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September 19, 1974 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-09-19

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See Editorial Page




See Today for details

Vol. LXXXV, No. 13

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 19, 1974

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


Clericals vote
Today marks the second round of balloting for
University clerical employes deciding Whether to
unionize. A spot survey of clericals by the Daily
yesterday revealed that all either had voted, or
were intending to vote. Only one of the eleven in-
terviewed said she would vote no on unionization,
but several indicated that they were uncertain.
Nearly all did say that they have been inundated
with propaganda from the United Auto Workers,
the American Federation of State County and Mu-
nicipal Employes, and the University.
Caricature crazies
Everybody out there with an active interest in
cartooning, either in dreaming them up or draw-
ing them or both, is invited to a meeting tonight
at 7:30 p.m. at The Daily to discuss and plan for
graphics on the editorial page. Bring portfolios if
you have them.
Only in Detroit
Lt. Leroy Charrier is the new head of the De-
troit Police mounted section, and he'd probably
do well if it weren't for one hang-up - he can't
ride a horse. "I've never had any formal train-
ing," confessed Charrier, "I'd describe myself as
a novice." Charrier, who assumed his new duties
this week, plans to remedy the situation by taking
riding lessons. "I can't wait to start," said the
enthused 22-year police veteran. He says he cov-
ered every beat in the police department prior to
his nw appointment, including patrolling in a scout
car and working with the bomb squad. "Every-
thing but ride a horse," he said.
Happenings . .
. . . are off to a flying start today with a first
jump course offered by the Skydiving Club at 7
p.m. in 1042 East Engineering Building . . . the
Bach Club will present music from the medieval
period and the German and English Renaissance at
8 p.m. in the main lounge of the law quad . . . an
all-day inflation conference "with lots of big
shots," we're told, will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the
Detroit Hilton, if you can truck the distance .. .
Students for Levin will hold an organizational mass
meeting for all interested volunteers at 7:30 p.m.
in Rm. 2207 of the Union ... the Women's Studies
Film Series will present two movies, FREE, at 8
p.m. in Angell Hall's Aud. C . . . Democratic can-
didates will meet to exchange information with
party workers at 1315 Hill St. at 7 to 9 p.m. . . .
a sorority rush mass meeting will be held on the
third floor of the Michigan League at 7:30 p.m.
... the College Young Democrats will meet at 7:30
p.m. in the Michigan Room of the Michigan League
... the Ostomy Club will hold a meeting at 7:30
p.m. in the Senior Citizens' Guild, 502 W. Huron
. . . WCBN-FM (89.5) will feature "Jazz Round
Midnight" from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. . .. and the U.
M. Amateur Radio Club will meet in Anderson Rm
D of the Union at 8 p.m.
Gas prices
Another hope dashed. Those of you who were
hoping, eventually, to see gasoline prices drop to
35 cents a gallon had better start counting your
pennies again. Jack Tarner, a Phillips Petroleum
Co. vice-president, says the days of high prices in
gasoline are with us forever. Turner testified at
Federal Energy Administration hearings. "The
public generally considers that the government's
program for energy independence will permit re-
turning to old ways of unlimited energy use," said
Tarner. "There's no way this nation can return
to that situation." He said further gasoline sup-
plies would involve coal gasification and liquefac-
tion and shale oil -- and the consumer would have
have to foot the tab.
Draft evaders
The Pentagon yesterday claimed that 87 de-
serters have telephoned or written the armed serv-
ices since President Ford announced his "earned

re-entry" amnesty program Monday. No deserters
have turned themselves into the authorities, but
the army reported 37 phone calls for information
on the program. The Marine Corps claimed 25
calls, the Air Force three, and the Navy claimed
three phone calls and one letter. But that ain't
nuthin', folks. The Pentagon claims there are still
12,554 Vietnpm era deserters at large. Not to men-
tion draft evaders, whose numbers have been esti-
mated as high as 80,000.
On the inside .. .
... Khris Ortioff discusses Ford's amnesty pro-
gram on the Editorial Page . . . Brian Deming
writes of Miami of Ohio, the cradle of football
coaches, on the Sports Page . . . and on the Arts
Page Rosetta Eilvagi tells of the University's own
radio station, WUOM.
On the Outside . ..
Enjoy it while it lasts! Warm air will spread into



increse d



Look out.
Huron St.
are risky
Killer machines arecruising
daily up and down East Huron
maiming and injuring pedes-
trians who find themselves in
the way.
Is this the gripping plot of a
grade B horror flick? Is Ann
Arbor under attack from malic-
ious metal monsters?
THOUGH IT may seem this
way, in reality what is sending
chills up and down the spines of
pedestrians and city traffic en-
gines is the rash of accidents
which are occurring on Huron
between Glenn and Fletcher.
Within the first week of school
four accidents occurred along
this stretch of highway. "There
is quite a high volume of pedes-
trians crossing this major in-
tersection" claimed Thomas
Urbinik of the City traffic de-
partment. "There is no pro-
tection," said Urbinik, "The
pedestrian is on his own."
Linda Marra of the Counsel-
ing Center which is located
along the hazardous section of
Huron street, stated "Every
time we turn around someone
is running in to use the phone
to report an accident." She
went on to say that the rate of
"almost - accidents" was about
three or four a day.
A COMPLAINT was made to
the state department of high-
ways which studied the inter-
sections andconcluded that a
stop signal at Fletcher would
increase rather than decrease
The city, state and University
See HURON, Page 2

AP Photo
UNITED NATIONS Secretary-General Kurt Wald heim escorts President Gerald Ford into the
United Nations on Tuesday. Yesterday Ford add ressed the 29th annual session of the General

Vows support for
Secretary Kissinger
UNITED NATIONS (/P)-President Ford presented to the
United Nations yesterday a pledge of increased U.S. food aid for
needy countries, a challenge to Arab oil producers and an im-
promptu endorsement for Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
"Failure to cooperate on oil, food and inflation could spell
disaster for every nation represented in this room," Ford told the
General Assembly as he urged "a global strategy for food and
It was Ford's first major foreign policy address of his five-
and-a-half-week-old presidency, and he inserted into his prepared
speech a paragraph intended to assure the nation, the world and
Kissinger that his role will remain unchanged in the new ad-
IN THE ADDED sentences, written out in long-hand by Ford
minutes before his speech, the
President declared that Kissin-
ger "has my full support and
the unquestioned backing of the
American people" both as sec-
retary of state and as head of
the White House national se-
curity system.
Presidential aides said Ford
departed from his prepared text
because he wanted to under-
score his intention that Kissin-
ger will keep his post as direc-
tor of the National Security
C oiicil.
Kissinger had been upset by
news reports Tuesday that an
unnamed presidential adviser
had recommended he be re- Patrick Bynoe
placed in the White House job.Y
AFTER FORD'S speech, a re-
porter asked Kissinger if he
personally had asked for words
of assurance from Ford. "Ab-
solutely not, of course not," he
renlied. student
The praise for Kissinger sent
a ripple of applause through the
hall, where the Nobel Peace
Prize winner sat with delega-
tions from the United States and
132 other countries. Absent were
Israel on Jewish New Year cit
holiday, and Cuba, which is on c t s b c.4
unfriendly terms with the United
Ford promised the assembly
that the United States would r DAVID BURHENN
sped mreon oodshpmetsto A former graduate student
spend more on food shipments has filed suit against the Uni-
See FORD, Page 2 er _t


Democratic gubernatorial can-
didate Sander Levin yesterday
reversed his previous position
on amnesty and claimed he has
publically supported alternative
service since 1970.
"My stand on amnesty is the
same now as it was in '70," he
told a gathering of 130 students
at the Lawyer's Club Lounge. "I
am supporting alternative serv-
ice for draft evaders."
HOWEVER, in a campaign
statement Levin issued in Aug-
ust, 1970, which appeared in the
Detroit Free Press at that time,
he denounced any form of earn-
ed re-entry and emphasized his
disavowal of the state Demo-
cratic party resolution which
urged amnesty for all draft

reverses stand

"Those who employ civil dis-
obedience to protest a law or a
war must stand ready to accept
whatever punishment is pro-
vided by the legal code," the
statement said. "Condoning an
illegal act on the part of some
may encourage others to follow
suit in the mistaken belief that
eventual exoneration is a cer-
During a somewhat heated
question-and-answer session fol-
lowing his brief address, Levin
emphasizedbhis liberal stance on
women's issues-including abor-
ALTHOUGH he believes it is
a dead issue in light of the 1973
Supreme Court ruling, the gu-
bernatorial candidate re-affirm-

ed his support of legalized abor-
"I voted for abortion reform
in the legislature before it was
popular," the former state sen-
ator asserted. "But this is an
issue which I will not have to
deal with as governor."
Levin also indicated his sup-
port for feminist concerns in
response to repeated question-
"I AS A MALE in politics
understand t h e discrimination
against women better than any-
one," he behemently proclaim-
ed. "I asked Martha Griffiths
to be my running mate but she
turned me down."
Congresswoman Griffiths (D-
Mich.) had announced her re-


Stephen son

speaks out

on inadequate revenues'

Speaking before a group of engineers last
night, Mayor James Stephenson took a firm stand
against a city-wide income tax saying, "the idea
to soak the rich to help the poor does not work."
Stephenson's theme for the evening was that
"Ann Arbor has inadeqaute revenue to meet its
needs" as he outlined various helpful and harmful
factors to the city's revenue.
He went on to explain that "if Ann Arbor en-
acts an income tax, particularly a graduated
income tax . . . people will move into the town-
THE REPUBLICAN mayor opened his speech
chiding the Human Rights Party (HRP) and gays
admitting in a light tone, "They (gays) like to
fondle each other . . . they think it bugs me and
it does."
Speaking to a local chapter of the Society of
Manufacturing Engineers (SME) gathered at
Webers Inn, Stephenson proclaimed "the week of
Sept. 15-21 SME week in the city of Ann Arbor."

Going on to mention that he turned down both
Cay Pride Week and- Union Label Week, Stephen-
son said, "I think the union label is against in-
dividual freedoms."
DRESSED IN flaired, cuffed pants, tan jacket
and wearing wire rimmed glasses Mayor Stephen-
son told 'the audience his experience at Alice
Lloyd last year: "I thought I was to go to a
7:30 p.m. meeting at Alice Lloyd but it turned out
to be 7:00 p.m.; I arrived at a quarter-to-eight;
that was the best thing all night because the
evening went all down hill from there."
"I thought they would be average students, but
Alice Lloyd is a home of the HRP . . . a gay
couple in the crowd came and sat at my feet -. .
for those of you who don't know what a gay
couple is, that is a boy-boy or girl-girl couple."
WHILE THE audience tittered Stephenson went
on to say of the Lloyd gay couple, "They were
fondling each other; they like to fondle each other
in front of me; they think it bugs me and it

tC Iy, C 1111g a a v d onSU
of the School of Business Ad-
ministration refused to hire him
because he is black.
Patrick Bynoe, who has been
employed in the University
Purchasing Office, claims that
the Division of Management
Education (DME) in the busi-
ness school rejected six sepa-
rate applications he made for
six positions between October
1973 and January 1974.
The four-count civil suit, filed
at Federal District Court in De-
troit, alleges that two super-
visors in the DME had discour-
aged the hiring of blacks be-
cause their employment would
cause difficulties.
BYNOE ASKS that he be giv-
en the job for which he applied,
Program Associate II, that he
be awardedudamages for the
pay he could have received if
hired and that DME supervisors
Lawrence Schrader, B. Susan
Bishop and Clyde Keller be
fired or transferred from the
Two former DME employes
filed affidavits in the action
claiming that Schrader, who is
See STUDENT, Page 2

MayorJames Stephensoni

:..:.:....: ........... .

Reuther will attack
Esch 'double talk'
Democratic congressional candidate John Reuther said yester-
day that his campaign against Marvin Esch (R-Ann Arbor) will
focus on exposing the incumbent's double talk.
At an Ypsilanti press conference, Reuther blasted Esch for
paying lip service to consumer needs and then voting against
legislation to limit oil company profits and roll back energy prices.
"Although Marvin Esch has carefully cultivated his image as
an independent, non-partisan Representative, his record suggests
otherwise," Reuther said, "and we will bring this record to the
APPEARING WITH Reuther was Dr. Edward Pierce who
finished a close second in the Democratic Party congressional
primary. Pierce conceded victory to Reuther Tuesday when a

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