Rage Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September, 5, 1974 1 r a Studentsfight am in istratli M......over co-ed ohsin dorms 4*r fl\x "I+Y By GORDON ATCHESON '£The worst problem sharing a bath- room with men," say a 19-year-old wo- man living in a University residence hall "is that in the morning all the sinks are covered with shaving cream." Her casual attitude is typical of the students now living in two dormitories where on some floors coed bathrooms have become the accepted norm. HOWEVER, the University adminis- trators who officially prohibit dorm resi- dents of the opposite sex from using the same bathrooms view the situation with somewhat more consternation. They fear the school's public image suffers when alumni 'and parents of students hear about the phenomenon.. Since the coed facilities are not sanc- tioned, nobody knows exactly how many actually exist, but they apparently spring up in direct proportion to the number of coed corridors in a dormitory. In the 500-person Alice Lloyd Hall there are nine coed corridors serving about half the residents and each of those corridors has a coed bathroom. RESIDENTS OF East Quad, which houses about 800 students, say there are "several" coed facilities in that building. But the directors of Lloyd and East Quad officially deny the existence of any coed bathrooms. Despite University pressure, the stu- dents show no signs of relinquishing the coed facilities which they find extreme- ly practical. Although the residents now accept coed bathrooms as routine part of dor- mitory life, many students initially had qualms about using them. "At first I didn't like to ,shave in the bathroom because the women would stare at me," one young man admits sheepishly. "But they aren't interested anymore." THE MORNING rush in a coed facility seems, no different than in any other residence hall bathroom. Mumbled greetings and comments about the wea- ther or upcoming exams liberally punc- tuate the frantic search for bobby pins and tooth paste tube caps. At the same time towel draped figures head for the showers with little concern over who else is coming for going. "It's not as if we have wild orgies, I mean early in the morning we're still too bleary-eyed to see much of anything anyway," one Lloyd Hall resident ju- diciously points out. The students describe encounters dur- ing the day as much less harried but equally nonchalant. A FEMALE DORM dweller explains that she wouldn't think of walking down a corFidor in her pajamas but isn't em- barrissed to use the coed bathrooms. "There really is a lot of privacy," she says. "All the showers have curtains and nobody runs around without any clothes on." Her roommate claims that "the coed bathrooms have become so common- place we don't think about them much anymore." But she like most of the other students quietly declines to give her name because her parents "wouldn't understand how it is." AT LEAST a few residents in Lloyd Hall do not understand either, and con- sistently go to other floors where the bathrooms are not coed. The University officials also still try to operate the facilities on a sexually segregated basis. "As an administrator I'm supposed to get rid of the coed johns but I'm not going to stand in front of the doors and check people in and out," says hall di- rector Richard Munson Lloyd. It's pretty clear the students are win- ning the battle and that coed bathrooms probably cannot be eliminated simply because the dorm residents will continue to use "whatever facilities are the most available." Art info center provides news on cultural events Martha Cooktrue luxury By JOAN HOFFMAN Martha Cook is the most luxurious and allegedly the most virginal residence on campus. As'one woman claims, "Martha Cook is the biggest chastity belt in the Midwest." The women's dorm has been derisively labeled Prude's Palace and the Virgin Vault because of the infamous visitation rule to which it tenaciously clings. Men are forbidden to venture beyond the first floor during the week. However, the barriers, between the sexes are smashed on the weekends when men can invade the women's quarters until 1:30 on Saturday and midnight on Friday and Sunday nights. No stern resi- dent director, however, roams the halls in search of stray males, and, according to well-placed sources - the morning often finds several brave men tiptoeing down the long, regally vaulted hallway, still brushing the sleep from their eyes. THE WOMEN are unanimous in citing the building's lovely, palatial style as the main reason for foregoing the cinder- block cubicles found in most coed dorms. One woman, recalling her first glimpse of the marble Venus poised gracefully at the end of the long, windowed entrance hallway says., this place is a museum: it's gorgeous." Barb Singer, a former South Quad resi- dent breathed a sigh of relief when she moved into Martha Cook. "It's so calm here. The quad was a madhouse - who wants to come home to a zoo?" she comments. HOWEVER, not all the dorm's resi- dents were quite as satisfied with its re- fined atmosphere. Sue Slotnick, who is disappointed with the women who live in Martha Cook, comments, "I thought people here would be more interested in learning, but they're grade-conscious and not very serious about intellectual pursuits." Although Martha Cook used to be strict- ly an honors dorm, grades are no longer an ostensible admissions criterion. The women, however, still maintain an accur- ate reputation for being book-cracking academicians. A HIGH PERCENTAGE of pre-law and pre-med students choose Cook for its quiet atmosphere, cozy study rooms and maid service which allows them maximum study hours. Fittingly, a statue of Por- tia, Shakespeare's most intellectual wom- en, stands within the narrow niche above the building's doorway. Because the dorm is conveniently lo- cated on South University across from the UGLI, it is possible to roll drowsily out of bed at 8:00 and be meticulously taking notes by 8:10. While other dorm dwellers pay exorbi- tant prices for papery eggs at the nearby greasy spoons, slosh down salty oatmeal in their rooms, or stoically endure hunger pangs until noon, Martha Cookies, as the residents are both affectionately and de- rogatorily known, feast on hearty break- fasts in their own dining room. On lazy Sundays, they forego the din- ing room and munch on pastry, juice, and coffee served in the kitchenettes on each floor. This Sunday tradition has been much distorted, and many uninformed students disdainfully talk about the "Mar- tha Cook princesses who have breakfast in bed every morning." IN THE SPRING, the women dine on the veranda, which overlooks a lush green lawn and a well-manicured garden. Ann Peckenpaugh, a Cook resident, speaking of the lively volleyball game in progress, the private tennis court, and the bikinied women pursuing tans as studious- ly as their finals, says enthusiastically, "This place is a country-club in the spring." Blue jeans, even the unfaded, high- waisted fashionable variety, are disdained at Martha Cook's sit-down dinners. Four times a week the dorm's 154 women don dresses, skirts, and "nice" paints to con- sume cuisine that definitely ranks a cut above the usual dorm fare. While some residents enjoy the formal dinners as a relaxing interlude, otherst label them "ridiculous, pretentious, and too long." After small talking at dinners and Fri- day afternoon teas for a year, Mary Cy- bulski, concedes, "I feel a lot more com-I fortable around my grandmother's friends." ONE MARTHA COOK tradition many women attack as "sexist and outdated" is the code language that identifies male guests as "callers," and women as "visi- tors." It is of prime importance to others, however, meaning the difference between a critical glance in the mirror and a flick of mascara or merely descending "au naturel." Although many residents welcome the sit-down dinners, maid service, weekly teas, formal dances, and plush furnish- ings, other women express a disquieting dissatisfaction with the gracious living. Cybulski, who is leaving the dorm's comfort for a co-op this year, explains, "I feel like I've been really pampered. I really don't need all this stuff," she says gesturing at the brocaded sofas and inlaid Steinway piano in the Gold Room. THE LUXURIOUS surroundings that compel one women to seek out co-op liv- ing appeal magnetically to most residents. Therese Johnson, a three year veteran of Martha Cook, says with obvious pleasure, "Eating out on the terrace I feel like Miss Ritz." She admits however, "When the maid first vacuumed my room, I freaked right out." Living in a country club and a museum can be "a wonderful novelty" as resident Lisa Sommers asserts. She predicts, how- ever, that "It's so pretty, safe, and con- venient that I think I will get tired of it. One year I'll conclude that I don't need 153 girls around to keep me happy." By JANET HARSHMAN You've always wanted to learn the ancient art of belly dancing and wondered where you could. Now all you have to do is wiggle up to the second floor of the Michigan Union, walk into the large room with the 'fireplace and high ceilings, and look at the wall. Here in the new Pendleton Arts Information Center, which opened in April, is everything you've always wanted to know about art events but were afraid to ask. Included are resources concerning the arts in Ann Ar- bor, Detroit, and even as far away as Stratford, Canada. FORMERLY THE Pentdleton Library, but more recently used as an attic for storage, the Arts Information Center offers a uni- que facility to those interested in the arts. "There isn't another place like this anywhere on campus," says Marsha Dykstra, an art student who runs the Center. "Here you can find out what's going on in Ann Arbor in terms of, art, theater, film, dance, music, books and local history." However, the center is not just for those who are interested in art. "IT'S AN INFORMAL meet- ing place for people to come and share ideas," says Dykstra, "a place where people can come and meet and talk about their interests." Pamphlets, posters, announce- ments, schedules, and books bedeck the various "interest is- lands" in the spacious corners of the former library. In the, music. and dance "is- land," for example, the wall dis- plays concern announcements and clas schedules for s u c h courses as "The Ancient Art of Belly Dancing" and "The Art of the Hula." Large, colorfully - decorated notebooks lie on tables in each island area, contaiinng newslet- ters, bulletins, and other per- tinent information about the various arts. BESIDES ITS function as a resource service, the Center will have another purpose in the fu- ture. "We're hoping to use it for various organizations that want to come and meet," Dykstra says, "for things like poetry readings and recitals." For now, though, next time you want to know where you can don a grass skirt and shake a little skin, you'll know where to ask. Students, street freaks toke down at annual Ann Arbor hash festival V®U5 Bivouc Is...0 SLee jeans SWork and Western shirts " Hiking bootsr * Book bags Complete camping gear Try Daily Classifieds. HAIRSTYLING As You Like It! NEW TRENDS FOR 1974 Trims-Shags and Razor Cuts 2 SHOPS- DASCOLA BARBERS 611 E. University 615 E. Liberty tmOD By MARTIN PORTER They came out in droves on April Fool's day and the a i r quickly filled with that charac- teristic sweet aroma. Amidst gloomy skies and unusual cold, approximately 1500 street people and students converged on the Diag to celebrate the Third An- nual Ann Arbor Hash Bash. A PERFECT M ATC H. PUT THE LFE OUT OF YOUR MATCHES BEFORE THEY PUT THE UFE OUT OF YOUR FORESTS. Despite an apparent lack of coordination and a low supply of hashish, nothing was able to deter the dope smoking popula- tion from holding their tradi- tional springtime fest. The Human Rights Party (HRP) voiced concern over the possibility that studenowstd lu possibility that studetns would get too involved in the festivi- ties and would forget to vote in he April city election. T h e crowd was continually remind- ed, either by leaflets or loud- speakers, to remember the ser- ious business of the day. HRP furnished a shuttle serv- ice from the Diag to the polls. UNFORTUNATELY, it seem- ed that the majority of t h e crowd, mostly escapees f r o m the city's high schools, w e r e not old enough to vote. One explanation of the suc- cessful "Bash" was that it co- incided with the voting on the $5 marijuana proposal which was narrowly approved by the city's voters. Yet, few people on the Diag seemed concerned with the election. "I came out here to s m o k e dope, not to demonstrate in fav- or of HRP," said one student, "I'm sick and tired of people in this town getting so serious all of a sudden - what's wrong with some good clean illegal fun." - IT WAS THE threat of "good, clean, illegal fun" that caused some to predict punitive actions on the part of the city authori- ties. University Safety Director, Col. Frederick Davids warned, "If there is any noticeable vio- lation of the law you can bet the Ann Arbor police will take care of it." The fear of arrests turned out to be no more than common dope smokers' paranoia. Two city plainclothes officers were spotted onthe scene, buttno ar- rests were made despite the fact that marijuana and its de- rivitives were being smoked right beneath their very noses. Landlords charge astronomical rents. (Continued from Page 8) provide at least tolerable living quarters. Unfortunately, t h e s e dwellings are usually' snapped up by enterprising students ten to twelve months before the fall term. Consequently, if you - are a freshman or a transfer student, your chances of finding a rea- sonably priced attractive dwell- ing during July or August are practically nil. If you're lucky enough to find a suitable apartment, hrowever, only half the battle is over. Af- ter you've waded carefully through all the legalese in the lease, it is your duty to make sure that your landlord lives up to his half of the bargain. IF THE lease specifies a fur- nished apartment, make sure that all the furnishings prom- tion of appliances, fixtures and furnishings-g e t t i n g back a damage deposit is often harder than wringing blood from a stone. It is also a good idea to pur- chase a copy of the housing code at city hall. Landlords are often much more complian when their tenants are aware of the local laws and threaten legal action. IF YOUR PLEAS for main- tenance go unanswered despite repeated reminders to you landlord, you still have severa recourses available. One alternative is contactin the people at the Student Lega Aid office .in the Michigan Un ion. Jonathan Rose, resident at torney on the staff has muc experience in dealing with land lord-tenant cases. a The Legal Aid office will gen loe'OL 9