TRIAL COVER-UP See Editorial Page Y it6 Ten Cents WINSOME High-63 Low-3S See "Today for details Vol. LXXXV, No. 37 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thurhday, October 17, 1974 Ten Pages F'YCoUSEE ?EWS HAPPEN CAL. DAtY Kidnappers Five men are being sought for the bizarre kid- napping-robbery involving an Ypsilanti banker. The five were identified by the Ann Arbor FBI yesterday as Lonnie Fisher (also known as Lonnie Williams), James Gambrell, Luther Leath, Lorenzo Paige, and Jerry Hunter. They are charged with abducting Richard Green and his family, and forcing the banker to rob his own bank in order to free his family. Gambrell, Fisher, and Leath are also being charged with an April 29, 1974 robbery at Green's bank. All of the suspects are reportedly out of the area, and the FBI says that some are believed to have fled Michigan via commercial airliner. All are considered armed and dangerous. Dope note The legal battle over the constitutionality of Ypsilanti's $5 marijuana law is now scheduled to be fought out in the State Court of Appeals. For the second time in two months, Washtenaw County Circuit Judge Patrick Conlin overruled 14th Dis- trict Judge Thomas Shea and upheld the validity of the controversial ordinance which makes dope possession punishable by only a $5 fine. Shea has twice attempted to void the ordinance, which was approved by Ypsilanti voters last April, because of its possible conflict with the state law. 0 Student vote The latest from the city clerk's office: sifting through some raw data made available on voter registration held earlier this month, Human Rights Party discovered some interesting figures. Of the 3,899 new voters, 1,565 registered at the Union. The Unioii, the sole registration site on campus, was the center of much controversy when City Council abolished two other on-campus registration sites. It was also the center of a considerable stir with the several thousand students who jammed the Union during the final day of registration. The 1,565 figure represents nearly half of the new voters. Maybe next year we'll even get two registration sites. Regents return University finances will be the primary con- cern of the Board of Regents at its regular monthly meeting today at 2 p.m. in the Regents Room in the Administration Bldg. The Regents will be discussing Gov. Milliken's directive to cut back the general fund budget as well as the Com- mittee on the Economic Status of the Faculty's request for an 18 per cent compensation increase for faculty members. A public comments session with the Regents will follow the meeting. Happenings ... ...are multitudinous today. The Concerned Clericals for Action/UAW will meet in the Grad- uate School Board Room at noon today to discuss bargaining demands . . . First Ward Democrats are meeting at 8 p.m. tonight at 1425 Culver Rd. to discuss nominations for the First Ward City Council race . . . the Welfare Rights Organization is holding a plant sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on State St. across from the Nickels Arcade .. . Peggy Goldman, the Communist Party candidate for the State Board of Education is giving a talk on "Education: A Right, Not a Privilege" at 4 p.m. in Schorling Aud. in the School of Education . . . Sen. Walter Mondale (D-Minn.) will be speaking in the Natural Science Aud. at 2 p.m. on behalf of Democratic Congressional candidate John Reu- ther . . . the Undergraduate English majors will be meeting at 8 p~m. in the Henderson Rm. on the 3rd floor of the Union . . . The Residential College Players will be presenting Hedda Gabler in the East Quad Aud. at 8 p.m., tickets are $1.50 at the door . .. Dr. Phyllis Bodel of Yale's Dept. of Internal Medicine will be speaking on women in medicine at 8 p.m. tonight in Towsley Hall's Sheldon Aud. in the Medical Center . . . and the Ostomy Group of Washtenaw County will be meet- ing at 7:30 p.m. tonight in the Senior Citizens Guild, 502 W. Huron to discuss "Tips for the Ostomate." After Jawrorski Atty. Gen. William Saxbe said yesterday that deputy Watergate prosecutor Henry Ruth is the leading contender for the nomination to replace Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski. The attorney general said he will decide early next week on his recommendation for a successor to Jaworski, who has submitted his resignation effective Oct. 25 after nearly a year in charge of the Watergate prosecution force. On the inside . . . . the Editorial Page features Kevin Stiers' impressions of the Young Socialists Alliance's forum on the CIA's involvement in Chile . . . on the Arts Page, Dave Weinberg reviews the Resi- dential College Players' production of Hedda Gabler . . . and sportswriter Rich Lerner surveys the potent offense of the Wisconsin Badgers on the KEY PROSECUTION WITNESS Dean Ford to testify today on% pardon WASHINGTON ( P) - Demo- cratic members of the House Judiciary subcommittee that. will question President Ford about his pardon of Richard Nixon say they are not expect- ing to learnanything new. The limited time available for questioning, the narrow scope of the inquiry and a reluctance to put a president on the grill will prevent any deep probing of the issue, in their view. BUT IN yesterday's editions, The Chicago Tribune reported Ford will tell the subcommittee that former White House chief of staff Alexander Haig asked him eight days before Nixon left office whether he would pardon Nixon in the event he resigned. The Tribune said Ford will say he made no promise to Haig and no deals 'with anyone in the Nixon administration involving Nixon's resignation. One of the 14 questions to which Ford will respond seeks d e t a i 1 e d information about Ford's discussions with Haig during the week before Nixon announced his resignation on Aug. 8.' OTHER questions go into the r matter of Ford's knowledge of Nixon's health at the time he announced the pardon and whether he knew of any crim- inal charges likely to be brought against Nixon. Ford's unprecedented appear- ance, a voluntary act on his , part, will be broadcast and tele- vised, starting at 10 a.m. EDT today. See FORD, Page 2 fingers top Nixon aides Testimony counters ofr..lEhrlichman claim WASHINGTON (Reuter)-Former White House Coun- sel John Dean began a day-by-day history of the Water- gate cover-up yesterday by telling the jury that former President Richard Nixon's top aides were deeply impli- cated. Dean, who was the first to accuse Nixon of being aware of the effort to cover up details of the Watergate case, directly countered the defense argument by former White House aide John Ehrlichman, who argued Tuesday that he had been misled and duped by Nixon. DEAN WAS the first prosecution witness in the trial of Ehrlichman, former White House Chief of Staff H. R. "Bob" AP Photo Headed for Boston? Members of the U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne Division practice riot control procedures yesterday at Fort Bragg, N.C. Massachusetts Gov. Francis Sargent has asked for federal troops to be sent into racially troubled South Boston, but Fort Bragg authorities have refused to say whether they are preparing to respond to Sargent's request. See story, Page 3. Haldeman, former Attorney General John Mitchell, and two former political aides, Robert Mardian and Kenneth Parkin- son. Dean's testimony closely fol- lowed the testimony he gave to the Senate Watergate Commit- tee hearings in the summer of 1972-hearings which riveted na- tional attention on the scandal which led to Nixon's resignation last August. Dean's low-key day-long tes- timony linked Haldeman and Ehrlichman to efforts to lead investigators away from the White House in their inquiry. He said the cover-up began a few days after five men were caught burglarizing the head- quarters of the Democratic Na- - tional Committee in the Water- gate office complex on June 17, 1972. DEAN, who is serving a four- year prison term for his role in the case, told of numerous White House meetings after the break-in. During these meetings, he said, Nixon's aides tried to sort out what was going on in the investigations by the FBI and the Justice Department. Despite repeated objections by the defense, Dean told the court that Haldeman ordered notentially incriminating White House files destroyed by his assistant Gordon Strachan. Dean testified that Strachan told him: "My files are clean. T destroyed material from my files . . . on instructions from Haldeman." DEAN SAID that a few days later, Ehrlichman ordered him to "deep six"-throw into the Potomac River-a satchel con- taining electronic bugging equip- ment found in the safe of White House consultant and convicted bi'rglar Howard Hunt. Dean said that he asked Ehr- lichman what to do with the satchel and some damaging po- litical papers-including a forg- ed state department cable which sought to link the Kennedy ad- ministration to the assasination of South Vietnam's President Ngo Dinh Diem. "You can shred the docu- ments and you can deep six the brief case," Dean quoted Ehr- lichman saying. Dean said he told Ehrlichman that he should sink the papers in the Potomac himself. EHRLICHMAN'S lawyer, Wil- liam Frates, disputed Dean's account of the incident Tuesday when he presented an impas- sioned opening statement de- nouncing Nixon for duping his client. See DEAN, Page 7 PRESSURES LSA UNIT: ROTC seeking course credit By SARA RIMER Reserve O f f i c e r Training Corps (ROTC) interests on cam- pus are exerting renewed pres- sure on a Literary College (LSA) committee to re-estab- lish full course credit for iili- tary science programs. After a long, controversial de- bate, the LSA faculty in 1969 voted to sever all financial and most academic ties with the University's ROTC. IN TRYING to reverse that action, the Committee on Mili- tary Officer Education Program (MOEP) last week sent a let- ter to Associate LSA Dean Jean Carduner, who chairs the LSA Curriculum Committee, urging that credit be given for some military science courses. The curriculum committee re- views all academic courses and recommends proposed altera- tions-which are then submitted to the school's Executive Com- mittee and ultimately the LSA faculty for final action. Fojtik The letter represents the mili- tary committee's second at- tempt to thrust the credit ques- tion on the LSA group. Last spring, a similar request was submitted to then Associate Dean Charles Witke. While MOEP did not specify which courses should receive credit ROTC courses include Military History, National Se- curity Structure, Theory and Dynamics of Military Team Management, and Amphibious Warfare. WITKE DENIED the request on the grounds that it violated a Regents by-law. The military committee then went a step higher-approach- ing then Vice President for Academic' Affairs Allan Smith, who ruled that the college does have the authority to grant de- gree credit for certain ROTC courses. "I used that by-law totally technically," an angry Witke said last night. "The 1969 fac- ttacks ulty decision cannot be over- turned without consuting every- body concerned and opening up new wounds." WITKE ASSERTED, "I have high regard for the collective response of '69, which was 'No way!'": Answering military commit- tee fears that ROTC enrollment is witnessing "a disturbing de- cline," Witke said, "that's a symptom. If military education 'is in trouble, maybe the coun- try is moving in a new direc- tion." Although Carduner does not expect the ROTC question to be "a very hot issue," Witke de- clared, "it couldn't help but be explosive at a complex, diverse University so in tune with what's happening today." NAVY ROTC officer William Rigot hopes "the issue of aca- demic credit will be looked at more objectively with the war over so far as we're con- cerned." Taking a drastically different stance, Witke asserted, "This opens up the whole damn Viet- nam question again. I can't be- lieve mature people on the fac- ulty think the war's over." One of the MOEP arguments for re-instating ROTC credit focuses on the enrollment de- cline that ROTC fears would lead the defense department to eliminate the program from campus. RIGOT. described 1969 as "the last big year" when enrollment' peaked at 330 students. It plummeted to a record low of 35 in 1973. But, Rigot said enrollment has rallied this year to 61 stu- dents, adding, "we are not in any danger of being cut off this year because of our present en- rollment." MOEP member Ralph Ban- field pointed out that "even RO- TC enrollment at Berkeley is back up." See ROTC, Page 7 JOHN DEAN, the govern- ment's key witness in the Watergate cover - up trial, leaves the U.S. District Court- house in Washington yester- day after testifying against other former White House aides. Jaworski claims Nixon 1 'guilty' NEW YORK (A') - Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski has told the Wall Street Journal that evidence already public and still to come at the Water- gate trial will conclusively show former President Richard Nixon guilty of obstructing justice. "The evidence will show he's guilty, just as much as a guilty plea," Jaworski said in an in- terview reported from Washing- ton in the Journal yesterday. JAWORSKI also indicated there were areas other than obstructing justice in which a case could be made against Nixon. He said President Ford's par- don of Nixon, and its timing, will not affect the amount of information about Watergate that finally becomes public. "It's a mistake to believe there would have been more evidence for the public if he had been tried," Jaworski said. See JAWORSKI, Page 7 Tlaylor, HRP By STEPHEN SELBST and DAVID BURHENN Washtenaw County Commis- sioner Kthleen Fojtik (D-Ann Arbor) charged yesterday that she is the target of a smear campaign being jointly under- taken by fellow Commissioner Elizabeth Taylor (D-Ann Arbor) and the Human Rights Party (HRP). Fojtik claimed that the HRP and Taylor are trying to "hurt her politically" by revealing in- formation about her 1974 travel expenses as a county commis- sioner. FOJTIK is running for re- election against Diane Hall of the H-RP. and RonStrauss. SGC BULLETIN T h e Student Government Council (SGC) election, origin- ally scheduled to end today, has been postponed until next week, an SGC official announced last night. Election director Allen Ber- covitz called the last-minute de- lay after learning of today's Daily story disclosing serious flaws in the election process. The Daily learned that the ID card marking system used to insure legal voting can easily be subverted. Balloting loophole jinxes election By TIM SCHICK For a mere 30 cents, you can vote as many times as you want in the current Student Government Council (SGC) election. It's not that the poll workers can be bought off cheaply. It's the voting system. The mark placed on student ID cards to show the owner has already voted can be eradicated with a little bit of nail polish remover. DESPITE THIS revelation, Election Direc- tor Allen Bercovitz remained convinced the a security measure in the election process. THE MARKS can be removed with many organic solvents, including acetone, ether, and alcohol-none of which will damage the ID cards. When shown a card from which the mark had been removed, Bercovitz said that if he were a poll worker, he would allow the owner to vote. SGC activist Elliot Chikofsky, who sug- gested this method of preventing people from reschedules voting 4. { t'4 r i