CREDIT FOR ROTC See Editorial Page Sir A it CHEERFUL High-r9 Low-28 See Today for details Eighty-Four Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. LXXXV, No. 42 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 23, 1974 Ten Cents I Ten Pages Prosecutors finish with Dean 1F YC U SEf E EWS HAM PEN ZWDAIY Bullard: Goldbricker? State Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) 'yester- day admitted he almost ripped off about 30 bricks from a University construction site in the wee hours of October 11. If it hadn't been for the wisdom of two Burns security guards who stopped him, Bul- lard said, he would have used the bricks to build a bookcase. The bricks, piled outside the League, obviously not in use for a construction project," according to Bullard, who pulled up and began piling them into his car before the Burns men stopped him. "I suppose no election is complete without a petty scandal," said Bullard, who is up for re-election: Oops! We reported yesterday that the Rainbow People's Party is among the community groups promoting a master funding plan for the city's social services. The master plan is alive and well, and living in today's news story. The Rainbow People's Party, however, is officially defunct. " Happenings... are so plentiful today that only the most bloodshot bookworms will confine themselves to the libraries. The Concerned Clericals for Action will plan to overthrow the bosses at a noon organizing meeting in ISR's sixth floor conference room . . . all the candidates for the open seat on the Board of Regents will offer their views at a panel discussion in Angell Aud. B at 7:30 p.m. . . . the undergrad History association will meet at noon on the basement of Dominic's restaurant . . . at 7:30 p.m:, all those interested in a Wash- ington summer internship should head for Rackham Amphitheatre . . . the Union of Radical Political Economists is holding a teach-in on future U.S. economics at 8 p.m. in Rm. 301 of the Econ Bldg. ... Common Cause is running a town meeting to discuss political reforms at 8 p.m. in City Hall's Council fourth floor chambers . . . the Women's Community Center people will meet at 7:30 p.m. on the Union's fourth floor . . . the University Players present The Killing of Sister George at 8 p.m. in the Frieze Bldg.'s Arena Theatre-. - and at 4 p.m., Communist Party gubernatorial candidate Tommy Dennis will speak on "The Future of Educated Youth" in Rm. 126 of East Quad. Racist policy Washington columnist Jack Anderson reported yesterday that the Nixon administration used a South A frican newspaper to inform white-suprema- cist African governments that the U.S. would quietly support them. The State Department de- nied direct favoritism for racist governments, but would not deny Anderson's report of a high-level memo describing an option for Africa policy: the U.S., the memo said, would "maintain public oppositionto racist repression but relax political isolation and economic restriction on the white states." Anderson said Henry Kissinger personally approved the option. Trashy performance Damon Robinson, a garbageman in Shepway, England, has lost his job. Why? Last Monday, he drove his truck into a ditch. On Wednesday, he rammed the same truck into a brick wall. On Thursday, he burned out the clutch. And on Fri- day, he tipped the truck over in a muddy country lane. On Saturday, he rested: he was fired by the city. But Damon took it in stride. "I don't feel bad about them kicking me out," he said philo- sophically. "I don't think I'm a good driver any- more." " Runaway 'roo They said the G-men were invincible: the men in blue caught Al Capone . . . they nailed John Dillinger in a moviehouse and splattered Pretty Boy Floyd in a cornfield . . . but no matter what the coppers do, they can't pin that fugitive kan- garoo. All kidding aside, Chicago's finest spent yesterday combing the city's northwest side for traces of a runaway marsupial that now has eluded them for five days. The suspect, described as a pouched, six-foot gray kangaroo has been sighted a few times but remains one jump ahead of the law after punching out a pair of patrolmen Friday. Nobody knows where the 'roo originated. On the inside... ... on the Editorial Page, Wayne Johnson opens fire on Gerald Ford . . . Scott Joplin and a row of recipes grace the Arts/Foods Page . . . and the Sports Page features Ray O'Hara's view of the Wolverines' new wrestling coach. Cost of ivingup; inflation worsens WASHINGTON M) - Infla- tion surged ahead in September as retail prices rose another 1.2 per cent, the Labor Depart- ment reported yesterday. The increase pushed consum- er prices 12.1 per cent higher than a year earlier, the sharp- est increase in any 12-month period since 1947. RETAIL prices increased across most of the economy last month with food, clothing and mortgage interest rates leading the way. A few items declined, notably gasoline and fresh fruits and vegetables. President Ford's economic ad- visers have predicted that re- tail prices will continue rising at a rate of about 1 per cent a month through the end of the year, and that there would be no significant easing of infla- tion until sometime next year. The year already is destined to go down as the worst peace- time inflationary year on re- cord. Retail prices have climb- ed 9.7 per cent so far this year, surpassing last year's rise of 8.8 per cent, which was the worst since 1947. THE LABOR Depart- ment began the Consumer Price Index in 1913 and government analysts said the current in- flationary rate was exceeded only during war time econo- mies. The 1.2 per cent rise in prices last month, adjusted to account for seasonal influences, is equiv- alent to an annual rate of 14.4 per cent if projected over the full year. Earnings rose a little more than prices in September and the purchasing power of the average worker with three de- See COST, Page 7 Jury hears another taped Watergate talk By AP and Reuter WASHINGTON - Government prosecutors yesterday tried unsuccessfully to delay playing a tape of one of John Dean's last meetings with ex-President Richard Nixon as they finished direct questioning of their star witness in the Watergate cover-up trial. Judge John Sirica, ruling in favor of defense lawyers, ordered Assistant Special Prosecutor James Neal to play the recording of the April 16, 1973 meeting between Nixon and Dean, in which the former president discounted much of what Dean had told him about Watergate. THE JURY IN THE conspiracy trial of five former Nixon AP Photo Combat zone This elementary school classroom in Kanawha Valley, W.Va., was dynamited yesterday as part of a continuing protest against the type of textbooks being used to teach the children. For the past two months, citizens have been outraged by what they consider indecent literature in the schools. associates heard Nixon tell Dean had volunteered in an earlier conversation that $1 million could easily be raised to help pay for the silence of the orig- inal Watergate burglars. Earlier Dean testified that for- - mer Atty. Gen. John Mitchell, a defendant, had indicated dur- ing a March 28, 1973, meeting that he had approved the poli- tical intelligence plan that re- suIted in the Watergatehbreak- in. Dean said Jeb Stuart Magru- der, deputy director of Presi- dent Nixon's re-election commit- tee, also was present. Dean's meeting with Nixon' ca"e the day after the former White House counsel had de- cided to cooperate with govern- ment prosecutors in the investi- 2ation of the June 17, 1972 break-in at Democratic National Headquarters in the Watergate building here. NEAL HAD ASKED Sirica to allow him to delay until later in the trial the playing of the Anril 16 conversation. But de- fense lawyers, who began to cross-examine Dean yesterday, won out in insisting that the re- cording be immediately heard by the jury. Dean went to the White House on the morning of the 16th to tell Nixon he had finally de- cided to go along with the gov- ernment investigation of the Watergate scandal and had hir- ed a lawyer, in spite of last- minute attempts by Nixon deputies H. R. "Bob" Halde- man and John Ehrlichman to put pressure on him. Dean testified that he had met the night before with Nixon to first inform him that his co- operationrwith thehprosecutor "was not an act of disloyalty.' HE SAID THE former presi- dent "asked me not to discuss his conversations with the prose- cutors." Dean recalled that Nixon said, "Remember when I talked about raising the million dol- lars? I was just joking when I raised that." Dean, who described the President as speaking "in a very quiet voice," said that at one point Nixon told him, "I guess I was foolish to talk to Colson about clemency for Hunt." THE REFERENCE was to a demand from convicted Water- gate burglar and former White House aide Howard Hunt for clemency, relayed in a message to presidential assistant Charles Colson. In his testimony this morning, Dean said that when he first See DEAN, Page 7 he was "just joking" when he Tax for social projects. proposed' By DAVID WHITING Local human service organ- izations and four businesses yes- terday announced the formation of a community fund-raising program called Local 'Motion. The program arms to per- suade area businesses to charge a voluntary two per cent sales tax on retail goods and services. REVENUES FROM this tax would go to Local Motion, which would distribute them among alternative community organ- izations. Grants or loans will be given by Local Motion on a priority basis to organizations providing basic human needs such as food, health or child care, and legal aid. According to David Heritier, People's Food Co-op's repre- sentative at the press confer- ence, Local Motion was formed because City Council "misap- propriated revenue s h a r i n g monies . . . in an attempt to bring down social services," creating a need for alternative funding. PARTICIPATING in the co- operative fund raising effort are the Free People's Clinic, the People's Food Co-op, the Community Center Pr o je ct, Ozone House, New World Film Co-op, Legal Aid, the Ann Arbor Sun, Corntree Daycare Center, Feminist Legal Services, the Women's Community Center,' and the Itemized Fruit and Vegetable Co-op. Businesses supporting the tax include Indian Summer Ries- taurant, the Feminist Federal Credit Union, Applerose Natural Foods and Rainbow Productions. Michael McCormick, spokes- man for the Community Center Project, emphasized that Local Motion is "not a charity or- ganization but a social change group . . . it is not supposed to be a perpetual funder" for hu- man services. EXPLAINING that human See COALITION, Page 2 COUNTERPROPOSALS PRESENTED: CU', GEO disagree over non-economic demands By JEFF DAY Significant differences emerg- ed in continuing.negotiations be- tween the Graduate Employes Organization (GEO) and the University last night, as the University refused union de- mands for an agency shop, class size ilmits, and affirmative ac- tion programs. The University proposal, an answer to the teaching assistant union's non-economic package, also altered several provisions on which the union was appar- ently unwilling to compromise. BUT THE UNIVERSITY did make some significant conces- sions including one provision that allows for arbitration - a binding decision made by an impartial observer - in cases i n v o I v i n g discrimina- tion charges. The University had claimed that problems of discrimina- tion were better resolved at the state and federal level. GEO was quick to express its dissatisfaction with the Univer- sity's counter - proposals, call- ing them "unbelievable" and "fairly ridiculous." "IN THE FIRST place, they made no response to a number of our proposals," union spokes- man David Gordon said after a two-hour bargaining session last night. "And secondly, what they came back with was fairly un- satisfactory," he said. But the administration nego- tiators maintained that the pro- posals omitted in their response "would have shut the Univer- sity down." MOST OF THE sections omit- ted by the University concerned GEO demands for better work- ing conditions-including small- er class size, more office space, and free texts for use in teach- ing. These demands, according to the University, were either too expensive, or would require dif- ficult standardization of widely varying departmental practices. "In general, we could not find an economically feasible way of meeting these proposals that would not disrupt the entire University," chief University negotiator C h a r 1 e s Allmand said after last night's session. THE UNION and the Univer- sity remain far apart in a num- ber of other areas, including demands for an agency shop, non - discrimination in employ- See 'U', Page 2 Busing garners. some Bostonian By JO MARCOTTY, ROB MEACHUM and STEPHEN SELBST Second of two parts Judging by the atmosphere in South Boston and Hyde Park, it would be easy to conclude that all Bostonians are opposed to court-ordered busing. Although they are hard to find, some citizens support the busing plan. Last Saturday, close to 7,000 people marched through the streets of the Hub--Boston's down- town area - singing, chanting anti-racist slo- gans, and carrying orange and crimson banners denouncing the anti-busing violence of the past month. THEY WERE NOT pro-busing as much as supporters tention. When white Timothy Crowley was stab- bed last week at Hyde Park High, Massachusetts Governor Francis Sargent decided that things had gone far enough and called out the Na- tional Guard. "Blacks are tired of the whole situation, that's why they have started to retaliate," said a spokesperson for Freedom House, an organiza- tion which distributes information on school de- segregation. "They don't want to put up with it anymore." "It's downright outrageous," commented an elderly black woman who refused to be iden- tified. "If parents would get out of it, everything wold work out. Sure, kids are always going to : . ;. ,