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September 29, 1974 - Image 1

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4:3 aii9

See Today for details

Vol. LXXXV, No. 22 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 29, 1974 Ten CentsE

Eight Pages





Life fest
The city's fourth Festival of Life comes to the
Arb's main meadow today, starting with sunrise
meditation and chanting, Sufi dancing, and a "Cos-
mic Ceremony" led by Masetro Domingo Dias
Porta, fourth degree Initiate of the Universal
Great Brotherhood. A noon potluck feast will be
followed by workshops at 1 and 3 p.m. on topics
ranging from Eastern spiritual topics to exta-ter-
restrial life. The festival will also include repre-
sentation of local social and political service and
advocacy groups for the first time. The festival's
theme is "Unity in Diversity" - "maintaining
that all paths lead to the same mountain top,"
according to co-ordinator Mari Shore.
Poetry program
Today at 8:30 a m., the Learning Exchange pre-
sents the first of a series of WAAM radio pro-
grams featuring poets reading their own works
and playing music of their choice. University
Prof. Donald Hail will read his poetry this morn-
ing to kick off the series, which includes Jane Ken-
yon, Andrew Corrigan,*Debby Tall and James Sim-
mons in the next month. Poets interested in par-
ticipating in the program should call Des Ryan
at 987-5471.
Happenings .. .
... today feature the Far East. The U. S. China
People's Friendship Association of Ann Arbor
sponsors the revolutionary ballet film "The White-
Haired Girl" at 8 p.m. in the Physics and Astron-
omy Auditorium, admission $1 . . . as the first
event in the local Week of Concern, the Indochina
Peace Campaign has arranged a Panel on Am-
nesty for 9:30 a.m. at the First Presbyterian
Church on Washtenaw. The panel will discuss
President Ford's earned re-entry plan and will
feature Joan Chesler of the Amnesty Action Group,
Ken Colton of the First Methodist Church, and
Barbara Fuller of the Interfaith Council for Peace
. . . Luther Allison will play at a dance concert
at the Suds Factory in Ypsilanti at 9 p.m. . . .
and on Monday, the Arts Information Center on
the second floor of the Union offers a free film
on Gertrude Stein, entitled, "When this you see,
remember me" at 8 p.m.
Cuban talks
Two members of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee met with Cuban Foreign Minister Paul
Roa yesterday and afterwards expressed hopes
for an eventual normalization of U.S.-Cuban re-
lations. The visit by Senators Jacob Javits (R-
N.Y.) and Claiborne Pell (D-R.I.) was interpreted
by observers in Cuba as a sign that Havana might
join Moscow and Peking on Washington's "de-
tente" list, and Javits remarked after meeting
with Roa, "There does not seem to be any inhibi-
tion to discuss any of the problems which are
stopping us and stopping them."
Milliken bites back
Governor William Milliken said yesterday his
Democratic opponent, Sander Levin, has "display-
ed a typically reckless buy-now, pay-later ap-
proach to government" in state budget and econ-
omy matters." Milliken, apparently growing peev-
ed by Levin's frequent jibes, said his opponent
"hopes the taxpayers won't count the cost until
after election day "

Bell, Brown buoy
Band Day masses
"We got inundated."
Those were among the first words spoken by a shaken
Navy football coach George Welsh after his valiant crew
sank beneath a Maize and Blue tidal wave yesterday aft-
ernoon, 52-0.
It took the Wolverines half of the first quarter to get rolling,
but after that it took only seventeen minutes of playing time for
Michigan to post 28 big points on the scoreboard and sew up its
third victory in as many tries.
DENNIS FRANKLIN turned in another Heisman-quality per-
formance, tailback Gordon Bell darted for three touchdowns and
fullback Chuck Heater bulldogged for two more. The Blue defense
posted its second consecutive shutout in a one-sided affair played
before an incredible Band Day crowd of 104,232, the second largest

MICHIGAN RECEIVER JIM SMITH (37) plunges through the air yesterday to make a spectacular catch of quarterback Dennis
Franklin's 29-yard touchdown pass, giving the Wolverines a respectable 45-0 lead. The play came only seconds after defenseman
Dave Devich's interception put the gold and blue in scoring position. For Navy, it was a long, long afternoon.

audience in Michigan history.
The Wolverine's easy win
took nearly everyone by sur-
prise, as the Middies had come
to Ann Arbor with high hopes
after upending Penn State 7-6
the previous weekend.
But in that contest, Navy
benefitted from a host of turn-
overs on the part of Penn State.
Yesterday, it was the Middies
who made the errors, and the
Wolverines jumped on them
with glee and turned the game
into a rout before America's fu-
ture admirals and deck-swab-
bers knew what had hit them.
FOR THE first few minutes,
though, it didn't look like a
Michigan cakewalk, as the
aroused Navy defense thwarted
the first two Wolverine posses-
sions. Then, the Middie mis-
takes started, and Franklin &
Co. turned the resultant great
field position into some quick
First. Navy quarterback Phil
Poirier threw a screen pass
from deep in his own territory
without looking. Big defensive
tackle Jeff Perlinger alertly
snagged the toss at the Mid-
shinmen 20 and lumbered ten
yards before being dragged
Two plays later. Franklin
rolled right for eight yards to
the one, then slipped the ball
to Heater for a touchdown
plunge, and the Middies began
to ship water.
THAT WAS only the begin-
ning. Minutes later, Poirier
again tried to nenetrate the
Michigan zone. His toss was de-
flected high into the air by
cornerman DaveElliot. Dave
Brown lunged and caught it at
the Michigan 28 and returned
it to midfield, where he was
illegally roughed. Fifteen more
yards were charged to the hap-
less Navymen.
Franklin quickly sent tailback
Rob Lytle around left end for
fifteen, then stood back and
fired to wingback Gil Chapman
for 18 more. Heater pounded
the final three yards, and it
was Michigan 14, Navy 0.
After the kick-off, the Mid-

econ talk
Foreign and finance ministers
of the United States, Britain,
France, West Germany and
Japan met here yesterday in in-
formal discussions that are part
of attempts to get to grips with
global economic problems.
At the same time, President
Ford's aides, according to
White House sources, were
looking ahead to the possibility
of a world summit of heads of
state to establish a cooperative
approach in warding off the
dangers of global recession.
THE INFORMAL ministerial
talks here were arranged a few
weeks ago at American initia-
Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger scheduled the meet-
ing originally for Camp David,
the Presidential mountain re-
treat in nearby Maryland, but
it was switched at the last
minute to the State Depart-
ment herehbecause of bad
weather in the area.
Foreign and finance minis-
ters were taking part in the
initial discussions held behind
closed doors and due to continue
through dinner and late into the
evening. Today the finance min-
isters, here for this week's an-
nual International Monetary
Fund conference, will have
further talks.
THE MEETINGS are being
held against a backdrop of
steadily rising oil prices and
their effect on the world econo-
my. Expected topics are ener-
gy conservation, emergency oil
See ECON, Page 2

Wiretaps f ailed


sources of




Japan's first nuclear ship - still drifting aim-
lessly in the Pacific nearly a month after spring-
ing radioactive leaks - has become the laughing
stock of the world, Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka
said yesterday. He told a press conference on
returning from a tour of North and South America
that one foreign leader broke into a smile when
he mentioned the troubles of the $48 million ves-
sel Mutsu. The Mutsu has been unable to return
to her home port of the same name because of
strong opposition from local people. Fishermen in
the area have threatened to block the harbor if
the ship tries to force her way into port.
Energy discussed
Many industrialized countries, facing increased
costs for oil, are moving full speed ahead into the
nuclear power age, observers at the World Energy
Conference in Detroit said yesterday. But a Soviet
official and environmentalist told the conference
-in contrast to the confidence in nuclear energy
expressed by fuel experts - that further study
was needed into whether the nuclear age could
affect the environment.
On the inside .. .
... the Sunday Magazine features Howard Brick
interviewing University graduates working at low-
ly jobs . . . and Marc Feldman has some unique,
refreshing insights into yesterday's 52-0 Michigan
stomp on the Sports Page.

controversial wiretap program
that once threatened to topple
Secretary of State Henry Kis-
singer never uncovered the se-
curity leaks it was instituted to
detect, according to evidence
being released yesterday.
Kissinger, who threatened to
resign last June unless he was
cleared of charges that he in-
stituted the wiretaps, told the
Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee at a closed session last
July, "No source of a pre-
viously published leak was un-
KISSINGER'S statement was
contained in 300 pages of hither-
week drawus
E llsberg,
Fonda here
A teach-in and a rally that
will bring Jane Fonda and
Daniel Ellsberg to Rackham
Aud. next week highlight local
events scheduled for the Inter-
national Week of Concern, an
effort by a coalition of anti-war
groups to raise awareness of
peace issues.
Called by the United Cam-
paign and the National Council
for Universal Amnesty, the
week is an appeal to conscience
aimed at ending U.S. support
of the Indochinese conflict and
punishment of those who op-
posed the war, according to
spokespersons. T h e Indochina
Peace Campaign (IPC) in Ann
Ar boh a..rrnnized eC vents de-

to secret testimony being re-
leased by the committee. Kis-
singer had asked the committee
to exonerate him of charges
that he had misled it a year
ago when he denied ordering the
creation of a wiretap program
in 1969.
The evidence shows that the
wiretaps were set up on April
25, 1969, more than two weeks
before the publication of the
story that has previously been
cited as prompting them.
Documents of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
had indicated that Kissinger
asked for a "major effort" to
stop the leaks following the pub-
lication on May 9, 1969 of an
article in the New York Times
disclosing secret U.S. bombing
in Cambodia.
BUT Kissinger testified that
the wiretaps were approved by
President Nixon and former
Attorney General John Mitchell
at the April 25 meeting in re-
sponse to previous leaks. It was
not put into effect until the
feature article appeared, how-
Kissinger insisted-and the
committee agreed-that he had
only participated by supplying
the names of persons who might
have been responsible for the
leaks. He persistently denied-
and again the committee be-
lieved him-that he had orig-
inated the program or asked
specifically for the taps.
The committee said in a state-
ment last month, following the
conclusion of its hearing of all
the evidence, "There are no
contradictions between what Dr.
Kissinger told the committee
last year and the totality of the
new information available. The
committee reaffirms its posi-
tion of last year that his role
in the wiretapping . . . did not
constitute grounds to bar his
confirmation as Secretary of

Kissinger said he had no recol-
lection of going to Sullivan's
office, and Sullivan told the
committee in a second letter
that he too could not now re-
member the May visit of Kis-
Despite the inconsistencies,
the committee's verdict appears
to have been expressed by Sen-
ator Hubert Humphrey, who
said at one hearing, "The time
is at hand to clarify this thing
and lay it to rest one way or
another. As I say, it has been
laid to rest in a proper way,
namely the man (Kissinger) has
committed no crime, he did not
deceive us, and that he has not

deceived us before or since .. .
"I resent the fact we try to
bury people with the past when
the past hasvery little rele-
vance to the present," Senator
Humphrey said during closed
hearings July 23.
Kissinger threatened to re-
sign last June while in Salzburg,
Austria, after brooding for a
number of days over repeated
suggestions in the press that he
had been the initiator of the
wiretaps, during which the tele-
phone conversations of 13 gov-
ernment officials and four news-
men were overheard by FBI



0 fa GCE
sa tisfac tory
afte r su rgry
WASHINGTON (Reuter)-President Ford's wife Betty yester-
day had a cancerous right breast removed, and nearly seven
hours after the operation was reported to be in satisfactory
The President visited his wife twice following the surgery
at the Bethesda Naval Hospital.
Ms. Ford returned to her blue, gold-carpeted hospital suite
after her condition had "stabilized nicely" in the recovery ward,
the hospital said.
IN A BULLETIN issued at 6,p.m., the hospital said Ms. Ford
was experiencing some normal post-operative discomfort but
that her blood pressure, pulse and respiration were normal.
White House physician William Lukash told a press conference
immeidately after the three-hour operation, "we are optimistic
that the overall prognosis will be excellent."
Rmn --- iina Tr ilim Pntity - n WnC n Arpof thp.


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