I 'WOLLL~YbiJ8~L&\~ ~ A'C~mBV AS& ~A It k4 4 1~ ~ ow 00, B S Clemenm By CHRIS ORTLOFF PRESIDENT FORD'S recent quantum departure from the absolutist Nixon policy of "unconditional re- venge" against those who refused to be impressed into the service of a series of two-bit dictators in South Vietnam seems doomed to failure. On principle, the alternate service approach is a good one. It always ought to be available, for two practical reasons: First, it gives those who have to fight wars a proportionately greater say in whether they are fought at all; and secondly, it gives everyone the opportunity to serve in some way, hopefully elim- inating the class difference between "those who an- swered their country's call" and those who didn't or couldn't. Serving one's country ought to be a source of pride. Those who are physically or morally incap- able of fighting wars ought not to be denied the priv- ilege and the pride. As a nation, we ought not to feel we need a war to give young men that pride. ALL THAT is moot logic - for the future, hope- fully, but not for today. The dilemma the President recognizes, and which continues to divide this country is that the draft dodgers and deserters left America or went into hiding because the choice was to go to Vietnam or run. They were denied alternate service, for the most part. The example of the Green Beret who requested state- side duty instead of orders to Vietnam, and was twice denied such an opportunity to serve, is typical. He deserted and went to Canada. He was not disloyal in any simple way. But he could not be loyal to his country and his conscience, and it was his country's fault, not his own. President Ford's proposal is refreshingly moderate, but it has a fatal flaw. Ford cannot logically offer am- nesty is he still believes the war was right. And no dissenter can accept amnesty from one who believes a crime was committed in the proces sof being true to one's conscience. There must be room in America's official rhetoric for the idea that the true mistake was Vietnam and the compulsion of the government to send its young men there. WHAT IS NEEDED to heal the wounds is for one side or the other to say, "I was wrong." Ford thinks he can forgive the dissenters if only they do penance. But History, which has already judged the United Star- es harshly on Vietnam, will forgive the nation only if it admits it was wrong. Since national "principles" can change rather easily with broad application of salubrious rhetoric, it would seem easier for the nation to admit its mistake than to ask individuals to deny their consciences and accept Ford's premise that it was they who erred. Another point missed by the President is that many of the dissenters are now in their thirties, have fam- ilies, homes, careers, all things that would - for good reason -exempt them from a draft if it were applied again. How, without violating those good reasons for not disrupting families and careers, could the gov- ernment ask them for alternate service now? "STh 'resie spefmc in "The President spoke of mercy in without honor his brief inaugural remarks. But while in the service. If conditions had been the same when they fled, they might have been able to stay and serve. If the accident of time, then, is the only difference between a criminal charge and an honorable discharge, then to ask the exiles to do penance now is doubly wrong. The state has moderated its basic position over the years. It has, to a point, recognized that te force a person to act against conscience is perhaps the high- est crime the state can commit against a citizen. The President spoke of mercy in his brief inaugural remarks. But what he holds out to the exiles is not mercy, but a set of velvet-covered chains to replace the cold metal ones Nixon offered. That shows some kindness, and he may be capable of mercy. But first his logic must change. He must see that the fallacy of "Peace with Honor" must be forgotten before there can be amnesty with honor. IN HIS COMMENCEMENT address at the University of Michigan last spring, Gerald Ford referred to Thom- as Wolfe's book You Can't Go Home Again. Ford said, "His title states a very cruel rule of our life: in gen- eral, you cannot return to the scenes of your younger days and recapture the happiness that memory has stored away." As true as that may be, it is also true that most people want to try it, and even the exiles have that right. The power to deny or grant them that right is in Gerald Ford's hands. When I left for Vietnam, my grandfather said, "I'm proud of you, boy." I couldn't tell him then that I wasn't proud of myself. Vietnam, for those who were ordered to go, was the easy way out. Exile took guts. In my 19 months in Vietnam, I came to love the Vietnamese people, hate their government and come close to despising my own. THE CHIEF SYMBOL of that government, Richard Milhous Nixon, is himself now in a form of exile, and there is new hope abroad in the land. But President Ford must realize that the healing words of a new American rhetoric must abandon forever the premise that the war was right and the dissenters were wrong. They are our brothers, and until we welcome them back, unconditionaly, the heart of this nation will re- main rent and incapable of healing. what he holds out to the exiles is not mercy, but a set of velvet-covered chains to replace the cold metal ones Nixon offered." .{':: .1{:"?.r,..:11 ..":. .. .. t. .L.. .. .{ :{;{ ".... r" j T v f1i 11 r* aier'"' "rts Eighty-three years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan The impracticality of alternate service now, even if one ignores the philosophical inconsistency of it, is compounded by the fact that draft boards have chang- ed, the military has changed, public opinion has chang- ed, since they fled impressment. THE GREEN BERET who asked for stateside duty in the mid-sixties might have found the Army willing to listen in 1971. The Air Force become much more generous in the seventies, with honorable discharges for men who claimed conscientious objector status Thursday, September 19, 1974 News Phone: 764-0552 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48104 Ford sanctions CIA in Chile Letters to The Daily JN MONDAY NIGHT'S NEWS confer- ence, Gerald Ford stated that the CIA was instrumental in preserving civil liberties and an uncensored press five year ago in Allende's Chile. Moreover, Ford stated, this was the fullest extent of CIA involvement in Chile. However, according to a news leak from the Senate Armed Services Committee, some eight mil- lion dollars were spent by the CIA In order to topple the Allende re- gime. Salvador Allende was the only Marxist to be elected head of a con- stitutional government in the western hemisphere. Under his legally elected regime civil liberties were extended to a greater degree than before. Be- cause his government was Marxist, the CIA apparently had a vested in- terest in ending it. They seemed to have succeeded. Under the present military regime there are no civil liberties at all. There are no opposition parties, no freedom of the press, or speech. And yet the CIA has not seen fit to try and reinstate these civil liberties. It seems clear that the CIA supports the new dictatorship, and has no desire to interfere in their repressive domes- TODAY'S STAFF: News: Cindy Hill, Rob Meachum, Jeff Sorensen, Sue Stephenson, Paul Terwilliger Editorial Page: Marnie Heyn, S u s a n Leinoff, David Warren Arts Page: Ken Fink Photo Technician: Steve Kagan THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL tic politics. If, indeed, five years ago the CIA stopped repression, why are they now supporting it? PRESIDENT FORD ALSO stated that, although it is not sanc- tioned by international law, many of the great powers meddle in the do- mestic policies of other nations. Ford also said that, even though the US does it, the USSR does it even more. He then said that any CIA action in Chile was geared to the best interest of the peoples of the US and Chile. By justifying an illegal action by saying that "they do it too," Ford ended discussion. But if one takes this line of reasoning to its logical conclusion, then Ford may be able to suspend the Bill of Rights on the grounds that "they do not have them either." The best interests of the American people and the best interest of the people of Chile may not be the same thing, despite what Ford says. In fact, the CIA activities in Chile ap- pear to be geared to the best interests of the CIA. THE CIA HAS HAD a free hand for quite a few years now. It was the CIA who initially involved the US in South Vietnam, and it is they who engineered the coup that toppled Al- lende. It is time to put tighter con- trol on this agency, and make them more responsible to Congress, and the executive. If this is not done soon, we may see a replay of the Southeast Asia fiasco. rodeos To The Daily: I HAVE JUST read your ar- ticle 'Rodeo: Scar from Amer- ica's Past" in the Sept. 7th is- sue. As I have been a rodeo contestant, judge, and clown for some time, I feel that you should have you facts straight: Is it not true that all sports can be considered "brutal," especially football where human bodies slam against each other? And the human body is to be prized! Did you know that to join the R o d e o Cowboys Association (RCA) you have to make over $2000 in rodeoing just to join? And that this amount is made in the minor associations, and these are the ones that perform mainly in this area. These as- sociations O.R.C.A. and I.R.A. do not agree with your figures. Also, as for Jim Cleveland- who is a top-rated rider-he rides I.R.A., not R.C.A. which you have insinuated. Also you did not state how and if he was injured rodeoing. Did you also know that all associationscarry insrance on each member to and from a rodeo within a 24- hour period? This also covers- some hospital bills. Paragraph five. Yes, I am very aware of the hardships of the rodeo rider, but did you know that over 60 per cent, of the riders are what we consider "weekend cowbovs?" So not only is this a living, but also our way of relaxation, instead of protesting. Paragraph six. As far as the American Humane Association of Denvers being the "only" Igroup that sanctions rodeos, you had better read the rules and regulations of all the rodeo as- sociations. Any cowboy or cow- eirl violating them can be fined im to $100 and also blacklisted. Each judge and stock contractor watch for violations, because if the stock is abused in any form, we lose money. I suggest you read A Humane Look at Professional Rodeo published by I.R.A. Did you also realize that the stock used in rodeos are taken better care of than some people's dogs? Their working time during the year is less than one 24 hour period. They are examined by a vet. twice a year and a blacksmith too. I would also like to state that the equipment used is that used on race horses:the saddles are a little different; and the cinches are the same. In conclusion, rodeos still have a lot of bearing on America. We still have large ranches where "cowboys" still work and live, and where stock needs to be broken in for ranch work as well as pleasure. You have also stated we are not "frontierspeople" any more. What ahout the exploration of getherness here, for we need each other, for we are a part of America. -E. G. Emerson imperialism To the Daily: AFTER LISTENING to Presi- dent Ford's news conference last night, it's hard to decide against which position one's sense of outrage should be more intensely directed: the ingen- ious and Machiavellian delicacy of the Kissinger-Colby seman- tics ("de-stabilization") c e r - tainly exerts a powerfully per- verse seduction.But soa I s o does the ponderous illiteracy of Ford's re-statement of the case; speaking as a "third world commodity", I must admit that Ford's stuttering clumsiness does have a measure of un- polished truth to it. In the final analysis, what is bound to be missed by Amer- icans disturbed by their govern- ment's search for stable mates is the fact that there clearly exists a sizable Wa-Benzi caste, be it in Chile or elsewhere, through whom that search is undertaken. And this must give pause to those third world re- volutionaries who cannot now define revolutionary activity in purely "internal" terms. The clear and dangerous fact is that to react against tryanny or immorality in one's backyard is to automatically attract the in- terest of both the United States of America and the Soviet Un- ion. THE SOVIET Union, with its Neanderthal responses to in- dividualism and individual free- dom, will don the appropriate messianic halo when "bourgeois reactionaries" threaten stability in this or that state. The Unit- ed States, with a kind of charm- ing perversity (both boy-scout- ish and lethally vulgar), will na- turally provide a political coun- ternoint. The tragedy results for those caught in the middle. Especially if they cannot destroy the "op- position press & freedom of speech" in quite the same man- ner as did that erstwhile aris- tocracy of colonels in Greece. It is significant that the "de- stabilization" process was n o t undertaken with as much vigor there as it was in Latin Amer- ica. Indeed, but for the exquis- ite stupidity of the Cyprus move, neither Caramanlis nor Helen Vlachos would be back in Athens at this time. It is, of course, not merely a tragedy of choice for the weak states. It is also a logical out- come of that weakness. Internal strains breed opposition camos. Both camps are united in the certainty that resolution of con- flict demands American or Sov- iet money and arms. It would be incredibly naive not to ex- Foreign Secretaries certainly, too, must be about their Found- ing Fathers' business. -Lemuel Johnson Department of English dental bill To The Daily: AS EMPLOYED dental as- sistants we feel all citizens should be aware of the follow- ing: Very soon a report from the Michigan State Board of Den- tistry will be presented to the Michigan Legislature's Rules and Regulations Committee sta- ting the duties "of a person, Section 9a. (1) of House Bill No. 4114" signed into law Jan- uary 1974. This report deals with the du- ties of "persons presently em- ployed by dentists as dental as- sistants". In this State, as in the Nation, we have "on the job trained" dental assistants and "Certified Dental Assist- ants". Those assistants who are Certified hold "Certificates" is- sues by the Certifying Board of the American Dental Assist- ants Association. A course of study was designed by the Coun- cil on Dental Education of the American Dental Association to assure a basic level of compe- tency for dental assistants. Af- ter completion of formal study, the dental assistant is eligible to sit for the National Certifi- cation Examination and if suc- cessful, is issued a "Certifi- cate". To keep a certificate cur- rent, s of January 1, 1960, proof of twelve hours of continuing education is mandatory yearly. Our profession is the first health profession in the nation to de- mand continuing education. IN MICHIGAN 643 dental as- sistants hold such "Certifi-' cates." We have established thirteen post-secondary schools of dental assisting since 1966, at a cost to taxpayers of no less than $1,300,000.00. T h i s amount covers equipment only, not buildings or faculties. These programs were set up to meet the demands for formal train- ing of dental assistants, so that all personnel in dentistry had a minimum level of education. This bill was designed to up- date the profession of dentistry by expansion of duties of auxil- iary personnel so that more per- sons could receive comprehen- sive dental care at reasonable cost. By using existing training facilities and accepting no less than "Certification" of dental assistants as the minimum of formal education can we meet the need for expanded duties and maintain the high level of professional care our patients are receiving and so rightly de- serve. What does this mean to you the consumer? May we suggest, Nixon's condition: Pride and cynicism By JAMES WECHSLER THE MESSAGE NOW being continuously conveyed to the media in a variety of ways is that Richard Nixon is a man in deep emotionalvturmoil and physical distress whose will to live may have been narrowly sustained by President Ford's decision to pardon him. It is not an easy subject to discuss, nor one that can be treated casually. Perhaps the true tragedy of Richard Nixon is that he had evoked so profound a degree of national distrust-that he had, to put it bluntly, conned his countrymen so often - that undocument- ed reports of his disarray are as likely to stir suspicion as sym- pathy. Perhaps that is also because, in his long years of public ex- posure, Nixon remained so elusive and enigmatic a figure. Part of the time there was debate over the identity of "the real Nixon," and intermittently there was almost absurd speculation about vari- ous incarnations of "new" and "old" Nixons. In the case of most public men who suffered a fall even remotely comparable to Nixon's, there would hardly seem reason to doubt reports of their private melancholy, perhaps accompanied by intensification of physical ailments. He was a President reelected in 1972 by an unprecedented landslide. His second term was apparently endorsd with limitless opportunity for new international pilgrimages, new scenes of gran- deur, new history-making initiatives. His opposition was crushed and scattered. NOW HE FINDS himself in the lonely exile of San Clemente, confronting a sea of unpredictable troubles, some of them not yet revealed, with interminable hours of the day and night to ponder what might have been. Perhaps worst of all he can look back and see where everything would almost surely, have been different if he had told the country the truth at the moment when the Water- gate invasion was first unveiled. It might also be added that such wholly rational' cause for depression, experienced by other eminent men who have run into trouble with the law, and suddenly faced the specter of indictment, has not normally been considered a ground for unconditional pre- indictment pardon. It could be said, however, that there was something truly very special and shattering about Nixon's decline and entrapment. So, even as the stories of his deterioration multiply, there is nagging unease and skepticism. So widespread is the legacy of doubt that even a medical certificate offered in his behalf would arouse instant questions about the background of the doctor. It is almost as if Nixon had been reduced to that ghastly extreme in which only some terrible self-inflicted wound could establish the credibility of his agony. This, indeed, is his mortal disability, the ultimate price of his endless deceits. In thinking about most men, we would find it hard to believe they would endure the morbid indignity of being described as broken and rambling if they were in command of themselves. Nixon is denied the charity of that judgment, because he too often exploited the better instincts of his captive national audience. Cynicism is compounded by the knowledge that - barring real disability - he must soon testify at the Watergate trial. APART FROM HIS history of dissembling and play-acting, there are other reasons for the guarded reaction to reports of his dangerous decline. For one thing, his tenacious refusal to acknowledge anything more serious than "mistakes and misjudgments" appears to sug- gest that he may still harbor dreams of political rehabilitation. The obviously planted story that he would have refused to ac- cept an unconditional pardon if it were directly linked to amnesty for Vietnam war resisters seems consistent with the portrait of indestructible self-righteousness - and a resolve to achieve a a..,, ' 1 w . .i i ----' -DAVID WARREN a at "' Y~ ay 'r 1a a r ° \\ \ y :. ti , , :. :; : , : : n . \ :: .. :: ;. . l f \ \ . vrMlfs .ewr&m 1TV Iu