Page Eiglit THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday,:October.16,1974 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY FORWARD SPOT UP FOR GRABS: MICHIGAN'S MOST COMPLETE HI-FI & ELECTRONICS CENTERS SALE PRICES GOOD THRU WEDNESDAY, OCT. 23! ANNUAL FALL % .. A war A L1J G, L uwwwoo 'Sww .+wn.."K ". , +A '+ """n.t e §er a' y cr. +wefront and rear level controls, 30 watts. Re. $114.95 JIL 817--FMN track uinder dash player w/! FM ster~eo radio. Peg. $79.95 Teinna TC-83 deluxe 8 track player w/FM stereo r a d i o. extra features. Reg. $134.95 Rhapsody RY-896 8 track u n d e r dash player w1 FM stereo radio. Peg. $79.95 $9988 $5988 $7488 $3300 $4988 $7788 $4788 $2288 $8800 $3288 $32 88 $3988 $42 88 $698 $4988 $788a $88 $8 MINORITY FELLOWSHIPS IN GRADUATE MANAGEMENT ADMI NISTRATION You are invited to discuss opportunities for study in graduate management administration with Mr. Bert King, President and Executive Director of COGME, on Thursday, October 17, 1974, 1:30 to 5 p.m. in the Placement Office. Minority students from all disciplines and de- STUDENTS Mond y/ CATCH A BIGGER PIECE OF THE ACTION! You'll feel like your right on the play- ing field. Follow the action play by play with these compact lightweight Triton Binoculars by Swift. They're chosen by many sportsmen because of their versa- tility. All air to glass surfaces are double coated, first to boost the brightness of the image and second to protect your eyes from harmful sun rays. If these don't exactly meet your needs, Quarry stocks 18 different types of Swift binocu- lars. So takt your pick! And they're all priced way b e 1 o w Suggested Retail. Quarry Photo sells at a discount-without really saying so. at the FISHBOWL lay thru Friday this we ek A R ANS WVLL RE LfCT becuse they art RAY ente~rlsng HOULTZ Sc S ~ 4 0.3- dMmks~lONfR -Pd. Pal. Adv. PROFESSORS, CLASSES - 19. 20. MODEL 748 TRITON MARK I, 7 x 35mm Ouarry's reautar price $59.50 SALE PRICED Until $4950 Oct. 26th at SAVE $10.00 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Georgia Tech at Auburn Colorado at Oklahoma Nebraska at Kansas Miami (Fla.) at West Virginia Navy at Air Force N.C. State at North Carolina Dartmouth at Brown Florida at Florida State Missouri at Oklahoma State Waynesburg at Slippery Rock Wayne State at Hillsdale DAILY LIBELS at Traverse City St. Francis gree levels are encouraged to attend. Work toward an MBA or MS Degree in Man- agement at one of our ten member schools: Berkeley, Carnegie-Mellon, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Univer- sity of Chicago or Wharton. r NORTHEAST 2755 Plymouth Rd. in Plymouth Mall Daily 10-9, Sat. 10-6-761-8690 DOWNTOWN So. State St. at North University Mon.-Sat. 9-6-761-2011 SOUTHWEST West Stadium near Liberty Daily 9-9, Sat. 9-6-665-0621 MISCELLANEOUS CALCULATORS, TV'S, PHONOGRAPHS AUTO ACCESSORIES COMMUNICA- TIONS GEAR $488 W e s t c l o x electric alarm clock w/sweep $88 second hand, UL list- ed. Peg. $4.95 USI 1903 deluxe home burglar and fire A8 alarm system - com- plete. Reg. $79.95 USI SA-1R car bur- glar alarm w/loud $4488 police type siren. Reg. $24.95 Lafayette Micro 923 23 channel Mobile 4 88 C.B. radio w/channel 9 emergency monitor. Reg. $149.95 EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF STUDENT LIFE PRESENTS with Snecial Guests R.E.. SPEEDWAGON Plushed lined pigskin case and lifetime quarantee included Dual 1218 deluxe au- tomatic turntable -~ 9 tused) w/base, cover 9 cartridge. Peg. $254.85 KLH 6 12" 2-way air suspension s p e a k e r w. oiled walnut cabi- net, Reg. $139.95 $3900 GE Mustang II pho- nograph--as is-stero w /removeable speak- ers. Reg. $56.95 $2488 I THE SONY BOOK OF SOUND FREE Somebody's finally giving away somethinq that's worth something! The Sony Book of SOUND. It's a dynamite 76-page music reference work. Over a dozen articles, each written by people who are recoq- nized experts in their fields. Paul Hemphill on country music, Robert Palmer on iozz, Len Feldman on eiuipment. And more! So pick up the Sony Book of SOUND. And listen to the equipment. I! , . .1 / _C!; / ax