See Editorial Page
Yl r e
See Today for details
Vol. LXXXV, No. 18
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 25, 1974
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Ten Cents
Pro fs. question guru
Clad in a sporty red lumberjack hat and match-
ing robe, Indian holy man Swami Baba Muktan-
anda ass'ured a group of University professors and
teaching fellows yesterday that inner peace occurs
spontaneously - with a little help from your
friendly guru. The ten faculty members did ndt
fire any hard-nosed academic skepticism at Baba,
hitting him instead with practical questions that
varied from how to meditate in the classroom to
where to acquire nirvana locally. For the remain-
der of B'aha's two week visit here, the spot for
finding spiritual awareness will be the ashram at
902 ;Baldwin.
Dems s
The Democratic party resolved last night to
endorse a Human Rights Party (HRP) sponsored
proposal calling for the preferential voting of
The proposed City Charter amendment will
appear on the November ballot due to a success-
ful HRP petition drive during the summer.
See Page 2 for an analysis of the proposed
preferential voting for mayor amendment.
IF PASSED THE preferential voting system for
mayor will take effect this April when the next
upport I
mayoral race is scheduled.
The proposal, which highly favors the Demo-
cratic candidate, was passed by a two-thirds ma-
jority at the Democrats monthly gathering.
THE DEMOCRATS further moved to:
-oppose state-wide proposal A, designed to
limit the use of motor fuel tax funds for public
-discuss at a later date state-wide proposal B
providing bonuses to Vietnam veterans;
-favor state-wide proopsal C to remove Mich-
igan's tax on food and drugs;
-support state-wide proposal D to sell bonds;
for equipping land and air public transportation;
-favor county proposal A to appoint a county
manager; and,
-support a Washtenaw County College millage
THE DEBATE over the preferential voting for
mayor question lasted twice as long as the other
issues with Neal Staebler, ex-Democratic state
chairman and prominant party member taking
a firm stand against the HRP proposal.
Staebler termed the possible amendment "a
way of blurring the party's identity," saying that
Democratic candidates would have to cater to
HRP positions if the proposal passed.
Three of four Democratic councilpersons were
present at the meeting, all of whom supported
the voting amendment.
CAROL JONES (D-Second Ward) favored pref-
erential voting saying "It is better than what we
have now . . . it will help us along where we
want to be."
Speaking against the proposed amendment to
some 45 people in the basement of the Ann Arbor
Federal Savings and Loan, Dick Stoll, defeated
Democratic hopeful in the Fourth Ward race of
'72, said the proposal would "encourage splinter
An elated HRP spokesperson said the passing
of the amendment would "allow us to run on the
issues, not jtist the charge of 'splitting the vote'
which is what happened two years ago."
ultima turn
Sheriff Frederick Postill delivered a terse ulti-
matum during Monday' night's Dexter Village
council meeting. It seems that if the Village of
Dexter doesn't pay the County Sheriff's Depart-
ment $29,000 within 30 days, the four deputies
assigned to the village will be withdrawn. Ac-
cording to Postill, a contract drawn up five months
ago to provide police protection for the village
still remains unsigned. And if the payment is not
forthcoming in 30 days, Postill says he will be
forced to lay off four deputies and also file suit
against the village.
Humor magazine
Attention all cartoonists, writers, artists and hu-
morists in general. Get involved and show your
talent to the public! Join the Gargoyle, the campus
humor magazine. Mass meeting for anyone inter-
ested is tonight at 8:00 p.m. upstairs in the Student
Publications Building.
. . . are pretty slim today. At 1 p.m. Associate
Prof. of Wildlife Management Dale McCullough
will tell "Grizzly Stories and Bear Facts" in 1040
Dana Bldg. . . . everyone is invited to an after-
noon tea from 4-6 at Pres. Fleming's house on S.
University . . . and Bob Avakian, of the Revolu-
tionary Union, will present a forum on "Soviet
Social Imperialism" at 7 p.m. at People's Voice in
Detroit. Rides to the Detroit presentation will leave
from the north door of the Michigan Union at 5:30
Mister Midwife
For a quarter of a century now, people have
called Norman Casserley by the name of Mister
Midwife. So, about the end' of this month he will
file an application in a Houston, Texas court to
officially register this change of name. Mister Mid-
wife, a U.S. certified, registered, licensed midwife,
has delivered over 3,500 bundles of joy. He prac-
tices only natural childbirth, a term he trade-
marked in 1949. His mothers disdain the use of
drugs and surgery, which often cause more com-
plications than they allegedly cure; says the
world's'only male midwife. And he's right, because
he has never had a death, complication, hemorr-
hage, flesh tear, ambulance case or hospital re-
ferral, malpractice suit or citizen complaint! In
an era of ever increasing technological complexity,
there is still a place for simpler things which have
proven their success over the centuries.
On the inside .. .
Gordon Atcheson considers whether Ted
Kennedy's withdrawal from the presidential com-
petition is due to a fear of the Fatal Twenty, on
the Edit Page . . . then there's more about
Kaline's 3,000th hit on the Sports Page . . . and
the Arts Page becomes the Food Page for today.
On the outside .. .
... Back to normal? With a continued southwest
wind bringing milder air, our temperatures will
approach the normal range, a high of 72, a low of
51. Along with this flow will come mostly cloudy
skies with the risk of a few light rain showers,
especially in the morning. The afternoon will bring
a slow improvement as skies begin to break up.
Fair and mild at night.
Stu den ts give
opinions of'
WASHINGTON, (/T-Nelson Rockefeller, while governor of New
York, tried to win favored treatment for Grumman Aerospace
Corp. by appealing directly to Richard Nixon's political chiefs.
Documents illustrating the former governor's efforts on behalf
of the financially troubled defense contractor were collected under
subpoena by the Senate Watergate Committee and released yes-
terday at Rockfeller's vice presidental confirmation hearings.
MANY OF.HIS staff's suggestions for helping Grumman were
later adopted by the government.
Rockefeller testified that he worked', through former Atty.
Gen. John Mitchell on the Grumman matter because then-
President Nixon told him personally that "Mitchell was the one
to talk to."
Asked by Rules and Administration Committee Chairman
Howard Cannon (D-Nev.) if he didn't view the use of such political
influence as improper, Rockefeller said he wished politics wasn't
a factor in government contract awards, but it is, and "I was
doing my duty for my con-
"MY ONLY question is wheth-
er you were going too far,"
Cannon said.
Ienneay ivo "
A sampling of University students yesterday took a generally
skeptical view of Senator Edward Kennedy's claim Monday that
the 1969 Chappaquiddick accident was not a factor in his decision
to forego the next presidential race.
David Lichterman, '77,. commented, "I think Chappaquiddick
really would have fucked, up his campaign, and I think that's
probably what made him' decide not to run.
"IT DOESN'T really upset me personally that he dropped out,"
he added, "because I'm not a political activist."
"I think he wants to be President," remarked Jim Rossen,
'75, "but he's aware that Chappaquiddick 'would damage his
campaign because he hasn't accounted for it. He'll probably run
UA W bid
The leadership of the Ameri-
can Federation of State, County
and Municipal Employes
(AFSCME) decided yesterday
to endorse the efforts of the
United Auto Workers (UAW) to
become the recognized bargain-
ing unit for University clericals
and secretaries.
AFSCME finished a distant
third in a three-way race be-
tween their organiaztion, the
UAW, and the option of no
union, to decide if University
clericals would organize, and if
so, who would represent them.
SINCE NONE of the three
possibilities won a simpletma-
jority of the total votes cast in
the six-day election which end-
ed Monday, a runoff will be
held soon to determine whether
the clericals will be represented
by the UAW or no union.
Due to the heated nature of
the campaign, some AFSCME
workers had said earlier that
they would refuse to support
the UAW.
Announcing the leadership de-
cision to b a c k the UAW,
AFSCME spokeswoman Gretch-
See AFSCME, Page 8
in the following election.
"I'd vote for Kennedy over
Ford in '76 even though he is a
murderer," smirked Rossen. He
added, "Seriously, I'd vote for
him even without the air being
cleared over the accident, be-
cause I don't think how he be-
haved at Chappaquiddick makes
much of a difference with re-
gard to how he would carry out
social reforms."
ONE JUNIOR said, "Besides
Chappaquiddick, he must have
taken into consideration the
Kennedy jinx, the possibility
thathe'd be assassinated. If he
hadn't quit the race, Jimmy the
Greek (the Las Vegas odds-
maker) would probably have
been offering odds a year from
now on how long .he would stay
A senior predicted, "Don't be
surprised if Teddy changes his
mind. There are two years to
go before the election, and I
think he can win."
STATE REP. Perry Bullard
(D-Ann Arbor) commented over
the telephone from his office in
Lansing, "I think the liberals in
the Democratic party have a
real problem now, with Scoop
Jackson, who looks strong, mak-
ing gestures of friendship to the
Wallace wing. Scoop is all right
on the economic issues, but he's
not interested in a more com-
passionate public policy.
"As a result of McGovern
and acid, amnesty and abor-
tion," Bullard continued, "the
party leadership and the unions
are scared of progressive posi-
tions on victimless crime-type
issues and morality in legisla-
tion. I'm really troubled."
Grumman is headquartered on
Long Island, and Rockefeller ex-
pressed serious concern about
its executives and employes
should Grumman go bankrupt.
Rockefeller said he spoke first
to Nixon and then to Mitchell
by phone about the Grumman
matter, then followed up the
conversations with a July 7
1972, letter to Mitchell, who had
just resigned as director of the
Nixon re-election campaign.
Rockefeller, his brothers and
sister gave nearly $300,000 to
that campaign, more than half
of it secretly.
chell a staff memorandum point-
ing outsthat Grumman was in
serious trouble due to cost over-
runs on its Navy F-14 fighter
contract and congressional re-
sistance to renegotiation of the
The memo said Adm. Elmo
Zumwalt, chief of Naval Opera-
tions, had suggested in a secret
meeting with a Rockefeller staff
member that, Grumman could
afford to lose money on the F-14
contract if it were compensated
by award of a huge contract to
build the space shuttle for the
National Aeronautics and Space
See ROCKY, Page 2
Up, up and away.
Imposing? This 150 foot-high modern sculpture (actually an
ordinary crane) was erected yesterday in order to place an
air conditioning unit atop the Graduate Library. It will pro-
vide comfort for the administrative offices on the eighth
floor. Tune in tomorrow for the hoisting spectacle.
lame for
oil costs
VIENNA (RP) - Oil exporters
yesterday a n g r i 1 y rejected
charges that they are respon-
sible for worldwide inflation
and claimed their countries
have been exploited for years
by the oil consuming nations.
"Inflation did not begin with
the increase in oil prices. It is
rather because of inflation that
oil prices have had to be ad-
justed," declared an authorita-
tive official of the Organization
of Petroleum Exporting Coun-
tries (OPEC).
PRESIDENT Ford told the
World Energy Conference in
Detroit Monday that exorbitant
or rigged oil prices could
"threaten the breakdown of
world order and safety." He
urged global energy coopera-
The OPEC official, whose
telephoned statement was re-
leased with the understanding
that his name would be with-
held, declared that "the so-
called high prices of crude oil
have been arrived at only be-
cause we tried to detain wind-
fall profits made by interna-
tional oil companies - mostly
American companies-and rec-
ords show that however high
the crude oil prices are, they
account at present for no more
than one or two per cent of
worldwide inflation."
The official also claimed the
oil producers "are threatened
by energy starvation" if they
continue high production "only
to satisfy the wasteful uses
of petroleum in industrialized
See OPEC, Page 8
Ku litne
BALTIMORE (P - Al Kaline
of Detroit became the 12th play-
er in major league baseball
history to reach the 3,000 - hit
plateau when he doubled in the
fourth inning of Tuesday night's
game between the Baltimore
Orioles and the Tigers.
The 39-year-old outfielder, a
Baltimore native, and designat-
ed hitter, playing in the 2,827
game of his 22-year career,
lashed the first pitch by Bal-
timore's Dave McNally about
four feet fair down the right
field line. Kaline drove in a
run in the sixth with his 3001"
hit. However, the Tigers still
lost to the Orioles 5-4.
KALINE became the first
player to reach 3,000 hits since
the late Roberto Clemente of the
Pittsburgh Pirates did it on
the last 'day of the 1972 season.
It's 'been nearly 50 years since
an American Leagueplayer
achieved the feat.
The hit was greeted by a roar
of approval by the slim crowd
of about 15,000 in Memorial
I hits ,
shipment to baseball's Hall of
Fame in Cooperstown, N. Y.
The veteran slugger, selected
to 18 American League All-Star
teams including two apiece in
1959-60-61, failed to reach the
coveted mark in his first at-bat
when he ended the first inning
with a grounder' to shortstop
Mark Belanger.
Kaline he needed to develop
flare or his baseball talent
would not be sufficiently recog-
"But he couldn't do it.' It
wouldn't come natural for
him," said Ferrell, vice-presi-
dent of the Tigers who was
their general manager in the
late '50s when he gave Kaline
that piece of advice.
"He had such a great ability
but you didn't notice it," Fer-
rell continued. "I thought he,
needed more recognition and I'
See KALINE, Page 7
Community Switchboard helps
Faced with the prospect of another dull weekend?
Need accurate information concerning legal rights? Trying
to find a home for those extra kittens?
One telephone call to the Community Switchboard, ONE-
1111, may be the solution to your problems.
Siminow, the informational service endeavors to be a "living
and breathing catalog of the city - a telephone bulletin
board where one can learn what movies are playing, where
people, be turned on by people, even love people."
She explains, "It's not enough to tell someone where good
salad is served, you've got to ask them what they like on
their salad."
The Switchboard's files contain over 1,300 entries for the
city, and a supplemental file of nearby areas is kept on a
limited basis.
THE SWITCHBOARD staff, which includes students
from Project Outreach - the field study program offered
through the psychology department - and community vol-
Mayor defends removal of
two voter registraitionsites
Defending city council's move Monday night to
eliminate two voter registration sites on campus,
Mayor . James Stephenson said yesterday that
city hall, the public library, and the Michigan Y
Union were sufficient to register all students.
Stephenson added the registration sites ques-