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October 19, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-10-19

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Ten Cents

See Today for details

'ol. LXXXV, No. 39

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 19, 1974

Six Pages

2 kidnapers caught
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) an-
nounced yesterday they had captured two of the
five men charged with the abduction of an Ypsi-
lanti bank manager and his family. FBI agents
in Long Beach, Calif. arrested Luther Leath and
Timothy Thomas. Thomas, who was also known
as Lonnie Fisher or Lonnie Williams, is an escap-
ed convict from the Lorton Correctional Facility in
Virginia. He had been serving a five-to 15-year
sentence for armed robbery, assault and carrying
a concealed weapon. Both men are accused of
being part of the gang that kidnapped Richard
Green, manager of a branch of the Ypsilanti
Savings Bank, and his family on October 9. The
following morning they forced Green to take $35,-
000 out of his bank vault as ransom money. Police
are still searching for the other three men in-
Alien invasion
It was like Orson Welles War of the Worlds
broadcast all over again. Concerned citizens
flooded police stations and the media with phone
calls after a Windsor radio station reported that
two flying saucers with 12 spacemen inside were
discovered in 1948 in the California desert. The
report, part of the CKLW hourly news broad-
cast, was based on accounts of Robert Carr, a
Florida UFO "expert." According to Carr, when
the spacecraft landed the creatures inside were
killed. by decompression. He went on to say the
bodies of the three foot tall, blue-eyed, blond-
haired creatures were hidden at Wright-Patter-
son Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. Both Penta-
gon and Air Force spokespersons vehemently de-
nied the report. A newspaperman in Tampa, who
has known Carr for a long time, said the pro-
fessor is "headed for a ripoff" by trying to build
interest in a three-day symposium on flying sauc-
ers to be held in Tampa in November.
It was reported in Thursday's paper that County
Commissioner Kathleen Fojtik (D-Ann Arbor)
spent $187.50 in taxpayer's money running up mile-
age to and from commissioners' meetings, not on
out-of-state trips as claimed by the Human Rights
Party and fellow commissioner Liz Taylor (D-Ann
Arbor). In fact, the money was neither for mile-
age nor junkets: it covered Fojtik's registration
fees for meetings of the National Association of
Counties and the Southeastern Michigan Council of
Governments . . . and while we're correcting our-
selves, Circuit Court judgeship candidate Shirley
Burgoyne does not support legalized marijuana, as
we recently reported.
Happenings . . .
. are few today. The Go Club will meet
at 2 p.m. in 2050 Frieze Bldg. . . . The R.C. play-
ers present Ibsen's Hedda Gabler at 8 p.m. . . .
or just stay at home this afternoon and listen
to the Michigan-Wisconsin game on the radio.
WUOM will have all the details starting at 2:15,
91.7 on your FM dial.
Off the payroll
Times are hard for everyone these days. Former
I President Nixon can no longer have his family
maid and valet on the public payroll, a White
House spokesman announced yesterday. As of Oct.
5, Manolo and Fina Sanchez, long-time employes of
the Nixons', went on leave without pay from the
Interior Department payroll. Manolo had been list-
ed in a $13,000 job and his wife Fina for $8,000 for
services in the Nixon household. Disclosures that
the two were being paid with government funds

drew criticism during a Senate appropriations sub-
committee's consideration last month of a request-
ed $850,000 in transition funds for the former presi-
Cutback rumored
Ford Motor Co. is considering a five per cent
cutback of white collar employes that could in-
volve some 3,000 workers and may alter some car
and truck programs in a cost-cutting effort, the
Detroit News said yesterday. The newspaper said
although no formal announcement of reductions
has been made, rumors of the cutbacks began cir-
culating after an announcement by Chrysler Corp.
Thursday that it was starting a severe cutback to
reduce c.osts. Ford officials refused to confirm or
deny the report.
Ont the inside
. Roger Rossiter takes an advance look at
today's contest between the Wolverines and the
Badgers on the Sports Page . . . and on the Edi-
torial/Arts page David Weinberg reviews Hedda






Talks suggest
Nixon wanted
9ii'ob3e alted
WASHINGTON (T) -- Two White House tapes
in which former President Richard Nixon discus-
sed trying to limit the Watergate investigation
were played yesterday at the Watergate cover-up
The two conversations took place on March
17 and March 21, 1973. The first was between Nix-
on and his White House counsel, John Dean III.
The second one involved Nixon, Dean and H. R.
"Bob" Haldeman.
ON THE 17th, Nixon told Dean during a discussion
of the Watergate investigation that "what you've got to
do ... is cut her off at the pass."
Nixon was referring to limiting disclosure of the
involvement of White House or campaign aides to no
one higher than Gordon Liddy, who had already been
convicted in the Watergate break-in case.
It was the first time the text of the March 17 conver-
sation was made public.
THE MARCH 21 conversation was one of the most
crucial in Nixon's fight to save his presidency. During
that long battle Nixon maintained that he didn't learn of
the involvement of his aides in the Watergate break-in
until Dean laid it out for him on March 21.
The text of that conversation was released previously,
first by the White House and then by the House Judiciary
Committee. But it was not until it was played yesterday
that any member of the public had a chance to hear the
Nixon's and Dean's voices are heard clearly on the
tape as Dean reviewed his knowledge of how the break-
in occurred and the subsequent efforts to contain the in-
DEAN MENTIONED break-in defendant Howard
Hunt's continuing demands for financialassistance. "How
much money do you need?" Nixon asked.
Dean replied he thought it would cost $1 million.
Then, in a very matter-of-fact tone, Nixon replied,
"We could get that."
A MOMENT later, also in a matter-of-fact tone, Nixon
is heard on the tape saying:
"What I mean is, you could, you could get a million
dollars. And you could get it in cash. I, I know where it
could be gotten."
Later, Nixon is heard saying, "After all, you've got
to keep the cap on the bottle that much in order to have
any options."
WHEN HE FIRST made public an edited transcript of
the March 21 conversation, Nixon acknowledged it was
open to varying interpretations, and the tape played in
court bore that out.
For while Nixon sounded like he readily accepted the
idea of meeting Hunt's demands, at another point he asked
See TAPES, Page 2

Daily Photo by KEN FINK
POLICE STAND GUARD yesterday as black students board buses after a day at Boston's Hyde Park High School, the scene of racial
violence earlier this week. Relative calm prevailed both at Hyde Park and at South Boston High School as state and city police con-
tinued their presence both inside the schools and during the arrival and departure of buses.




Special To The Daily
Boston-An appearance of relative calm pre-
vailed here for the third straight day yester-
day, but beneath the placid surface obvious
tensions threatened to bring fresh violence
to this already embattled city.
No major incidents occurred yesterday, but
police continued to skirmish with youths in
and around both Hyde Park and South Boston
high schools, to which many black students are
bused. One block from Hyde Park High,
Boston police confiscated seven Molotov cock-
tails when an officer stopped a speeding car
in a -dhool zone.
THREE WHITE MALES, aged 15, 16 and 18,
were arrested and charged with "possession
of an infernal machine" in connection with
the fire bombs, which were fashioned from
beer bottles. The 18-year-old youth was iden-



tified as Thomas McManey of Hyde Park.
Although few police patrolled the halls of
Hyde Park High, students were stopped and
searched as they entered. One knife was con-
fiscated and two tenth grade women students
were suspended, one black and one white,
for fighting in the hall.
Scores of Boston's special Tactical Police
Force (TPF) and Massachusetts state troopers
attired in riot gear were on hand at the end
of the school day to escort both white and
black students into the 32 waiting school
WHITE AND BLACK students did not ride
the same buses, however, and several vehicles
rolled away carrying only a handful of stu-
dents. The dismissal proceeded without in-
At South Boston, a sea of state and city
nolice attended the dismissal. White students

re dismissed first, although many s
'oiter and form a hostile crowd b
line police had set up.
the vast number of police on the
>yoked one black police officer to rei
vey asked for it and now they're goi
SLACK STUDENTS walked the 25
)m the front steps of "Southie," as
ston residents commonly call it, t,
en awaiting school buses, with evert
ition taken to protect them and man
endly eyes looking on.
Is the students headed for the buses,
re exchanged between several student
e police there to guard them. A brief sI
tch between one student and several
icers ensued. Other students separate
nbatants, heading off a potential arre
'ollowing the departure of the buses,
See CALM, Page 2
grant stu
A bill p a s s e d recently by
Congress that would grant stu-
dents access to their own aca-
demic records appears headed
for compromise or delay in im-
plementation because of stiff
opposition from educational in-
As a result, University Presi-
dent Robben Fleming told the.
Board of Regents yesterday that
the University has no plans to
open up the records until Janu-
ary at the earliest, although the
bill passed Congress in July and
is set to become law Nov. 19.
(R-N.Y.), the bill's sponsor,

Rockefeller to pay
added back taxes
WASHINGTON .P-Vice President-designate Nelson Rocke-
feller disclosed last night he will have to pay $820,718 in
additional federal income taxes for the past five years as a
result of a edits by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Rockefeller said in letters to the two congressional com-
mittees considering his nomination that the IRS had substantially
reduced deductions he had taken for office and investment ex-
penses and for charitable contributions.-

ise likely on bill to
dent access to files

THE MAIN IRS adjustments
new lab
Local and national officials
gathered yesterday for a rib-
bon - cutting ceremony to dedi-
cate the Great Lakes Environ-
mental R e s e a r c h Labor-
atory (GLERL) recently estab-
lished at Washtenaw and Sta-
The lab joins two govern-
ment - funded institutes for
aquatic research in Seattle and
Miami which study the Atlan-
tic and Pacific oceans. The
National Oceanic and At-
mospheric Administration (NO-

in tax totals Rockefeller had
earlier supplied the S e n a t e
rles and Hause Judiciary Com-
mittees, subject to final audits,
were a reduction of $824,598 in
deductions for office and invest-
ment expenses and a reduction
of $420,649 in deductions for
charitable contributions.
Rockefeller said that at the
time he submitted the figures to
the two committees, federal tax
audits were in process for 1969,
1970 and 1971, and had not yet
begum for 1972 and 1973.
"Through intensive work by
the Internal Revenue Service,"
he said, "these audits have now
been completed and have re-
suilted in adjustments, as in the
cludes $104,180 for 1970, a year
in which he had previously not
paid any federal income tax
because of major shifts in in-
vestments held by the two
trusts from which the former
New York governor re eives the

plans to introduce a compro-
mise amendment to the meas-
ure next month when Congress
reconvenes that will grant stu-
dents access to all parts of the
files except letters of recom-
mendation, according to John
Kwapisz, the senator's legisla-
tive aide.
Kwapisz says the amendment.
will "almost certainly pass,"
but admits that a move might
be made, possibly by Senator
Claiborne Pell (D-R.I.) to delay
implementation of the bill for
three to nine months.
At present, all University
counseling offices collect files
on students, who are forbidden

to see them.
THE BILL provides that "no
federal funds shall be made
available to any educational in-
stitution or agency that denies
students the right to inspect and
review all official records, files
and other information directly
related to the students . . . in-
cluding all the material in the
pupil's cumulative record."
The measure, detailed in the
Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act of 1974, also gives
students the opportunity for a
hearing to "correct or remove
inaccurateamisleading or inap-
propriate data."
See ACCESS, Page 2

uc kley

SGC election to be challenged

Controversy over this week's Student
Government Council election continued yes-
terday as a group of candidates announced
their intention to challenge the results.
Steve LaTourette, who was defeated as a
presidential candidate for the Student Action
Coalition, stated the party would challenge
the election if it could find 11 students to
testify that they had been deterred from

Another losing candidate for President,
Dave Mikkola, stated that while he did not
plan to challenge the election, he "will not
be sad or discouraged" if someone does.
Reacting to the record low voter turnout
and questions over the election's credibility,
SGC election director Alan Berkovitz stated,
"If you think a low turnout has to do with
she credibility of the election you are

contended that lack of security guards at,
polling places caused trouble.
Walt Borland, Reform Party candidate
for Council, commented, "Sure there were
some irregularities. The people responsible
should be prosecuted." But he added, "I
don't think it would be fair to those who
ran and voted to hold another election."
SGC MEMBERS have admitted openly

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