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October 18, 1974 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1974-10-18

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Motown slammer: Xothin


THE MILAUKEE JIRNAT hera-HaaJ1 Syndicate, 1974
'Hey! What do you think about a 5% -surtax?'

'HE SIGN SAYS in bold let-
ters "573 HOLE". Under-
neath, penciled in neatly and
officially, "No commisary
items, no books, no visits, etc.,
no mail." So-meone has scrawl-
ed in the corner of this sign
"No nothin punks." And some-
one else has scrawled under
that "No shit."
Welcome to the Wayne Coun-
ty Jail.
It's situated right across from
Police Headquarters on Beau-
bien, right down the block is
Goldfarb's Bail Bonds. At the
end of the block on the other
side are Detroit Memorial Hos-
pital and Detroit General.
The jail is seven stories high.
You walk in the front door and
you see deputies moving about,
and lawyers. Signs inform you
that if you have a firearm it
must be checked. And that you
are subject to search at a n y
time. On the first floor every-
thing is wooden, old and brown.
The floor is brown.
But if you come to the jail
to be held, you are taken im-
mediately to the sixth floor, to
the Reception Diagnostic Cent-
er, or RDC. You are given a
cell, then screened and inter-
viewed by caseworkers and
medical personnel. A camplete
medical and social nistOiry is
taken _ social disease, homo-
sexuality, colostemy - t h e
whole thing. Blood tests and X-
rays are given, a partial physi-
THE SOCIAL worker de::ides
where you go. Young inmates
between the ages of 17 and
19 are kept together. So a r e
those in for violent charges, or
those with a long rap sheet. Fe-
male inmates and homosexuals
are kept to themselves. The
jail is very compartmentalized.
So you're in RDC for a couple
of days. If you're pregnant tney
will do everything humanly pos-
sible to get you out and some-
where else. If you have TB you
are taken to Herman Keefer
Hospital and treated - under
24-hour guard. Syphilis, how-
ever, is treated on the promises.
If you are the average "resi-

dent" you go then to either floor
5 or floor 2. If you're a medical
problem you'll end up o the
3rd. If you're "nuts" you stay
on the 7th till they can get you
out. If you had mental prob-
lems ten years ago and' ended
up in the jail, "you'd sit and
rot" according to one deputy.
He's glad, he adds, that the men-
tal cases are shipped out fast.
"Used to be bad duty lookin'
after the nuts. They'd throw
feces and vomit on you as you'd
walk by the cell. Some was so
bad you'd have to feed em. '
The best thing to do .f you
wind up at the jail is to cop a
nut plea, they say, and g-t the
hell out of there.
cared for by a physician w h o
comes in on afternoons. A cou-
ple psychiatrists are in during
the week. A dentist is in twice a
week for temporary fillings and
extractions - if you get a
chance to see him.
The 800-some inmates a r e
treated to recreation aboit once
a week. The only indoor recrea-
tion facility, about the size of
your average living roo, has
a fussball table, some books, as-
sorted games. There is an out-
door basketball court for warm
weather, if a deputy feels like
taking some inmates out. There
are 125 deputies in the County,
and not all are on jail duty.
Many of the deputies don't
like the conditions. One black
deputy who has been there for
seven years says, "It's bad,
real bad. You gotta remember
these men are innocent until
proven guilty, they aren't serv-
ing any time, they're just wait-
ing for trial . . . It's had in
here . . . half the jail popula-
tion is junkies . . . and they get
real sick sometimes . . . tney
gotta more or less kick cold . .
sometimes the doc will give
them a sedative if they're get-
tin' real sick and can't sleep
for three or four days.
terrible. I can tell you how
things are supposed to be. I
can tell you howp many men
can maximally be put in :a cell

T4V Lfr~ligan Daily
Eighty-four years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan


Friday, October 18, 1974

News Phone: 764-0552

420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104


but in the '67 riot tiey
15 men in a six by four
hardly built for one."

Football follies ad nauseurm

They say things have changed
under black sheriff Bill Lucas
(incidentally, the first black
FBI agent). He sured the Wayne
ContvGommissioners over the
jail. The County is supposed to

build a new one. But, who gets
elected to office on a platform
of improved jail conditions?
As you walk through she jail
and look at the walls and ceil-
igs, all puke greens aid piss
yellows, and you smell tt~c dis-
infectant and you look at the
prisoners shouting at you to

call their lawyer - yes you call
their lawyer and are you writ-
ing my name down - and ycu
turn away and you agree with
Wayne County Deputy Larry
Price as he grins at you and
says, "This ain't the Ritz,

THOUGH I HAVE been to many
football games in the past two
years, never until band day did I see
the most disgusting spectacle I have
ever seen in my life. Blatant sexism.
It was shocking to me to see the lech-
erous looking, drunken stupid fools
whistling and hooting at the young
women cheerleaders as they ran onto
the field. As the lechers guzzled their
precious wine and beer, they were
shouting some of the most profane,
foul, and degrading things that I
have ever heard. Their were
numerous comments as to how they
would like to have one of the young
woman cheerleaders come home with
them, but don't fool yourself, into
thinking that the terms they used
were so nice.
News: Susan Ades, Dan Biddle, Jeff
Day, Della DiPietro, Mary Harris,
Judy Ruskin, Jeff Sorensen, Jim
Editorial Page: Paul Haskins, Marnie
Heyn, Debra Hurwitz
Arts Page: David Blomquist

Even more startling to see was how
the young women just loved all of the
'cheering'. If they could have heard
some of the things that were said by
some of the so called 'men' in the
stands, I'm sure that they would
have been just as ready to puke as
I was.
about the Michigan football;
crowd is the practice of passing up
women. It is so imbecilic because I
hear some of the people who call
themselves men saying some of the
most asinine things about the women
who are being passed up. Practically
all of them want to be the ones do-
ing the passing up to 'get their
thrills'. Even more foolish are some
of the women who are being passed
up. They ,are so excited. If they knew
what some of those long legged goons
were thinking while they were pass-
ing them up they'd fight just as hard
as some of the other women do. There
are many women who resist, but they
are passed up anyway with the help
of someone they thought was their
friend. Four or five people grab her
and, against her will, they pass her
up anyway. Sexism. Just once I'd
liked to see one of those 'men' passed
up against their will. At least then I
could have my thrills.

Freon conspiracy imperils social order

THE RACIAL clashes in Boston have not stopped
suddenly, as city officials hoped they would. Dis-
turbing reports - not always reported by uptight, con-
ventional media - indicate the problem may even
reach cataclysmic proportions.
Black children are boycotting schools en masse to
avoid attacks by white racist riff-raff and pish-posh.
All those little boycotters have many collective man-
hours of leisure time. Are they doing constructive
things with their newly found free time? Well, yes
and no.
The students are using up aerosol cans as fast as
they can point the arrow. A gang will march into a
drugstore or supermarket and buy every can of de-
odorant, whipped cream and vegetable coating they
can find. Then they march down the street, some-
times ten abreast, covering everyone in their path
with a thick mist of new, improved freon.
THE DESTRUCTION of the ozone would certainly

be catastrophic to the entire planet, but some people
would not suffer as much as pale, sickly Caucasions.
Black Negroes, as you may know, possess a special
pigment that protects them from mysterious ultra-
violet waves from outer space.
So, though the angry white mish-mash has won
the busing battle, our specially pigmented friends are
winning the race war.tHundreds of scrawled s i g n s
around Boston show the community support of the
spray tactic. They read: "BAN ROLL-ONS" and "IT'S
The aerosol campaign will require the support of the
dry majority, including middle and upper class whitest
They are not expected to resist aerosols, though they're
aware of the consequences.
Now that civilization, as we know it, is coming
to an end, we might as well reflect on some questions
of history.
DID THE U.S. wait too long to give blacks equal
Waiting until the 1960's to give the American Negro

equal protection under the law probably constitutes
undue procrastination.
Have they caught up yet?
They claim they have not reached white standards
of wages or protection from the state. Some experts
agree with this finding.
Well, what's taking them so long?
In perhaps some parts of the U.S. it is psible
that' many people may well hold near racist-like
stereotypes about some blacks.
Do they expect everything to be handed to them?
No, they expect to take it away without even
asking payment for all the injustice they've suffered.
Yes, whites could have done better, but it's too late
now. Soon all of us' white crumb-bums will be wonder-
ing where big patches of skin have gone and wishing
the rain would extinguish the blazing sun.
ONE LAST WORD to the black people I have ad-
mired - Shirley Chisholm, Jesse Jackson, Julian
Bond, Lee Gill - goodbye and good luck!


Letters to The Daily

'Action' News: Sleepier
than sleepy Texas town
________________By BOB SEIDENSTEIN --

Photo Technician: Karen Kasmauski -CLIFFORD BROWN

To The Daily:
ity. It has also been recognized
as a right. The Constitution of
the United States guarantees
citizens protection against cruel
and unusual punishment and as-
sures them of the rights to life,
liberty, and the pursuit of hap-
piness. Ithas long been recog-
nized that rehabilitation is
something that comes from
within the man himself.
A corrections department can-
not offer rehabilitation. There
are prisons, programs, activi-
ties, etc. that are conducive to
rehabilitation, but nowhere has
there ever been a program of
rehabilitation available to pris-
oners. Yet, it has been defined
as a right, and it happens; sure-
ly not in all cases, not even in
most cases, but it happens.
Dr. Viktor Frankl, for years
a Jewish prisoner of war in a
Nazi concentration camp, de-
veloped and defined the term
"existentialism." His feeling
was that many disorders in
human mental processes were
the result of ,a lack of mian-
ing in the lives of these people.
Through his unique "logo-her-
apy", Dr. Frankl proved his
theories time and again, as
persons given meaning and pur-
pose developed the wills neces-
sary to defeat suicidal tenden-
cies, schizophrenia, depression,

soners an opportunity to devel-
op the will to succeed, and to
reward success. Such a system
would reinforce the positive at-
titude toward success. Unfor-
tunately, the vast majority of
the prisoners are kept too busy
using their abilities just to sur-
vive at a decent level. The
blame for this does not rest en-
tirely on the Corrections D e -
partment. Far too often the pri-
soners pose a great threat to
themselves and other prisoners
than does incarceration. How
can this be remedied?
Initially, steps have to be tak-
en toward settings like the new
Muskegon Facility. In such a
setting there will be far less
need for a prisoner to feel de-
fensive. He will know even be-
fore he arrives that he will not
be subjected to medieval pris-
on practices; he will know that
his education and personal
growth are the prime reasons
for his being there. He should
easily accept the fact that the
fences are his only real limi-
tation - except for the limi-
tations he places on himself. He
should understand that he is
not being "locked away from
the world," but is being given
an opportunity to prepare him-
self for the other side of that
IN THE FINAL analysis, the

necessary motivation must come
in the form of opportunity, en-
couragement, incentive, and
rewards. If and when a man is
given an opportunity to takehs
mind off the important business
of survival, it is his responsibil-
ity to begin developing his will
to succeed. When he learns
that things happen by applying
his human. will, he will learn
that he can succeed at most any-
thing. But at the same time
there has to be recognition of
this will to succeed. If a man
attains something, he should
receive the rewards that fol-
low. There should always be a
better place to go, a better op-
portunity to be had, more cdu-
cation to be received, more
benefits to be reaped. When be
reaches the end of the road of
development, he should be re-
leased to try out his new-
found self.
Rehabilitation is a reality.
The key is meaning, purpose,
and the subsequent will to
"make it." If a man can (or
will) develop these three attri-
butes, and if the Department of
Corrections allows him to de-
velop them, the only thing that
will bring him back to prison
will be a love for confinement.
-MatthewD. Jones
No. 119136
October S

Last Picture Show," a
movie about life, lost youth and
fornication, on television Sun-
'day night I realized I hadn't
seen any news or even read any
for the entire day. That's what
happens when you buy a Free
Press for 35 cents instead of
shelling out your hard-earned
pizza money for a New Y o r k
So, after everybody in t h e
sleepy Texas town had finished
sleeping with everybody else in
the town, I decided to see what
Action News could come up
with to top the action in -the
However, it was a slow news
day, a non-news day. Those
types of days are not hard to
spot. If the lead story is ever
about presidential pets it's time
to fix yourself a sandwich and
wait to hear how the Lions
looked in dropping another close
SO, WITH Detroit's Number
One News Team opening ;heir
show with a report on Presi-
dent Ford's new Golden Re-
triever, niamed Liberty, I head-
ed for the kitchen.
Rv the ti m t ark A-

for the 11 o'clock show you
know the next story can be
missed without affecting your
chances of surviving until Mon-
day morning.
Since it was Sunday tnere
would be no non-news from
Wall Street. Instead a reporter
in New York interviewed some
soldier ants ,in a museum. The
ants denied having eaten South
America, although I was sure
I saw them do it in a movie.
The ants don't eat people -
fortunately they're vegetarians.
biggest news of the evening
would come during the com-
mercials, which usually offer a
better idea of what is really
happening out there than the
plastic-haired anchormen. do.
But the commercial news was
as dull as the other stuff was
except for some guy named
Irving opening a carpet store in
Port Huron. Also, there was a
timely feature on a new pad-
ded bra, euphemistically called
a "fibre-filled bra."
So, when the sportscaster was
introduced and started telling
me the score in the Houston
Oiler game, I introduced myself
to aca nnof nld her. Iwa

.....~ ~::......... ...'.
Contaict vyour rens-

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