Thursday, September 5, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY gage Seven Thursday, September 5, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Vage Seven ................... P- OFFICE OF STUDENT PROGRAMS 336 MICHIGAN UNION 763-4182 Assists students in their efforts to "get down" in programmatic ways to the things that they care and/or are concerned about. In addition to the below listed functions, staff are available in the Michigan Union to work in the following pro- gram areas: Women's Programs Educational Innovation Human Sexuality The International Center- Assists in financial, immigration, housing and personal adjustment of international stu- dents, Advice for Americans planning overseas study and travel. GROUND FLOOR, MICHIGAN UNION (South Wing) 764-9310. CAREER PLANNING & PLAC'EMENT Careers 0 RESOURCE LIBRARY-Career information on all types of em- ployment; graduate and undergraduate catalogs and directories. Come in and browse. e CAREER PLANNERS-People to talk .with about your career alternatives, courses and majors related to careers, grad pro- grams. On a walk-in basis (usually) or by appointment. On-Campus Interviews * With employers for career positions in schools, industry or gov- ernment. 0 With grad and law schools for admissions information. Office of Ethics and Religion- Counseling offered with special sensitivity about religious and ethical concerns. Staff members serve the University community on educational, political, and social issues, helping to co- ordinate some programs of campus religious groups. THIRD FLOOR, MICHIGAN UNION 764-7442 Ogranizctional Services- Provides information on. campus and community group activities and events. Assists in forming interest groups. Organizational development, advertising and publicity assistance, activity consultation for such things as membership, fund raising, program development, and democratic leadership development. 2205 MICHIGAN UNION 764-0207 Job-Finding Workshops 9 Resumes, letters of application, interviewing skills. Student Auditor's Office- Job-Finding Resources Acts as bank for deposits and expenditures for student organizations, giving them priv- ileges of using University facilities and-services. 240 MICHIGAN UNION (South Wing) 764-7409 University Activities Center (UAC)- UAC is a non-profit, student operated programming center which sponsors UAC con- certs, Mediatrics films, Musket and Soph Show plays, UAC/Travel charter flights, the Future Worlds lecture series, and the Artists and Craftsmen Guild; and provides resources and programming ex- pertise to students interested in initiating new campus activities. SECOND FLOOR, MICHIGAN UNION 763-1107 * current job openings, civil service information; Directories of employers; Employer literature on career opportunities. CAREER Summer Job OpportunitiEs INFORMATION, COUNSELING, PLUS FRIENDLY PEOPLE 3200 Student Activities Bldg Planningt Placement 3rd FLOOR 764-7460 WRCN(AM)-WCBN(FM) Student Radio Station- Provides programs of interest and is open for involvement by all interested students. CBN is concerned about programming for the entire student body and has room for people from var- ious subpopulations. 530 STUDENT ACTIVITIES BUILDING 763-3501 COUNSELING SERVICES... A good place to come if you have a question about your- self or the University and don't know exactly where to find the answer. The focus is on helping you connect with accu- rate information and appropriate resources. All contacts are confidential. 304 MICHIGAN UNION Immediate professional counseling available from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.; no appointment needed. Both individual coun- seling and group experiences are available. For further in- formation call 764-8437. DIAL 76-GUIDE 24-hour student-staffed telephone counseling, information, and referral service. Walk-up desk located in the lobby of the Michigan Union. Specializes in problem solving, identi- fication of resources, and referral to campus and commu- nity agencies for any concern. MINORITY COUNSELING AND INFORMATION DIAL 764-8131 ,**.*f f .. } t ! } 1g . y. 1 1E Z s 1 .I COMMUNITY SERVICES As a minority student, a tenant, a disabled student or a volunteer, communities can mean a lot to you. Communi- ty Services (CS) is all about the communities students form on campus and the ways they relate to off-campus commu- nities. CS deals realistically and responsively with where you're coming from, who you are and what you care about through the following offices: Black Advocate 340 Michigan Union Chicano Advocate 335 Michigan Union 763-4188 763-4184 Disabled Students Services 4119 Michigan Union 763-3000 Mediation Services Native American Advocate' Project Community Trotter House 2205 Michigan Union 763-1071 339 Michigan Union 2204 Michigan Union 1443 Washtenaw Ave. 763-4185 7633548 7634692