s1e frI$ganD aily
Eighty-four years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan
y, October 22, 1974
News Phone: 764-0552
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104
India feeds egos, not people
course for the only meal her fam-
ily of seven will eat in a day: a wad
of weeds. Hunger has taken over her
village as it has thousands of others
in the Indian states of West Bengal,
Gujarat, Orissa, Bihar Rajasthan,
and Maharashtra. The problem of
hunger in India is not new or unique
to that country alone. Many other
parts of the world suffer as well. The
difference is that it is not the direct
result of severe drought as in Africa
or devastating flooding as in Bangla-
desh, but rather the gross negligence
and incompetence of the Indian gov-
Recently, Indira Gandhi reorganiz-
ed her cabinet in an effort to solve
the crisis. The mere shuffling of com-
placent ministers will not solve the
problem, however. Anyone who is
aware of India's detonation of its
first nuclear bomb realizes that the
top priority is not hungry mouths, but
military spending. It would seem that
the government should first see to it
that the people have enough to eat,
before embarking on a foolish and
wasteful program of nuclear arsenal
SINCE THE Indian government has
the scientific know - how, re-
sources, and money to build weapons
of mass destruction, it should be able
to mobilize a concentrated effort to
eradicate hunger. Obviously, it pre-
fers to feed Indian nationalistic pride
rather than the people themselves.
Perhaps they think there is some
consolation in starving with the
knowledge that one's country is one
of the select few to possess "the
bomb." The Indian government's at-
titude could be best described by
paraphrasing a statement by a past
member of the French nobility: "Let
them eat weeds."
This attitude seems incongruous
with most people's impression that
India's government is dedicated to
high ideals. After all, this was the
country which followed Thoreau's
noble principle of "Civil Disobedi-
ence" to gain independence. Obvious-
ly, this idealism gives way to mega-
tonnage realism. The Indian govern-
ment ignores Thoreau's idea of step-
ping to the beat of a "different drum-
mer". They seem only to hear the
beat of martial music and not the
cries of hunger. They could not re-
frain from joining the rest of the
nuclear club in its bizarre dance of
death and destruction.
OF COURSE, INDIA wasn't the first
country to develop nuclear arms.
That exalted title is held by the Unit-
ed States. The U. S. government is
comparable to a small child: the first
kid on the block to get nuclear toys.
India and other countries are sim-
ply jealous neighbors who don't want
to be out-done. And like the famous
"Barbie" doll, these nuclear toys
come with countless accessories- -
all expensive -- which are just too
appealing for governments to resist.
India won't be the last country to
develop "the bomb". Neighboring
Pakistan will probably feel compelled
to follow suit. One Pakistani was
quoted as saying that they would
"eat grass" -- if need be - to match
India's nuclear threat. That doesn't
seem to be anything new. People in
India are eating weeds right now. It
would ultimately prove more nourish-
ing for both countries to swallow their
arrogant, nationalistic pride and de-
vote themselves to ending hunger.
IN ADDITION TO reshuffling her
cabinet, Indira Gandhi requested
aid from the U. S. and Western Eu-
rope. Relief supplies should be pro-
vided as quickly as possible, but these
emergency measures will not elimi-
nate the cause of the problem. What
is needed is a change in priorities and
a devotion of more resources to hu-
man needs. The problem of hunger
will not be solved until the Indian
government and all other govern-
ments for that matter decide that it
is more important to fill grain bins
than nuclear warehouses.
WITH THE American people's con-
fidence in their government running
at an all time high, I really didn't see
the need of proof of our leaders' cap-
abilities. The assistant to the assistant to
the assistant Press Secretary insisted,
however, and so, with reluctance, I ac-
cepted the tape, knowing full well that
it would only serve to confirm my deep
belief that the top men in our govern-
ment know what they're doing.
Not being experienced in listening to
such things, I could only transcribe what
I heard. No names are provided, but
one can pretty much tell who is speak-
ing when. The tape begins like this:
Testing one, two, three, four. One, two
buckle my shoe. Three, four close the
door . . . (Door slams)
Quit playing with the tape recorder,
Rock-head, and get to work on the na-
tion's economic problems as you were
O.K., JERRY, after my polo match
this afternoon. Besides, Earl. Willy, and
Billy are in the next room working on a
test problem. (Pause, then door slams)
What's the matter here? Earl, get off
that table and stop that awful scream-
Sure, Jerry, but make Willy give me
back my house. He's not playing "Mono-
poly" the correct way. He took it be-
"Relax. Everything is under control. These problems
take time to solve. I'm not looking for any quickie solu-
tion. Why don't you all go to lunch?"
m m m m m .":I:: i' !A':J .:t.:"t'-?""ml :.V : "Y- lA .: r: " : ".{.:....Y: .'
cause I wouldn't pay a ridiculous 1200
percent interest on the mortgage.
Jerry, that interest rate is entirely
justified by the slump in the housing
market, higher construction costs, and
Billy's very tight money policy at the
Monopoly Reserve Bank.
Listen to my side, Jerry. Have you
landed on a railroad or utility lately?
Railroad and utility rates are sky-high
a lot of stock in the yellow and he says
you can bark on "Boardwalk" and "Park
Place" to pull in the dough. See you fel-
las later! I'm off to visit our resident
Superman. (Door slams and short pause
follows) (Rhythmic pounding can be
Henry, will you stop bouncing the globe
on the floor and do something construc-
I don't know, sir. What's our position
If you don't know, Henry, how do you
expect me to?
That's a good question, sir! I suggest
that we maintain our present position,
whatever it is.
O.K., stand back! After many high level
consultations, much investigation, and
considerable consideration, I am going
to make a decision!
Here, here.
I havehdecided that heads, we main-
tain our present position; tails, we at-
(empt to figure out what our present
position is.
Here, here.
Ann . . . nnd heads it is!
Wise decision, sir. By the way, isn't
that the same quarter you used to de-
cide whether to pardon good old Dicker-
knWhy yes it is, Henry. How did you
Well, sir, you don't often see a quarter
with Washington's face on both sides.
That's where the tape ended. And just
like I 'thought beforehand, it only serv-
ed to confirm my confidence in the cap*-
bilities and decision making of the top
men in our government.
-Steve Stojic
and my buying power is dropping fast.
What are you going to do about these
problems, Jerry boy?
RELAX. Everything is under control.
These problems take time to solve. I'm
not looking for any quickie solutions. We
have to take a long range view of the,
situation. Why don't you all go to lunch?
We all gave up lunch because of the
high food prices. When the carrots we
planted on the East Lawn are ripe,
we hope to have something to munch on
at noontime.
Well, carry on the good work. Oh!
Earl, here's an inside tip: Rocky puts
Want to see my latest pool shot, Jerry?
SURE. ALL the balls have letters on
them, Henry, except the one you use to
knock all the others around. What's the
white one stand for?
That's classified top secret, sir. But
since your the top banana now, I suppose
I can let you in on my secret. That's
my C-I-A ball. Now watch this!
C--H-I-L-E ball in the side pocket. Bingo!
Very good, Henry!
I knew you'd approve, sir.
Not meaning to change the subject,
Henry, but should we change our position
on the Cyprus dispute?
1974: A pre-classifica tion odyssey
M INE EYES have seen the coming of H.A.L.-2500,
and he's trampling on the students of this Uni-
Yes, I believe! For let me tell you, brothers and
sisters, that I have been all the way up to the first
floor of Angell Hall, room 1221, and that I have seen,
yes, indeed, I have seen the all-mighty apostles of the
H.A.L.-2500 computerized series, who maketh me and
breaketh me into their own image of bolts, paper, wire,
screws and nuts.
HALLELUJAH! Oh H.A.L., I feel so screwed up!!
The apostles, so majectic, sitting there before me on
their thrones of class-schedules and pedestals of beau-
tiful, brown election requests interspersed with soft,
delicate, deep-blue sheets of carbon paper. 0 yea, I
fear not passing through the caverned halls of confu-
sion, conspiracy and doubt, for I go forth to unenlight-
enment and scholastic salvation: "Angel 1221 vs. room
I DERIVE my strength from sitting down and read-
ing "pre-requisites vs. the closed-section board" where-
in it says:
"Go forth and multiply your Selections, for closings,
cancellations and deletions shall vie for your faith in
me. Affirm your faith in me and you shall rejoice and
you shall find re-birth and other classes for if I can't
do it no one else ever will."
I can't explain it, but a feeling of hopelessness and
despair is suddenly, inexplicably replaced by a dif-
ferent hopelessness and despair - oh, so different and
mysterious. But yet I find an inner peace, knowing that
I, me-an insignificant speck among the desks, black
boards, erasers, kiosks, door knobs, toilet seats, types-
writers, books, and tokes-I am not, after all, the only
MY SOLACE comes in knowing that a vision will ap-
pear Dec. 11-20, in Waterman Gym. Then shall the
apostles look upon us all with equal irreverence and as
children of H.A.L. We children shall listen and emu-
late these apostles of unmitigating smiles, questioning
looks, and profound inanities. For we, born with human
identities, individuality and the foible of courtesy, we
seek-oh yes, dear H.A.L., to become as you.
And to the lay deacons and counsel-persons of 1213,
who are all-powerful, all-good, all-encompassing and
all-knowing, who are everything yet nothing (in one
of the seven mysteries of H.A.L.), I ask your forgive-
ness for doubting you, 0 servants of H.A.L. I repent,
for I knew what I. wanted before, and now I know not
what I want. Thank-you, thank-you, and blessings upon
you. May I know not as much as you and forever be
a lost child of H.A.L.
0 YEA, I promise to turn aside those humans, who
utter "pardon me's, may I's, and thank-you's" and who
assert their own schedule and election requests upon
you and therefore violate your word.
Woe be unto them who would take thy name in vain
upon seeing the closed board and also unto all those
other instruments of enlightment, Point 10, Herb Loner,
and Angell 1018. Repent, repent I say unto you. Can't
you see the dark?
Yes brethren, please listen to the click and clacks
of H.A.L., heed his print-out and follow the paths
of righteousness for your reward will be 4.0, Phi Beta
Kappa, Law Review, pot, honors list and all else that
are all-good, all-important and keep you in the grace
(and rolls) of H.A.L.
FOR IT is written 'in "Distributive Requirements vs.
Concentration Area" that "you shall seek and find
emptiness in the kingdom of H.A.L., for it is the power-
cords and the glorious lights, forever and ever or until
your tubes burn-out, whichever comet first."
In First Transcripts Chapter 13: "and we shall go
forth seeking and making on Campus a kingdom like
H.A.L.'s, where we can call one another I.D. numbers
and utter with H.A.L.'s holy mechanical wisdom:
"screw you."
For a heart-rendering, inspirational message please
dial 274-3000 and listen tio sister Eloise. End of trans-
Racists victimize children
('UR TRIP TO BOSTON stamped us
with the awareness that violence
is smoldering near the surface of a
barely controlled situation, lacking
only a spark to ignite anew the inter-
woven hatred and fears which have
plagued that city since school began
this fall.
Eiach day black childrenboard
buses, and can only .wonder how safe
their voyage will be. And white chil-
dren fear visits to the lavatories, un-
sure whether they will emerge un-
harmed. Both of these fears are based
upon reality; the sad truth that rid-
ing a school bus is hazardous to one's
health in Boston, and rest rooms re-
semble dark alleys, where violence
may strike swiftly and unexpected-
There's no reason for optimism at
this point. Resistance to busing is
fiercely ingrained, it won't die down
overnight. One is forced to believe
with sickly certainty that as soon as
Governor Sargent removes the Na-
tional Guard, civil war will erupt in
the city again. We deplore the sight
of armed soldiers being called in to
enforce the law, There's something
inexplicably frightening about the
sight of billy clubs and riot helmets
surrounding the entrances to schools.
But obviously the presence of armed
guards in the city is the only means
of keeping the peace at this point.
to the state of unrest. Politicians
from Gerald Ford right down the
line to the relatively low level of the
all-white Boston School Commission
fan the flames of hatred with their
Business Staff
rhetorical speeches voicing opoosi-
tion to the court order. More of the
city's leaders should follow Boston's
Mayor Kevin White who, although
politicaly opposed to busing, contin-
ually stresses the need for calm and
order in dealing with the crisis. Per-
haps if they did, the people so vio-
lently opposed to busing would not
believe so fiercely in the moral recti-
tude of their stand.
These people believe they are right,
and that is one reason the violence
continues. Another factor is the ra-
cial prejudice so blatant on both sides
of the tracks, thinly veiled by talk of
constitutional rights of neighborhood
ONE OF THE MOST measurable ex-
penses to the city is the several
million dollars paid to the police for
overtime, and to the federal reserve
troops called to active duty. It is not
the most major concern, but surely
one to be considered, and it especially
representative of the useless waste
of the city's resources. No city in the
nation has the funds to pay for the
indefinite police protection that the
present situation demands.
But to no ones surprise the ultimate
loosers are Boston's 94,000 public
school children; the loss ofeducation
is priceless. The teachers are unable
to maintain a learning atmosphere
while trying to keep order In a class-
room. And who can teach properly
when concerned with one's own
The present uneasy truce holds
little hope for the future, for there
are no easy answers in Boston. But
eventually that portion of the city's
population opposed to busing will
have to come to grips with reality:
their children will be bused. For the
city with the first public school sys-
tem, events of the past month cast an
ugly shadow.
To The Daily:
IN THE campaign brochure
currently being circulated by
Kathy Fojtik, Democratic can-
didate for County Commission-
er in the 14th District, a refer-
ence is made to the Free Peo-
ple's Clinic which we feel needs
clarification. A photography of a
sign proclaiming "Free Peo-
ple's Clinic" appears in a col-
This unexplained photograph
might lead some voters to as-
sume that the Clinic endorses.
Ms. Fojtik's candidacy. We do
The Free People's Clinic has
never had any formal affilia-
tions with Ms. Fojtik. Ms. Foj-
tik has never been a member
of our staff. The photograph ap-
pears without our permission,
and we regret that it appears
there at all. We hope it does not
create a false impression among
THE FREE People's Clinic is
a politically active community
organization which tries to meet
some of the many unmet health
needs in Washtenaw County,
while striving to eliminate the
social, political, and economic
root causes of the ongoing and
worsening health care emer-
We are disappointed in Ms.
Fojtik's campaign for misreore-
senting our organizational posi-
-Thestaff of the Free
People's Clinic
October 20
To The Daily:
I WOULD LIKE to applaud
The Daily for their excellent
article on county government.
The Washtenaw County B - a r d
has been neglected long e ough
by the voters and the Press.
I was at Alice Lloyd Hall the
other night, when Kathy Fojtik
claimed that she was able to
work with the other Democrats,
and, therefore, as an in umbent
could achieve more than her
HRP opponent, Diane Hall. Cor-
don Atcheson's article has set
me straight on this cliirn; she
day about the HRP charges. On
the radio that day, Foiik ab-
solutely denied spending even
40 per cent of the convention
money allocated to toe Board.
She even tried to deny runeng
up a drinking tab at the Fon-
tainbleau Hotel.
ing a 6 year sentence. I am
32 years of age, Irish Ameri an.
I am requesting correspmndence
with some of your female stu-
dents. I have no family or close
friends so any help you can af-
ford me will be deeply apprec-
iated. My mailing address is:
-Eddie Maloney, No. 35446
Box 1000
Steilacoom, Washington
October 10
But now a week
changes her story. N
fun" in Miami in Jul
was on "county bus
Does Fojtik have
story for the Daily
ferent one for the
Will she have a diffe
the Ann Arbor New
I AGREE' withT
Fojtik should be I
--Janice Mulli
To The Daily:
WE ARE three
writing as individua
gether have spent p
hours on the grape,l
Gallo Wine boyco
United Farm Work
Committee. Two of u
coordinators of thatl
We know that the
ways appreciates su
whatever source, bu
ual activists in tha
resent politiciansA
make political cap
tokenistic gestures
have once made for1
Kathy Fojtik is s
son. Her new broch
that she "is activei
cott. If that means
ally boycotts these
that is a good thing
her to continue. But
ple would conclude
ing the statementi
chure that she has
than that.
She hasn't. Fojti
once in the last year
on a picket line, a
gaggle of other poli
stayed for about nine
That has been the e
efforts. When asked
us last fall to hel
on the picket line,s
saying the boycott n
stops using misleadi
tion in her campaig
t ion.
later she
Jaw it's "llo
ly. Now she
a c'ferent
and a do
racio news? self-defense?
rent one for LAST EVENING, October 7,
NS? CKLW? 1974, a man came to my door
T iz Talor. to use my telephone. I told him
lefeaed! that I did not allow strangers in
nger my house and that he could not
use the phone. After shutting
the door, I saw him lurking
individuals, about outside my windows. He
als, who to- actually came right up to the
erhaps 2,000 window to look in. It was at
lettuce, and that point that I called the Ann
tts for the Arbor Police to report him.
ers Support When the police arrived they did
is have been find the man outdoors and be-
local group. gan to question him. After doing
boycott al- so, the man and the police left.
upport from Not knowing whether or not
t .s individ- he had been arrested and quite
t effort, we uneasy about it, I called the po-
who try to lice back to see if he had been
ital out of arrested or not. It was stated
they m a y to mne that he hadnot been ar-
the boycott. rested but taken home. Being
such a per- afraid that he might return, I
hure claims asked the police to escort me to
in" the boy- my car so that I could stay
she person- elsewhere for the night. Not
products being too thrilled by the idea,
and we urge the police came back. As I was
t most peo- leaving I asked why the man
after read- had not been arrested, consid-
i> her bro- ering it is against the law to
done more look in people's windows like
that. They stated that the man
ik appeared was probably drunk and was
r and a half lost. It also surprised me when
long wiih a the police told me that tre man
ticians.She was known to them and had
ety minutes. been arrestedrlast week at the
xtent o'he UM game for DUIL (Driving
i by onerof under the influence of liquor).
It .o more I decided to sign a complaint,
she refused, but was told by the oolice.that
eeded "new it wouldn't do any good since
the man was not actually
athy Fojtik caught in the act. They stated
ng inforna- that it was my word against
n for re'ec- his word. Does anyone itheir
right mind believe that a per-
Tomorrow, though, I will pur-
chase a gun and take care of
myself next time since the po-
lice don't seem to want to.
-Name witheld by request
October 7
rent control
To The Daily:
FOR MANYrstudents com-
ing to Ann Arbor, life here
means a chance to do it on her/
his own and take on adult re-
sponsibilities. Studentshare ex-
pected to balance their o w n
checkbooks, do their own groc-
ery shopping, pace their school
work, and learn to depend upon
their own decisions. Hlowever,
there is at least one aspect of
Ann Arbor life which, in es-
sence, treats students as child-
ren: housing.
For the two years I h a e
been in Ann Arbor - as a grad-
uate student - rental coinpr'n-
ies have continually evadzed
proper maintenance of their pro-
perties as well as inventing
loopholes which make the stu-
dent pay for normal wear and
tear. For example, rental com-
panies put off "unesseatial' re-
pairs (such as no knows to turn
the burners on the stove off and
on) as long as possible, claim-
ing they are busy doing "es-
sential" repairs (such as pr -
viding hot running water in the
sink). They then guarantee you
that you are on their repair
list (which it seems must ex-
tend from here to California!)
and, if you call more than once
or twice, you are placed on their
"pest list" and then surely get
the run-around whenever y ou
call. From my experience, re-
pairs only get done if the city
housing inspector is called and
imposes a fine on the land-
lord - in other words, money
THE DAMAGE deposit racket
- which provides rental com-
panies with thousands of dollars
of working capital - is a iothar
way of squeezing money out of
students. Many, if not all, de-
ductions are for what would
normally be wear and tear,
such as painting, and should
come out of profit, not security
deposits. But the students of
Ann Arbor are a captive mar-
ket; many are afraid to cause
trouble for fear of being evict-
ed, and many feel there is noth-
ing that can be done.
Whether anything can be done
is a difficult qustion. Surely,
if we all sit back and complain
to each other nothing will get
done, but if we continually call
our landlords, demand repairs,
do not settle for sub-standard
housing simply because we are
students, and work for a fair
and equitable rent-cmntrol law,
maybe students will be treated
as the people we are tryink to
-Hope Finegold
October 4
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