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September 05, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-09-05

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743 a t ty

See Today for details

VA1. LXXXV, No. 1 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 5, 1974 Free Issue Si

xty Pages

Hello out there
Just as inevitable as autumn leaves, it all begins
again this week. As thousands of students from
literally all over the world pour into Ann Arbor
to start classes tomorrow, The Daily's taut young
staff is back in action. To welcome you back to
' The Grind, we're easing the pain by offering this
and the next two issues free of charge. And
while we're blowing our own horn, you might be
interested to know that we regularly carry a
combination of campus, local and national news,
reviews, arts, opinion, and advertising all for only
a dime an issue, which is cheaper than any of our
Whadda deal!
If you want to subscribe to The Daily, call us at
764-0558 between 9 and 5 or come and see us
at 420 Maynard - second floor. Now here's the
deal of the century: The historic back issues from
the "Nixon Quits!" week are on sale here at the
incredible price of three for a quarter, or 20 for a
buck. Just stop by the circulation desk. Let's face
it: it may be a while before another president
resigns. A note for our regular subscribers: the
first delivered issue of The Daily is Tuesday morn-
ing, with the prior issues free and available on
Big changes
Over the summer, a number of major changes
ave occurred in the University's power structure,
topped by former literary college (LSA) Dean
Frank Rhodes' taking over as vice president for
icademic affairs on July 1. The powerful VP seat
vas vacated last spring by Allan Smith, who is
returning to teaching. Richard Kennedy has sup-
plemented his ombudsman role as secretary to the
University by replacing Fedele Fauri as vice pres-
ident for state relations. Alfred Sussman, former-
ly an associate dean and botany department chair-
man, will take over Rackham's deanship from
Donald Stokes, who accepted a position at Prince-
ton last spring. Most recently, 'William "Billy"
Frye, a former zoology professor, was named
acting LSA dean.
Happenings.. .
. ..are sparse today, but no matter. If you
haven't registered yet, the lines will be pouring
through Waterman Gym from 8 a.m. to noon,
and again from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Drop-Add is the same
; ime, at the same place . . . and if you aren't al-
ready oriented enough, the Grad Library is pre-
;enting its own orientation program tonight at 7
p.m. in Lecture Room 2 of the MLB. Speaking of
happenings, if you want to publicize your group's
meeting, picnic, concert, or play, come on in
or give us a call (764-0552) before 4 p.m. the
day before the event.
State of the cosmos
It may be near the end of the baseball season,
but that isn't stopping the "Big Diamond" from
being September's major astronomical wonder.
So says venerated University astronomer Hazel
"Doc" Losh in her latest preview of cosmic hap-
penings. In other big news, says Doc, fall will
officially begin at 5:59 a.m. Sept. 23 as the sun
crosses the equator. The Big Diamond will form
in the northest corner of the night sky, featuring

stars from the constellations Pegasus and Andro-
On the inside ..'.
Today's Daily is the fattest you'll see all year:
It's the annual frosh supplement, chock full of
Information for new students. Included: General
Yews-facts and features from the summer; Stu-
dent Life-from the dull dorms to the fanatic
frats; Sports-the ever-omnipotent Wolverines in
all forms; Community-an enlightened look at the
"Dope Capital of the Midwest" from politics to
poetry; Culture-you name it, it's here; and Aca-

Prices soar!'U'no

The campus is no haven from inflation: just
about the only student cost that hasn't gone up
in Ann Arbor this year is the price of getting
busted. Marijuana use or possession still gets
a cheap $5 fine. Otherwise, it's going to be a
rough year.
Tuition, dormitory fees, off-campus rents and
book costs will all put a substantially bigger
dent in your budget this year than last. Mari-
juana dealers are even predicting a higher cost
for getting high.
THE REGENTS voted in July to raise tuition
nearly six per cent over last year's level. Earlier
they had ordered a six per cent rollback of last
fall's controversial 24 per cent fee boost, but
the new hike effectively restores the 24 per cent
increase over two years.
Housing c

Tuition, rents, dope al

AN INFORMAL survey of city landlords con-
firmed Crocker's figures, with managers at Trony
Uand Maize and Blue reporting hikes of four to
six per cent. A spokesperson for Wilson-White
Co. said the firm's rent increases averaged 10
predictable request per cent.
aging eight per cent.
$1298 to $1402; sin- Textbooks also felt the trend. A clerk at
arenowat$0Ulrich's Books, when asked to describe the gen-
eral public trend, said, "Well, it's bad news,"
Regents the hike but would not give precise figures.
maintenance costs,
any expansion of The University Cellar reported price hikes on
virtually all new text editions.

For in-state underclasspeople - frosh and
sophomores-that means a jump from $380 to
$400 per semester. Resident juniors and seniors
who last year paid $423 will now be assessed
$450 a term.
The six per cent figure spells even bigger
trouble for out-of-state students. First and second
year fees will climb to $1300 per term form
$1220; juniors and seniors will pay $1400 instead
of $1316.
THE UNIVERSITY - the city's number one
landlord-is also making it tougher on dorm
residents. The Regents last April granted Housing

Director John Feldkamp's
for a fee hike-this one averk
Double rooms will rise from
gles that cost $1448 last year
While Feldkamp told the
would cover rising food and
the result will not include
dormitory services.
Off-campus dwellers will
deal. Off-Campus Housing S
Crocker estimated virtually e
the campus has had a rent
5 to 10 per cent.

get an equally bad
Supervisor N o r m a
very apartment near
increase averaging

MARIJUANA, perhaps the city's most reknown
commodity, may be another victim of the supply-
demand game. An ounce of the weed that sold
for $12 last year is now reportedly going for
$14 or $15.

f fice


homeless freshmen
in Bell Tower Hotel

Nearly 50 freshmen are revel-
ing this week in the comfort of
air-conditioned accommodations
equipped with color TVs, pri-
vate baths, and maid service-
courtesy of the University Hous-
ing Office.
For the fourth year in a row,
incoming students waiting for
dormitory vacancies will spend
the first few weeks of the fall
term in the Bell Tower Hotel.
BECAUSE the housing office
incorrectly assumed the no-
show rate would be 2.5 per cent,
96 freshmen are without per-
manent living quarters. Those
who are not waiting it out at

the Bell Tower are spending
their nights in Bursley Hall's
linen closets or in the rooms
of their Resident Advisors.
Although University Housing
Director John Felkamp vehe-
mently denies he "oversold" the
number of available spaces, he
admits he miscalculated the
projected number of residence
hall vacancies.
"It's a great puzzle to me,"
Feldkamnp sighed.t "There was
nothing new in the application
rate this year-I'm not quite
sure why this happened."
. APPARENTLY the housing
crunch is affecting only male
frosh-there are still a num-

ber of vacancies for women
scattered throughout the resi-
dence halls.
Because dormitory living is
not as popular among female
students, Feldkamp believes
that the housing problem can
be alleviated next year by con-
verting several women's halls
into all-male corridors.
"We had to convert 150
spaces this year-and that was
painful. But we may haye to Jo
it again," Feldkamp said. "The
other solution I foresee is plac-
ing a restriction on the number
of returning students so we can
accommodate the freshmen."
FOR THE moment, however,
the Bell Tower residents are
enjoying their life of luxury.
"Most of them think it's pret-
ty keen that they have maid
service and color TVs," a clerk
at the hotel commented..
The students are paying the
same rate charged to regular
dormitory residents - with the
housing office picking up the
FELDKAMP, however, denies
that the University is on the
losing end of the deal.
"If anything, you could accuse
us of making money," he said.
"Housing these students on);
costs us an extra $5,000-but
then, we are assured of filling
dormitory vacancies."
The hotel rates, which are
discounted as a favor to the
University, are $9 a day for a
single and $14 a day for a dou-
ble. This is costing the Univer-
sity an extra $5.28 a day and
$8.02 a day respectively.
"THIS IS a great deal for the
money-and it sure beats Alice
Lloyd," a freshman from St.
Louis remarked.
Attempting to make the Bell
Tower accommodations as much
akin to dormitory life as pos-
sible, the housing office has also
assignednthe incoming students
a resident advisor.
"I'm serving as a liason per-
son between the students and
the housing office," said Bill
Winkel, former building director

Back to The Grind
Like thousands of other young people who de scended on Ann Arbor this week, three stu-
dents make the familiar trek from the tailga te to the elevator at West Quad. The real bur-
len, however, was yet to come as classes be gin tomorrow.
Counci move forces Blues and
JF iva i
JazFestvalt o Tfind new home,

Daily photo by KAREN KASMAUSKI
FRESHMAN PHIL STOTZ gets a helping hand from Bill
Winkel, the University's ad hoc "resident advisor" for 50
freshmen who are spending the next few weeks in the Bell
Tower Hotel thanks to overflow enrollment in the dormi-
tories. The hotel accommodations include color TV and maid
service, and the University is picking up the tab.

Despite the best efforts of thei
city's conservative politicians,
the Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz
Festival will go on as planned
this year-but not in Ann Arbor.
The three-day concert series
will instead be held "in exile",
as its sponsors say, at St. Clair
College's Griffin Hollow Am-
phitheatre in Windsor, Ontario.
AFTER CITY Council banned

Youth center.. may lose license

the festival from Ann Arbor
last July by refusing to authorize
a site for the event, it appeared
the concert was dead.
But a short time later, St.
Clair College offered its facili-
ties, and the promoters, Rain-
bow MultiMedia Corp., went
ahead and booked an all-star
line-up over the past month.
Among the artists appearing
at the festival-which is sched-
uled for tomorrow through Sun-
day-are James Brown, Luther
Allison, Hound Dog Taylor, and
Junior Walker.
COUNCIL Republicans oppos-
ed this year's event because of
problems at the 1973 concert
including improper clean-up and
a supposed increase in drug
"Last year's blues and jazz
festival has tarnished the city's
image," Mayor James Stephen-
son declared in urging the

the cultural worth of the event."
Last year's festival drew over
60,000 people to Otis Spann
Memorial Field and "was a
totally positive experience," ac-
cording to Andrews,palthough
he admitted clean-up procedures
were inadequate.
This year the promoters had
offered to post a $5,000 bond to
guarantee the concert site would
be left in a clean, undamaged
condition, but the council Re-
publicans found this safeguard
IN FORMAT, the 1974 blues
and jazz festival will be much
like its predecessor with five
separate shows-one each night,
and afternoon performances on
Saturday and Sunday.
The evening shows will run
7:00-12:00 p.m, and the after-
noon concerts from noon to 5:30
The Griffin Hollow Amphi-

A local private psychiatric
facility, under investigation by
state and federal agencies for
months, may be denied licens-
ing to continue its controversial
and allegedly harmful methods
of treatment.
The sta~te's Dehnartment of

center would be forced to close
down. A decision on licensing
is expected within a week.
During the past year, the Uni-
versity Center was denied the
right to operate as a psychia-
tric hospital after a panel of ex-
perts from the state Depart-
ment of Mental Health found

Center, has denied all charges
made by the state and federal
The two-month Senate probe
revealed apparent malprac-
tices including substandard
care, physical abuse of "un-
ruly" patients, questionable
billing procedures, and traffick-

CHAMPUS funding constitut-
ed a major portion of the cen-
ter's income - $3 million over
five years - until it was dis-
continued on August 26. Despite
that loss of revenue, Kambly
has said the center will stay
The much-maligned psychia-
tric technionues used by Kambly

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