Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fri iday, October 11, 1974 Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Police ch Today's Man(Continued from Page 1) STATE POLICE Lieutenant Calvin Leien spokesman for ase bank robbers Hopefuls vie for SGC seats i A tl: -,- 4,s ZN t" z y+ IRIA : et'r the department, could not con- firm Postill's complaint about an information gap. But Lepien did say that a broadcast on the crime "was put out on the air after it was determined that the hostages were safe." The Green family was releas- ed shortly after 10 a.m., about the same time that sheriffs deputies stopped the FBI car. The bizarre crime began at about 9 p .m. Wednesday, when four men in their early twen-' f i 3 f t { i _ BOOK CENTICORE Always } Sale. Titles Change Co Outdoor Sale Plaza. B $6.95 to $175.00, N $75.00 CENTICORE 336 MAYNARD 104 WA ties, armed with a handgun, up and whether they would be (Continued from Page 1) funt Coalition of Liberals and entered the Green home in able to go to the bathroom." ally. Moderates Party. Sylvan Township south of Chel- "They (the bandits) perform- The Neo-Modernaires- are yet Moderates Party (CLAMP). sea. ed quite a professional job," another reform - minded party. Unlike the Reform Party, THE FOUR forced Green his Green continued. "We weren't This group is running Carol Campus Coalition is in favor wife Bunny, and their children physically abused. I guess I'd ! Papworth and Joel Stelt for the of pursuing criminal action Eric and Anette into the r much rather deal with a pro in two leadership positions. The against the former officers ac- where the bandits bound thmthis kind of thing." two candidates support the civil cased of mishandling Council with twine. THE ROBBERS, wearing action against the former SGC funds. washjustnemasks and white denim gloves, officers and hope to unify stu- Ballot questions in this elec- Our first reaction was just remained at the house until 7 dents by combining liberal tion inc u d e two proposals absolute fright," Green re- a.m., when two drove Green's ideas and conservative methods. ch would refo SGCps called yesterday. The kids wife and children away in a THE LAST party running well as several general house- were great, but I'm not sure yellow Mercury. The other two candidates for president and: k they realized all the dangers went with Green in his own car vibe president posts is the Guess THE MOST important ballot involved. They seemed to be to Ypsilanti. Who Party. Dave Mikkola and q idei to most concerned about being tied On the way, the bank man- Gary Diguiseppe, the two hope-I a Council motion passed a few ager was told to withdraw $50,- fuls, have no unified political weeks ago. If it passes, all SGC; 000 from the vault and drop it beliefs or platform except the expenditures will require two 'fwest Ysantsfheyanded oh promise of honesty, integrity signatures, all financial reports Sswest Ypsilanti-if he wanted to and ability to listen, will be open to the public, and B see his family again. Mikkola says he would have mandatory legal audit and item- Has 100's of Books on GBeforeica ng for the sdney to review the cases against ized treasurer's reports will be nstantly. See Our Large Clarence Utley. bi those charged with fund misuse required. foks Formerly Priced at "HE SAID that he'd spent a He also stresses that SGC ow Selling for 99c to bad night, and that they were should provide more services f still holding his family," Utley for less money and reduce the G said last night. " number of committees it spon- BOO KS HOPS Utley notified state police af- sors. (Continued from Page 1) 1229 SO. UNIVERSITY ter Green's call. The smallest party this year to arrive in the mail. The branch manager mean- is the Rochdale Party. Running t riei h al while had gone to his office only two candidates for Council Even the waitresses got into twhere he waited for the head seats, this group is calling for the fashion act, wearing blonde teller to arrive. After ordering reform also. wigs to hide any tell-tale traces kSHERS & DRYERS the vault cleaned out, he Uof gray. droed the money off at the literary college, seat, promises THE BANDSTAND was cere- PN2 HORturned to the bank. , rnew guidelines for Council with moniously equipped with the OPEN 24 HOURS TWO HOURS later, Green's emphasis on financial aspects. Stars and Stripes and the Mich- TTENDANT ALWAYS wife called him from the motel.i John Petz, the other Roch- igan flag, while the presidential ON DUTY "I'm terribly, terribly ex- dale candidate, claims he is podium was graced with emer- R. STA DIUMhausted and terribly, terribly, "anti - corruption." gency exit and fire equipment relieved that it's all over," Ham and Pets say they decid- signs. COIN LAUNDRY & Green said last night. "We're ed to run because of recent The spacious hall was remin- DRY CLEANINGA just very, very happy right SGC scandals. "It's a duty to iscent of an airplane hangar. 1958 S. INDUSTRIALino an veygaeu.MrruexlnsHm uth of E. Stadium Blvd. now and very grateful. More run,' explains Ham. Paying guests who had the mis- 668-7928 than anything we're interested THE SIXTH party on the fortune to be placed in the back in resting." ballot is the Campus Coalition, of the room saw a Gerald Ford "I didn't get much sleep last: Led by David Faye, this group no bigger than the white of a night, you know." has its roots in the now-de- thumbnail if they happened to - ~ forget their opera glasses. A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY One such unfortunate remark- CLASSICAL MUSIC OF INDIA William Milliken's speech, "He A LECTURE RECITAL BY looks so small from here, I G.N. JOSH I could swear he's fake. He could " lectured and performed in U.S., U.K Europe in 1964, just as well be a robot." 70, 73, 74 0 recorded over 100 songs with H.M.V. (subsidiary of E.M.I. London) CONCERNEI Sat., Oct. 12-7 p.m.-200 Lane Hall ADMISSION FREE DONATIONS WELCOME GRADUATE Courtesy: India ssocDept. of Humanities, k {{ and School of Music _ Rackham Student Gave ! .O < 'i0 ? ) {}-=")-.<-ng applications for i openings for represent divisions: Physical Scie YRO Social Sciences, Huma COPY Y I tact Rm. 2006 Rackha . This proposal is on the ball to ensure that a future Counc does not nullify the SGC-a proved rule. Another amendment w o u 1 change the number of Counci members from 41 to 15. Th would not only make SGC mo manageable, but would end th problem of fractional votes an unfilled Council seats. IF THIS proposal passes is unclear when or how it wi be implemented, since SGC it now exists is under rsvie by the Regents. However, SGC is not overhauled or di banded, the plan would pro] ably be put into effect in Marc] ONLY 24 of the 41 availab seats will be filled in this ele tion due to a lack of candidate in the smaller constituencies. s at dinner [ot il p- d il- is ire he nd it ll as .11W w if is- h. le ;c- es . ~y .. ... . . A MR So TI] TROUSERS i by A-"1Kotzin- famous for fit since 1919 I&artV4SOUTH U. Campus Theatre Bldg.-So. University WF Poi omen's ishion D1wear and 761-9891 OTHERS GAVE up craning their necks toward the podium and contented themselves with pushing their food around on their plates. Some of the guests seemed more pre-occupied with public- ity than with the speeches. Two attractive guests took 10 min- utes to calm down after a TV news camera zeroed in on them. Said another woman to her yawning husband, "He's taking our picture. I just know he's taking our picture." To add more static to the con- fusion, plates crashed to the floor with incredible frequency. Luckily for the caterer, they were unbreakable. But the deafening applause that filled the hall when the illustrious Michigander rose to make his speech showed that the Republicans got what they paid for, a glimpse, even if from afar, of their hero from home, Gerald Ford. D RACKHAM STUDENTS: ernment is now accept- membership. There are atives in the following ences and Engineering, nities, Education. Con- m Bldg. for application Hai Try Daily Classifieds ': " EAST I..... -WILLIAM ? ANN ARBOR I It Pays to Advertise in The Daily I f t The Varsity Shop 1 ' at Wild s Why walk further-the finest, largest selection of LeviĀ® brand slacks and jeans. Handsome shirts, sweaters, and tops to co-ordinate. STOP IN TODAY yvarsityuSop AT U s I 5 Is