-1 giw 3wIea an DUiy Eighty-four years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Racism and liberal delusion Wednesday, October 2, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Registration, student vOte CTORER 7 is the deadline for reg- istering to vote in Ann Arbor in the November elections. The city has organized a voter registration drive which commenced this week and will continue through next Monday. In conjunction with this drive addition- al registration locations have been set up which are more convenient to many residents than going to city hall. It appears that Mayor Stephenson and the rest of the Republicans on city council do not want Michigan students to vote. Last week the Re- publicans voted in a resolution which eliminated registration locations ten- tatively established in the Fishbowl and the School of Public Health. Many students pass through the Fish- bowl daily and near the School of Public Health; both are very conven- ient places for students to register. THE COUNCIL DID allow one lo- cation on campus for registra- tion, the Union, which is not as con- venient for most students. Also, the hours for registration at the Union will be much shorter than at the oth- er locations. All the other locations will be operating eight to twelve hours a day. The registration table at the Union will only be operating from 1 to 4 p.m. , It seems that the Republicans on City Council want to make it as in- convenient as possible for students to register. Mayor Stephenson has publicly stated that he doesn't like students to vote because they do not have the same interests as the rest of the community since they do not establish themselves in the Ann Ar- bor community. Considering that many people in the country today move once in a four year period, stu- dents live here as long as many resi- dents do. A CTUALLY WHAT the Republicans fear is that most students will not vote Republican. They have a bare majority through which they control city politics and if this deli- cate balance is tipped against them, they will be out of power. There are two important referen- dums on the ballot. One is a local issue concerning preferential voting. If passed, the winner of the mayoral election will have to have a majority of the vote. Voters will put down their first and second choices for mayor. If there is no candidate with at least fifty percent of the vote, the two candidates receiving the most votes will contest for mayor. Instead of having a run-off election, the can- didate with the greatest number of second choice votes from the people who voted for the other candidates will win. This will save money. THE OTHER REFERENDUM is a state-wide measure to repeal the sales tax on food and prescription drugs. The Republicans are warning if it is passed another method will have to be found to replace the $200 million annually which will be lost. It is unfair to low-income people to pay sales tax on necessities such as food and prescription drugs. It is important for students to reg- ister to vote in Ann Arbor. We spend at least eight months of the year here, so we are affected more by local decisions made here than those in ouir hometowns. Our vote could change the balance of power in local politics. -STEVE ROSS Demonstrating our concern IN MY "EDITORIAL DIRECTOR" mail today was a thoughtful memo from Senator Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor), "for my informa- tion," to the effect that the State Senate had unanimously passed the resolution that was stapled to the memo. Since we get literally baskets of mail from various government offices and dignitaries every day, everyone's first impulse is to toss official mail. But for some inscrutable reason, I waded through the "whereases" and "be it resolveds" and found some very lurid purple prose.. The Senate resolution (the House concurring) called upon the U. S. government to obtain from North Vietnam "an accurate accounting of all American servicemen missing in action": a noble and high-minded di- rective, albeit a probably pointless TODAY'S STAFF: News: Dan Blugerman, Cindy H i I I , Claudia Kraus, Jeff Sorensen, Sue Stephenson Editorial Page: Bill Heenan, Marnie Heyn, Steve Ross Food/Arts Page: Ken Fink, Doug Zer- now Photo Technician: Karen Kasmouski By CLIFFORD BROWN RACIST. The mere utterance of the word strikes fear into the hearts of people in the University administration. Secretaries, kitchen workers, and direc- tors have all cowered at the accusation, it being appaling to them to think of themselves as racist. It offends their sense of liberalism. Though many of them may be of the last generation, I find that this generation deals much the same way with racism: with a false sense of liberalism that, when adequately challenged, quickly exposes the false egalitarians, to their shock and surprise. False liberals are dangerous: danger- ous to themselves and to those around them. It is the element of racism in- visible within them that makes their embittered outbursts all the more start- ling. To their own surprise their racial bigotry leaps out with a shocking an- ger, an unknown anger that is all the more uncontrollable. An intense, insid- ious anger that has been building up in- side them, ingrained within them from the many elements of institutional rac- ism in our society. WHEN THE anger builds up, what happens then? What is there to help defeat that anger, to slow it to a halt? Where does the solution lie and how can it be found? The solution to the problem is one that is not easily realized owning to the way our society and our patterns of Chbile:i By DAN MARKSEL (Popul WJATERGATE IS FAR from stood over. The fact is, govern- Chiler ment corruption of democratic lar re principles has been incorpor- to pre ated into routine dealings. It is based the norm; and not only in radica American domestic affairs. Revolu There are Watergates in U. S. ALT international affairs as well. many An example of this institution- at buil alized disregard for democracy Chile, comes to us in the revelations initiate of the American involvement his im in the Chilean coup of 1973. cared Last week, President Ford accom made a startling statement in The U. response to a reporter's ques- ing to tion. He openly admitted that tically the United States indulged in lendev secret operations leading to the push fe overthrow of the democratical- ment r ly elected government of Sal- anothe vadore AllendemGssens. This part" c was the first time in American But history that a president had ac- ertones knowledged active, subversive, (again U. S. meddling in the domestic Union, activitieshof another countr. ideolog Allende had made no recuest Union that our government intervene in the in Chile's internal develonment. Chile a The Nixon administration's CIA democ counter - insurgency oerations lende v in Chile were self-initiated and to the self-serving, condoned by Ford Amer as, ". . . in the best interest of posedt the oeonle of Chile, and certain- a quas ly in our best interest." wanted THE ADMINTSTRATION BE- liance CAME embroiled sin Chilean ands politics for two reasons: one,Chl' the traditional fear of com- mocrac munist footholds in the Ameri- Simp cas ("We don't want another democ Cub," Secretary of State Kis- cause t singer exclaimed.): and the compro other, the threat to big business geoisie, exploitation in Chile with the wish to ascension of the social-democra- to pron tic aovernment of Allende. antry a Militant fear of the spread- you th ing "red menace" has been a ruling major preoccupation of Amei- their d can international affairs, ever takenf since John Foster Dulles helped compro initiate the Cold War in the Thee 1950's. Any ally or neighbor of Alle that has been subject to "Red tion ne influence" (a concept never parties really defined, yet one which, mented through indoctrination, induces the pa I gut-level panic in the minds of elemen Americans, even after so-called like the detente) has been a target for well as American manipulation. onpositl Without any concern for the Congre, idealogy that ponularly brought spread Salvadore Allende to power in governs Chile, the U. S. reacted in the on his same way. Kissinger became move t obsessed with the impact of litical f Chile's new presence in the NOW western hemisphere. Nixon and importc the CTA were resolutely in fav- the Ar or of extracting this new lende "threat to U. S. national secur- dence, ity" by forceful means. vestigal THEY UNDERSTOOD OUITE unrelen precisely what the socialist Al- proven lende meant to his people. He an imp meant progress toward eco- and c nomic liberation for underprivi- downfal leged, exploited Chileans from militarS the stranglehold of Big Busi- capitali ness. He meant a step toward thev wi the self-fulfillment of his peo- able s ple, especially for the downtrod- Chilean den 'poor and working class in sources Chile. The American mononolv felt the capitalists and their friends, protecte those same neople who brought only be the original Watergate mess and tonnled other horror stories, could not Amer let this happen. Their profits involves and privilege would surely substan dwindle with a man like Allen- Chile's xA "False liberals are dangerous: dangerous to themselves and to those around them. It is the element of racism invisible within them that makes their embittered out- bursts all the more startling." interaction are set up. To deal with the racism in one's own self can solve the problem, but how do you deal with the problem when no one talks about it. When no one challenges you and you don't even bother to challenge yourself, how then is the problem dealt with? Denying yourself access to a potential remedy to the problem only contributes to intensify that problem. And so the anger builds up. Fuel is added to the fire, a fire you're not even aware of. If it can be said that all persons are prejudiced, tending to judge people on the basis of class or race, then we must realize that what makes a racist is something different. A belief that some races are naturally superior to others and practicing discrimination on the basis of that belief makes a racist. Then too, the false liberal must be made up from something different. THE FALSE liberal comes fram a land that is made up almost exclusively of their own kind. A land where green grass With fears and animosity inside them, the student comes to a college that is practically, but not quite, all white. But the animosity is not acceptable and is therefore hidden. But the anger at mem- bers of those other races doesn' go away by itself. The rude stink of color won't go away. Insecurities are masked by hatred, a protective shield to keep the students from exposing their fears. And that hatred builds up; the fire keeps burning even though you can't see it. THE ANIMOSITY that creates the an- r terna tiona Wa te rga te one, since so much of Vietnam and{ so many of the people there were blown apart. This would still be a worthy reso- lution, except for its solitary nature. Not once has Gil Bursley sent me a memo because the Senate called upon the U. S. government to cease its vio- lation of the Paris Peace Agreement, MISSING FROM THE resolution's language of "brave men" and "families (who) suffer in weakened spirits as the seasons pass" is some' understanding that the war in Indo- china continues and that Michigan citizens, along with folks from every other state and territory, are paying for it as it goes. Here in Ann Arbor, the Indochina Peace Campaign has set up a week of concern for Indochina so that people who care about how the world func- tions can circumvent the silence of the State Department. Every student on this campus ought to contribute a few hours this week to a bit of realistic extracurric- ular education. There is no alterna- tive course in becoming responsible citizens. -MARNIE HEYN ar Unity) government for a unification of the nr people through popu- form and was responsive ssures from such widely- proletarian groups as the 1 MIR (Movement of the tionary Left). 'OUGHI ALLENDE made mistakes in his attempts ding a socialist nation in his progressive reforms d programs for helping derdeveloped people. He about them and tried to pish gains for them. S. didn't. Instead of try- understand the humanis- oriented reforms that Al- was attempting to accom- or his people, our govern- reacted to what it saw as r gain for Russia in "our of the world. Allende never made ov- of fraternal collusion st the U. S.) to the Soviet mainly because their ies clashed. The Soviet was a bureaucratic state eyes of Allende, while aspired to develop into a ratic state. In fact, Al- wanted to strengthen ties remaining aspects of can democracy. Chile no threat to America as i - socialist country. It to maintain its close al- with the United States ought aid from it in transition to a social de- y ly explained, a social racy never works, be- the reformers believe in mising with the bour- , the very sector they reduce in their attempt note the rise of the peas- nd the working class. Do ink that the bourgeois class would ever allow lomninant position to be from them by peaceful )mise?) excuse that Ford intoned nde suppressing opposi- ws media and political was a lie. It is docu- that Allende welcomed rticipation of opposition ts in his administration, e right-wing military, as making concessions to ion elements in Chile's ss, to maintain wide- representation in his ment; a crucial mistake part, but far from a o suppress opposition po- actions. TO THE EQUALLY ant economic aspects of nerican engineered Al- coup. Irrefutable evi- gathered by Senate in- tions and beautifully ting newspapers, has that big business played ortant role in planning arrying out Allende's 11 into the hands of a y dictatorship. Monopoly sts were so afraid that ould lose their comfort- etup of exploiting the people and their re- for big profits that they ir interests had to be ed. These interests could secured if Allende was ican e c o no m i c ment in Chile has been tial for many decades. rich copper, iron, and is as abundant as the fr rnt lawa And the rolling green of the, countryside stretches to almost a quarter of a milel away - to the next door neighbor's house. In the case of the vast majority of University of Michigan freshpeople, an all white suburb. From here the stu- dent naturally continues the chain and attends the nearest high school to them which by sheer coincidence happens to be all white. After attending this high school, the student comes to college. ger is built up by the racist institutions and by the racist media. Some news sources slant the news to create ani- mosity. Institutions perpetuate myths to keep minorities down, to keep the upper classes unaware of the abuses they heap onto the middle and 1ower class minorities. Universities imply that the increased admittance of minorities are taking away spaces from whites with- out mentioning the fact that the high porportion of out-of-state students that they admit take up more spaces than the minorities that are admitted. (This es- pecially applies to state supported in- stitutions tha are supposed o be exclus- ively for in-state students. The Univer- sity or Michigan is a state-supported in- stitution.) Question the animosity and the fears that you feel, challenge them. The prob- lem of racism is one that does not go away by hiding it. It only multiples in most cases. Covering up a sere with a band-aid doesn't make that sore go away. THE RACIST institutions and people of this society are poisoning the minds of many of us. This poison must be faced and dealt with before the animosity and the anger can be eradicated, in at least a little degree. But first we must all deal with the poison in ourselves, the re- sentment and hatred we may feel. MAL NJ SiV 4AVE BMaJ 44LLSP/ WE W.tS SP)vE' -Try t aJp G c r o. , o f / TES SC~j,OOL. Bu%' SAt" E ccN'< 1 Sf 6 5aN 6&I;*6A&' CeMI,&1 Pacific Steel, Kennecott, and Chase Manhattan had a firm stake in maintaining the op- pression of the Chileans. And this is why ITT offered to give the U. S. government $1 million to help finance the violent over- throw of the Allende govern- ment. It also explains why it colluded with other American companies involved in South American exploitation to fund and execute disruption plans of their own. (All documented in Senate investigations into ITT.) U. S. big business, with its control of the purse-strings of traditional American political parties and therefore its great influence into the lines of Amer- ican political power, gained an attentive ear in administration circles. The important presence of business leaders at high gov- ernment levels also aided the monopoly capitalists in their drive to obtain U. S. interven- tion in Chilean politics. Finan- cial and personal ties with big business were too pervasive in the administration (as it still is) to warrant anything else but direct collusion between big business and big politics to crush Allende's reforms. Big business interests were the in- terests of the government. ALL THIS WILL N E V E R change. The self-serving, anti- humanist interests of big capi- talists will forever be accom- modated by their lackeys in government. And don't say to yourself that it doesn't really matter, beca:se you are safe. You aren't. Who is to prevent the same type of reasoning from promoting anti-democratic re- pression of onnosition attitudes in the United States? Now ask A N ESSAY in a recent Time magazine claimed that American college students once again have become preoccupied with performing pranks and getting good, high-paying jobs. Students are returning to those wonderful days when t h e y fought over who could swallow the most telephone booths and who could stuff the most gold- fish into a Volkswagen. These same students, we are told, are serious about t h e i r careers. Unfortunately, o n I y two fields offer riches and se- curity - law and medicine. We can rest assured that in 'he future there will be plenty of lawyers around to sue doctors for malpractice. The essay implies that the prospect of a nation full of J.D.'s and M.D.'s who like to have a little fun is a sign of societal regression, from the days when it appeared that there would be an oversupply of hippies, English majors and psychology students wao liked to protest man's desire to kill his fellow man. SOCIETY is regressing be- cause students supposelly have just learned to look out for nunber one instead of for the rost of the world. But much of the ide-li',m of college students in 'he 60's was comfortable rather than worry about saving their hides. T h e only change is in the manifesta- tion of the selfishness of the lucky. AND NOW with the nation in an economic situation where the silver platters have been re- placed by stainless steel cues, college students have panicked. The burning issue is now can students hope to support them- selves in the manner in which their parents supported them. So, students have become ser- ious in their schooling - and hedonistic in their outside pur- suits to try to forget their bleak futures. Time Magazine would have us believe that cynicism has turn- ed the students as selfish as any other member of society. Why waste energy trying tc re- form a world that obviously de- fies reformation? BUT TIME has failed to con- sider that self-interest rather than cynicism has di tated the actions of current college stu- dents as much as self-interest rather than idealism dictated the azticons of the previous corps of collegians. In the meantime, vwmld some- body please pass tie goldfish over here? -sideswiipes Students' setlf-interest swallows phone booths By BOB SEIDENSTEIN ------ \ I NmAn A am .r