See Editorial Page
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See Today for details
Vol. LXXXV, No. 20
Ann Arbor, Michigan--Friday, September 27, 1974
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
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Tenants site Trony
Four apartment dwellers have filed suit against
Trony Associates, a major local rental firm, for
alleged violations of state law regarding rent and
damage deposits. Legal Aid attorney Roger Chard,
who initiated the suit for former tenants of 802
Oakland, claimed Trony acted in "remarkable
defiance" of the law by charging three months'
advance rent as a damage deposit. The law, which
greatly strengthened tenants' rights when it came
into effect last spring, prohibits damage deposits
in excess of one-and-a-half times a months' rent-
plus the first month of rent in advance. Trony's
attorney insisted the question is "moot" since the
firm has since revised its deposit system.
Regent bill delayed
Hopes that the state legislature would pass a bill
allowing students to sit on the University Board
of Regents were set back yesterday as the Senate
postponed a vote on the proposal until it recon-
venes in late November. The measure, approved
by the House in July, would strike down the clause
that now forbids student regents because of a
"conflict of interest." Sponsor Gilbert Bursley (R-
Ann Arbor) admits that action was delayed because
proponents were unable to muster enough votes
for passage at this time.
Campus Dems' pollp
A two-week poll conducted by the campus chap-
ter of Young Democrats before Ted Kennedy an-
nounced he won't run for president shows Univer-
sity students favoring the Massachusetts senator
as the Democratic candidate in 1976. Of 221
students interviewed, 21 per cent listed Kennedy
as their first choice, with a surprising 16 per cent
naming 1972 loser George McGovern. The South
Dakota Senator was followed in the poll by Sen.
Walter Mondale of Minnesota, who scored nine
per cent; Sen. Henry Jackson (D-Wash.) took a
meager six per cent. Young Dems chief Guy
Cavallo said he spoke to McGovern during a trip
to Washington earlier this week and found the
Senator "very interested" in the poll's resultshe
325 and 516. . .
. . .are this week's winning numbers in the
Michigan lottery. Second chance winners are 58
and 891, and the two-out-of-three paymaster bonus
numbers are 737, 415, and 077. If you cash in, call
us. Everybody loves a winner.
Happenings .. .
.. . Joan Baez headlines today's happenings with
a benefit concert for the Save the Whales move--
ment at 8 p.m. nCrisler Arena. If that's note
enough for you, try one of the following: The
U.S.-China People's Friendship Association will
celebrate the 25th birthday of the People's Re-
pube with a five-course dinner and a speech
from Gerald Tannebaum, who was an aide to
Madame Sun Yat-Sen and lived 25 years in China.
The dinner will take Great Leaps Forward from
Shanghai chicken to shrimp-fthasrrin rpce to sweet-
and-sour pork. It's all for $3 at 7 p.m. in the First
Water MtondaleofuMinnSotae wdHousored..nine
fr cean Sudents Hsociatieora ffs Drasho
of Black History: Lost, Stolen or Strayed-the seg-
ment on the ancient Africans, at 8 p.m. in Angell
Ad. D . . . the Hospital Women's Commission
meets at noon in W10410 of the hospital . . . and
the Folk Dance Club does its regular Friday Night
Thing from 8 to 11 p.m
A source in the Watergate special prosecutor's
office yesterday said the prosecution is not counting
on Richsare 737, 415,arance as a state witness
in the cover-up trial. Nixon may be unable to
attend the October trial due to his failing health.
But the source was confident that the case is
strong without Nixon's testimony. "You've got to
remember," he said, "when charges were brought
in this case, he was still president, and the case
was brought with the assumption (Nixon) wouldn't
be available . . . We're still prepared to handle it
that way." Meanwhile, convicted ex-White House
aide Charles Colson yesterday asked President
Ford to grant him a pardon like Nixon's. A White
House official said the Justice Department will
study the matter. Colson faces a 1-3 year prison
term for obstructing justice.
Snail's pace
The second annual great snail race of Sacramen-
to, Cal., will be run, so to speak, at a pizza parlor
tonight. Because first prize goes to the slowest
crawler, the rules include a provision that all
entries must be alive at the start of the race.
It's also illegal to glue a snail to the track.
On the inside .. .
. . . Wayne Johnson satirizes the clandestine
cloak-and-daggerisms behind the fall of Richard
Nixon on the Editorial Page . . . Arts Page
features its regular Cinema Weekend capsule
reviews . . . Rich Flaherty takes a bouncy look
at trampoline competition on the Sports Page.
IIilliken: On the
A 2
Yp si
The housewives of Ann Arbor's most staunchly
Republican district turned out in full regalia yes-
terday to welcome Governor William Milliken
as he campaigned door-to-door amidst a bevy of
leafletters and advance men.
"We're just out here to do a little politicking,"
he said to a middle-aged woman decked out in a
rhinestone necklace and a pink chiffon dress.
"And I must say, I'm delighted to be in beautiful,
sunny Ann Arbor.
MILLIKEN'S 30-minute, whirlwind tour through
Ward Three was on behalf of State Senator Gil
Bursley, (R-Ann Arbor) who, along with the
Governor, is up for re-election.
Nearly every step of the way, Milliken was
swamped by hordes of giggling kids clamoring
for his autograph. Good-naturedly, he scribbled
his name on small slips of pink and blue paper
thrust into his hand.
"Isn't this wonderful," gushed a young wo-
man beaming at the children. "This is real
Republican country."
Milliken and Bursley only stopped at a dozen
homes - six in Ann Arbor, six in Ypsilanti - but
they shook the hands of nearly 60 potential voters
thanks to a brief punch and cookies party in the
Pittsfield Rd. subdivision.
WHILE THE flushed and excited hostess duti-
fully served the fizzy, lime-flavored punch, Mil-
liken told a group of 30 smiling women how
"delighted" he was to campaign for a "fine man
like Senator Bursley."
"I've never known a more competent or more
able Senator," he said between rounds of baby-
kissing and handshaking.
Clad in a cuffed, blue doubleknit suit and a
red, white and blue tie; Milliken stopped to pose
for several rounds of picture taking with Burs-
ley and the neighborhood children.
Meanwhile, effusive young women sporting
campaign buttons and straw hats distributed
Bursley's leaflets to the solidly Republican vot-
NEXT STOP for the Milliken entourage was a
See MILLIKEN, Page 7
Doily Photo by STEVE KAGAN
CAMPAIGNING on behalf of State Senator Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor), Gov. William Milliken
tours through the city's Third Ward. Here he took time out to shake hands with eager and in-
quisitive youngsters.
sees 10% price
rise, job
By AP and Reuter
WASHINGTON-President Gerald Ford's chief eco-
nomic adviser Alan Greenspan, predicted yesterday that
consumer prices would increase about 10 per cent this
year over 1973 levels.
In addition, Greenspan told a congressional com-
mittee that the economic index indicated higher un-
employment, further stagnation in an already depressed
construction industry and a slowed expansion of the
productive capacity necessary to curtail inflationary
product shortages.
Former '
VP Spurr
fired from
Texas post
University of Texas President
Stephen Spurr, who formerly
served here as vice president
and dean of the graduate
school, was yesterday dismissed
by that school's board of re-
The regents gave no cause for
their action which was taken in
an emergency session. It marks
only the second time the Uni-
versity of Texas has fired its
SPURR worked at Michigan
for 19 years as an administrator
and teacher before accepting
the Texas presidency in 1971.
At a press conference yester-
day, Spurr said he felt he had
been dismissed because he solic-
ited faculty and student input
in operating the school and re-
fused to allow "those outside
the academic process" to dic-
tate policy.
While here, Spurr co-ordinat-
ed the University's move to a
year-round academic program
in the early 60's. He was named
vice president in 1969 after
spending five years as dean of
the graduate school.
BEFORE joining the Univer-
sity staff, he held teaching po-
sitions at Harvard and the Uni-
versity of Minnesota. Spurr has
See SPURR, Page 2
Greenspan told the Congress'
Joint Economic Committee that
any significant relief from rising
food prices will have to await
next year's harvest.
FURTHERMORE, "the sec-
ondary effects of higher oil
prices are and will continue to
be felt in a number of diverse
industrial products" despite an
expected leveling off of pe-
troleum prices said Greenspan,
chairman of the Council of Eco-
nomic Advisers.
Already this month, govern-
ment statistics have reported
the second back-to-back, near-
record jump in wholesale prices,
the biggest monthly rise in con-
sumer prices in a year and a
record monthly trade deficit due
primarily to the high cost of
imported oil.
Against this backdrop, econ-
omists, politicians, labor lead-
ers and industrialists will meet
today and tomorrow to review
areas of agreement sketched out
in pre-summit meetings to com-
bat inflation and the stagnating
economy. Summit directors
hope the participants will be
able to focus on the options
available to Ford.
OPTIONS which the White
House has indicated are under
consideration include some sort
of tax relief for persons at the
lower end of the economic scale
and more federal support for
home lending activity.
Greenspan, an advocate of re-
duced federal borrowing said he
could support a tax cut for the
At the White House, press
secretary Ron Nessen said Ford
remained adamantly opposed to
wage and price controls, but
had made no decision on wheth-
er to revive wage-price guide-
Nessen also quoted William
Seidman, executive director of
See ADVISER, Page 7
* AP Photo
Protecting the children A ht
Following the city's rash of racial tensions, Bostonians play it s afe as a wall of police cycles escorts a school bus of black stu-
dents bound for the formerly all white Hyde Park High, yesterda y. Boston, which recently integrated their school system, was the
site of much violence in the past few weeks. However, no violen ce was reported inside or out of Hyde Park yesterday.
CommiSSion calls for massive
student gov t. reorganization
The Commission to Study Stu-
dent Governance (CSSG) dis-
cussed last night a report to be
sent to the University Board of
Regents that would call for a
massive reorganization of stu-
dent government.
The report also asks for full
student voting membershipon
the governing boards of all Uni-
versity schools and colleges.
ably vote to approve the recom-
mendation next Thursday and
will report to the Regents in
November. The group, appoint-
ed by the Regents last October,
is composed of student and fac-
ulty representatives.
The report asks Student Gov-
ernment Council (SGC) to call
for a constitutional convention
to re-organize the Council along
the lines of a proposed Mich-
igan Student Assembly (MSA).
A s s e m b 1 y representatives
would be chosen at large by
students in an election as well
as being appointed by the school
and college governments. The
president would be elected by
MSA members rather than by
the student body.
berg sharply criticized the re-
port for "striping students of
the vital power" of voting on
the executive officials. "I fear
this proposal may erect buffer
zones between students and
their o f f i c i a 1 s," Sandberg
He also attacked the report
because it did not include a
recommendation for a full vot-
ing student regent. The CSSG
report instead asks for a non-
voting "participant in regental
The report also asks that the
MSA maintain open financial
records, keep all funds in Uni-
versity accounts and have an
independent audit at least once
each year.
"i n h i b i t financial impropria-
ties," plainly in response to
allegations of massive fund mis-
use against several former SGC
Some CSSG membersexpect
the commission's proposal to
s e a t students on governing
boards of schools and colleges
-to draw heated criticism from
the faculty and administration.
"Students, like other people,
have a right to participate in
making decisions which sub-
stantially effect them. This is
a fundamental principle of a
democratic society, and it ap-
plies to the University as it does
to all other institutions," the
report says.
Panel speaks
on whale crisis,
Fleming opens
Values Year'
Declaring that Watergate had
raised questions about "the
University's role in systems of
values, and ethics," President
of study.
THE PROGRAM is funded by
$15,000 from the University's
undesignated gift fund. Fleming
called it a "quite modest
One of the worlds mightiest
animals, the whale, may soon
be just a fading memory. Ev-
ery twelve minutes a whale is
As part of the "Save the
Whale Week," a panel of five
"whale advocates" spoke about
the slaughter of whales by So-
it played into the wrong hands.
He also added that the boy-
cott was causing anti-American
feeling abroad.
"The information the Japa-
nese citizen is receiving is
from the whaling industry and
they are saying that the boy-
cott is an isolationist move,"
Lavelle said.