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October 15, 1974 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-10-15

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Page Eight


Tuesday, October 15; 1974

_ _ - -- it


McGarrigles and
Baran at the Ark
(Continued from Page 5) songwriting that is herb
fluence. Their mother sang old area - her songs are both
light-hearted Frenchrsongs and mantic and witty. For insta
their father listened to operas in a song that she terms
and played many of one old only thing I have to show
songs of the South. my B.S. degree," she roma
"He was a very :omantic per- cized the ionization of sod
son, which is very evident in and chlorine to form salt.
our music," said Kate. In fact can't get much more crea
it was one of Kate's better than that.
known songs, "The Work Song", The three women are ind
that came out of these early ite about their future plans
memories. record is tentatively scned
The group is essentially acous- for release with Warner Br
tically, oriented - inaddition to ers. Since they live in three
Roma's backup guitar and ferent places, they have to t
Kate's piano, Anna plays the eadpaesetheyhaveptog
' d atethe an-ahead before they accept
squeeze box and Kate the ban- Kate lives in New York
jo. Although their repetoire cen- looks after her one and ab
ters on their own songs, they ya-l o.Rmwof
still play the old French songs yar-old son. h no ersf
and blues. However, they have ew tuHathe ersil
introduced the electric bass to Ne re, si
balance out the mid-range in- there, and Anna lives in
struments and their high voices. y
As Kate said, the electric bass What makes Kate, Anna
"puts a bottom to it." Roma so appealing is not
In addition to creating a beau- their excellent musicianship
tiful totality, each woman has that they are three women
some individual area that is out- enjoy each other's companiy
standing. Roma's careful, con- being women. Because of
tained guitar playing, pIrticu- there is no need for them
larly her blues style, provides have to resort to overt femin
just the right kind of backup for in their songs or to have to
their work. Anna not only writ- nounce that they are wome
es good songs, but has a beau- as Roma put it, "you live;
tiful, clear soprano voice. politics." It is this state
Although Kate sings and plays things that makes them
the piano beautifully, it is her much more enjoyable. -

' the
is. A
ty of
en -


Gremlin runs amok




problem worsened. Other minor " Undaunted, Keene went rightj
problems became evident, too. to the top. He fired off a lettert
Keene and his ailing auto re- by registered mail to Georger
turned to Campus American on Brown, head of AMC's Salest
Sept. 25. But the grease mon- and Service Division inDetroit.
keys had no good news for him. He told his unique story and
Despite a thorough check, the requested a new auto. He got-
cause of the difficulty could not no reply.
be found. SO HE TURNED to the law.
TOLDBY the head of the The sheriff's department gave
service department that the car him a copy of the accident re-
was undriveable, Keene was port which, he claims, shows
awardedr- a loaner-subject to.that Campus AMC "blatantly
several restrictions. He had to misrepresented the entire acci-
agree to pay 10 cents for every dent and damage. The report
mile the car was driven over said the car was moving at 35-
25 miles each day and promise 45 miles per hour and the dam-
not to drive more than 50 miles age was greater than the dealerj
from Campus American. had indicated, according toI
After returning the Gremlin Keene.
to Campus American, Keene Since then, no solution to the
kept in close touch, but he was problem has surfaced. Bob Sil-
again told that the dealership va, manager of Campus AMC,,
could not determine the root of proved brusque when asked to1
the trouble and was looking for recount his version of the in-j
technical assistance from De- cident. "What are you goingt
troit. Keene was advised to get to do with this information,
in touch with American Motors' print it in the newspaper?" hec
hotline in Detroit. He did. asked. "Well, then I don't care
"They were very sympathetic to be quoted. We didn't build
until I started making de- the car. We just sold it. We did i
mands," Keene recalls. "They everything we were supposed"
said, 'We're sorry, but that's to0do."
the way it is,' which I find hard Bill Harrington, an American'
to believe." Motors sales and service repre-I
TWO DAYS later, Oct. 2, sentative from Detroit, was'
Campus AMC called Keene with sympathetic but had no an-
bad news. The car, they said, swers. "We're going to try to
had been involved in a minor get the dealer to work this
traffic accident. They claimed out," he said. "But we can't
the other party was at fault and force the dealer. He's an inde-
that the damage was minor. pendent businessman. We're go-
But they said that work on ing to try. We want to use
the persistent brake problem subtle pressure, have a meeting
c oul1d continue only afterl of the minds."
Keene's insurance paid for the HARRINGTON denied that
bk AMC has turned its corporate
Keene hit the ceiling. He re- back on the problem: "We don't
fused to authorize the repairs, -
since he would end up paying W ne
costs not covered by his insur- n
ance-and he couldn't afford it. TEMPORARY
American told him he had no HOMES FOR
alternative. "They've been bel- i TEENAGERS
ligerent all along," he says. "I 1 day to 2 weeks
don't see how they can continue ANY ADULT(S)
to get away with it."'ONIDELE)
Keene sought further redress
with the hotline in Detroit, but CALL
he found AMC representatives
there unreceptive. "They said ozone House
the problem was between me 769-6540
and the dealer," he recalls.

play that game.. We have to go
back and reason this thing out
man-to-man, look at it unemo-
tionally, and use some common

And Arthur Keene is still un-
satisfied, angry and bewildered.
"What I can't understand is
why American Motors won't
step in and help me," he says.

Researchers report }
consumer pessimism
(Continued from Page 1) view is "too monotheistic
skamp admits the sponsors are "I AM NOT at all optimistic


understandably "not very hap- about the 1975 auto year," he
py with the findings." says, "but the problems fac- j
Michigan's economic future ing the automobile industry are
looks especially gloomy since not just a simple question of
the state is heavily dependent consumers."
on the automobile industry. He claims the solution of au-
"The outlook for the automo- tomobile market problems' also
bile industry is not good, and j depends on a compromise be-
that's not good for Michigan," tween industrialists and envi-
Schmiedeskamp asserts. He! ronmentalists which will pro-
cites both the increased cost of tect both the environment and
cars and consumer skepticism the economy.j
about anti-pollution devices as N e v e r t h e 1 e s s, Schmi-
reasons for an expected bad edeskamp asserts, "Our survey
year. suggests there will be a serious
McCracken agrees the auto- recession." He also predicts
mobile industry is headed for '"some serious scrambling" to
hard times, but claims Schmie- improve the situation in the
deskamp's consumer - b a s e d next few months.

Three fincars

Prosecution opens
Watergate trial

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(Continued from Page 1)
allow himself to become a!
scapegoat. He was fired by
Nixon on April 30, after n'ionths
of handling the White House
response to the various Water-
gate investigations.
DEAN WILL BE the first
prosecution witness today once
three of the defense lawyers
have made their own opening
statements in the trial, which is
expected to last three or four
Ben-Veniste presented t h e
now-familiar story of the cover-
up in a courtroom jammed with
reporters, about 35 spectators
and some relatives of the de-
fendants. He spoke for just over
three hours, describing the
cover-up in short, simple sen-
tences, describing hundreds of
meetings, phone calls and ac-
tions which comprise the com-
plicated conspiracy case.
Among the few new develop-
ments was the assertion that
former White House aide Rich-
ard Moore, who attended one
of the crucial meetings of the
cover-up, waspressured to for-
get what he remembered about
how some payoffs to the orig-
inal Watergate defendants were
BEN-VENISTE quoted Halde-
man as telling Nixon that
Moore's memory on the Feb-
ruary 1973 meeting at La Costa,
Calif., "has become feeble be-
yond measure." Nixon, accord-
ing to the prosecutor, said later
he was "gratified that Moore's
( esneoou s
MIt. ta OCdtworkers
d - ePd .
-Pd, Pol. Adv.

recollection had dimmed a lot."
Earlier, BenVeniste s a i d
Moore had been prepared to
back up Dean's testimony on
the meeting.
Another new element disclos-
ed in the alleged conspiracy
was $25,000 Ben-Veniste said
was obtained from Nixon's
friend, Charles "Bebe" Rebozo,
for use in paying the original
Watergate burglars.
IN HIS opening statement to
the jury, Ben-Veniste said de-
fendant and former Atty. Gen.
John Mitchell dispatched an
emissary to Florida to pick up
$50,000 in cash from Rebozo.
The prosecutor said the money
was picked up by Nixon re-
e 1 e c t i o n committee official
Frederick LaRue on Oct. 12,
1973. Half went to the original
seven Watergate defendants and
half went to an unnamed gub-
ernatorial candidate, he said.
It was not clear if Rebozo
knew how the money was to be
FOR MORE than a year, the
prosecutor told the jury, the
defendants illegally tried to
write off the original Watergate
burglars as men "off on a lark
of their own."
He said they failed because
too many of those running the
cover-up knew about the plan
for illegal wiretapping and bur-
glary in advance.



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