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September 20, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-09-20

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See Editorial Page

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See Today for details


Vol. LXXXV, No. 14

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 20, 1974

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


Y~- C I-
HRP on amnesty
HRP candidate Phil Carroll became the first of
the 2nd District Congressional contenders to lam-
baste President Ford for his stand on amnesty
with a press statement released yesterday. Carroll
called the plan a "cruel hoax and insult to those
who militantly resisted the illegal Vietnam War."
He said that those who did not serve were acting
under the Nuremberg Principles, and that they
deserve immediate and unconditional amnesty. He
challenged his opponents to join in the effort. He
went on to insist that the government fulfill its
promise of reparations to North Vietnam, and
blasted the illegal shipment of weapons to the
Thieu regime in South Vietnam.
Lid shortage
Our man in Washington, Marvin Esch (R-Ann
Arbor), has asked the Federal Trade Commission,
President Ford and Attorney General William
Saxbe for quick action to stave off what may
be a severe lid shortage. It seems, according to
Esch, that a shortage of canning jar lids is frus-
trating efforts of his constituents to beat the high
cost of eating. Esch complained that consumers
must wait in long lines and pay more than double
last year's price of 40 cents a dozen. "Obviously,"
Esch stated in a letter to the Federal Trade Com-
mission, "this is an absurd situation." One of
many, Marv.
Dope notes
Prosecutors will have a tougher time from now
on proving a marijuana offender's "intent to de-
liver," thanks to a ruling handed down Wednesday
by the state Court of Appeals. The case involved
a Macomb County couple who grew marijuana in
their backyard. Statutory presumption made the
possession of more than two ounces of marijuana
proof of intent to deliver. The court ruled this un-
constitutional. But for every silver lining there's
a black cloud: Macomb County Prosecutor Ted
Hamera theorized that the new ruling may mean
that police will have to make more extensive use
of informants and undercover agents.
A clarification
Because of a typographical error in yesterday's
Daily, an accusation that incumbent Congressman
Marvin Esch (R-Ann Arbor) engages in "double
talk" was not directly attributed to his Democratic
opponent John Reuther. However, Reuther made
that allegation during a press conference Wednes-
075 and 829 ...
... are this week's winning lottery numbers. If
it was your lucky week and you pulled both num-
bers, you qualify for a super drawing where you
could pull in $10,000 and perhaps as much as $200,-
000. Otherwise, it's a mere 25 bucks - but you do
qualify for the million dollar drawing. Second
chance winners must have both 734 and 979 to
win $5,000. Winning numbers for the "Paymaster"
bonus are 386, 655 and 488. Two of the three quali-
fies you for $100 a week over the next year.
Model Cities meets
The Model Cities Policy Board last night re-
sponded to Mayor James Stephenson's announce-
ment that its program would not continue past
January by voting to inform the Model Cities resi-
dents of all avenues open to them for continuation
of similar services within their community. Model
Cities is being replaced by a new federally funded
program which will be drawn up by the Mayor's
office. A public hearing will be held at 9:00 a.m.
Sept. 28 in the City Council chambers for concerned
residents to communicate their needs and suggest-
ed uses of the federal money.

Happenings ..
. . . begin bright and early for dawn freaks,
starting with HRP gubernatorial candidate Zolton
Ferency's last visit to this campus at ,9 a.m. in
1025 Angell Hall . . . the Ann Arbor Train and
Trolley Watchers will hold its monthly meeting at
8 p.m. in St. Andrew's Episcopal Church . . . the
U. S. Air Force Band and the Singing Sergeants
will appear in Hill Aud. at 8 p.m. Tickets for the
free concert are available at 350 E. Hoover . . .
the Undergrad Poli Sci Association will greet new
members at a coffee hour at 4 p.m. in 6602 Haven
Hall . . . and Jews for Jesus will hold a free con-
cert on the People's Plaza at noon. The group is
titled "The Liberated Wailing Wall."
On the inside . ..
. Gary Thomas discusses the CIA's involve-
ment in Chile on the Editorial Page . . . a scout-
ing report on the Colorado team by Fred Upton
is featured on the Sports Page . . . and examine
our reviews of local movies in the Arts Page's

in Wa






Jaworski demands
courtroom showing
LOS ANGELES (Reuter) - The Federal Bureau of
Investigation announced that a subpoena was served on
former President Nixon at his San Clemente home yester-
day afternoon ordering him to testify in the Watergate
cover-up trial of six of his former associates.
FBI agent James Freeman said: "The subpoena was
served on Mr. Nixon personnally by one of our agents this
THE SUBPOENA was issued earlier in the day by special
Watergate prosecutor Leon Jaworski ordering Nixon to appear at
the trial, a case in which he could have been a defendant if he
had not received a presidential pardon.

AP Photo

FORMER WATERGATE COMMITTEE Senators Howard Baker (R.-Tenn.), left, and Lowell Weicker (R-Conn.) hold a press con-
ference in Washington yesterday to announce introduction of a bill to create a Senate-House committee to serve as a watchdog
over U.S. intelligence agencies. The action came in the . wake of C.I.A. involvement in Chile.

a rrested
in holdup
A University freshman on
parole from Milan federal pris-
on, and an inmate on a study-
release program from the same
institution, were charged yes-
terday with the $12,000 armed
robbery of an Ann Arbor Bank
branch Monday afternoon.
Randolph Walker, who enroll-
ed this fall in theDliterary col-
lege (LSA) and Douglas Hill,
who was attending classes at
Washtenaw Community College
on part-time release from pris-
on, were arraigned in Detroit
on f e d e r a l bank robbery
FBI special agent John Mc-
Girr said the two allegedly
used a sawed-off shotgun and a
pistol to force bank customers
and employes on the floor,
while they vaulted over a coun-
ter and scooped up cash from
tellers' drawers.
THE ROBBERS donned white
hospital coats and masks to
conceal their identity during the
holdup. The bank is located near
University Hospital.
Walker, who lives in Mosher-
Jordan, was apprehended Wed-
See FRESHMAN, Page 7

Jaworski asked the FBI to
serve the subpoena onthe for-
mer president, who has almost
totally secluded himself at his
Casa Pacifica home in San Cle-
mente, Calif., since he resigned
on Aug. 9 because of Watergate.
Nixon's chief lawyer, Herbert
Miller, refused to comment on
the Jaworski subpoena. Report-
ers calling for comment were
told the Nixon legal team would
not respond publicly to any mo-
tions in the case outside of legal
papers filed with the court.
IT WAS the second subpoena
issued on Nixon in the case-the
first was by one of the defend-
ants-but there was some doubt
here whether the former presi-
dent would appear personally at
the Oct. 1 trial or would try to
beg off on grounds of poor
Earlier this week, Nixon's
lawyers told a Los Angeles court
he was too ill to appear in an
unrelated case and hisdaugh-
ter, Julie Eisenhower, said he
would enter a hospital soon for
treatment of the phlebitis-in-
flammation of the veins-that
apparently has left his left leg
swollen and painful.
A spokesman for the special
prosecutor's office, John Bar-
ker, said Jaworski wanted Nixon
to take the witness stand to tes-
tify against the six former White
House and re-election campaign
aides accused in the cover-up
Normally, a subpoena is
served by U.S. Marshals, but
the FBIs help was sought be-
cause of its close links with the
Secret Service, which guards
former presidents.
THE FBI, by definition, in-
vestigates violations of federal
See JAWORSKI, Page 2

Allende (
WASHINGTON (Reuter) - challenged
Secretary of State Henry Kis- tral Intell.
singer said yesterday that U.S. had funne
interference in the internal af- lars to p
fairs of Chile was designed to Allende,v
oust President Salvador Allende September
through elections in 1976, rather Official
than by the military coup that 1970 to 19
deposed him last year. was in p
Amplifying President Ford's United St
admission that the United States up its w
had interfered in Chilean poli- generals w
tics, Kissinger told the Senate ist govern
Foreign Relations Committee: reducing e
"Our concern was with the itarian aid
election in 1976, not a coup in U.S. off
1973." neverthele
neither a
FORD'S admission of U.S. in- role in the
volvement in Chile followed un- KISSING
angrily qu
at a heari
CIA -role to have du
the Soviet
University students and fac-
ulty have denounced United
States intervention in Chile
which promoted domestic tur-
moil prior to the violent over-
throw of the Salvadore Allende
government a year ago.
During a press conference
earlier this week, President
Gerald Ford revealed that co-
vert CIA activities were carried
out in Chile and said such
operations were justified both
"historically and presently."
PROFESSOR Kenneth Lang-
ton, director of University grad-
uate studies in political science,
said Ford's contention that CIA
funds were necessary to insure
the freedom of the Chilean press

says CIA






reports that the Cen-
igence Agency (CIA)
led eight million dol-
olitical opponents of
who was killed last
r during the coup.
U.S. aid figures for
73, the years Allende
ower, show that the
ates sharply stepped
eapons sales to the
ho deposed the Marx-
nment while sharply
economic and human-
ficials have insisted,
ss, that they played
direct nor indirect
e coup.
GER was sharply and
uestioned about Chile
ng that was supposed
veiled on detente with

Senator Frank Church, an
Idaho Democrat, asked him how
he could reconcile the U.S. in-
volvement in Chile with the tra-
ditional U.S. principles he had
cited in describing America's
moral superiority over the
Soviet Union.
"We are now told despite
these words about our prin-
ciples that we not only inter-
fered in Chile but we are justi-
fied in doing so because the
Russians do it too," Church
KISSINGER explained the
U.S. involvement by saying that
Allende had won the 1970 presi-
dential election by only one per
cent of the vote, with a plurality
of only 36 per cent.
"He then set about to estab-
lish what appeared to be a one-

party government, he set about
to throttle the opposition parties
and opposition press," Kissinger
His debate with Church was
cut off in midstream, however,
by Senator William Fulbright,
who chided Church for bringing
up Chile during a hearing on
detente with the Soviet Union.
Chile is to be discussed at a
later hearing.
WHILE Kissinger was justify-
ing the secret U.S. involvement
in Chile, two leading Republi-
can senators introduced a bill
giving Congress sweeping pow-
ers to control the secret ac-
tivities of the CIA.
And Ford called Congressional
leaders to the White House for
a briefing on the CIA and Chile.
See CIA, Page 7

Carroll hits Regents
for campaign bylaw

opens new
TV center
Yesterday marked the dedi-
cation and grand opening of the
new University of Michigan
TelevisionCenter locatediat 400
Fourth St.
Among those in attendance
for the dedication were Univer-
sity President Robben Fleming
and the Board of Regents. As
Fleming ceremoniously "faded
in the first lights" Hazen Shu-
macher, an executive officer
of the center, remarked,"this
is the finest facility around."
THE CENTER, located in the
old Argus Optics factory, is
equipped with three new color
cameras and three new black

Human Rights Party (HRP)
Second Congressional District
candidate Phil Carroll blasted
the University Board of Re-
gents yesterday for a bylaw
that allows board members to
vie for public office while pro-
hibiting full-time 'U' employes
from campaigning.
Carroll, formerly a research
engineer and project director at
the Highway Safety Research
Institute, is required under the
rule to take an unpaid leave of
absence during the campaign.
HE FURTHER charged that
the bylaw is unconstitutional
because it applies only to state
and federal candidates, while
staff members running for local
offices are unaffected.
Claiming the rule "doesn't
provide equal protectiondunder
the law", he asked the Regents
to rescind the rule.
The bylaw states specifically
that "no full-time member of the
staff may engage in government
activities for compensation or
hold or announce a candidacy
for other than local or county
offices without the consent of
the Board. Staff members who
are candidates for state or fed-
eral elective offices shall be

gent Paul Brown (D-Petoskey),
Democratic candidate for lieu-
tenant governor, should resign
his postsas Regent. "He ought
to be ashamed of himself for
supporting the bylaw against a
staff member without accepting
a similar restriction on him-
self," Carroll said.
See HRP, Page 2
SGC stalls
o icers
Student Government Council
last night failed to take action
on a motion which would have
prevented c r i m i n a 1 prosecu-
tion against three former mem-
bers who allegedly m i s u s e d
council funds.
SGC member Robert Gordon
bolted from the room, without
comment, thus breaking the

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