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October 16, 1974 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1974-10-16

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Wednesday, October 16, 1974


Page Nine





By The Associated Press
OAKLAND - The Oakland
A's took advantage of a costly
error by Los Angeles catcher
Joe Ferguson for a pair of un-
earned runs and a 3-2 victory
over the Dodgers last night in
the third game of the 1974
World Series.
Catfish Hunter earned his
fourth career World Series vic-
tory with late-inning relief help
from Rollie Fingers.
HUNTER WAS chased in the,
eighth after giving up a Billy
Buckner home run deep into,
the right field seats. And in the
ninth, Willie Crawford brought
the Dodgers back within a run
when he clouted a Fingersj
pitch deep to right-center for a
The A's got the runs they
needed early when Ferguson,r
shifted behind the plate in a
lineup switch by Dodger Man-:
ager Walt Alston, made his cru-
cial error in the third inning.
Al Downing, the Dodgers'
starting pitcher, had opened the'
third by striking out Hunter.
Then Bill North snapped an 0-

i ::DICK GREEN opened with a hauled down in deepest center-
walk and Hunter sacrificed him field.
] al to second base. After North In the Oakland bullpen, Fin-
:7 flied out, Campaneris ripped his gers warmed up quickly And
second hit of the game, scoring when Buckner socked his huge
mGorisGreen. When Ferguson let home run, Hunter was finished.
Jimmy Wynn's throw get past jhm uHne a iihd
NIGHT EDITOR: bimmyornnth rorgCampa- Jimmy Wynn greeted Fingers
Eshim for another error, Campa- with a single to right, but then
LEBA HER'T'Z neris raced to third. Garvey lined to Green, whose
::.::.".:~5.##'M ::, :'' But Jim Brewer came out of throw to first doubled Wynn off

for 20 post-season slump with a
sharp single to left.

the bullpen to strike outl
and end the inning.



ON A HIT-AND-RUN play, fortable 3-0 lead, Hunter work-
Bert Campaneris rapped a shot ed easily. He was in a jam in
down the third base line and the fourth when Green's error
Ron Cey made a dazzling, div- and a base hit by Steve Garvey
ing stop of the ball. Cey jumped gave the Dodgers two runners
to his feet and threw out Cam- with nobody out.
paneris, but North, displaying .
some heads-up base-running, But Crawford lied into a ral-
kept right on going and slid ly-killing double play.
head first into third base. In the eighth, Lopes, who had
Downing seemed unnerved by tied a World Series record by
North's bit of daring. He walked stealing two bases in one inning
Sal Bando on a 3-2 pitch and earlier in the game, opened
then fell behind 3-1 against with a long drive that North


the bag, ending that rally.
Fingers wasn't out of the
woods quite yet, though.
the ninth with another booming
homer and when Campaneris
booted Ferguson's ground ball,
the Dodgers had the tying run
on first base.
Cey tried to bunt, but
couldn't and finally struck out.
Now it was up to Bill Russell.
The young Dodger shortstop
swung at the first pitch and
sent it straight to Green, who
started the game-ending double

AP Photo
DODGER SECOND BASEMAN Dave Lopes successfully steals second base to the dismay of Oakland's Dick Green, in the
first inning of last night's World Series action. It was all in vain, however, as Lopes was left stranded. The A's, bouncing
back from last Sunday's loss, recorded a 3-2 victory over Los A ngeles and took a 2-1 lead in the series.

Calvin O'Neal
... reflects on redshirong

D.C., L.A. TIE:

slugger Reggie Jackson.
He swung at Downing's next
JACKSON'S BALL bounced in
front of home plate, traveling
no more than 15 feet. Ferguson,
who played right field in the
first two games of the Series
but was catching this one,
bounded out in front of the
plate for the ball.


trip Hu bs

Being an equal opportunity
employer, the Michigan bas-
ketball team does not limit,
the opportunity to play ball
in Crisler Arena to those pos-
sessing a scholarship. There
will be a meeting at Crisler
Arena at 6:00 p.m. Thurs-
day, Oct. 17, for all people
interested in trying out for
the Varsity Reserve basket-
ball team.
Student season tickets for
Michigan hockey are now on
isaleat thehAthletic Depart-
ment offices on 1000 S. State
Street. Twelve dollars will
get you tickets to all 18
Wolverine home matches.

In today's
the Dodgers'
smith, loser of
goes against!

fourth game,
Andy' Messer-
the first game,
Oakland's Ken


John Kohler.-

IT'S BEEN ONLY a little more than a year since the Big Ten
adopted redshirting, but the Michign football team has al-
ready benefitted greatly from the legal extra year of eligibility.
Starting defensive end Larry Banks would not be on campus
had he not been redshirted last year. Quarterback Mark Elzinga
also sat out last fall, and will still have two years of eligibility
left once Dennis Franklin departs.
Calvin O'Neal was redshirted last year. He is currently a
sophomore in eligibility, and next year, after Steve Strinko
and Carl Russ depart, he will have a linebacking position of
his own for two years.
His play so far this season would seem to indicate that O'Neal
will make good use of that starting slot. With both Strinko and
Russ hampered by injuries, O'Neal has become a semi-regular,
starting twice and garnering 36 tackles through five games.
With all the good O'Neal received from redshirting, it is a
bit surprising that he remembers his redshirt year with distaste.
"I found out I was being red-_
shirted last year the week be-d
fore our first game," he relates.
"I was on the travel list for the
Iowa game and I expected to
"But after practice, Moel-
ler (Gary Moeller, defensive
co-ordinator) told me I was
being redshirted, and I
wouldn't make the trip. I felt
pretty bad after hearing that,
since I wasn't expecting to
sit it out." iv
"We had decided that we
didn't need him last season,"
explains Moeller. "We had
(Craig) Mutch, Russ Strinko
and (Jovan) Vercel who were
all experienced linebackers."
A redshirt player is not al-
lowed to take the fall off, by
any means.
"We had -to dress for the
h o m e games," continues
O'Neal. "Going through the
warmups and all that rigama-
role was hell. I dreaded every-
"I told myself that I would
never go through anything like
that again, that I would get
myself physically and mental-.
ly ready for next season. That's
why I stayed here over the sum
mer, lifting weights and getting
myself in shape for this year."
One of the major reasons
that O'Neal was red-shirted,
was his relative lack of ex-
perience at linebacker. The O'Neal i
coaches tried Calvin in his
freshman year at middle guard and defensive end. He
even played fullback for the Varsity Reserves.
"We always felt he could be a linebacker," says Moeller.
"But we needed help at other positions, so we tried him at
middle guard and defensive end to see if he could help us."
The experiments at middle guard and defensive end explain
how Calvin picked up a lineman's number, 96.
"I always wanted to be a linebacker," O'Neal emphasizes.
'I played there as a freshman: But they told me I was being
ied at middle guard.
"That broke my spirit. But I didn't want to be against the
ystem or anything, so I gave it a try. I didn't do well there
ossibly because I didn't like the position.,
"Then after a week, they told me I was getting switched
rom middle guard, but they wanted me at a down lineman posi-
ion. I guess the reason I returned to linebacker was because
f persistance on my part. I just kept asking them to switch me,
ntil they moved me back.
"I like the freedom of being a linebacker. I can't be re-
stricted, and at linebacker, you can get in on all the action.
"At defensive end, if the play's not going in your direction,
you usually don't get in on it. At middle guard, the play's either

York defenseman Denis Potvin
scored twice and Dave Lewis
broke a 3-3 tie at 6:39 of the
third period, c a r r y i n g the
Islanders, to a 6-3 National
Hockey League victory over the
Montreal Canadiens last night.
P o t v i n surprised Montreal
goaltender Bunny Larocque with
a 65-foot slap shot after just
1:32 of play, and after Gary
Howatt made it 2-0 with a 20-
foot shot five minutes later,
Potvin scored again.
But the Canadiens came
back to tie on the fourth and
fifth goals by Pete Mahov-
lich this season and a score
by Guy Lapointe in the second
Then Lewis broke the tie ear-
ly in the third period, rookie
Bob Bourne scored his first
goal eight minutes later; and

Bob Nystrom slapped a shot!
into the empty Montreal net at!
19:27 after Larocque had been
removed for an extra skater.
The victory left the Islanders
unbeaten in three games this:
season, including a tie againstI
the Canadiens. Montreal has
struggled to a loss and two ties.
Goalies prevail
LANDOVER, Md. i/in-Rookie
goalie Ron Low of Washington
turned aside 16 shots by the
Los Angeles Kings in the final
period and preserved a 1-1 tie
for the Capitals in their Na-
tional Hockey League home'
opener last night.
A slap shot by defenseman
Yvon Labre gave Washington a
1-0 lead with 4:35 gone in the:
second period, but Danny Ma-
loney put in the tying goal less
than four minutes later after
snaring a loose puck in front
of the Washington goal.
Low, obi.iaed by Washing-
ton in the expansion draft
from the Toronto roster, was
credited with 33 saves, in-
cluding several spectacular
stops in the final period.

The ball bounced high and hit
had lost its two previous games off the heel of Ferguson's glove
and the tie gave the first-year for an error. North scored and
Capitals their first point ever. Bando stopped at second.
Rookie Rogie Vachon had 19 Joe Rudi followed with anoth-
saves for the Kings, but hid to
stop only four shots on goal in er hit under second baseman
the final 20 minutes. Dave Lopes' glove and the A's
had a 2-0 edge.


Canucks triumph
ST. LOUIS W) - Dennis{
Kearns and Paulin Bordeleau;
rifled home power play goals 69
seconds apart and helped the
Vancouver Canucks to a 6-4 Na-
tional Hockey League victory,
last night over St. Louis in the
Blues' home opener.
The two goals erased a 4-3
Blues lead midway through the
final period and handed St.
Louis is first loss in three
games. Vancouver's victory
was also its first in the same
number of games.
Rookie Brian Ogilvie's sec-
and goal established the slim
St. Louis edge before Kearns
rattled In his first goal of the
season, a shot that blanced in
off defenseman Bob Stumpf's
A minute later, with Blues'
center Garry Unger killing the

An inning r ater, va ian
added another run. It turned
out to be the winner.




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It was the second tie in four second part of a double penal-
starts for the unbeaten Kings, ty, Bordeleau's hard slap shot
who have played their first four whistled by goalie John David-
games on the road. Washington son into the net.

t ri
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