AMNESTY AND THE FBI See Editorial Page IYe Sirlitzrn ~~At BETTER High-6 s LOW--49 See Today for details Vol. LXXXV, No. 17 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, September 24, 1974 Ten Cents Eight Pages , Kennedy announces r ~IfOu-S E N06 I'tPPEN ~L7-DAIlY Women's research The Women's Research Club is inviting appli- cations for 1974-75 membership. The organization promotes, encourages and reports the original re- search of its members. Applicants should be cur- rently pursuing research or have publications of research or other critical studies. They should also be a staff member, a visiting professor or scholar, the spouse of- a faculty member, a distinguished scholar, or a graduate student with two years of postgraduate study (one in-residence). Applicants must have demonstrated aptitude in independent research. Applications are due Oct. 21. Call Evelyn Boorman, 665-8178, or Millicent Higgins, 763-4340, for information. i 0 he won't run in '76 BOSTON (A) -Sen. Edward Kennedy, the last sur- viving Kennedy brother, announced yesterday he would not seek the presidency or vice presidency in 1976, saying that family responsibilities prevented him from running. "I will not accept the nomination," said Ken- nedy. "I will not accept a draft. My primary re- sponsibilities are at home." KENNEDY WAS often*cited as the leading Demo- cratic prospect for 1976, and his withdrawal threw the race wide open to a broad field of hopefuls. The Massachusetts Democrat said he had learned from his brothers John and Robert that a presiden- tial campaign "demands a candidate's undivided at- tention and his deepest personal commitment." He said at a Boston news conference that he could not make the full commitment necessary for a presidential campaign. "I simply cannot do that to my wife, children and other members of my family," he said. KENNEDY, 42, said the 1969 accident at Chappa- quiddick Island was not a factor in his decision not to run, although he conceded the issue would have been raised if he sought the presidency. Kennedy's wife Joan, who was at his side during the new conference, has been in rest homes twice in recent months. His son, Edward Jr., lost part of a leg last November because of bone cancer. The action brings relief to those fearful of the con- See KENNEDY, Page 8 AP Photo SENATOR EDWARD KENNEDY smiles at his wife Joan outside the press conference where Kennedy declared he will not seek the Democratic nomination for President in 1976. Honduran relief Ford tells Arabs The Washtenaw County chapter of the American Red Cross has contributed $200 to the Honduran relief fund. The Honduras was devastated by hur- ricane and flood last week. The money will be sent to Washington D. C. to purchase supplies. The supplies will be dropped by parachute in Hon- duras. All who wish to contribute to disaster relief for Honduras may do so by mailing checks mark- ed "Honduras Relief Fund" to 2729 Packard Rd. Happenings'. . are almost nonexistent today, with only two items on the agenda. If you're interested in achiev- ing in-state residency at the University, you might consider dropping the Student Legal Aid of- fice in Rm. 4310 of the Union at 8 p.m. Legal ad- vice will be given . . All junior, senior and pre- professional students in the health professions are invited to attend a meeting ,today and tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Rm. 1025 Angell Hall. Professional school application procedures will be discussed . The child care and development program will be meet- ing in the Anderson Room of the Union, also at 8 p.m. Vee p's worth And now the figures you've been waiting for: Nelson Rockefeller told the Senate Rules and Ad- ministration Committee yesterday that he earned almost $47 million over the past decade. Twenty- one million went to taxes. He also disclosed that, in addition to '$62.5 million in personal assets and $116.4 million in two trosts from which he receives income, his wife receives income from $3.9 million trust while their children receive income from a $35.7 million trust. But he added that he sees no conflict posed by his vast fortune. "There could be no conflict with anything," said the prospective veep, "because my sole purpose is to serve my country." Nixon hospitalized An ashen-faced Richard Nixon checked into the Memorial Hospital Medical Center in Long Beach, Calif., for treatment for phlebitis. The former pres- ident refused to comment on his health, and mere- ly smiled and said, "good afternoon" to a reporter who asked him how he felt. He ignored, another reporter who asked him about his: health. He was accompanied by his wife, Pat, and his daughter, Julie Nixon Eisenhower. Private security men guarded his room, and hospital workers were told, not to divulge any information about flowers, cards or what Nixon will be eating. On the inside. . Tony Cecere interviews Andre Previn on the Arts Page . . . Paul O'Donnell discusses White Power, the publication of the American Nazi Party, on the Editorial Page : . . and on the Sports Page, Andy Glazer reviews the Big Ten smashing suc- cess of last weekend: On the outside .. . Our cold wave is losing its grip. As the polar high moves out of our area today, we will have a milding southerly breeze with plenty of sunshine. Tonight, as a storm moves down from the north- west, skies will be increasingly cloudy with tem- peratures on the mild side. Highs 62-67, lows 48-53. to stop forpoli ByROB MEACHUM special To The Daily DETROIT - President Verald Ford yesterday is- sued a terse warning to Arab nations and. raised the possibility of global war if oil price and supply problems are not solved. Addressing the N i n t h World Energy Conference, Ford said, "Sovereign na- tions cannot allow their policies to be dictated, or their fate decided, by arti- ficial rigging and distor- tion of world commodity markets." Nearly 1,000 people pro- tested Ford's visit. See story, Page 2. using tical oil rvain, Doily Photo by STEVE KAGAN PRESIDENT GERALD FORD chats informally with Mayor Coleman Young after Ford addressed the World Energy Conference session in Detroit yesterday. Young presented Ford with a key to the city before holding private discussions with t he president. UAW leads clerical run-off vote, faces By BARBARA CORNELL The United Auto Workers (UAW) last night won the larg- est share of more than 2400 votes cast by the University's clericals in a six-day unioniza- tion election, beating the Ameri- can Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employes (AF- SCME). But UAW failed to win a majority and now will oppose the "no union" option in a run- off contest. With unofficial results count- ed, UAW took 1013 of the cleri- cal workers' votes-just 198 tal- lies shy of the 50 per cent-plus figure needed to win the elec- tion outright. A surprising 734 workers chose the ballot's "no union" option, leaving AFSCME a poor third with 526 of the 2420 votes cast. Michigan Employment Rela- tions Commission (MERC) said the run-off vote will begin 2-6 weeks after last night's ballots are certified five days from now. Local AFSCME leaders said last night they will vote among themselves this morning on whether to throw support be- hind UAW in the run-off ballot- ing. UAW organizer Pam O'Con- nor, clerical worker, said she and other staffers are "ecs- tatic" with the first round of re- sults in the had-fought union battle. "WE STILL have some work cut ou for us," O'Connor added, "but I'm very optimistic. Be- fore the election I had no idea what people thought, but since the majority voted for a union, I have some indication as to how the run-off will go." Speaking for AFSCME's local campaign, clerical Gretchen Gehr said: "We worked hard and we want to thank everyone who helped us." Earlier yesterday, s e v e r a l AFSCME w or k er s said they would refuise to back UAW in the run-off vote. MERC officials s a i d they counted 147 "challenge" ballots -votes of questionable eligibil- ity or authenticity which have been disputed by the unions' pollwatchers. But the officials noted that the widely divided vote totals virtually eliminated the chance of a changed out- conme. aganda," said another clerical sardonically. One clerical worker said her vote for UAW was "just a guess as to who would be the best union," but that "AFSCME has not done much for the rest of the University under them, so they wouldn't be the best for us either." AN AFSCME supporter did not agree. "I think it will be a fair union, and I like the idea that they already have the main- tenance and service workers," she said. "I think the UAW is a bit too big and too powerful. Our grievances might get lost." Another clerical, her hands full of literature' praising the two unions, claimed, "The whole election was mishandled," and said she intended to vote non- union in the run-off. The president, employing the severest official language yet used in discussing massive oil price hikes, added, "It is dif- ficult to discuss the energy problem without lapsing into doomsday language. The dan- ger isclear - it is severe. The attempt by any country to use one commodity for political pur- poses, will inevitably tempt other countriesvtobuse their commodities for their own pur- poses." FORD WAS in Detroit yes- terday to. officially open the six-day conference, which was attended by about 3,600 dele- gates from 84 countries around the world. Sponsored by the World En- ergy Conference (WEC), the convention is designed to "ex- change ideas and address prob- lems relating to energy re- sources and their production, conversion, transportation and distribution in relationship to the needs of mankind and the protection of the environ ment." Many of the world's top in- dustrial executives, government ministers, scientists, economists and engineers are attending the conference. Included in the long list are U. S. Treasury S e c r e t a r y William Si- mon, Sheikh Ahmed Yamani of Saudi Arabia and Dr. John Sawhill, Administrator of the U. S. Federal Energy Agency. See FORD, Page 2, Daily Photo by PAULINE LUKENS Demonstrators protesting President Ford's visit crowd a De- troit street corner outside Cobo Hall yesterday, while inside Ford spoke to the World Energy Conference opening session. BARGAINING STALLS: 'U' sital interns threaten .s'lowdown By DAVID BURHENN Intern and resident physi- cians at University Hospital voted unanimously yesterday to begin a disruption in services on October 2 if current contract negotiations with the Univer- sity remain unsuccessful. Members of the House Offic- ers Association, (HOA) which represents nearly 500 physi- cians-in-training at the hospital, made the decision for a "job action" after unanimously re- jecting the University's latest contract offer, according to HOA president Dr. Robert Sod- erstrom. SODERSTROM was careful last night to stress that a job action would mean an interrup- tion in Hospital services, but not necessarily a strike. "A strike involves walking out of the hospital" he said. "That would be a trenendous disservice to the patient popula- tion. We do not consider our differences as something to punish the patients. Our dis- agreement is with the Univer- sity." Sonderstrom, did not however, rule out the possibility of a strike in the future. THE HOA president said the internes and residents do a See INTERNS, Page 8 ELECTION officials from the ATTACKS FORD PLAN Resister asks total amnesty i By JO MARCO TTY Michael is negative. He didn't vote in the last national elec- tion, and even i he could, he wouldn't vote in the next one. Convicted felons can't vote. After spending twenty months in Milan Federal Penitentiary for draft resistance, Michael is at odds with the system. "I'VE become a pessimist," he said in his living room on a sunny afternoon. "What did I really do? I went to jail for some- people outside, "It's like jail. I mean, an institution is an institution." AND THE political system? "It a great theatre. People go to the polls, and pull a lever, and the guys with the most levers pulled get elected, and make laws and wars. Then along with the wars, where people get killed, they have selective serv- ice, and that's slavery. This isn't a free country - there is no such thing." But his biggest gripe at the moment is President Ford's conditional amnesty plan. Muk tananda greeted, by feverish followers By SARA RIMER Indian holy man Swami Baba Mukta- nanda's arrival was greeted here yes- terday by 150 devoted followers with all the fanfare due royalty. Sari-robed disciple Joe Ann Kruck- man jokes about the elaborate welcom-. amid an exuberant stream of chanting and beatific smiles. Swami fan Sue Irwin described her first encounter with the man she en- braces as god: "Tears, that's all I can say. It was so full of joy, so beautiful." Baba,- who preaches, "Kneelto your- self, worship your own being," sat cross-