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October 11, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-10-11

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Fights Reform
See Editorial Page

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXV, No. 32

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 11, 1974

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

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McGovern speaks
Sen. George McGovern (D-S.D.) will speak at
10:30 this morning in Hill Aud. on government
economic policies. The address is on behalf of
Democratic Second Congressional District candi-
date John Reuther, who has invited several party
"stars" to the district for promotional tours. Yes-
terday we erred in reporting that the speech was
scheduled for yesterday morning. A group called
the Revolutionary Student Brigade has scheduled
an anti-McGovern rally outside Hill during the
speech. The brigade claims McGovern has ignored
the plight of Indians in South Dakota.
Burgoyne 'unqualified?'
The Washtenaw County Bar Association has
rated Republican lawyer Shirley Burgoyne "un-
qualified" in her bid for the new 15th District Court
judgeship. Burgoyne immediately branded the bar
"prejudiced" against women and yesterday said
the rating, which was released with the bar's
evaluations of the other six candidates, is "not bas-
ed on any facts at all." The ratings are based on
a poll of the bar's members - some 250 local at-
833 and 695 .. .
.are this week's winning lottery numbers. The
second chance numbers are 061 and 673. The win-
ning numbers in the bonus drawings are 917, 573
and 392. The winning numbers in the Jackpot
Drawing are 9657950, 354905, 38572, and 537.
Physicians OK pact
University Hospital interns and residents over-
whelmingly approved a new one-year contract
with the University yesterday. The vote on the
pact was 203-36 in favor. Major features of the
new contract include an eight percent salary hike,
improvements in health insurance plan benefits,
and the requirement that doctors in the bargaining
unit must either join the House Officers Associa-
tion, which represents the interns, or pay a service
fee. Patient care issues raised by the physicians
will be dealt with in a hospital committee.
. . . have an international look today. Exiled
Soviet dissident Pavel Litvinov will speak on "The
Human Rights Movement in the Soviet Union - Its
Sense and Meaning" at noon in the Rackham Am-
phitheater . . . at 3 p.m. the scene switches to
Egypt. Dr. Gamal Mokhtar, Egyptian subminister
of culture and president of the organization of an-
tiquities will lecture on "New Findings in the Field
of Egyptology." That's in Aud. C, Angell Hall ...
at 7:30 p.m. a Spartacus Youth League forum will
center on "Independence Struggles in Africa:
Which Way for Socialists?" in Rm. 2207 of the
Michigan Union . . . Auriel Kerem, vice counsel
for cultural affairs in the Israeli Consulate in
Chicago, will speak at Hebrew House, 900 Lincoln
tonight at 9 . . . and if you're more interested in
events closer to home, the College Young Demo-
crats meet tonight at 8 in rooms D and E of the
Michigan League with Democratic Congressional
nominee John Reuther and State Representative
Perry Bullard.
Campaign reform
Congress completed action yesterday on a Water-
gate-triggered election bill designed to reduce the
influence of special interests and control the flow
of campaign money. The bill, sent to President
Ford for his signature by a vote of 365-24 in the
House, would finance the 1976 presidential elec-
tion and nominating conventions with public funds.
It would also apply strict limits to the amount of
money candidates for President and Congress can
spend, and on the contributions individuals and
organizations can make to their campaigns. At the
White House, Press Secretary Ron Nessen said
"no final decision has been made by the President
whether he will sign it or not."
Mills confesses
Representative Wilbur Mills (D-Ark.) admitted
yesterday that he was involved in a bizarre post-
midnight episode that started with a high-speed
police chase and ended with a former striptease
dancer diving into a Potomac River inlet. Mills

broke four days of silence by issuing a three-page
statement giving his account of the sequence of
events around 2 a.m. Monday. Mills said: "Of
course, I am embarrassed and humiliated by the
entire turn of events and I want to apologize for
discomfort my involvement caused all of the well-
wishers who have expressed their genuine con-
On the inside. . .
.. Arts Page features Cinema Weekend and
the new nightlife column . . . on the Editorial
Page, Beth Nissen takes a look at pornography
. . . and the Sports Page features a look at Wol-
verine defensive star Dan Jilek by Jeff Schiller.

Washtenaw County voters will probably be
faced with deciding whether or not the county
will float some $3 million in low-interest bonds
to finance proposed relocation of the environ-
mental Research Institute of Michigan (ERIM)
in Ann Arbor.
According to several county commissioners,
the board will easily pass a resolution initiating
the bond 'flotation-setting in motion a 45-day
referendum period when petitions may be filed
protesting the bond issue, thus forcing approval
by voters.
TO FORCE a referendum, five per cent of the
county's registered voters must protest ERIM
through petitions requiring some 6,900validated



According to Robert Guenzel, corporation coun-
sel for the commissioners, a simple majority-
eight votes-are needed to pass the proposal to
issue bonds. The vote is expected Nov. 6.
ERIM, formally the University's Willow Run
Laboratories until January, 1973, asked the county
for industrial development bonds which charge
half the interest rate of most outside financing.
HOWEVER, leaders of the anti-ERIM group
admit their lobbying efforts are futile and are
discussing a petition drive against ERIM.

pressed confidence that with "a successful peti-
tion drive . . . we can organize, get it together,
and get it on the ballot."
DAVID GOODMAN, spokesman for the Human
Rights Party (HRP), which belongs to the anti-
ERIM effort, said yesterday he had little doubt
of the party's ability to organize a petition cam-
HRP has run successful petition campaigns for
rent control last winter and preferential voting
for mayor this summer-both city-wide issues
requiring over 3,000 signatures.
The anti-ERIM committee has termed the in-
stitute "a multi-million dollar research complex
that does primarily war related research."
WILLIAM BROWN, ERIM's president, has re-


sponded that "approximately one-half of our
activities are funded by the Defense Depart-
ment," but points out that other projects have
investigated water pollution and other environ-
mental issues.
Brown contends the research institute is using
military research technology for many non-
military purposes.
The committee against ERIM has attacked the
institute's proposed move, claiming that "local
economic development must be based on pro-
duction for human needs, not for the destruction
of human life."
POINTING OUT that ERIM employs some 450
well-paid people, Brown points out his staff
"should be considered an asset to the county.
See ERIM, Page 7
Sd asks

The Ad Hoc
Research has
attacked thei

Committee to Stop ERIM War
recently begun lobbying among
against ERIIM's bond request and
institute for defense-related re-

County Commissioner Elizabeth Taylor ex-

at Ford
special To The Daily
DETROIT-They managed to
get the President there on time,
but the salad dressing came a
half hourlate. In addition, the
rice was cold, the potatoes
bland, the gravy curdling, and
the apple pie downright un-
But the glamorous guests at
last night's Republican fund-
raiser at Cobo Hall ate it and
loved it. And they should have.
They paid $50 for it.
THE GUESTS appeared in a
glittering array of costumes
ranging from K-Mart silver
spangled slippers to shocking
red ostrich feathers.
While the women sported
stunning diamond brooches, the
men preferred the latest in
campaign b u t t otns, probably
awaiting their "WIN" buttons
See GOP, Page 2




econ pla( n
Special To The Daily
DETROIT-President Gerald Ford last night lashed
out at critics of the anti-inflation plan he revealed ear-
lier this week and called on Congress and the American
people for zealous support of the measures.
During a speech to about 4,000 persons at a state
Republican Party fund-raiser here, Ford acknowledged
that the economic package - particularly a proposed five
per cent income tax surcharge - has created "tremors"
on Capital Hill.
HE ALSO severely criticized a Congressional move to cut-off

r ~a
Doily Photo by KEN FINK
PRESIDENT FORD holds up a dog bone during an allusion to his new log Liberty at last
night's find-raising dinner in Detroit's Cobo Hall. Sneaking to a crowd of enthusiastic Repub-
licans, Ford asked for support of his anti-inflation plan and came down hard on Congress for
cutting off aid to Turkey.




organizes effort

to oppose clerical unionizat0on

A major University official
yesterday presentedyover 100
assembled professional and ad-
ministrative staff members
with an extensive plan for
countering the clerical unioniz-
ation effort.
Union officials said they in-
tend to determine whether un-

fair labor practice charges
should be leveled against the
University on the matter.
WILLIAM NEFF, head of the
University's Office of Staff and
Union Relations, detailed the
"no union" strategy in a two-
hour, invitation-only meeting
with professional staffers in the
Natural Science building.

Sx parties compete
for SGC positions
Second of two parts
Next week, students will select their Student Government
Council representatives - perhaps for the last time under the
present system.
The fate of SGC appears to hang in the balance as students
choose between six different parties and vote on several ballot
questions. The last three SGC elections have been laced with
charges of fraud, and observers agree the Board of Regents will be
keeping a close eye on next Tuesday's contest before deciding
whether to overhaul or possibly disband the present student gov-
ONLY FOUR of the six parties that have coalesced this year
are running candidates for president and vice president.

Neff, a lawyer and leading
labor negotiator, encouraged
the assembled supervisors to ar-
range discussion sessions on
the hearings issue with their
clerical subordinates.
Edwin Fabre, a Detroit-based
United Auto Workers (UAW)
attorney, later claimed, "Neff
may well have jeopardized the
University's neutral position.
Of course, we intend to have
our Ann Arbor staff look into
it to see if any unfair labor
practices laws have been vio-
chief AFSCME representative at
Michigan State University
(MSU) and chairwoman of the
Michigan Women's Caucus,
labeled Neff's presentation as
"patently illegal" but not sur-
prising. "Bill, Neff understands
in a very real way how very
imortant secretaries are to in-
stitutions," Neiberg said. "Al-
though they've been payed so
little in the past, he also knows
how much power they'd have
if organized. As clericals con-
tinuie to organize, Neff and
others went them to form 'as-
sociations,' because a company
union is run by the administra-

Neiberg charged that Neff
helped to set up a company
(non-international) union at
MSU last year which still hasn't
managed to secure a contract
with management after more
than a year.
Neff could not be reached for
comment on the Neiberg allega-
sel Roderick Daane claimed the
University didn't jeopardize its
stance through Neff's role at
the meeting. He added, "I
don't agree that the University
is prohibited from taking a
public position on unionization
However, a leaflet accom-
panying Neff's presentation
noted, "As a public institution,
the University cannot actively
take a position for or against
Neff downplayed the UAW's
economic punch in a Univer-
sity setting.
"Unions are under a legal
constraint not to strike: there's
a difference between what they
say (when threatening fines
against uncooperative members
during strikes) and what they
can do."
See 'U', Page 7

U. S. military aid to Turkey, an
interest of the free world" and
cause "further bloodshed" in
Turkey and Greece have been
battling over the Mediterranean
island for several months. Last
night Ford asked Congress to
give him and Secretary of
State Henry Kissinger 60 days
to find a "meaningful solution"
to the crisis.
"The United States must have
the tools necessary to the task,"
Ford said. "Congress denies
them at great risk."
President at the dinner were
Governor William Milliken, Sen.
Robert Griffin (R-Mich.), and
a number of other leading state
The $50-a-plate dinner, held at
Cobo Hall, reportedly raised
several hundred thousand dol-
lars for Milliken's re-election
campaign against Democrat
Sander Levin.
In a brief speech, Milliken
blasted Levin for making "ex-
aggerated and distorted" pro-
mises to the voters. "Michigan
cannot afford four years of
Sandy Levin," he said.
FORD, WHO for 25 years
served as a U. S. congressman
from Grand Rapids, returned to
his home state yesterday as
part of a stepped-up series of
appearances before the Novem-
ber election.
During the 45-minute address
which was frequently interrupt-
ed by applause, Ford asked
Americans to become "zealous
salesmen" for his massive pro-
gram to end inflation.
The plan, disclosed Tuesday,
hinges on a tax surcharge to
be levied on individuals earning
more than $7,500, families mak-
ing more than $15,000, and all
corporate income.
that the five per cent hike will
only affect about a quarter of
See FORD, Page 7


-Wil 1son
leads in
electi on
LONDON (Reuter) - Prime
Minister Harold Wilson appear-
ed certain of winning a narrow
majority in the British General
election early today, giving his
Labor Party just enough power.
to push ahead with its socialist
EARLY THIS morning, they
forecast the party might have
an overall majority of no more
than about six seats in the 635-
member House of Commons.'
This would still be an im-
provement on the minority gov-
ernment which Labor estab-
lished following the last gener-
al election in February.
If he stayed in office for the
full five-year term, Wilson
would become the longest serv-
ing British prime minister in
this century.
IlS LEFTWING secretary of
state for industry, the contro-
versial Tony Benn, promised,
"A program of radical social-
ist change will be implemented
in the next Parliament. It will
be a massive task and the going
will be tough."

action which will damage the

The Reform Party, running+
as well as its past record, is
sponsoring incumbents Carl
Sandberg and Reddix Allen for
president and vice president re-
Sandberg is personally re-
snonsible for last month's inves-
tigation into the alleged misuse
of SGC funds. The probe re-
sulited in civil suits being filed
against three former SGC offic-
ers in an attempt to recover
nearly $60,000 in allegedly em-
he7led funds.
Coalition, a new party, stresses
more participation in obtaining
independent student housing.
0+Nn T Tn,,rette and Terrence

on a platform of specific reforms



Chase on


A loosely organized network of local, state, and federal
police agencies are searching for four men who forced an
Ypsilanti bank manager to rob his own bank yesterday after
holding him and his family hostage overnight.
Richard Green, manager of the Ypsilanti Savings Bank
hrn th an FMhignn Ave .w faorced to emntv the hank's

One deputy said yesterday that his department did not
even know of the kidnapping-robbery until a sheriff's car
stopped an FBI auto involved in a high-speed run through the
streets of Ypsilanti.
POSTILL CHARGED that the state police had not made an
official information broadcast about the case and had refused
to offer any information to county authorities other than a


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