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October 09, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-10-09

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See Editorial Page

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See Today for details

Vol. LXXXV, No. 30

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 9, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

r f

Bus fare refunds
In an effort to encourage the use of public
transportation in the area, the Arborland Mer-
chants Association will refund all busfare custom-
ers the quarter it costs to bring them to Arbor-
land, effective today. If you're interested, you
simply have to ask the bus driver for a Bus
Refund Ticket when you reach the Arborland
stop. After making a purchase at any of the
participating stores, your ticket will be exchanged
for the cost of the fare. It was stressed by the
merchants that no minimum amount of purchase
is necessary for the quarter to be refunded.
White House jobs
The President's Commission of White House
Felows is now accepting applications for 1975-
76. This program seeks to draw "bright, young
people" to Washington for assignment with the
White House staff members, the Vice President,
members of the Cabinet and the Director of the
Office of Management and Budget and the Ad-
ministrator of the Environmental Protection
Agency. Fellows receive a government salary
of up to $30,147 for the year, depending on prev-
ious earnings, experience and education. For an
application and further information write: The
President's Commission on White House Fellows,
'1900 E. Street Northwest, Washington, D.C., 20415.
. . begin today with two lectures at 4 p.m.
The first is "The Geology of Rumania and Plate
Tectonics of Southeastern Europe" by Clark Burch-
fiel of Rice University in Texas. It will be deliv-
ered in Rm 2501 of C.C. Little . . . The other 4
p.m. lecture is about "The Curious Nature of Re-
generation in Invertebrate Neuromuscular Sys-
tems" which will be given by George Bittner of
the University of Texas zoology dept. . . . At
4:10 p.m. Gregory Orr and Jane Kenyon will give
a poetry reading in Aud 3 of MLB . .. There will
be a Reuther campaign volunteers meeting at
7:30 p.m. in the Democratic Headquarters at 1315
Hill . . . The Gay Liberation Front will meet at
8 p.m. in the third floor conference room of the
south wing of the Union . . . And finally, UAC
Future Worlds will meet at 8 p.m. on the
second floor of the Union to plan next semester's
Peace prize
Former Japanese Premier Eisaku Sato and
former Irish Foreign Minister Sean McBride were
chosen yesterday to share the 1974 Nobel Peace
Prize. It was the second year in a row that the
Peace Prize committee decided to split the award.
But this year's choices seemed likely to be con-
siderably less controversial than the choice last
year of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and
North Vietnamese Politbureau Member Le Duc
Tho for negotiating the Vietnam Peace Treaty. Tho
refused the prize, however. The committee said
that both McBride and Sato had contributed, in
their own ways, to the building of world peace.
Auto interlock dropped
Senate and House conferees have voted to elim-
inate the auto interlock system which prevents a
car from being started until seatbelts are fasten-
ed. Under an agreement announced Monday, an
eight-second warning buzzer would be retained to
tell drivers and passengers when seat belts are not
fastened. But the continuous buzzer now in use
on most late-model cars would be dropped. The
agreement also would allow interlock systems
on 1975 cars to be disconncted under certain cir-
55mph ignored

Despite ticket blites and radar traps, the 55
mile-per-hour national speed limit is being large-
ly ignored by American drivers, according to state
highway patrols. People are driving slower than
in years past, but speeds have crept upward as
gasoline shortages disappeared, an Associated
Press survey shows. Nationwide, few people are
traveling at the 70 and 80 m.p.h. speeds formerly
common on major highways. Despite widespread
driving at 5 to 10 m.p.h. above the new speed limit,
experts say significant gasoline savings are still
being realized by the greater efficiency of auto-
mobile engines at the generally lower speeds on
American roads.
On the inside .. .
. . . The Arts Page features a piece on Patrick
Crean, fencing mraster and fight director of Cy-
rano de Bergerac . . . An analysis of the recent
economic crises, written by two members of the
Union for Radical Economics appears on the Edit
Page . . . and on the Sports Page Michael Wil-
son writes about the cross country team.

Ford asks
surtax to






Reveals plan to cut
foreign oil mports
WASHINGTON (Reuter)-President Ford yesterday
proposed a temporary five per cent surtax in 1975 on
corporations and families in a "whip inflation" package
he delivered to a joint session of Congress.
Ford also announced he would cut U.S. oil imports by
one million barrels a day by the end of 1975 because of
_ the uncertainty and expense of foreign oil.
Reduction of oil imports by one million barrels a day would
be complementary to a similar cut in domestic consumption, the
President made clear.
FORD BOLDLY presented his surtax proposal in a congres-
sional election year, when higher taxes are normally anathema

AP Photo
Bicycle I)uilt for*
The riders of this 12-seater quadricycle, members of a bowling team in Vreden, West Germany, built it themselves for trans-
port to and from the local bowling alley. But consumption of fuel-in this case beer-is reported rather high.

to politicians.
But he said the country must
come before politics because
"inflation . . . will, unless it is
whipped, destroy our country,
our homes, our liberties, ,our
property and finally our nation-
al pride-as surely as any well-
armed wartime enemy."
The President spoke for ur-
gent action to control inflation
running at a rate of more than
12 per cent, rising unemploy-
ment, faltering industrial pro-
duction, and a plunging stock-
BEFORE the President spoke,
the White House said he knew
that some of his proposals would
be unpopular among Americans
but thought they were essential
to pullithecountry out of the
economic doldrums.
The President said the five
per cent surtax would be im-
posed between January 1 and
December 31 next year, for a
family of four it would be on
taxable income of 10,000 dollars
and for a single taxpayer on an
income of 5,450 dollars.
The figures represent that por-
tion of wages subject to income
tax after exemptions have been
deducted and on an average the
surtax will affect families with
a gross income of 15,000 dollars
and an individual earning 7,500
See FORD, Page 2

to surtax'
Ford's plan to increase taxes
appeared headed for trouble
yesterday as Congress promised
swift action on his 'sweeping
new anti-inflation package.
Following Ford's address to
a joint session of Congress,
House Speaker Carl Albert an-
nounced he would talk to White
House officials and congres-
sional leaders about postponing
the upcoming recess in an effort
to rush through some of the
President's proposals.
ers said Congress could act be-
fore Friday's scheduled recess
on Ford's call for a $300-billion
spending ceiling and increased
federal support for home niort-
See 5 PERCENT, Page 2



cis for 'U'


cut in state


State governor William Milli-
ken has warned University of-
ficials to expect a cut of at
least four per cent in state ap-
propriations to the Ann Arbor
campus for the 1975-76 academic
In a letter addressed to Uni-
versity President Robben Flem-
ing, Milliken said to "assume
that tuition increases and en-
rollment decreases are not via-
ble alternatives" to make up

revenues lost if state appropria-
tions are slashed from this
year's $105.5 million to next
year's projected $101.3 million.
ALL OTHER state universi-
ties and colleges will face simi-
lar budget cuts under the gov-
ernor's directive.
State appropriation figures
make up the bulk of the Univer-
sity's General Fund budget (this
year $158 million) which pays
for such programs as teach-

ing, research, student financial
aid, counseling services, and
"The recent acceleration of
expenditures can't continue,"
stated David Coleman, the gov-
ernor's budget director, "the
University certainly has other
sources of revenue to tap other
than tuition hikes."
Fleming said he won't rule out
a new tuition increase for next

Local political groups attack
ERIM's move to Ann Arbor

year - emphasizing that he
doesn't see how the University
can increase revenues without
fee hikes.
"Our financial future is a very
serious problem and I don't
know the answer to it," Flem-
ing said Monday in his annual
"State of the University"
speech. "This is the most dis-
mal financial picture we've fac-
ed in the last decade."
The President admitted a
tuition raise "might turn off
prospective students" since
tuition here is already the high-
est in the state, and third high-
est among public colleges in
the nation.
Fleming also predicted that
reductions in the number of Uni-
versity employes may be neces-
sary if the four per cent cut
is finally approved. He didn't
specify the most probable areas
for layoffs, if any are made,
but did make a point of stress-
ing that "faculty members are
our most important asset and
we know it."
the unexpected cutbacks are
necessary if the "state govern-
ment does its part to deal with
our number one national prob-
lem - inflation - by care-
fully scrutinizing all our serv-
The governor further warned
that if Proposal C passes in the
November 5 elections, funds for
the University budget might be
slashed considerably more than
four per cent.
See GOVERNOR, Page 2

Local peace and political
groups lashed out yesterday at
the Environmental Research In-
stitute of Michigan's (ERIM)
defense - related activities and
its planned move from Willow-
run airport to Ann Arbor.
The Ad Hoc Committee to
Stop ERIM War Research
charged that ERIM is "a multi-
million dollar research com-
plex that does primarily war-
related research."
bog down
Negotiations between the Uni-
versity and the G r a d u a t e
Employes Organization (GEO)
came to a standstill last night,
with the University claiming
that it would need two weeks to
respond to the latest list of
GEO proposals.
The proposals, which con-
stitute the final demands in the

Dr. William Brown, ERIM's
president, explained that "ap-
proximately one-half of our ac-
tivities are funded by the De-
fense Department" but pointed
out that other projects have
investigated water pollution and
other environmental issues.
the Committee, the Human
Rights Party (HRP) and Indo-
china Peace Campaign attack-
ed ERIM at a press confer-
ence for defense - related re-
search saying "local economic
development must be based on
production for human needs,
not for the destruction of hu-
man life."
However, Brown defines the
research institute work as us-
ing military research technol-
ogy for non-military purposes.
ERIM, until Jan. 1973 Willow
Run Laboratories of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, has applied to
the county for some $3 million
in special low-interest bonds to
finance its proposed Ann Arbor
THE ANTI-ERIM lobby hopes
to persuade County Commis-
sioners to defeat approval of the
county industrial development
bonds which charge half the in-
terest rate as most outside fi-
Brown revealed last night that

sultant for the Interfaith Coun-
cil for Peace, expressed "sur-
prise that the University would
push ERIM out."
Fuller emphasized ERIM's
past ties with the University
claiming the name-change "was
a slight-of-hand trick" explain-
ing "the University had to get
out of Willow Run's classified
research because of pres~ure
from students and faculty."
David Goodman a spokesman
for HRP at the gathering in
City Hall, stressed "the only
difference between the U of M
Willow Run Laboratories and
ERIM is before Brown reported
to Fleming (University Presiden
Robbin Fleming), now he is his
own man."
See LOCAL, Page 2


AP Photo
PRESIDENT FORD delivers his latest anti-inflation package
to the joint session of Congress yesterday. In a politically risky
move, Ford proposed a controversial five per cent surtax that
met with adverse reaction from both Republicans and Demo-
crats. Ford also asked both businesses and consumers to
tighten their belts to help fight inflation.


Coun ovt.

Second of three parts
An inadequate governmental system
has handcuffed Washtenaw County officials
in their efforts to cope with increased serv-
ice demands from area residents and Lan-
sing officials.
The antiquated county structure lacks

scribes the system as "a pl
County Clerk Robert Har
herently, the method of+
cludes success."
IN THEORY, the board o
controls the purse strings

an tiqua ted
an that points to THIS OMISSION has left individual de-
partment heads without someone to turn to
rison adds, "In- for policy implementation, and that causes
operations pre- delays and inconvenience.
"Our work is often done in a void," says
County Controller John Hurd. "We have to
f commissioners consult with five other officials before mov-
and determines ing ahead." But the decisions could easily

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