Wednesday, October 23, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Happy's aunt to wed gigolo? Study shows incumbents far LLAY, Wales (P) - Insisting "When she sees the way the a "I'm no gigolo," a 29-year-old story has been blown up here, coal miner's son says he is en Ianything could happen. Thisu gaged to marry the elderly mil- publicity could blow the whole WASHINGTON (P) - Incum- and GOP senators were ieceiv In 1972, incumbents outdr lionaire aunt of Nelson Rocke- thing. Its been made to ook bent officeholders are raising ing an average of three times challengers two-to-one. fellers wife Happy. like some sort of fairy tale - & three times as much money as as much as their opp)saion. "It would apear at this st B t Michael Wilson. who was fantasyy , their challengers this yearbut Repnublican challengers. ?w- hn ib 19741 Face Three i i . 1 , i : .+ rew age II $iso DUb , ,%l a. A *V VIIZ'J . a butler in Florida when he met Rachel Fitler, said yesterday he feared a publicity blaze in Britain over his announcement could "blow the whole thing." A ONETIME choir boy, Wil- son said he had planned to tele- phone Fitler at her home in an exclusive Philadelphia suburb to explain the press reports but then decided not to do so "until the heat is off." He said: "I think by now that if she had anything to say she would have telephoned me. I think I'll leave it for a couple of The bride ... days." Police prevented newsmen correct, but I just don't know.", from entering the estate of Miss Fitler and Ms. Rockefeller, Fitler, and two German shep- whose name is Margaretta but herds patrolled the grounds. She who is known as Happy, are would not answer telephoned .n- joint heiresses to a fortune val- quiries.uel in 1931 at more than $8 mil- lion. Reports of her personal A ennv'. . i staff said she is at least 80. E A PUOKEShEUSN for Rocke- feller, the Gerald Ford's vice president-designate, said: "I heard such a story was coming from Wales. I don't know any- thing about it. I think it may be There also were conflicting re- ports on how the announcement was made. One version was that Wilson placed an announcement, with Fitler's approval, in a ... the groom? small Welsh paper. Another was that Fitler first announced the engagement in an unidentified Philadelphia paper on an un- specified date. SEVERAL British newspapers reported that Fitler, who nev- er has been married, confirmed her plans to wed, the husky Welshman. The Daily Mail said she told its reporter in her 35- room mansion: "It was Mich- ael's idea to get married, anid I guess I just decided to go along with it." A photographer for t!he Daily Express said she refused obe photographed, sayirg: "ou can take them at 'the wedding." At his parent's modest house in a government housing projectI at Llay, Wilson told new.imen: She could easily get the wrong impression from what she sees THERE WAS "a little oposi- tion" to the wedding plans from Fitler's legal and inancial ad- visers, who "probably thought I was after her money." Wilson said. "I must say it crossed my mind once in a while, but that isn't why I am marrying her." Front pages of British papers featured photos of Wilson, clad in pajamas, smiling broadly Monday and toasting his future with a cup of tea. He told news- men: "I'm no gigolo. I don't bow and scrape to her. I think she likes me because she re- spects me." He said he met Fitler while working at the fashionable Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, Fla., and that the romance blos- somed gradually. He became Fitler's chauffeur-companion, and they became engaged I a s t May, Wilson said. "WE HAVE the same things in mind and formed an affec- tion for one another," he said. "'I feel very secure and at ease with her.'She is a very beauti- ful lady.". Wilson said they planned to marry in the United States around Christmas, poss)ly in Baltimore. total contributions to congres- sional candidates are lower than in 1972, Common Cause report- ed yesterday. The citizens' lobby also said it found that such special inter- est groups as labor unions and business organizations were playing a much larger financial role than they did two years ago. IN A STUDY of candidates' campaign spending reports, Common Cause said that Demo- cratic candidates for contested seats - including incumbents and non-incumbents - had re- ceived more than $22 million by Sept. 1. Their Republican op- ponents had been given slightly more than $16 million. That was a reversal of the 1972 pattern, when Republicans led Demo- crats. The organization said t h e change was an effect of Water- gate. "The figures demonstrate the Republicans were seriously hurt by Watergate when it comes to fund raising," said Fred Wert- heimerrCommon Cause's legis- lative director. BUT THE organization also said Republican engressmen were being given twice aa much as their Democratic c'iallerigers Arbor, Michigan 48104. Subscription rates: $10 by carrier (campus area); $11 local mail (Michigan and Ohio): $12 non-local mail (other states and foreign). Summer session published Tues- day through Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus area); $6.00 local mail (Michigan and Ohio); $6.50 non- ever, were averaging less than' one-quarter of the cntr butions raised by Democratic office holders and in key races where no incumbent was running, Democrats were subs0antially outdrawing Republicans in both houses. A Democratic Nrational Com- mittee staff member said re- cently that if Dmx'atic chal- lengers received as much money as their Republican incumbentr opponents, the Democrats would1 gain 60 or 70 seats in the1 House.t WERTHEIMER said total funding up to Sept. 1 was $40 million, with $24 million going to incumbents, $8 million to challengers, and $8 million to1 candidates where no incumbent1 was running. t at conra utons L9;4 t . con- gressional candidates are sub- stantially lower than :hey were in 1972," he said at a news conference. COMMON CAUSE'S study found that 80 per cent of theI money contributed by the .spec- ial interest groups was going to incumbents, up from 66 per cent two years ago. The groups have given fed- eral candidates $5,5 million, holding an additional $14 ml- lion for possible future dona- tions. Democrats have received $3.9 million from the groups and Republicans $1.6 milli mi. "Special interest groups focus all their money on incumbents because they hold power," Wert- heimer said. "Challengers just don't get the money they need." Kissinger heads for Moscow to explore chances of detente , i THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXV, No. 42 Wednesday, October 23, 1974 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Published d a i 1y Tuesday through Sunday morning during the Univer- sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann WASHINGTON (A) - On his latest mission to Moscow, Sec- retary of State Henry Kissinger will test Soviet interest in pro- moting detente with the new Ford administration through ser- ious nuclear arms negotiations. The trip - which will also take Kissinger to the Indian isubcontinent, Eastern Europe and probably the Middle East and T-key - may clarify Sov- iet intentions in the Arab-Israeli dispute Rand set up a Novem- ber "quickie" summit between President Ford and Soviet lead- er Leonid Brezhnev. IN INDIA, Kissinger will of- ficiate at the formation of a commission to promote trade, culture and technology with the United States. In Pakistan, he will be pressed for a resumption of arms sales. In Iran, the secretary will as- sess the Shah's influence in eas- ing the impact of quadrupled oil prices. In Rome, he is stated to make a major address on U.S. food policy. Kissinger's departure for Mos- cow was scheduled for late last night. KISSINGER will be away three weeks if his itinerary, as expected winds into the Middle East and Turkey, as expected. He is awaiting completion early next week of the Arab summit conference in Rabat, Morocco, to decide whether the timing is appropriate to attempt direct mediation between the Arab states and Israel. A stop in Ankara would give Kissinger an opportunity to try to speed a Cyprus settlement and soothe feelings in the wake of congressional restraint on military aid to Turkey. With the change in the White House, the Soviets are known to be taking a second look at the detente policy pursued dur- ing Richard M. Nixon's 5% years as president. THE MOMENTUM behind de- tente, which began to slacken amid domestic controversy over Watergate, will now have to pick up if the United States and Rus- sia are to agree on a new treaty limiting offensive nuclear weap- ons. in the papers. How doy Brezhnev declared at an East plain something like th German rally earlier this month might call it off now. that the Soviet Union was pre- pared to take additional steps to curb the arms race. Kissinger's mission is to determine whether the public offer was made large- ly for propaganda purposes or is: backed by serious intentions. Privately, some top U.S. offic- ials have suggested that con- gressional challenges to Kis- singer's authority over foreign affairs and Soviet uncertainty that Ford will be re-elected in 1976 are causing the Kremlin to re-evaluate relations with Wash- ington. KISSINGER'S task may have been eased in recent days by the compromise with Congress clearing the way for Soviet trade benefits in exchange for a liberalized emigration policy, as well as a second comprom- ise on selling American grain to Russia. Nixon and Brezhnev pledged at last summer's summit meet- ing in Moscow to try to com- plete a 10-year treaty limiting offensive nuclear weapons "at S the earliest possible date. They also signed a pact to halt To registe underground weapons tests with an explosive force of more than 150 kilotons beginning March 31, There wi 1976 and to set up a visit by Brezhnev to Washington early a Del next summer. If Kissinger arranges a Ford- Brezhnev meeting it will pro- bably be held in the Soviet Far East port city of Vladivosok. around Thanksgiving, immed- iately after the President's trip to Japan and South Korea. you ex- at? She IF YOU TALK OVER A HORNY BULL'S HEAD, THAT'S EXACTLY WHERE HE'LL TOSSYOU. The Montezuma Horny Bull:"" 1 oz. Montezuma Tequila. IIIntem e 5 oz. CONCENTRATED ORANGEBRAFTDIKOeic BREAKFAST DRINK. Over ice. It's sensational, and that's no bull. TEQUILA 01974 80 Proof. Tequila.Barton Distillers Import CoNew YorkNewYork. - _ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN'S unday October 27th at 6 PM Sharp in the Union Ballroom e call UAC at 763-1107 and stop by to pick up the official rules. ill be prizes...SCRABBLE PLAYERS T-Shirts for the top 10, uxe game for the winner...and lots of fun for all players. So register now and you may qualify for the SCRABBLE PLAYERS TEAM which will compete with other colleges. A Reading by EMERY GEORGE Mon., 20th, at 2 p.m. From his 2 new books and from his unpub- lished works at OUR PRICES ARE NOT SALE PRICES, THEY'RE LOWER ! INCLUDING: "The Whole Earth Epilog" TODAY 3 p.m.-5 p.m. FREE INSTRUCTIONS POCKET BILLIARDS Michigan Union . :v "::.i' i:. t:.. . ::.:.........,... 'f . . . " R ' :..r::;">::":Y>_ *r : ':':: Ci : i :?? r ?? .: is?.;y .. :::::+"" ...k'i+in":: r: r.i:?.v: ;.e" . . ". .