See Editorial Page
4 Adl-
.f It I an
See Today for details
Vol LXXXV, No. 19 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 26, 1974 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Marriott hold-up
The, Marriott Motor Inn near North Campus was
the scene of a hold-up yesterday when, shortly
before 1 a.m., a man pulled a gun on the desk
clerk and 'asked for "all the money." He got
it - or :at least all $350 in bills. Police said he
refused the change. A state police tracking dog
was brought into the inn, but the dog was
unable to pick up the bandit's scent.
Voting registrars
Now's your chance to get involved in lozal gov-
ernment. All people interested in volunteering their
services as voting registrars will meet at 7:30
p.m. in the city council chambers on the second
floor of City Hall. Registration will run Oct. 1-7.
The only requirement is that prospective regis-
trars must be registered voters in the city.
Energy conference
A Sierra Club representative attacked the World
Energy Conference in Detroit yesterday for pric-
ing citizens out of the sessions. "The citizen-con-
sumer voice that has the most at risk in the ques-
tions that are being considered has no input what-
soever," said Mary Sinclair. "I have tried to
bring out the issues, particularly in connection
with nuclear power, because their is a tre-
mendous drive in this conference for broad pro-
liferation of nuclear power." Sinclair went on to
say that, because of the $200 registration fee plus
transportation, hotel and meal bills, the cost was
"so high they (environmental groups) were just
priced out of these sessions.
It was mistakenly reported yesterday that City
Clerk Jerome Weiss and Administrator Sylvester
Murray suggested the elimination of the Fish-
bowl and School of Public Health voter registration
sites. Actually, Weiss and Murray opposed the
elimination of these sites. Also, the President's
Tea wasn't held at President Robben Fleming's
home yesterday. The tea will take place Wednes-
day, Oct. 2, a week from the reported date.
Happenings .. .
... around today, highlighted by Baba Muktan-
anda, Ann Arbor's swami-in-residence, who will
speak at 7:30 p.m. at the Power Center. The
event will kick off the University's Festival of
Life . . . The University Skydivers will have a
parachute packing instruction night at 6 p.m. on
the Diag . . . the Ad Hoc Committee Against the
Pardon will meet to plan further a action at 7:30
p.m. on the fourth floor of the Union . . . Future
Worlds will sponsor a seminar-panel discussion
on 'Save the Whales," featuring a film and guest
speakers. The event begins at 7 p.m. in Rack-
ham Aud., and it's free . . . the Women's Com-
munity Center will meet on the third floor of the
Union at 7:30 p.m. . . . "Women in Male-Domin-
ated Professions" will be discussed at 8 p.m. on
the fourth floor of the Rackham Bldg. . . . and
an HRP mass meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m.,
with a women's caucus convening beforehand at
6:30 p.m. Both will be held in the HRP offices at
516 East William.
Oil prices
Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger yester-
day denied that the oil furor might cause global
conflicts. "We expect to have a solution through
negotiations, through amicable discussions. It is
not anticipated that there is going to be military
conflict." Schlesinger's statement was somewhat
at odds with comments made by both President
Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger ear-
lier this week. Ford said that, while oil-producing
countries have a right to manage their own econ-
omy, oil prices "threaten the breakdown of world
order and safety."
On the inside...
.. . Mark Lavelle, a guest writer, discusses the
fate of the whales on the Editorial Page . . .
Chuck Bloom and Michelle Breger review records
on the Arts Page . . . and the Sports Page fea-
tures Dave Wihak's story on three University
hockey players' trials for the U.S. National Hock-
ey team.
Doctor says chance
of recovery good'
REPUBLICAN NOTABLES Ken Thompson (left), Michigan State University Trustee, Marvin Esch (center), U. S. Congress-
man from Ann Arbor, and James Damman, candidate for Lie utenant Governor, chat at last night's party rally and spa-
ghetti dinner in Ypsilanti.
Republicans rally at spaghetti bash
There may be a pasta shortage in Italy, but there wasn't
one in downtown Ypsilanti last night.
The occasion was a candidates' night sponsored by the
Washtenaw County Republican Party. It was attended by a
number of state and local Republican party candidates includ-
ing Congressman Marvin Esch (R-Ann Arbor), state senator
Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) and Lt. Governor hopeful James
ABOUT 250 PEOPLE gathered at the Huron Motor Inn and
had all the spaghetti they could handle for only 75 cents.
The affair was designed to give everyone a chance to meet
with and talk to candidates for public office in an informal at-
mosphere. The candidates were able to socialize with much of
the crowd before and after the dinner.
Congressman Esch, speaking out against the pardon of
former President Richard Nixon, said, "I believe in equal jus-
tice for all under our constitution."
ESCH SAID HE DOESN'T think that Watergate will hurt
Republican candidates in this district on the November ballot.
He thinks his opponent, John Reuther, will try to make Water-
gate an issue in the election, however.
Esch claimed that the executive branch of government has
too much power and said the power should be balanced be-
tween the three branches of government. "The President should
not have unlimited war-declaring powers," he said.
When asked his opinion of the recent announcement by
Senator Edward Kennedy that he won't seek the presidency in
1976, Esch said, "There was a great deal of personal pressure
on him and his family - I think he did the best thing for the
country." He added, however, that it is "very possible" that
Kennedy will campaign in 1980.
See GOP, Page 2
By AP and Reuter
LONG BEACH, Calif. -
A potentially dan-
gerous, dime - sized blood
clot has been discovered in
former President Richard
Nixon's right lung.
A spokesman at Long
Beach Memorial Hospital
said that the clot could
have proved fatal if it had
lodged in the heart on its
way to the lung.
has been treating Nixon, said
that his patient "has a hell of a
will to live" and "there is a
very good chance of recovery,
but it will take some time."
Nixon is taking two anti-coag-
ulants - Counadin orally and
Heparin intravenously. If the
drugs are effective, the clot, de-
scribed by Lungren as about
the size of a dime, probably
will go away.
But the ever-present danger is
that another clot formed in
Nixon's left leg will break loose
and enter the lungs. Blood clots
in the leg have plagued him
with thrombophlebitis since last
IF NIXON'S condition wor-
sens, doctors may also consider
surgery, including emergency
surgery in a severe case to en-
ter the lung and remove a clot.
Other surgical treatments in-
clude tying off certain blood
vessels to prevent clots from
reaching the lungs.
Two radio isotope scans were
used on Nixon to discover the
clot. The first was a profusion
lung scan used to discover how
well blood is moving through the
lung. The second was an "air-
way patency" scan, for testing
the flow of air through the
Lundgren said the discovery
of the blood clot in the lung
meant Nixon would have to stay
hospitalized longer than the
one week originally planned.
stay is expected to delay court
orders for Nixon to appear in
Washington in October to testi-
fy at the, trial of former aides
over the Watergate cover-up
Special Prosecutor Leon Ja-
worski has asked U. S. District
Judge John Sirica to send an
independent medical team to
determine whether Nixon can
testify or give a deposition.
Nixon did receive at least
one "get well" present yester-
day from the California Su-
preme Court.
THE C O U R T accepted
Nixon's resignation from the
California bar, and prevented
state lawyers from "further
proceedings in any disciplin-
ary matter pending against him
before the state bar."
The California lawyers group
had voted to recommend to the
Supreme Court that it reject
a Sept. 11 letter of resignation
from Nixon, in which he made
no admission of Watergate
But later, upon receipt of a
letter in which Nixon acknow-
ledged that he faced possible
disciplinary action, the bar's
board of directors voted to ac-
cept the former President's
Nixon in
say 'U'
Four University Hospital doc-
tors say that while President
Nixon is not in immediate dan-
ger from a blood clot in his
lung, formation of additional
clots could pose a serious or po-
tentially fatal danger to his
Nixon is suffering from a pul-
monary embolism, which forms
when clots travel from the low-
er part of the body, pass
throughtthe heart and lodge in
the lungs.
DR. PARK WILLIS, a noted
embolism expert and research-
er, explained last night, "if
you have a massive clot - one
that stretches from the leg to
the groin - and that hits the
lung, then you justhdropsdead
on the spot."
But Dr. Willis said that Nix-
on's clot, which has been de-
scribed as, "dime-sized," was
probably "not dangerous at all
"The problem," he said, "is
that this shows he had a clot in
his leg and that a piece of it or
all of it has moved into the
lung. There may be more clots
in the leg that haven't yet
DR. JOHN WEG, who heads
the pulmonary division at the
hospital, agreed, "In these
cases, when there's one clot,
there's usually another. If he's
got more clots, this could be
very dangerous. People die from
All the doctors questioned last
night expressed optimism for
Nixon's eventual recovery, pro-
vided that anti-coagulant drugs
are affective in dissolving the
Dr. William Coon, who has
worked with Willis on embolism
research, commented, "It is
very reasonable to expect that
he willdrecover. It might take
a considerable amount of time.
In these cases, we would hospi-
talize him for a minimum of
three weeks."
See CLOT, Page 2
Judge reverses Galley sentence
COLUMBUS, Ga. (A)-A fed-
eral judge overturned the My
Lai murder conviction of former
Army Lt. William Calley yes-
terday, but the Army announced
it would appeal and Calley
would not be immediately re-
U.S. District Court Judge Rob-
ert Elliott cited "unrestrained
and uncontrolled" pretrial news
coverage in his opinion and
compared Calley's difficulties in
obtaining government evidence
to the Watergate tapes case.
ELLIOTT ordered that Calley
be imediately freed, but the
Army said in Washington that
it would recommend a Justice
Department appeal of Elliott's
decision. It said Calley "will
not be released from confine-
ment pending a decision on
these recommendations."
Wheeler: The man
behind the bridge
The Army statement also said
it will recommend that the Jus-
tice Department move for a
stay of Elliott's order.
The Justice Department acts
for the Army in cases before
federal civil courts. If an ap-
peal is made, it probably will
be taken to the U.S. 5th Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals in New
JUDGE ELLIOTT devoted 85
of the 132 pages in his opinion
to a demonstration of how he
feltaCalley's constitutional rights
to a fair trial had been ruined
by incessant portrayals of Cal-
ley ranging from "a mass mur-
derer to a ghoul" by the Ameri-
can press.
Elliott's opinion also contend-
ed that when the U.S. Supreme
Court ordered formeraPresident
to produice certain Watergate
tapes "that move decided the
Calley case."
He said the high court's ruling
broke the privileged barriers
erectedtunder the separation of
powers doctrine.
martial, Rep. Edward Hebert,
chairman of a House subcom-
mittee investigating My Lai, re-
f'ised to furnish Calley's law-
yers with transcripts by Army
commanders relating to the
massacre and cover-um. Hebert
refused on the basis of congres-
,1. 1 ;rrna cr- -n - cr I1
Although few students are
acquainted with the history of
the University, the names of
Harlan Hatcher, James Angell,
C. C. Little and George P.
Wheeler have been indelibly im-
printed on m o s t of their
Immortalized by the struc-
tures named in their honor,
Hatcher, Angell, and Little are
all former presidents of the
University. Wheeler, however,
never set foot in Ann Arbor-or
anywhere else for that matter.
in a charitable mood, contri-
buted a large sum of money to
the University. Another popu-
lar tale claims George was a
student who brought his mid-
term blues to an abrupt end by
leaping off the bridge in the
middle of the night.
THE MOST common version
of George's story, however,
concerns his untimely death
while trying to cross Washte-
naw during rush hour traffic.
To prevent future mishaps, the
story goes, the footbridge was
built and named in Wheeler's
Ca ller
Rockefeller testunony ends,
committee approva predicte
WASHINGTON AP)-Nelson Rockefeller ended hopes to get the Rockefeller nomination to the
his vice presidential confirmation testimony yes- Senate floor for action before the Oct. 11 con-
terday after refusing to commit himself totally gressional recess.
against invoking the doctrine of executive privi- In the House, however, Chairman Peter Rodino
.;.wtC' r a h e rMm of the House Judiciary Committee said an audit