MAGAZINE Liri ii ailui SAME High-70 Low-49 See Today for details Vo.LXXXV, No. 28 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 6, 1974 Ten Cents -i'f-C ARDIN ALS T RIPPED, 27-16 Eight Pages No contest The former director of University Hospital, Ed- ward Connors, pleaded no contest Friday to one charge of defrauding the University out of $407. Connors resigned his $45,000 post last April, after an extensive audit revealed he had improperly billed the University for travel expenses. The of- fense - obtaining money under false pretense over $100 - carries a maximum penalty of eight years in prison. Connors is currently free on $10,.- 000' personal recognizance bond. Sentencing has been scheduled for Oct. 25. The Michigan Attorney General's Office had charged Connors with eight counts of obtaining money under false pretenses, seven of them felonies. The seven criminal charges are likely to be dropped. Crime lin A University law professor said it is ironic that the recently reported 16 per cent national increase in serious crime came during a "law and order" administration which significantly expanded police power. "This proves what criminologists have maintained all along," said Prof. Yale Kamisar. "The overall .crime rate is not significantly af- fected by police or prosecution activities. "If police track down in one city," he said, "this may chase criminals to another city but it won't significantly affect the nationwide crime rate." Kamisar, an authority on criminal law, said the crime crisis is noth~ng new for the nation, but the administra- tion no longer has anyone to blame for it. State unemployment The unemployment rate in Michigan has drop- ped below nine per cent for the first time in eight monthis. The state Employment Security Commis- sion said the jobless rate in September dropped 1.6 per cent from August - that's to 7.4 per cent. Still, the state figure was considerably higher than the 5.8 per cent national figure. Martin Tay- lor, the employment agency director, attributed the Michigan drop to three things - the return to school of students and teachers, a recall of fur- loughed auto workers to help produce new model vehicles and a retail sales pickup after the sum- mer. , Happenings . . . .- . spend today at the Farmers Market. The Artists and Craftsman Guild is sponsoring a Com- munity Arts and Crafts Fair from 1 to 7 p.m. There will be an art auction at 4 p.m. The Farm- er's Market is on 5th street. . . . Tomorrow try square dancing. It's free, beginners should show up between 8-9:30 pm. in Barbou Gy ... if that's not your style, the UFW Support Commit- tee is showing a free film, "Why We Boycott" at 7:30 p.m. in the Angela Davis Lounge in Mark- ley .. . Won't back Wallace Sen. Edward Kennedy says he would refuse backing to a 1976 Democratic presidential ticket which included Gov. George Walace of Alabama. "I wouldn't back a Democratic ticket with Gov. Wallace," the Massachusetts Democrat told 2,000 Southern Illinois University students. Asked to elaborate, he replied only, "The reasons are ob- vious." Kennedy last week withdrew himself from consideration for the Democratic nomination in 1976. Blast-off Two French military jets tried without success yesterday to sink an abandoned freighter full of dynamite as it drifts ablaze in the English channel. French Coast Guard authorities warned all ship- ping in the busy channel to keep away from the burning vessel, the 420-ton Ammersee, last re- ported 35 miles west of Guernsey. They said the Cypriot vessel was drifting toward the French sad they would tydto sink it againx ea ti morning but with long-range naval guns instead of aerial bombardment. Two single-seater fighter- bombers from the nearby French naval base at Brest bombarded the Amersee shortly before night- fall. Official sources said the planes had to "take extraordinary precautions" to avoid being damag- ed by the exploding dynamite and missed their Henry Kissinger accepted a $50,000 gift from vice presidential nominee Nelson Rockefeller in 1969 in appreciation for his services as a foreign affairs adviser to the then New York governor, State Department official sai yesterday Dpart- made after Kissinger had left Rockefeller's em- ploy, but before he had become a special national security advisor to former President Nixon. On the insde ...Former Daily Sports Editor Dan Borus takes a long lcook at the game of baseball in today's magazine ...and on the Sports page it's all Blue ast Stan ford Fralin leads rally Mihigan1 preserves unblemish$ed record By MARC FELDMAN PALO ALTO, CalS if. - Rallyin behind quarterback Dennis Franklin for 21 second-half points, the Michigan Wolverines overcame a three-point halftime deficit and went on to their fourth straight victory of the season, a 27-16 verdict over the Stanford Cardinals here yester- day afternoon. The Cardinals, now 0-3-1, were 18-point underdogs against the third-ranked Wolverines, but took a 9-6 half- time lead and closed within four points of the Maize and Blue early in the fourth quarter on a 14-play, 75-yard drive. QUARTERBACK JERRY Waidvogel capped the Card march with a fourth-down touchdown pass to fullback Scott Laidlaw, mak- Dalv Photo bv TOM GOTTL IEB MICHIGAN'S GIL CHAPMAN, the "Jersey Jet," is forced to land by Stanford defensive breck Paul Skr'abo (25) atter a big gain. This third quarter play set up the Wolverines' third touchdown, wvhich gav'e them a more comfortable 20-9 lend after a very un- comfortable first half. SOV IE T C ON T RAC TS C AN CE LE D Ford WASHINGTON (IP) - Presi- dent Ford won cancellation yes- terday of contracts by two ex- porters to ship $500 million in grain to the Soviet Union. Press Secretary Ron Nessen said the contracts were can- celed at Ford's request lest they boost American grocery bills by aggravating a tight sup- ply situation reflecting disap- pointing harvest. EARLIER yesterday, Agricul- ture Secretary Earl Butz said the grain deal had been halted but not canceled. Expressing dismay that the Soviets gave no advance warn- ing they planned massive pur- chases of corn and wheat, Butz said, "We wish they hadn't done it." Nessen announced that grain exporters are being invited here Monday "to help formu- late a system of voluntary co- operation and reporting that will assure reasonable supplies to both domestic and foreign users." By CLAUDIA KRAUS Most bike owners may think that "it can't happen to me," but all bicycles are vulnerable to thefts, explains city Police C'aptain Kenneth Klinge - and it's up to the owners to protect Klinge sys tha most lroa nrofit, often aimed at ten-speed bikes, or for immediate trans- portation, aimed mainly at older machines. THEFTS OF hikes valued at over $100 are felonies, and may be i'ena lized by a prison term. swalow ther pridethand obey a win s hal THE PRESS secretary said, "It is anticipated that this vol- untary cooperative effort will enable the United States to avoid the imnposition of general export controls." Ford, according to Nessen, ex- pressed to the grain exporters who had made deals with the Soviets "his strong concern over the potential domestic im- pact that such sales could have at a time when the United States is experiencing a disap- pointing harvest of feed grains." Nessen said company repre- sentatives who met with Ford "evidenced their full willingness to be responsive to these cruc- ial domestic concerns" and add- ed, "The two companies are now making arrangement for the cancellation of these con- tracts, in accordance with the government's request." THE HALT on shipments of 91million bushels of corn and 34 million bushels of wheat was negotiated at morning-long White conferences with top of- ficials of two major exporters, Continental Grain Co. of New York and Cook Industries, Inc., of Memphis,"Tenn. Meanwhile, Sen. Henry Jack- son (D-Wash.), announced that the Senate Permanent Investi- gations Subcommittee which he chairs will hold hearings Mon- day on the grain-shipment halt. He said executives from the two grain companies and gov- ernment officials would testify. "WE WANT an explanation of the eleventh-hour action by the White H-ouse," a Jackson aide said. Butz broke off a six-day west- ern tour to fly back from Cali- fornia to join Ford and Treas- ury Secretary William Simon at the meetings. deal ing the score 20-16 in favor of bathed crowd of 52,500. Following an exchange of punts, the Wolverines iced the game with a time-consuming 78- yard march that took the starch out of the Stanford defenders, and killed the Cardinal upset hopes by using up a good piece of time. Franklin, who played a slug- gish first half, engineered a classic "Schembechler grinder" with soh'ie fine ball handling, running, and even a pair of clutch passes to split receiver Jim. Smith. .STARTING AT HIS own 22, with 7:08 left in the game, Franklin handed to tailback Rob Lytle on a simple dive off left tackle, for a gain of two. Franklin rolled left on the next fre pitching b ack to Lytle, who add five more for the Scott Corbin, a freshman paying fullback in place of in- jured Chuck Heater, dove for three. But Lytle's sweep lost a yard, and set up Michigan's first ball-control play of the drive: third and eight at the 36. Franklin proved equal to the task, hitting Smith for 11 yards. Lytle then ran for three and on the next play the Masillon Mar- vel strutted down the line, and darted forward for 11 yards, gaining another first down at the Stanford 39. THE CLOCK and Stanford's upset dreams kept ticking away as two rushes netted Michigan four yards before Franklin hit Smith again, this time for 16 yards to the Card 17. Corbin capped the drive three ground plays later, with a two-yard touchdown plunge. But, more importrant to Mich- igan than even the touchdown, were the six-plus minutes the Wolverines consumed, leaving the desperate Cardinals only See MICHIGAN, Page 8 Mhigan, and reviving the sun- Rae By United Press International Two California women were behind bars today for killing men they said raped them - one woman already convicted of murder and the other facing dtrial. In Monterey, a Superior Court jury of svn womenan Garcia guilty of second degree murder for firing six bullets into a man she said held her while she was raped by his partner. "I DID it and I'm glad I did it," she screamed at one point during the emotional trial, which drew support for her from women's rights groups. " The only thing I'm sorry for ithatraI missed Luis," the al- .In Long Beach, police held a diminutive -19year-old, Deborah .Kantaeng, on suspicion of murder for allegedly firing a .410 shotgun point blank into the neck of a man she said had raped her. D A NNY A L LE N21,of Santa Ana, fell dead and his alleged partner in the rape, Carl Tice, 21, fled, but later surrendered to police and was booked on suspicion of rape and mudr The murder charge was filed -under California law, w h i c Ii holds that all participants in a felony are guilty of murder if See VICTIMS; Page 2 The agriculture chief indicat- ed the administration has ga- thered evidence the Soviets were planning still other grain purchases that presumably will now be held in abeyance. Mos- cow's contracts with Conti- nental and Cook were signed Thursday and Friday. BUTZ SAID the Continental and Cook deals "obviously would have a buoyant effect on prices" in the United States by reducing already-tight supplies, especially of corn. He said an Agriculture De- partment crop report next week is expected to show the corn harvest "downtmodestly"' from lived up to original expecta- tions. He said the corn crop has suffered from a "triple wham- my" of a wet spring, dry sum- mner and early frosts. By STEPHEN HERSH Daniel Ellsberg and Jane Fonda echoed the same point last night to a standing-room only audience at Rackham Auditorium: The anti-war movement must not rest until "there is a real, '4' concrete peace in Indochina." . ~wr'*". . .."Ten million dollars a day is being sjpent in Indochina," said "4*~"~ ~,anti-war activist Fonda. "Meanwhile, 200,000 people out of a population of 20 million in South Vietnam are in prison being tortured. These prisoners are peasants, or doctors, or students 4 like yourselves." THE DUO'S PRESENT crusade is a campaign of Congres- 'N ,sional lobbying, and of urging people to contact their representa- cut in aid to southeast Asia of fom $2.7 billionto $15 billion. "We've been putting people in front of shopping centers to ask shoppers to send telegrams to their Congressmen before * crucial votes," said Ellsberg. "We want people to write letters," added Fonda, "had there a t e'not been an anti-war movement in the sixties, there would not ,.,~~ / - be the possibility now hat you could write your congressman .. . .and contribute to bringing about an end of our involvement." .-~ .~..WAR HAS continued in Indochina for 30 years, said Ellsberg,