasons
may differ from ours, but if
you are feeling certain needs to
meet on a regular basis with
other men, there will be an or-
ganizational meeting of anyone
interested on Sunday, Oct. 27 at
2 p.m. on the fourth floor of the
Michigan Union. If you are in-
terested but are unable to at-
tend, contact one of us. Bill
Mahder, 764-5063;Larry Gales,
663-8226; Eric Pape, 994-0226;
or Jim Oakley, 665-7218.
-Bill Mabder
Larry Gales
Eric Pape
Jim Oakley
October 17

considered the Future Far-
mers of America speech a sig-
nificant news event please sing
the Michigan alma mater. Not
since Spiro Agnew have we seen
the peaks of mediocrity scaled
so easily.
"And here's a letter from
little Salley Win of Grand Rap-
ids, heh heh. She promises not
to spend so much time in the
shower and turn off lights at
night and stuff."
Jerry was warned that so-
liciting the opinions of common
folk would not cure the reces-
sion. Tragically, he thinks
America has bailed him out by
promising to practice auster-
ity for awhile. le better hope
America forgets its promise
If the buying public began to
purchase only what it really
needs, as Ford suggested, the
slump in sales would spell
D-0-0-M for many businesses.
How many more automobiles
could this country really need?
How about power mowers? Is
the public going to pick up the
lost taxes when GM and John
Deere go out of business?
I'VE TIGHTENED my belt to
the last notch, bit the bullet un-
til my jaws ached. stabbed my-
self with a Where Is Nixon?
button and turned off the re-
frigerator when I'm not using
it. Nothing seems to work. In-
flation still exists, according to
the papers.!
Maybe the government should
save some money for itself. But
who in government has extra
money? Rockefeller probably
won't release a dime without
a quick confirmation. They
could cut social services but

enough people are starving al-
The U. S. could stop support-
ing countries that pass wind in
our collective face. Turkey has
sure been an embarrassment
lately, attacking Cyprus with
American weapons and decid-
ing to increase heroin exports to
the United States. Surely Ford
wants to show those Turks they
can't push a Wolverine around.
ALSO, I'VE read that the al-
ternative press is doing very
badly in South Vietnam and
South Korea. Every typical cof-
fee shop in Saigon and Seoul is
awash with the rumor that the
newspapers only print the gov-
ernment's views. In keeping
with the Chile precedent, Ford
should shut off the money tap
and maybe pay a few agents
to stir up a little freedom in
these dictatorships.
The suggestion that the de-
fense budget be cut is, of
course, ludicrous. Jerry has al-
ready said there's not going to
be any hanky-panky with a
strong American line of de-
It really doesn't look like
we're going to pull out of this
crisis for a long time. Every-
one has an idea to help except
the president.
I DON'T THINK I'm going to
like this depression. College
students will have to sell their
diplomas for a nickel to buy
a rotten apple from a derelict
with a cart. Everyone waits in
eternal bread lines for Rus-
sian black bread. Banks fore-
close on suburbia, so suburbia
wanders to California in search
of itself. Ford is on television
every night denying a depres-
sion exists . .

Scapegoat Mania and
Inflution Flagellation

Vietnam question again.
lieve mature people on
think the war's over."
Presumably, the 1969
cision was an expression
vowal of the war and the

I can't be-
the faculty
faculty de-
of its disa-
military in-

stitutions that helped instigate and

Thne vagaries of justice

LIKE FRANKIE in the old ballad,
Inez Garcia shot a man with a
gun. But she didn't do it for love or
money: she says she was raped, al-
though Judge Stanley Lawson de-
cided that her motive was mostly,
The ironic part is that the judge
was right. In this best of times and
worst of times, all people in this
country (women included) need is a
resurgence of frontier justice-al-
though that may be the only brand of
justice available to rape victims. God
knows her feelings are understand-
able. The conclusion is inescapable:
Ladies, tote a rod and shoot without
hesitation; in Garcia's case, it was the
pause that convicted.
SINCE GARCIA WENT off to prison
today, it is doubtful that she will

tons are all fine and good,
but if this country really wants
to solve its economic problems
it will have to come up with
some good scapegoats.
Scapegoats are to blame for
everything. We all know that.
They are hard at work right
now raising the price of milk
while all we do is talk. The
scapegoats have gotten us into
this mess and things won't get
better until we get rid of them.
But exactly who are the scape-
goats in the current financial
crisis? Some people would have
us believe that American in-
dustry, oil producing countries,
big labor, and the federal gov-
ernment are to blame.
To be sure, they are all good
candidates for scapegoats-of-''e-
year honors. But American in-
dustry just wants to increase
profits. Oil producing countries
just want to increase inc)me.
Big labor just wants to increase
wages. The federal government
just wants to increase itself.
Certainly they cannot be faulted
for such fine motives.
IF WE LISTEN to the Presi-
dent, we would discover that

among office-seekers in aa elec-
tion year.
Somehow it doesn't seem quite
right to blame this one oi tbe
poor either. They are too busy
being dispossessed to make a
suitable scapegoat.
The CIA has yet to be impli-
cated in the crisis but it rc of
course entirely possible that
Henry Kissinger may have Or-
dered the CIA to destablize the
American economy in :nucn the
same manner the agency de-
established the Chilean economv.
NIXON CANNOT be to blame
because as far as we can tell
no major American company,
including ITT, specifically. do-
nated campaign funds to him
with the express purpose of hav-
ing him increase the rate of in-
flation. And besides, Nixon was
too busy paving the way for a
generation of peace to pe; son-
ally supervise the rising inia-
tion rate.
Congress hasn't done anything.
That may be part of +he prob-
lem, but considering how Con-
gress has dealt with past crisis
situations its bout with sleep-
ing sickness is probably a bles-
sing to us all.

CN r. _.. ..

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