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October 23, 1974 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-10-23

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Page Two


Wednesday, October 23, 1974

Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, October 23, 197~~

this'is ELECT U GEO d1ffe
RAE .E Amk VER Cnon-economic
A POLITICIAN'S PREROGATIVE (Continued from Page 1) "We can'
O-ment and even such apparently two reaso
One hundred and sixty-four times in the last two years Rep. simple issues as union recogni- "First, it's
Bullard exercised this prerogative. One hundred and sixty- tion. we don't k
The University made no men- practicese
our times he did not vote and the people of the 53rd District tion of CEO's demand for an there may
did not have a voice in the political process. I believe it is agency shop-a work situation which, bec
in which all employes who ben- class size,
wrong for a politician not to vote on an issue, especially if it efit from the contract help fi. change ths
s to his or her benefit to remain silent. nance the union even if they The union
are not members. clause is n
Paid Politico[ Ad.This demand is a central one difficult to
53rd Dist. DouqCrarsRep. St. Rep. to the GEO package and is not which may
likely to be dorpped by the

r on

Some Bostonians support
court-ordered school busing


t live with that for I (Continued from Page 1)
ns," Allmand said. kd"-
very general and. marked, "Over there is like an-
3o whatgenealand other country. They say there
now what a lpast are muggers on the other side
are. And secondly' of the bridge, but I've never
be instances in even crossed it once."
ause of changes in

we will have to
se practices."
claims that such a
ecessary since it is
specify all situations
arise in a contract.
F iAST ni ht'a ba_




Summer Jobs in Washeington, D..
Sponsored by Washington Summer Intern Program
Jobs in Congressional Offices, Executive Agencies, Lob-
bying Organizations, News Media, Research Organiza-
tions (Undergraduates Only)
7:30-Oct. 23
Rackham Amphitheater

also dropped union demands for
a "past practices" clause,
which would specify that all.
procedures not specifically out-
lined in the contract must re-
main the same.


I iv.,V., * yr .8 aa i n i m s ar-
gaining session was spent on a
University proposal concerning
hiring and firing practices.
The union had demanded that
all firings be subject to review
by arbtirators and that due
warning be given to an employe
in danger of being fired.
The University did away with
this, claiming in its proposal
that the demand was "too
rigid." Negotiators pointed out
that teaching fellows who were
incompetent would keep teach-
ing until the arbitration was
ARBIRTATION o f t e n takes
several weeks.,
The proposal also requires all
teaching fellows to take at least
six credit hours while they are
But union negotiators claimed
that this is only because the
University wants to take in as
much money as possible.
department are of the opinion
that their courses are not a
grocery list," one negotiator
said. "And they're not going to
alter their course to meet Uni-
versity requirements.
"Often the entire load avail-
able to me is five credits, and
regulations such as this force
me to pay for six. I see no rea-
son for that except that the
University wants as much mon-
ey as possible," she said.
3 ,1 4 HULTZ
as A
-Pd. Pal. Adv-

"Kids at BU (Boston Univer-
sity talk about what's going on
in Boston in the lunchroom, but
that's it," claimed a Boston
University freshman at the anti-
racism march Saturday. "They
don't bother to make their opin-
ions known."
ALTHOUGH THE B o s t o n
schools have been calm since
the stabbing of a 15-year-old
white youth last Tuesday at
Hyde Park High, many resi-
dents feel the truce is at best
"Yeah, the streets are quiet,
but they're almost too quiet,"
commented one man familiar
with the situation. The police,
and the National Guard are
still prepared for instantaneous
desponse to an outbreak of vio-
of God.
Make it
your way.
A P Ic 5.s' nwrIn#nam Aeat
"CC I**

Last Friday at Hyde Park'
High, half a dozen police cars
and 20 officers attended the;
opening of school, but when
there were no incidents, all ex-
cept one car and three police.
men cruised off. -
THEY DIDN'T go far, though.
Less than two blocks away the:
police had established a com-
mand center overlooking a'
muddy playground on a deadend
There was every indicationj
that Friday would be a quiet
day, and the nerve center
looked like a police convention.
There were cops everywhere,
milling around near the two
dozen cars and, vans, drinking
coffee from paper cups, reading
the newspaper, exercising the
horses, and talking shop.
like soft enough duty on a chil-
ly morning.
But there were grim remind-
ers that the holiday might end
at any moment. The windows of'
the big police van were criss-
crossed with tape to prevent
them from shattering in the
event that rock throwing broke
There were police dogs in
cages, and thedrear of every
squad car held two riot hel-
mets, two nightsticks, and two
Boston's National Guard Ar-
mory is near Brookline, close to
the campus of Boston Univer-
sity and far from the trouble{
in the southern section of the
city. But you'd never know the

weekend warriors were far re-
moved from the action. Drilling
on the concrete floor of the
cavernous armory, they weren't
Just shuffling through their rou-
tines; they looked crisp and ef-
ficient as they responded to
THE GUARD isn't eager for
combat, but they displayed a
certain resignation. "There
won't be any trouble while we're
here, but as soontas we're gone,
then you'll see it and we'll be'
back," predicted a grey-haired
The Governor Sargent feels
the same way. Speaking at a
shopping center in the western
part of the state Monday, he
said he planned to keep the
Guard on duty indefinitely.
"We're not going to act has-
tily," Sargent .asserted. "It is
much easier to retain order
than to restore order."
THE GUARD IS ready to
tough it out for a long time in
Boston. General Nicholas Del
Torto, appointed by Sargent to
command the Guard in Boston,
has devised a plan for rotating
the troops on a weekly basis
to keep them fresh.
Del Torto claims reinforce-
ments can travel from Camp
Curtis-Guild in Reading to out-
side Bostonin only 20 min-
utes from activation time."
Meanwhile, Bostonians await
future developments. Next fall,
when a proposed expansion of
the busing plan may draw
more neighborhoods and some
of the city's suburbs into the
action, a new flare-up could
well be expected.,

one hardcover copy of John Gardner's SUNLIGHT DIA- 44
LOGUES will be given to the first 200 people who bring 4
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" Absolutely Free " Compliments of the House
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eGratis eBe Our Guest
Centicore Bookshops
336 Maynard 1229 South University Z)
{L.. .y y+. ,i-;p -j -,y - - , .p . ^y ..p %. y' p .

For Men, Women
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Eniov the Warmth & Quality
of Sheepskin This Winter.
House of Imports
Mon. & Fri. 10-9
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Coalition proposes
voluntary sales tax

(Continued from Page 1)
service groups "are exnected to
work towards self-sufficiency,"
McCormick said that of the
funds provided, "about 30 per
cent will be loans to insure
some return to Local Motion."
Michael Castleman of the
Free People's Clinic pointed out,
'We know of at least six other
communities that have funding
similar to Local Motion's."
Castleman cited Philadelphia,
where he said $25,000 was raised
in a year with the support of 26
I Women

-- V

PREVIOUSLY, the city has
funded a number of community
organizations through the fed -
eral revenue sharing program.
But during the past year, these
appropriations were severely
cut back in an effort to meet a
local fiscal crisis.
More federal money- will be
available under a new special
revenue sharing program, but
the service organizations feel
that they stand little chance of
getting part of those funds.
At yesterday's meeting, Heri-
tier charged that Mayor-James
Stephenson has "announced that
revenue sharing funds will not
be going into social services."
Stephenson said later that he
"never made any such state-
ment." A City Council-appointed
committee is studying possible
uses for the additional revenue
sharing dollars.




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