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September 24, 1974 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-09-24

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Page Eight


Tuesday, September 24, 19714

Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, September 24, 1974

ClassroomExperience for Credit
Work in an elementary or
middle school classroom
LAURA ROSA, 763-3548
2204 Michigan Union

Swami speaks to followers

Resister raps on amnesty

(Continued from Page 1)
In Baba's presence, some
wept unashamedly or smiled,
while others closed their eyes
in meditation. According to'
his followers, he awakens shak-
ti, or divine power in others,
bringing them to an intense
awareness of themselves.
Intoned Irwin, "Baba's fol-
lowers are a mixture of all dif-
ferent continents and religions.
All he wants is that you add
meditation to your life." Dur-
ing the ceremony yesterday,
saris fluttered against blue
jeans, the Indian language
clashed with French and En-
glish tongues, and Earth shoes
stood outside the ashram door
next to slippers and high heels.
AFTER a vegetarian feast
was served up to Baba's fol-
lowers on neatly sectioned plas-
tic trays, Baba ascended an

ornately carved, yellow velvet
throne set under a large circus1
Disciple Chidananda describ-,
ed the similar setting he en-
countered at his first meeting
with Baba: "There he was on
this great big bed, watching
color TV with his teeth in a
One follower explained the'
luxurious trappings that ac-
company Baba: "We like to
make things as cushy as pos-,
sible for him, because we love
FLUTTERING his hands,
smiling broadly, and occasion-
ally scratching his head, the
bearded Baba was not disposed
to answering philosophical ques-
tions early in the day. He told
one woman, "I have nothing
in my stomach to answer you
with. Come back at 4:30."

Peggy Bendet, who gave up
her post on a Honolulu newspa-
per to follow Baba, explained:
"It's important just to be with
him, to experience him."
Baba, who is visiting here
for two weeks, advised those
seeking spiritual awareness to
"hang out with swamis."
Russell Kruckman, who left
his job as an English teacher
at Indiana University when
Baba "blew my mind," said,
"Baba has a total lack of neu-
rosis. He has complete free-

(Continued from Page 1) E
years, you believe it, and it's
pretty hard to turn your back
on it and say 'bkay, I'll do it
your way.' That's like agreeing
to the draft itself, your accept-
ing punishment for doing some-
thing you believed was right. I
wouldn't do it."
He also stressed emphatiac-
ally that the conditional am-
nesty plan is "cruel and inhu-
man punishment".
"You know," he said leaning
forward in his chair and brush-
ing back his long brown hair,

The persecution and assassination of Jean-
Paul Marat as performed by the inmates of
the asylum of Charehton under the direction
of the Marquis De Sade. Being Peter Brook's
film of the play by Peter Weiss. With Glenda
Jackson, two-time Academy Award winner,
Patrick Magee ("A Clockwork Orange") and
Ian Richardson, commonly known as
TONIGHT-Sept. 24 only-i & 9 PM.-$1.25
Subscribe to The Daily

Interns to take action

"I see those guys coming out
of their prisons' on the tube,
and I know what's going on in
their heads. The whole trip is
looming over their heads again
-they have to face their con-.
sciences and do it all over
again. Why is Ford doing that
to them?"
MICHAEL was reluctant to
let his full name be used, be-
cause he felt the label "draft-
dodger" hid his identity and
reasons for refusing to go to
war. "I used to get introduced
as, 'This is Michael, he's a
draft resister.' And that's not
what I am, I'm Michael, who
ddidn't want to get drafted."
"Each draft evader is a dif-
ferent person, and that's some-.
thing Jerry Ford doesn't realize.
The conditional part of this am-
nesty business is totally whack-
ed. How can anyone lay down a
conditional thing for everyone?"
If given the chance to do it all
over again, Michael says he
would begin by not registering
for the draft. "I always feel bad
that I participated to that de-
gree," he said.
BUT HE DOES not regret his
decision. "It did a lot for me in

shaping the way I want to live,"
he said. "If I hadn't resisted,
and gone to jail, I'd probable
still be in that nowhere tow
working in a factory. I had
lot of time to think in those
twenty months."
In Spring of 1968, Michael was
twice ordered to report for a
pre-induction physical, which he
ignored. Then, in June, he re-
ceived a draft notice, and agair
paid no attention to the govern
The following fall the authori-
ties responded to his actions
by sending the Federal Bureau
of Investigation to take a state-
ment from him. But it wasn't
until 1969, one month after Nix-
on took office, Michael point:
out, that he was arrested. "Y;
know, hand-cuffs, the whole I
But they had to chase me do :
the street," he laughed. '
"But I'm finished now, it's'
all over, I finished my forty
months parole last May. I've
thought of writing something, an
article, about 'Michael the draft
resister.' But I only come ur
with one thing, one sentenc
that .says the whole thin
Michael is negative."

TUESDAY, Sept. 24 12:00 Noon
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(Continued from Page 1)
"great majority" of the work at
the hospital. "They couldn't run
it without us, there's no ques-
tion of that," he said.
Acting University Hospital di-
rector David Dickinson said, "I
doubt very much that the house
officers would do anything that
would interfere with the welfare
of the patients."
HOA and University bargain-
ing teams have been meeting
since July 1 on terms of a new
contract. Negotiations reached
a standstill earlier this month,
and a state mediator was called
AFTER one meeting with the
mediator last Tuesday, accord-

Solve your math problem s
* as easy as IT._

ing to Sonderstrom, the sides
remained deadlocked. The un-
ion president said that while
the HOA had made concessions
on wages, fringe benefits, and,
working conditions, the Univer-
sity had remained "inflexible"
in its bargaining.
"The University remained ad-
amant th'at their initial position
was final, and have made no
other offers," Sonderstrom said.
University counsel William
Lemmer, who is on the admin-
tration bargaining team, disa-
greed, saying that "there has
been quite a bit a movement
from both sides."
LEMMER called the work
slowdown threat "premature"
and said last night that both
teams had agreed to meet with
the mediator again soon after
reviewing their latest proposals.
There appears to be substan-
tial disagreement between the
sides on salary issues, fringe
benefit packages, and working
Sonderstrom says that the
proposed University two-year
wage hikes of 6-8 per cent would
be halved by a proposal to
classify all physicians as Uni-
versity employes, thus eliminat-
ing certain benefits that the
doctors receive at Wayne Coun-
ty General Hospital, where they
are considered county employes.
Benefits include cost of living
wage increases, free meals
while working, and added in-
surance benefits. These fringes
have an estimated monetary
value of $$700 per year.
The interns and residents ro-
tate their working year between
University hospital, the Wayne
County facility, and the Ann
Arbor Veterans Administration

(Continued from Page 1) t
troversy and threat of tragedy
that would have surrounded his
THE MOST immediate politi-
cal beneficiaries of his decision,
whose timing was perhaps more
surprising than its contents, are
the other Democrats who have
either begun or have been con-
templating 1976 presidential
Minnesota Sen. Walter Mon-
dale's potential candidacy, for
instance, has been overshadow-
ed by the possibility a Kennedy
candidacy might wipe out much
potential liberal suppoft.
Sen. Henry Jackson of Wash-
ington faced the basic handicap
that even potential backers
feared he would be unable to
win the Democratic nomination
from Kennedy.
MONDALE and Jackson may
be the closest things to front-
runners at this early, indecisive
stage. But Kennedy's decision
seems, if nothing else, to guar-
antee a long list of entrants and
to increase; the" chances of a
deadlocked convention.
Some possibilities, such as

Gov. John Gilligan of Ohio ar
Sen. Birch Bayh of Indian
could have little hope as long
as Kennedy ran, or even con-
sidered running. Now significant
victories in November could
propel them into the race.
Other individuals, too, coy
benefit, the active ones such
Sen. Lloyd Bentsen of Texa4
and others only candidates fo-
office now. Beyond that, how-
ever, the Democratic party .may
be the ultimate beneficiar-
Kennedy's long lead in .
poll hd' convinced even tho,
unlikely to favor the Massachi
setts senator that he would be
difficult to stop for the nomi-

Kennedy won't run

/ - 4 5 6
: i :


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