I 1 igr, irgilxan Daily Eighty-four years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Viet Thursday, October 3, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Newsreel sends bill to Dad :NCE AGAIN, . the now-defunct Friends of Newsreel film group has attempted to cloud the issues in the continuing saga of its feud with the University. Last spring, when the administra- tion proposed that all student or- ganizations be audited by the Uni- versity; Newsreel was the first group to kick up a fuss, and they have been raising the dust ever since. Although the University's plan to establish financial accountability of student organizations has not been implemented up to this point, News- reel has periodically held meetings with other student groups to protest the "forced auditing." Newsreel, of course, had good rea- son to object to University auditing. Sources estimate their unpaid bills "easily total over $1,000." Because part of this debt is money owed the University for auditorium rentals, the administration has prohibited News- reel from leasing campus facilities until its debts are cleared up. NEWSREEL, HOWEVER, has indi- cated no willingness to meet its debts. Consequently, two national movie distributors, the New Line Ci- nema Corp. and Warner Bros. have indicated that they plan to sue the University to collect Newsreel's debts. Although University General Coun- sel Roderick Daane says the Univer- sity has no obligation to take News- reel out of the red, the film group clearly expects "the corporation" to pay its debts. Friends of Newsreel, which at one time hollered out for "financial inde- pendence" and loudly resisted any at- tempt to audit its funds, now expects the University to cover the film group's outstanding debts. "WE ASSUME that the corporation (the University) is going to pick up the tab, and pay those commer- cial distributors," a Newsreel state- ment said. "Let the corporations fight it out; they can well afford it, how- ever it turns out." The film group offered to assume its financial obligations only if six pre-requisites, including the resigna- tion of all University executive offic- ers, were met. Clearly, this is a ridiculous demand and serves only Newsreel's interest in presenting itself as revolutionary. But the only thing the film group's members have truly succeeded at is talking out of two sides of their mouths at the same time. Newsreel, which has so vehement- ly resisted any form of parental con- trol, is now sending the bill to Dad. -ChERYL PILATE By The INDOCHINA PEACE CAMPAIGN SEVEN SOUTH Vietnamese students brought to the U.S. to study by the U.S. Agency for International Develop- ment (AID) are now facing deportation to Saigon. The students have all been active in the U.S. in denouncing the war and would be in grave danger if forced to return to Saigon. The deporta- tion proceedings were initiated by Secre- tary of State Henry Kissinger, whose once-sterling public image is now, fin- ally, beginning to flake away. The students have requested political asylum in the U.S. and express con- fidence that Americans who want peace in Indochina will help them stop the deportations. The Saigon administration, on the oth- er hand, is increasingly alarmed about the effect these students are having in keeping the issues of war and repression alive in the United States. The students have reached thousands of people throughedemonstrations,spoetry read- ings, Vietnamese dinners, and cultural events. THE LOS ANGELES district office of the Immigration and Naturalization Ser- vice (INS) denied the students' initial apeal for asylum and began deportation hearings. A State Department advisory opinion claimed: (1) The students will face no repression because of their poli- tical beliefs in South Vietnam if they use the "legal channels" available to them; (2) The students don't want to return to South Vietnam and rebuild their country, they simply want to stay in the U.S. The students dispute both assertions. They point to Saigon's laws which make advocating peace a crime (New York Times, August 20). They explain that their demand is for temporary asylum until the Peace Agreement is implement- ed and they can return home safely. At the initial deportation hearing, Nguyen Hoang, 31, testified that his re- liance on the Paris Peace Agreement would lead the Thieu government to tudent, VIETNAMESE STUDENTS (left Hoang, Vu NgochCon and Nguye to discredit the Thieu regime andt charge that he was only a tool of communists. Since being a comm is a crime in Saigon, Hoang woul thrown in jail if he returned. H been an ARVN (Army of the Repub of Viet Nam) soldier when he can the U.S., he might be executed fo sertion. "Those expressing anti-war timents have long been targets of p smrutiny, both because such views regarded as communist . . . and for that they will spread among a weary population" (New York T August 18). Even the Senate Appropriationst mittee supports the students' conten "The existence of political prisone beyond reasonable dispute . . . substantiated accounts of cases of treatment and torture of such pris has been authoritatively reported" por on FY 1974, the Senate's fo aid bill). THESE DESCRIPTIONS are prt Sexis m seek usylim to right) Bui Van Dao, Doan Thi Nam Hau, Cao Thi My Loc, Nguyen Huu An, Nguyen n Dang Yen Truc face deportation by the U.S. government after participating in efforts f the ly the legal requirement for granting unist political asylum. Article 243(h) of the .d be Immigration and Naturalization Act aving states: "The Attorney General is authdr- lican ized to withold deportation of any alien ne to . . . to any country in which in his opin- r de- ion the alien would be subject to per- sen- secution on account of . . . political ?olice opinion." are In the deportation hearings presently fear underway the Immigation Judge and war- District Commissioner of INS are ex- imes, ercising the power of Attorney General and can grant asylum. Also, Article Com- 33 of the United Nations Convention on ition: Refugees, ratified in 1968, states, "No rs is contracting state shall expel or return (and) a refugee where his life or freedom mis- would be threatened on account of - . - oners political opinion." (Re- The legal struggle around this case reign may take some time to complete. The students are urging their supporters to utilize the delays to write letters of sup- ecise- port, mentioning the asylum demand and pervades describing the repressive conditions in Saigon. Such letters should be sent to Joseph Sureck, District Commissioner of INS, 300 N. Los Angeles St., Los An- geles, Ca. 90010. WE VIEW this case as being of vital importance to the domestic anti-war struggle, because if the U.S. government is forced to grant asylum to the stu- dents, that action will imply recogni- tion on the part of he Executive that the Thieu regime is, in fact, a repressive police sate in which the lives of dis- senters are not secure. Such an admission would be a drastic reversal which, coinciding with foreign aid votes in Congress, would be a severe blow to U.S. imperial foreign policy. The Indochina Peace Campaign's local chapter includes students and commun- ity members who work to raise public awareness of anti-war issues. business Nixon sponges off public On WHEN PRESIDENT FORD granted former chief executive Richard Nixon a full and unconditional par- don, he did so, he said, in the name of healing the wounds of Watergate. He felt that any prolonged trial would cause undue suffering to both the nation's morale and his predecessor's well-being. Though Nixon has experienced some physical suffering, it has not been without recompense. According to a report released by Sen. Joseph Montoya (D-N.M.), chair- man of a Senate Appropriations sub- committee, Richard Nixon has cost the taxpayers $7,350 per day in the first five weeks since he took a fast plane to California. A quick calculation reveals that this will accrue for the San Clemente resident some $2,682,750 per year. Who would have thought Richard Nixon, of all people, would turn out to be the nation's leading welfare chiseler? UFFICE IT TO SAY this is an ex- orbitant amount to pay any man Sports Staff MARC FELDMAN Sports Editor GEORGE HASTINGS Executive Sports Editor ROGER ROSSITER ..., Managing Sports Editor JOHN KAHLER......... Associate Sports Editor as a pension, much less a man who has betrayed a nation's trust. But what makes this payment of funds possible, is tantamount to an admission of guilt in the Watergate cover-up and related matters. If the government actually believed Nixon's criminal guilt, then the Gen- eral Service Administration, which oversees Nixon's payments, would be stripping Nixon's lucre to the bare minimum. But the watchdog agency is solidly controlled by Nixon ap- pointees, who still maintain a fierce loyalty to their former boss. In testi- mony before Montoya's committee, government witness after govern- ment witness wiped away a tear as he proclaimed that not an ounce of fat could be separated from the re- quest. THROUGHOUT HIS CAREER, Ford has constantly argued that per- missiveness in high places has de- stroyed the confidence of the peonle and torn at the moral fabric of the nation, If he is sincere in his pledge to heal the wounds of Watergate, he can make amends for his intemper- ate permissiveness with his predeces- sor by ending the scandalous pay- ments and removing the men respon- sible for them. -DAN BORUS TODAY'S STAFF: News: Dan Biddle, Cindy Hill, Andrea Lilly, Mory Long, Jo Marcotty, Judy Ruskin, Sue Stechenson Editorial Page: Bill Heenan, Backy Warner, David Warren Arts Page: Ken-Fink, Jeff Sorensen Photo Technician: Steve Kagan job: By SARA RIMER SECLUDED FROM the real world on a college cam- pus, it is easy to be fooled into thinking the rest of the country is struggling to raise the status of women. There are women's studies courses, women on city council, a women's crisis center, and a bevy of consciousness-raising groups to complete the de- ception. Students rework their vocabularies with terms like freshperson, chairperson, and councilwoman. When is the last time you heard someone say, "I know this girl . . ?" Either a sophisticated veneer or genuine concern for the derogatory nature of the term "girl" prompts most students to say "woman." The illusion that women's liberation is on the move everywhere was shattered on the first day of my summer job at a large firm in New York City when one executive informed me, "You should do pretty well if you're looking to get married. There are a lot of single men around here." STRANGE PHENOMENON - there were no women in the office. It was peopled by "girls" from the ages of 20 to 65 who typed for the men in the gray flan- nel suits. Even the secretary who had left her job as a financial writer to take her chances in public relations was reclassified as "my girl." It began to sound like an old Temptations tune - "My girl will type this for you," 'My girl can run downstairs and get us some coffee," or "My girl will make us a lunch reservation."_ The "girls" were not rallying for equality either. They gathered for brief sessions in the ladies' room (surprisingly not called the girls' room) to discuss the price of meat, the latest sale at Macy's, and their husbands. The game was hooking a man to take you away from the dull job or trying to b- cheerful for your husband and kids after a boring eight hours of tapping the keys. There wasn't the time, the energy, or the push to question one's status. Women's liberation was burning bras, lesbians, and that "awful term Ms." THERE WERE exactly six women executives bat- tling for equal pay and promotions among an army of 100 men. The story was often repeated of the single woman who catapulted from secretary to execu- tive when it was discovered that she was acing the job of four incompetent men. The bigwigs on Execu- tive Row finaly put their heads together and decided to "give the girl a chance.", As is usually the case, she proved superior to most of the men, a prerequisite for her "chance." In meetings and at lunches they never let her forget her feminine status. She learned to smile prettily when they told her she had "nice legs for an executive." One woman executive became enraged anew in repeating the story of her attempt to buy a briefcase in Saks Fifth Avenue. The impeccably dressed sales- man she approached rebuffed her icily, saying, "Ma- dam, the steno pads are over there." The executives pulled business deals over three martinis and steaks at an exclusive dining club that turned women away, no matter what their title. Presi- dent of the bank, senior editor or executive art di- rector; it was still "sorry, miss, no dames." The club was one enclave Gloria Steinem never managed to crash. OF COURSE, some men, seeking to keep up with the times, rechristened their secretaries "administra- tive assistants." In rare cases, the title carried a few added responsibiliies, but in most it was a fancy name that meant you typed, answered the phone, waered the plants, made coffee, and gave back rubs. In return you got a bunch of flowers for your birthday, a Christmas bonus, and maybe the boss him- self after hours. While the men moved up and were shuttled out of the city to glamorous jobs on the West Coast or the Hill, the Secretaries were strait-jacketed to their cubicles in the secretarial pools. A bachelor's degree might mean 10 grand more a year, but it didn't move you a step up or away from the keyboard and the coffee pot. Sara Rimer is a staff reporter for The Daily. Letters to The Daily Arab oil To The Daily: ONCE AGAIN we are amazed at the arrogance, ability to selectivelyrperceive and count- er-productivity of gunboat diplo- macy, this time in the form of the blast by the Ford-Kissinger- Simon trinity at the oil produc- ing countries. In the short space of a week, we have been bar- raged by the "doomsday lang- uage" of President Ford at the United Nations General Assem- bly and at the energy confer- ence in Detroit, of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at t h e General Assembly and of Treas- ury Secretary William Simon in Detroit. To hear them tell it, OPEC (Organization of Oil Producing Countries) in energy crisis, world-wide inflation, political iblackmail and utter selfishness, and are no less than the direct cause for the political demise of civilization as we know it. We have been treated to the laughable phenomenon of witnessing Ford and Kissinger pleading the case of the poor and developing countries of the world for food and resources. And we have watched S mon take advantage of the resultant hysteria whipped up to break the back of the environmental- ists by pleading for a reassess- ment of environmental re- straints. WHERE, WE might ask, did Arabia could not go it alone, and suggested that the U.S. try its hand directly. The speeches have repoat- ed the notion that the increase in oil prices have led to world- wide inflation. It is in',o:inative to note, however, that prior to the 1973 oil price increase, the rate of world inflation amount- ed to seven to ten per cent per year, and continues unabated. Indeed it was precisely this high rate of inflation for industrial good and foodstuffs, combined with the super-exploitation of the multi-national oil companies in holding ridiculously low the oil income accruing to the oil producing governments that led to the increase in oil prices in the first instance. PRESIDENT FORD admon- ishes the Arabs to seek to in- crease production according to their ability and warns of "the disastrous consequences if na- tions refuse to share nature's gifts" for the benefit of all mankind." Such admonishment "to share nature's gifts" from the Presi- dent of the United States, a so- ciety which constitues six per cen of the world's population and which consumers one third of the available energy supply, can only be perceived as hypo- crisy. The hypocrisy is cm- pounded when we realize that the U.S. has hardly sought to increase production according to :.. .1:1:. ---4..-.- C wr."e r 1 WHEN WE see the treament accorded the Western oil com- panies, we are convinced of American hypocrisy. While OPEC and the Arabs are ad- monished to lower prices, the Western and particularly the U.S. oil companies have come into unprecedented windfall pro- fits .from the beginning of the Arab boycott until today. Suddenly forgotten in the heat 6f the present challenge to )OPEC and the Arabs, is the vastness of these windfall pro- fits. Just as suddenly it is for- gotten that, for example, Mo- bil's acquisition of a controlling interest in the Marcor Oil Corp. for more than $500 million shows that the U.S. oil industry is gen- erating more revenue that it can reinvest in the oil business. All the while, proposals for tax changes, including a five-year phase-out of the oil depletion al- lowance as well as a temporary sliding-scale excise tax, are bottled up in Congress. The U.S. government seems .o be more willing to bully sovereign nations than to maintain con- trol over its own companies. A DOUBLE standard is also clearly visible when we sea the uproar raised in the U.S. over the possibility that Arab oil dol- lars could be used to buy into and perhaps control American industries. The irony here is that the OPEC countries and the Arab states are still in the pro- ury Secretary Simon has in fact succeeded in attracting p e t r o, dollars from Europe to the U.S.' as well as commitments to buy special issues of U.S. treasury notes for billions of Arab oil dollars. Saudi Arabia alone has bought $8 billion worth of these notes. SOME ARAB governments, therefore, have been, willing to pour billions of dollars into U.S. treasury notes, to push for low- er prices at the expense of their own people and to increase pro- duction to force the market price down according to the law of supply, and demand. It is interesting to note, then, that in spite of such coopa:ation with the United States, the main thrust of this newest campaign has been directed against the Arabs, while other OPEC states, notably Iran, have pushed for higher prices and yet have re- mained relatively exempt. When we look at the role Iran plays in the area, it is not dif- ficult to understand such differ- ential treatment. Pursuant to the Nixon Doctrine of avoiding direct involvement in policing the world by sustaining local powers in strategic areas to do the job, has chosen to allow it- self to be used in his fashion in the Arab-Persian Gulf area. THE QUESTION remains as to why the U.S. government has struck out at the Arabs at this time and in this manner. The TT Q a- - - - - - - .,ct m r.n. ti. life has posed a challenge to the continued control exercised by these corporations, particular- ly the oil companies in tie area. This challenge is by no means complete and, indeed, as men- tioned before, there morinues to be athigh degree of caopera- tion with them by some Arab governments. The aims of creating this atmosphere of confronta+ion at this time are both short-range and long-range. In short-range, the U.S. government, at best, would like the Arabs to believe that the industrial world would be willing to take military ac- tion against them if they are not willing to lower the price of oil or at least keep it where it is. At worst, it is an attempt to prepare public opinion for an actual and direct takeover of these resources. IN THE long range, this week's campaign, preceded and facilitated by Kissinger's poli- tical and diplomatic moves be- tween the Arabs and I rnelis, has as its ultimate aim the sheathing of the Arab economic weapon. It could help regain the usurped rights of the people of Palestine, as well as raise the standard of living in the entire region. Since both Israel and the U.S. seem to perceive a victory for Arab national interest as being less legitimate than their own,