{ ' I A. t THEMIWAUEE /OUNA Nb~ih.?.K~l Sftdretem lip' ' t ~}S K " I !. / A chile: By GARY THOMAS FROM THAT same intrepid band of superspies who brought you the Bay of Pigs, U-2, Vietnam, and other excit- ing tales of derring-do, comes the new saga, "If I'm Not There, Start the Coup Without Me." President Ford came out at his most recent news conference with some shaky rationalizations for the involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency in the the coup against Chilean President Sal- vador Allende. It was the same self- serving reason given for the creation of the Agency - "they play dirty tricks, so we must, too." But there are several perplexing ques- tions about why Ford took responsibility for the actions of former President Nix- on. Even the present director of the CIA, William Colby, was not Director of Central Intelligence at the time of the coup -- at that time, the hat of DCI was worn by Richard Helms, now Ambassa- dor to Iran. THE PROBABLE answer was that Henry Kissinger brought some type of pressure to bear on Ford to assume re- sponsibility for the Agency's actions af- ter DCI Colby let the cat out of the bag of dirty tricks at a closed session of -the Senate Foreign Relations Com- mittee. Kissinger holds the most powerful post in that amalgamation known as the U.S. intelligence community. He heads the super-secret "40 Committee," that group which approves all major clandestine operations of the community. Although other people sit on the committee, such as the DCI, the Chairman of the Joint Super Chiefs of Staff, an Assistant Secretary of Defense, and others, Kissinger is clear- ly the chief of this exclusive club of spy sponsors. This is because Kissinger has the ace in the hole to play: he can always say "The President told me . . ." and no one will challenge him. THE CIA was originally created to be a clearing house for information collect- ed by other members of the community. It was to have a coordination rather than collection function under the provisions of the National Security Act. But a catch-all phrase in the act allowed the CIA to slip into collection and then clan- destine operations: "It shall perform such other duties from time to time as the (National Security) Council may direct." So the "40 Committee" was born. It has been known by various names during its career: "the 303 Group" (named after the room number where it met) and the "54/12 Group" (named after the Na- tional Security Memorandum which re- vived it), but its function has always been the same: to budget and approve clandestine operations of the intelligence community, particularly the CIA. IT WAS within the committee t h a t such operations as the Bay of Pigs, the Guatamalan coup, the U-2 overflights, and the secret Laotian war (utilizing the mercenaries of General Vang Pao) were approved. And it was here, too, that approval for the covert action against Chile was given, with a budget of $11 K and various groups, the most notorious being "Patria y Liberdad," a ;ight wing Fas cist group which has :pposed Allende from the beginning and which took cre- dit for the assassination of Allende's military aide several months before the coup. In his fascinating book, "The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence," Victor Marchetti gives tantalizing hints as to Kissinger's involvement in the Chilean affair. Unfortunately the book was cen- sored by the Agency and there are big portions reading "DELETED" whenever Kisinger and Chile are mentioned. BUT IN AN interview with Marchetti, he assured me that Kissinger's role was indeed dominant in the intelligence com- munity. "He's fascinated by spies," said Mar- chetti, "and he really had a thing about Chile." It seems the whole U.S. government had a "thing about Chile." The govern- ment viewed the democratically-elected government of Marxist Salvador Allen- de with the same paranoia previous ad- ministrations viewed Castro's Cuba. Marchetti pointed out that, since the USSR and China are relatively impena- trable, the U.S. intelligence community has turned its attention to the third world where security is lax and covert opera- tions are more feasible. So covert action was approved by the head of the 40 committee -- who, inci- dentally, is also the chief of the U.S. dip- lomatic community: Henry Alfred Kiss- inger. KISSINGER probably put pressure on Ford to shoulder the responsibility so as not to tarnish his peacemaker image. It is the same Kissinger who became irate when someone suggested that he might have initiated wiretaps. That time, he threatened to resign if his name was not cleared. But this is an affair he cannot squirm out of so eas- ily, For years, the CIA and its band of superspooks have been allowed to roam the world at will, unchecked by any leg- islative mechanism. Under the National Security Act, the Agency resides in the Executive Branch of the government. The only check on it - and it is a sor- ry one at that - is the 40 Committee, which is under the National Security Council, which in turn also resides in the Executive Branch. "I DON'T think we've been keeping close enough tabs on the CIA," said Sen. Mike Mansfield, the Democratic majority leader, upon hearing of the Chilean affair. "We have not asked enough questions. We have been too prone to take what they tell us on faith and not probe too deeply." Another con- gressman, Rep. Thomas Morgan (D- Pa.), said, "This is our one chance to get oversight of the CIA and we're going to grab it." One can only hope Morgan is right, and that Kissinger will be made to an- swer some very tough questions. At any rate, Congress may yet awake enough to send shudders of fear and loathing into the spies at Langley: spies 'And they used to call us racists!' M41 ~4e t ian DaUly Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan million. The money to oppose Allende went to Friday, September 20, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 Letters: On C lericalIs, unionization' 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Invitation to indiscretion (N MONDAY OF this week, the University Cellar Board of Direc- tors adopted this amendment to their bylaws: "Any meeting of the Board of Directors may go into closed ex- ecutive session by two-thirds vote of the Board. The motion to go into executive session may spe- cify any non-board members who may be invited to stay, the topic to be considered and the length of the executive session. The President may, without objection, move the Board into executive session." Several legitimate motives seem to underscore the Cellar action. On past occasions, certain issues had come before the Board which it felt merited closed-door discussion. Clos- ed sessions were infrequent and ap- proved by means of informal con- sensus. They were typically concern- ed with marketing strategy or sensi- tive personnel matters. The Board claimed that public exposure of these matters could have been financially injurious to the Cellar or undeserved- ly embarrassing to the subjects of discussion. THE PURPOSE of the Cellar Board's most recent action was to forma- lize the procedure for initiating closed sessions. The present Board members have repeatedly demonstrated their com- petence in administering the store's affairs and their worthiness of stu- dent trust. Nonetheless, a corporate amendment is a long-term proposi- tion, and the Cellar action was not taken with future student interests in mind. The student members of the Cellar Board of Directors are not elected di- rectly by the students. Rather, they are appointed by SGC. Although the current crop of Cellar directors have proven themselves equal to their tasks, the same may not always be true of their successors. A policy provision for authoriz- ing closed sessions, when placed in the wrong hands, can be an open in- vitation for misuse of delegated power. The University Cellar is a public, non-profit corporation. It is managed by students and was founded by stu- dents and was founded by student mandate. Each student subsidizes Cellar operations with a five dollar loan, assessed during his or her first year at the University. VOR THE CELLAR to remain a truly public institution, it is crucial that the policy of open meetings, with no exceptions, be maintained. The University Cellar should re- consider Monday's action with new emphasis on its long-term implica- tions and keeping the student coop- erative accountable to its student pa- trons. -PAUL HASKINS To The Daily: THE SPARTACUS Y 0U T H League (SYL, formerly the Re- volutionary Communist Youth) wishes to express our support for the efforts of University of Michigan clerical workers to or- ganize. The past year has seen a number of organizing drives among U. of M. workers. In addition to the clericals, the hospital nurses have begun at- tempts to organize and the Graduate Employees Organiza- tion recently gained recognition from the university administra- tion. U. of M. employees are re- sponding to the same conditions which are setting workers across the country in motion. The contradictions of capital- ism in the present period are causing rampant inflation, mushrooming unemployment, and a series of cutbacks and tuition increases in the educa- tional system - including, at the U. of M., a 24 per cent tui- tion hike over the last two years! Educational cutbacks will al- ways hit hardest at working- class youth, minorities, and wo- men. Witness the recent curtail- ment of even limited financial- aid programs such as the Op- portunity Program. Also, LS&A scholarships are now given ac- cording to "outstanding achieve- ment" rather than by financial need, which, in light of the in- equalities imposed by the pub- lic secondary - education sys- tem, is discriminatory and class biased. STUDENTS, IN THE past, have struggled against inequal- ities in the universities. But struggles such as the Black Ac- tion, Movement's demand for a quota of 10 per cent black students (which has not even been met) would mean only minimal gains. Those who wish to effect lasting and significant changes must come to under- stand campus problems in a much broader perspective. The Spartacus Youth League calls for open admissions and FREE higher education for all with a stipend. To prevent the univer- sity from acting asta tool-of class discrimination and bour- geois domination, the SYL calls for the nationalization of all uni- versities under worker/student/ teacher control. As long as the bourgeoisie rule we will not be able to es- tablish an educational system which really benefits working class and oppressed minority youth. Socially conscious stu- dents must be won over to the task of building a revolutionary vanguard organization, a po- litical party which, uniting class-conscious workers and in- tellectuals, can lead a socialist revolution. This week at the U. of M., clericals will begin voting on whether to affiliate with the United Auto Workers, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Em- ployees, or neither. THE U. OF M. ADMINISTRA- mrn't t - .. _.-.1. ,- - - «« ..- for the welfare of the clericals, an appetite for an enlarged dues base is a much more credible explanation of why these bu- reaucrats are sniffing around the campus, far from their own industrial arena. This is certainly not to say that any other labor bureau- crats - the AFSCME leaders as well - are capable of putting forward solutions to the basic problems facing all workers. The AFSCME leadership pur- sues the same basic policy of class collaboration and "labor peace" as their UAW cohorts. In fact AFSCME goes further than most by openly crossing the class line to organize cops into the union. Cops are not workers; they are the repres- sive apparatusbof the ruling class. Their job is to smash workers' struggles. They have no place in the unions! NEVERTHELESS, THERE are a number of rea- sons to choose AFSCME over the UAW as an instrument of struggle. AFSCME has already organized 2,400 service and maintenance employees at U. of M., and is also organizing tech- nicians. Industrial unionism, combining the strength of all workers in a single industry, is a potentially powerful weapon. Affiliation with AFSCME would be an important step towards what is ultimately needed: a single union of all campus em- ployees, from custodians to professors. The university administration has also made use of the sex- ual oppression suffered by wo- men in order to keep wages down and to keep the workforce divided. Organization against this discrimination is long over- due. Yet it is clear that the present union leaderships do not provide any adequate solutions. Many women have hoped that the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) would provide the answers. However, CLUW is dominated by the same labor bureaucracy, seeking to channel the legiti- mate aspirations of woman workers into dead-end reformist struggles. Refusing to support crucial issues such as the United Farmworkers' right to represent agricultural workers, these female bureaucrats ex- pose their real motivation for creating CLUW: to serve as a vote-getting machine against their male counterparts in the union bureaucracy. MILITANT U N I 0 N MEM- BERS, men and women togeth- er, must wage a struggle within the unions to replace these mis- leaders with a leadership based on a class-struggle program that not only speaks to the day-to-day needs of the work- ers, but which also challenges the political rule of capital by calling for a break with the capitalist Democratic and Re- publican parties and creating instead a workers party based on the trade unions to fight for a workers government. An ex- ample of the kind of opposition their weight felt politically by drawing the links between these struggles, the fight against cut- backs and student funding, and the political tasks of the work- ing-class. -Janet Russ Spartacus Youth League September 13 To The Daily: WE WOULD LIKE to remind those secretaries and clericals at The University of Michigan eligible to vote in the upcoming election on the question of un- ionization that they have three choices, viz., representation by the UAW, by AFSCME, or "neither." After reading the pros and cons of each union we have come to the conclusion that neither union is the right one at this time to represent us. Besides the complaints voiced in earlier letters to the editor concerning the fact that AFSC- ME is not run democratically, that the wages negotiated were in some cases less than the $600 across-the-board increase made by the University, etc., we per- sonally noticed numerous viola- tions of the constraints of state law in their organizing cam paign. Not only have they post- ed their notices in underdesig- nated areas in University buildings and used the Univer- sity campus mail to distribute some of their literature, but they have visited and telephon- ed employees on University time on a number of accasions. One wonders if the organizers who failed to conform to state law would, as bargaining agents, act in good faith to the wishes of those whom they rep- resent concerning a strike vote, wages, benefits, etc., in bargain- ing with the University or would they do what is expedi- ent for them? THEY HAVE LED us to be- lieve that we would not have to strike, but how many union contracts are settled without a strike? They repeatedly empha- size the greatness in strength they would supposedly provide if they not only represented cus- todians but also clerical work- ers, technicians and profession- al and administrative person- nel. Could this mean that when one local goes on strike AFS- CME would expect the others to go out in sympathy even th~ouh such an act is illegal ac- cording to the Michigan Public Employment Relations Act? AFSCME surely is not an ap- prooriate choice when so many questions come to mind. It is also our opinion that the United Auto Workers is not the proper union to represent of- fice personnel in an educational institution. There is such a vast difference between an office sit- nation and an assembly line and we do not feel that the UAW can represent our best interests with their limited experience. The thought of being swallowed un by such a large organiza- tion is frightening. We are a small group with unique prob- troit really respect our wishes concerning a strike vote, wages, benefits, etc.? They have been telling us about the $90 million strike fund that would stand behind us, but do you know that 30 per cent of your dues go into the fund and if the bal- ance drops below an amount determined by the union lead- ers the members are assessed an additional amount to build it up? If we can expect to bene- fit from the strike fund then must we also assume that we would be assessed the addition- al amount when strikes at the auto assembly plants in Detroit lower the balance? Since the biggest issue seems to be mon- ey, how can we afford it? We would also like to point out that one big problem in the auto- mobile assembly plants is "blue collar blues" brought about by the assembly line workersbe- ing bored to death with their jobs due to the very narrow job descriptions drawn up by the union. It is of great concern to many people. Would we be next? IN SUMMARY, after careful consideration we feel that in this election a vote of "neither" is the only choice. The Univer- sity cannot raise the price of a product to make up for higher wages; our raises will be lim- ited whether we have a union or not. Neither union can guar- antee job security. The legisla- ture will not be forced to in- crease the state's allocation to the University. Also when con- tracts and grants terminate, the money ends and no union contract can change that.Sec- retaries and clericals do not have any trouble now transfer- ing within the University when a lack of funds makes that necessary. The basic union phi- losonhv of nromoting those em- nloyees with the greatest senior- ity blatantly discriminates seninst those emnlovees who are distinctly more a'ialified. Seniority r""at not be the only criterin. What mot+ation is there to excel if vu neAd only "nut in yvoir tie" We can nnly he convinced that upinninra- tion is a oor choice for the U of M clericals. In conclusion, we ure von first of all to vote. An mcast hallot means nothine and no election is decided until all the ballots are counted. Let's have a truly democratic election and all get out and vote. We fur- ther urge you to expresst our individuality and vote "neither" in this ele(.tion. -Concerned Secretaries September 13 To The Daily: AS A SECRETARY or cleri- cal emolovee at the University of Michigan, how long has it been since you have had a fair merit increase? A costof-living raise? Any raise at all? If the answer to any of these ues~- tion is "too long," a union en"ld benefit all of vonu. By be- comin a member of a union, vour hargainine committee will derrated by the University for over two years. Now, I find I'm being underrated and (if the re- cord speaks for itself) would definitely be underpaid by a union who says they want to represent me. I'm talking about AFSCME. I believe ac- tions speaker . louder than words. So far, the campaign of the union who says they want to represent clericals has been run by professional and student organizers. How can they pos- sibly know what my needs are? They might sympathize when I say l make so little I quali- fy for food stamps, but how can they possibly understand when they're not in a clerical's position? AFSCME organizers say AF- SCME will improve our situa- tion and they know AFSME is just what we need. From what I see, AFSCME has been on the campus for several yers but this year clericals saw the first $600.00 raise they've ever seen. Why? I'd be inclined to thank the UAW's presence on campus for that. I really re- sent being treated like an Imbe- cile. I'm sick of having litera- ture crammed down my throat by AFSCME organizers.l'm sick of being told . can never make as much as people who work in a factory even though some of the work I do closely resembles the boring work 40e in a factory. Why can't I make that much? I think I deserve it even if AFSCME doesn't. I HAVE TWO children to feed and I'm doing it on my own. It's hard to work a 4 hour week and know I won't have enough to nay my bills. Be- tween the University and AF- SCME. I could probably do bet- ter on ADC. I don't want to go on welfare. However, unless I start makine a living wage, I would be better off on welfare. The University says they are concerned with their employees. If thev are so concerned, why don't they nav me enough to live on? Tf thev are so con- cerned, why don't they use their edicntional facilities to train me so I can become more highly skilled and so I can ad- vance to a different pay grade? With the kind of incentive the University offers its clericals, it's a wonder they all aren't wall'wine in despair. The University sent a letter to us. I laehed when I read it. Thev made it sound as though they've alwavs done their best for "s. That seems a little ri- dicnlons to me. Thev managed to dig un $600.00 apiece for us when CCFA / UAW began to make progress on campus. How stupid do they think we are? I'd like to see the best the Uni- versity can do for us! I believe we will see this if we vote in the UAW. -Jane Gould September 12 Did we ever see the peace? IT IS PARTICULARLY interesting tok note that while the war resisters are wary of Ford's promises, the Vietnam peacekeepers are in danger of collapse. It is a curious fact that although the Indochina pacifiers haven't kept the peace, they have run up quite a bill in the course of activities beyond their authorization. The International Commission of Control and Supervision (ICCS) is now wallowing in the worst finan- cial crisis since its inception in early 1973. The ICCS has accumulated debts of an estimated five to six mil- lion dollars. According to usually unreliable State Department sources, the prob- lem arises from the North Vietna- mese' and National Liberation Front's refusal to pay their shares of the cost. It also appears the United States may have failed to its alotted two- fifths of ICCS funding, choosing ra- ther to seek out and find a conven- ient place to lay the blame, since it pays more for war. But with all the natural resources in thts nra. ofn7 Viptnn7am_ ne c i billion dollars to Nguyen Van Thieu to consolidate his gains in land. Realize the fact that the state de- partment is now giving body counts from Vietnam, and it won't be hard to come to the conclusion that the peace keeping force has been a joke all along. Even when the ceasefire started in January of last year, the next day there were reports from the French that the four battalions of Korean, Thai, and Australian rang- ers started attacks on the North Viet- namese and the National Liberation Front soldiers. Under the cover of the cease fire, Thieu has used United States money to continue his con- quest of land in Vietnam and the United States has used it's money to hire a hatchet man. One wonders which oil company will be the first to plant a drilling rig when the United States and Thieu have finally cap- tured all of the land. SHED NO TEARS FOR the collapse of the peace keepers of Vietnam, people, for it was only a sham, a mere instrument to lend respectibil- ity to the Paris ag'reements that