e Eighty-four gears of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan i -In la iond- sum :relie By ALAN RESNICK Tuesday, October 1, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Riehard Nixon, go home ONE OF THE CRUELEST -legacies of the Nixon presidency is that despite his 1962 avowal, the man is still in the public eye to be kicked around. Anyone else so monumentally disgraced would have started to look for a house in the South Seas, re- fused to talk to reporters for the next 20 years, and only emerged after he was reasonably sure that half the population no longer wished to see him behind bars. But not Richard Nixon. Apparently this unfathomably twisted and oddly driven man prefers anything - even clear public scorn and abuse - to ob- scurity. Something in his darkly tor- mented soul refuses to accept that power and glory are no longer his. Two particularly outrageous exam- ples of Nixon's passion for visibility come immediately to mind. One con- cerns the pardon. Here Nixon admit- ted guilt for only "mistakes in judge- ment" and not criminal behavior, for which he presumably needed the pardon. He clearly could have accept- ed the pardon without issuing a statement and thanked his lucky stars he wasn't in prison making lit- tle rocks out of big ones. A NGRY AS I WAS about the par- don, my wrath was increased by another self-serving bit of drivel from this despised charlatan. His out- break of phlebitis again cast doubt on his credibility. Normally one would ABomb: w WHEN INDIA FIRST announced the development of an atom bomb, the official reaction all over the world was "horrors." When we, and even when the Russians, had the bomb, it was considered safe be- cause hopefully we (and even they), would have sense enough to refrain from using it unnecessarily. After all, who knows when some power-crazed leader in one of the lesser nuclear powers -- they still don't have as many as we do - decides to show the world what his or her atom bomb can do. What we should really be concern- ed with is the relative ease with which our thousands of nuclear bombs, stored all over the world, could be stolen and used by terror- ist groups or guerrilla organizations. The danger is two-fold. First, who knows what any of these groups might do with an A-bomb once they got hold of it? Also, what is there to prevent a minor allied nation from forcing outnumbered American troops to flea its territory, leaving nu- TODAY'S STAFF: News: Susan Ades, Dan Biddle, Barb Cornell, Cindy Hill, Sarah Rimer, Judy Ruskin, Tim Schick Editorial Page: Vince Badia, Clifford Brown, Patti Persico, Becky Warn. er, Brad Wilson Arts Page: Ken Fink Photo Technician: Stuart Hollander S0MEW 26 'N 4 Zam ms.A accept the excuse of sickness as valid and reasonable enough. But not with Richard Nixon. He had carefully cul- tivated rumors that he was deeply depressed in order to gain the par- don. The clear hint was that if he was not let off the hook, he would soon take his own life. Do you want that on your national conscience? Yet a story appearing in the New York Times the week before the par- don quoted visitors as saying he looked fine. So I find myself dubious about his actual medical condition. It's true, phlebitis is potentially fatal, and I can't in honesty say I want him to die for lack of adequate care. But surely the state of the medical sci- ences is such that some system of treatment could be devised that would permit Nixon to testify at the trials in which he is scheduled to appear as a witness and not suffer adverse affects. IF THE PHLEBITIS incident is not merely an elaborate ruse to sub- vert justice once again, then there's no reason to force his testimony. The spectacle of Nixon collapsing in the witness stand is not one I wish to see. But in the light of Nixon's re- peated tendency to resort to mendac- ity, it's hard to believe anything he says, ever. And that's not fair. Why won't he just go away? -STEPHEN SELBST Editor's note: The following analysis is the first in a series of contrasting viewpoints on inflation and the economic summitnwhich will appear on the Editorial Page. Readers' responses in the form of arti- cles or letters are welcomed. NOT SINCE Barnum and Bad- ey have the American peo- ple witnessed a three-ring cir- cus like the economic summit held last weekend. The captains of labor, industry,heconomics and politics converged on the Washington Hilton, each giving their advice in five minutes or less on how to solve the prob- lem of inflation. The summit was not more than a recap of the "mini-sum- mits" held during the past month - those were useful and rendered the major conference redundant and unnecessary. Nothing mentioned over t h e weekend represented any view- point or detail not already known. In economic terms, the summit was not worth the cost of the participants' airfares. Rober Weingarten, publisner of Financial World, recently commented that "economics is a theoretical science - the practical application of wiich is called politics." This w a s dramatically illustrated during thesconference as industry re- presentatives suggested cuts in government spending, yet offer- ed vital reasons why th'eir group should be exempt from the budget cuts. One must re- member that statistics are by no means objective in n iture, and as the old line goes - "sta- tistics have shown that sta istic- ians are the nicest people in the world." ACCORDING to economist Paul Samuelson, inflation is simply defined as "a time of generally rising prices for goods and factors of produc- tion." The causes, however, are AP Photo Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz, left, and William Seidmmn, director of the economic sum- mit on inflation, listen to critics' testmony at the conference. to take, the 3.9 per cent incre'ise in wholesale prices in August along with the 7.6 per cent in- crease in wholesale food Prices which will be felt in the months to come will make pst ptc.es much easier to stomach. Since early 1973, the pr i of Middle East crude oil has ir:- creased about 400 per ent The effect of this has been a ratid increase in fuel costs though- out the world. Last veek in De- o-fold danger' clear arms behind. W1HAT ARE THE CHANCES of this happening? The official position of the government is that there real-j ly is no problem; the electronic armsr and the troops that guard the bombs should enable the United States to resist any such attempt. Gene LaRogue, a retired admiral who is presently director of the Cen- ter for Defense Information, thinks otherwise. He recently told a Con-{ gressional Committee that many of the bombs are loosely guarded, and that it would be fairly simple for ter- rorists to seize one and escape with it by helicopter. NUCLEAR WEAPONS under the cus- tody of the United States are stored in Spain, Korea and Asia and aboard aircraft carriers and other Navy surface vessels. All these wea- pons are under the control of the De- partment of Defense, and according to a 1974 departmental directive, there are specific criteria on how the weapons are to be stored and pro- tected. This protective system was supposedly established to guarantee the safe-keeping of the bombs from unwarranted use by the nations they are stored in. Maybe so, but the safe- guards were not set up to be tested by fanatics who care little about the cost or results of a raid in lives: theirs or any others. -SUE WILHELM MC " o-< - -t In old-time economics, monetary and fiscal policies had a definite cause-effect relation- ship with inflation. As Galbraith suggests, the "old-time religion" must be abandoned. In fact, many of the old theories no longer seem to hold.' the decrease in profits from the mandatory lowering of dmesi-ic ol prices. In this step is not taken, taxcs on 'heir i'rofits l hauld be drastically increased. This tax increase could be re- scinded only by an equay dras- tic increase in their amount of domestic oil explor'auion ar d drilling, thereby praviding a forced incentive. Finally, no f mily should be allowed to own a second car that Its less than 20 miles to the gal'on. FOR THE most par:, the in- fl"ion-stiflingecom ea on ro uce;=d by the u-rit t'ealt with demand inflatin, S'oce the present problems oncer supply more than d -man , the recommendations do not deal effectively with them. In the old-time economics, mi-neary and fiscal policies had a defin- ite cause-effect relati,)riship with inflation. As Galbraith su1t,4the "ld-time religion' nK Ie abandoned. In fact aln- of the old theori s no longer seem to hold. The Phillips curve, for e lesho that as inffi -,11 iacreases,1employment wrcces e-. Yet in reali;ty nour eploy - mient rate in dlecreAsig while inflation is increasing .( ld- time economics also states that prices and wages rase durirg inflation and decrease during re- cessron. -e are curre ily i a recessionyet prices an! wages are rising. (ld-time economics tha t thecre IS a dlirectly p'rav.r- tinal relationship beween de- mand and price.'\s a r'Ailt, when demand for cars wa; in- creasing, G;eneral Mors r. sod its prices, also. -l .v ver, l.'st year the demand for cars di op- ped and GM increased car p.i- es an average of $40. THIS IS AN intern,>ing de- velopment, as any economics student will attest. When de- mand increases, prices irrease, and when demand decre0esV prices continue to rise, The old cures, then, rray not be as efficient in conraling in- flation as they were once thought to be. trols, Galbraith and Serator Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.) two major proponents of such a sys- tern. Most business leaders op- pse controls because it hin- ders their ability to orofit at the expense of the 'Xmerican public. Solomon large, speaking fLr consumers in an honest and straightforward sneech, u I d the President tnat "many con- samrers are economic ignorants" whlo do not understand economic -policies and know only that they cannot afford the increase in prices. The poor, the aged, and those on fixed incomes are rot conicerned with supply and de- mand graphs but with prices that make it nearly unbearable for them to exist. Only a freeze 1 all components of the cy- cle will remedy this. Many economists opoose nian- datory controls on the grounds that they interfere with the free mnrket system. It is rio con- trols that interfere with t h e system, but rather big c:rpora- tions. IONOPOLIES and olig }polies oaerate in collusion with one another and are the cause for the distortion of our "free mar- ket" structure. If, indeed, a free market system existe'l, he need for. an economic iummit would not even exist. it is this imperfect comnaeti- ti;n that distorts the normal equilibrium between consumer demands and supply. When GM decided to raise the price of its cars by $500, the ebjet:0ens of government and consumers lead to a rollback of $54 - hardlly an equilibrium between con.mi~xier and producer. In the words of Galbraith, "Controls only sub- stitute public price anI wage fixing for private price and wage fixing.' When asked their opinion on controls, conservative econom- ists comment that demand will otoace supply and shortages will occur. But with industrial products, controls act not as a prelude to shortages, but as a means of increasing efficiency. As an example, if Mobil gar o- far more complex. The first cause for our current inflation can be traced back to the John- son-Vietnam years. As always, a wartime economy necessita- tes increased production a n d employment. This, of course, leads to an overall increase in demand for goods and services, traditionally the reason for high- er prices. The problems created by over- expansion of industry were ex- acerbated by the absence of wartime wage and price con- trols. As prices increased wag- es followed suit which, in turn, led to a further increase in prices. This wage-price spiral has intensified and continues to be a menace to our economy. Second, the demand for bank loans has continued at high lev- els. When thisdmoney is spent it increases demand, pulling prices even higher. Third, the government has been adling to the total purchasing power of the economy. In other words, government policy has been more inflationary than anti-in- flationary. THE FOURTH factor is more psychological than economic. John Kenneth Galbraith h a s stated that mood is often more important than the ra-e of in- terest or supply of credit. The current mood in thernation is one of fear that inflation will continue. Asta result, the de- cision is often made to invest in facilities and inventory to- day rather than waitng for to- mnorrow's higher costs. T h i s means more current spending, which leads to increased de- mand, again resulting in higher prices. While these are all factors in our current inflation, the ob- vious question that follows is: Why didn't these same factors, all of which existed for the past several years, lead to double- digit inflation before this year? The reason, which also account- ed for the major shortcoming of the summit, is the failire to see that our current intlationary rate is not due to a problem >f excessive demand, but one >f decreased supply. THE PAST vear has been troit, President Ford warned that "such exorbitant prices can distort the -world economy, run the risk of worldwide d1pres- sion, and threaten the break- down of world order and safe- ty ." THIS STATEMENT is by no means political jargon, and is an accurate prediction of the future of the economies !f mtoist nations. The World Bank esti- mates that the Orgauzation of Petroleum Exporting Count iies (OPEC) could accumulate x12 trillion by 1985. In comparison, the international reserves of foreign exchange and gold own- ed by the U.S. iow amount to $14 billion. The skyrocketing cost of oil is not only a major cause of inflation, but has resulted in balance-of-payments instanility. Nations with weak econ4)iies are facing a breakdown of their economic institutions, and a r e unable to pay for oil. The high cost of fertilizers and o:timer petrochemicals will be a canse for starvation in countries like India, where governments can no longer afford the cost of importing such products. THE OPEC countries h a v e been blessed with a scar:ce and vital resource. They have every right to build their econom1'es for both the present and the fu- ture. They should u-e their funds to raise the welfare of their people to a standard as high as anywhere in the world. They do not, however, have the rightdto threaten other coun- tries with economic collapse, to push the world into a possible global depression, or t) muse starvation out of greed. What is needed is dntenified international cooperation ainlg the oil consuming nations. The news that oil representa:i v5s of the U.S., Britain, France, West Germany, and Japan met last weekend is a positive sign that the major Western powe.*s may be forming an organization of importing countries. O n I y through coordinated nnd serieus action can oil prices by brooght back to reasonable levels that will not choke the financial in- stitutions of the world to death. WHILE the most promising ion against price controls. In such a case, a national oil com- pany should be established to take over their operations in the interest of the public. In terms of agricultural pro- ducts, shortages may occur. The government should be pre- pared to subsidize ag:icultural producers who are ruinning their operations efficiently, but whose costs are too high to be met by the controlled price. In regard to the source of funds, it would be more advantageous to sub- sidize agricultural producers in the interest'of stable prices than to treat the Russians to a free space ride or to 'support cor- rupt dictators. In addition to wage and price controls, Ford must consider the possibility of price roll-backs to at least the level of last sum- mer if not further back. When- ever the possibility of controls exists, corporations begin a mad rush to raise their prices be- fore controls are ordered. THE SUMMIT addressed it- self well tro the problem of the inequities (f inflation. The poor are less able to cope with in- flation, basically because those goods which are consumed the most - food and fuel - have in- creased in price the most. While the unemploymeat rate among blacks is 10 per cent, it is estimated that in some urban neighborhoods unemployment is running as high as 20 to 30 per cent. Such inequities must not be allowed to continue, arnii many remedies suggested at the sam- mit were commendable.Tax re- lief for the poor and those on fixed incomes is being consid- ered by the Ford Administra- tion, along with an increase in public employment. In addi- tion to lowering taxes fo' md- die and lower income groups, in- creased taxes on the wealthy should be seriously cc-sidered to equalize the economic turd- en. THE ISSUE of high versus low interest rates also occaion- ed heated debate. While high interest rates do contribute to high prices, any return to easy money without controls would send prices tip through t h e clouds. An alternative policy would be to stimulate those industries that are in most serious trouble or that are productive. On the other hand, non-productive in dustries would be cracked down on. Such a policy would help the sick housing iniuisc=^y, and would act as an incentive to non-productive industries to in- crease their efficiency or be in- eligible for funds. Ford has promised *i "coher- ent and comprehensive p r o- gram" to combat infision with- in 10 days. In addition, he an- nounced the creation of an Eco- nomic Policy Board. If he chooses to follow the e.:onomic policies of the Nixon Admin- istration, not only will inflation worsen, but his political future after 1976 will be quite dub- ious. Only by taking bold steps can the president win the war against "public enemy number one." Letters to The T)'ilv hovild ha -mnidtha n .i.An " w " 1 t r 0 7It f r~*- t tc 10 Ic c "Majy ecoi;oin isis oppose inamdatory Con- troll on the gromuds that they interfere with the free mrkt sys eme. It is not controls that interfere wit/ the system, but ratter big Coirportin. Monopolies and oligopolies op- erate in colhu;ioni with one another and are the cause fo r the distortion of our ''free S < r; i i ? i i re .' ..< No one in America is pre- pared to absorb a loss in the name of patriotism. The grain producer passes high higher pries along to the meat pro- duce' ,who then passes the hiher cost along to the market- place, which then passes ie higher price along to the con- sumer. The consumer is also line is frozen at 58 cents a gal- lon and OPEC increases the price of its oil by 10 per cert, it is hard to conceive that Mobil will not deliver its proJa t o market. It seems to ma±e more economic sense to fell - ismA ne while making 10 per cent Itess per gallon than not 'i .sell it at all