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September 18, 1974 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-09-18

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Page Eight


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Everyone gets accustomed to
seeing thenumbers and faces of
the players change each year
on Michigan's football squad.
But coaching staffs also trans-
form periodically and the Wol-
verines introduce a new defen-
sive line coach this season.
HIS NAME IS Tom Reed, a
former player at Miami of Ohio
u n d e r Michigan coach Bo
Schembechler when Schembech-
ler ran that Mid-American Con-
ference team. Reed was recruit-
ed by Schembechler out of high
school in 1963-the first year Bo
was a head coach at Miami.
Reed played halfback and
wingback in an offensive set-up
similar to the Wolverine's pres-
ent one. "We didn't have a
whole lot of people at that time,
so you just had to learn both
of them," the Delaware, Ohio
native explained.
REED IS relatively inexper-
ienced as he has been out of
college for only six years. He
worked after his graduation for
two years as a graduate assis-
tant for Schembechler at Miami.
Subsequentlyhe coachedrat the
University of Akron for four

seasons and spent last autumn
at the University of Arizona
under head coach Jim Young,
another former Michigan de-
fensive coach.
When asked what it was like
coming to Michigan from Ari-
zona,gReed replied, "Tuscon is
a town of about 400,000 people
and no sports exposure at all.
Becauseof that there was a lot
of backing-a lot of enthusiasm
out there, especially when you
started to win. There was just
very few places I was going to
leave there for and this was one
of them. "
SO MICHIGAN brought Reed
here, and even if inexperienced,
he is somewhat familiar with
Schembechler's s c h e m e o f
things. "Coming here was
nothing that I didn't expect,"
Reed informed, and he added,
"I had known the organization,
how things were done and so
there was really no big transi-
tion period."
Does he find any special pres-
sures in his new job? "No," he
answers confidently, "I think
as far as pressure is concerned,
a person applies his own pres-
sure to himself. You know, what

1 7'

they expect to get done and'
what they want to get done
within themselves. As long as!
you set your standards high and
work for those there won't be.
any outside pressures that willj
bother you."
REED ADMITS, though, that.
coaching here is easier than it!
might be. No special problems
arise to him. "That's one thing
about the atmosphere you coach
in. It's dictated by the head
coach. He prevails. Bo prevails
without a doubt. So the atmo-
sphere to coaching here is ex-
cellent. He has complete con-
trol of the situation."
"I had always been
a Woody Hayes fan
before 1969..un-
til Bo came here."
-Tom Reed
Additionally, Reed credits the
players with making his job
easier. "The strength of Bo's
programs have been his senior
classes and he was able to get
a lot out of his seniors," Reed
pointed out. "Like last year
there were thirty seniors here
and that's something when you
only recruit 33 kids and thirty
of them graduate four years
When asked if he found any
changes in coaching from his
playing days, he replied, "No,
just that the athletes are a lot
better, Bigger, stronger, faster
and smarter. The attitudes in
the sixties changed things a
little bit. All of the turmoil and
student unrest upset things a
little bit, as far as the structure
of what athletics used to be-
the discipline. The pendulum is'

Inesday, September 18, 1974
swinging back right now-our
way. At a time, fellows had a
little different attitude but I
don't see a whole lot of change.
There's just a lot more things
for people to do these days than
six or seven years ago."
Reed commented that Schem-
bechler is truly able to relate
with his players. He noted that,
"In the past, whenever a kid
came in and talked about cer-
tain things, a head coach would
blow up!"
ON DEFENSE, Reed contend-
ed that a defensive player must
be able to cover the whole field.
"You've got to have the speed,
quickness and conditioning and
ability to move," Reed said.
"We do have quick defense be-
cause we sure aren't big. But
our type of defense lends to
quickness as opposed to slow-
ness. A fellow who is slow could
not play our defense."
Thus Reed joins a successful
program with a tradition of
winning football. He has set
goals: To be first in the nation
against the score. Individual
Michigan players write down
their own goals in private. Reed
says, "Nobody knows them but
him, but at least they're down
in writing and he knows they're
there. I think it really helps."
Reed won't characterize this
year as a year of revenge. But
he mentioned that the AD's vote
of a year ago might be brought
up subtly before the MSU game.
The new defensive line coach
offered one comment which
bodes well for the superstitious
among us: "I had always been
a Woody Hayes fan before 1969,
until Bo came here, and then I
immediately changed. It wasn't
hard to do." Well, since Reed
has switched rooting sections,
Michigan has been the winning-
est team in college football.

AP Photo
Something seems t o be missing




ree han remembers

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94C irl igttn ttily

While the Detroit Tigers are
finishing one of their worst
summers in recent memory, the
Michigan Wolverines are look-
ing forward to another promis-
ing season. One man who has
experienced the highs and lows
of both teams is Tiger catcher
Bill Freehan.
The seven-time all - star was

! football to baseball. But after "We were forced into some
winning the Big Ten batting moves by injuries that probably
title, the Tigers came up with would have come sooner or lat-
a contract offer he could not er, but now it looks like, for
refuse. He managed to get his the first time in ten years,
degree in the off-season. we'll finish under .500, and it
On the whole, the move feels kinda strange.
away from football was a - "It's sad to see this team
wise one for Freehan, since broken up. We've been together
the Tiger teams he played on for a long time, not only play-
have won more games than ing together, but living togeth-
any other major league club er, sharing good times and bad


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. X,
"We were forced into some moves by injuries that prob-
ably would have come sooner or later, but now it looks like,
for the first time in ten years, we'll finish under .500, and it
feels kinda strange. It's sad to see this team broken up.
We've been together for a long time, not only playing together,
but living together, sharing good times and bad times, and
all the success we've had . . . we did a lot of little things
well, and believed in ourselves."-Bill Freehan

times, and all the success we've
had. A lot of people have put
us down, saying we couldn't
steal bases, but we did a lot
of little things well, and be-
lieved in ourselves."
With the Tigers apparently
serious in their youth drive,
it is only a matter of time
before veterans like Freehan
will be moved into retirement.
With that prospect before

a student here from the fall of the past ten years. But now, him, Freehan's Michigan de-
1959 through the spring of '61, the talent has grown old, and gree looms more important.
before he signed with the Tig- the team is in the midst of ",I, e find
ers; He was an end for Bump rebuilding. s nI ll have o
Elliot's 1960 football team and "I really thought we could something else to feed my
Big Ten batting champ for Don have been a contender this family.bThey'vedeveloped a
Lund's baseball team the fol- year," mused Freehan. "If Wil- bad habit the last 12-13 years.
lowing spring, lie Horton hadn't gotten hurt-I They like to eat. I'm not say-
As a gridiron star, Free- he wasthaving a great season ing a college education is nec-
han played end and did some -and if our pitching had come essary to happiness or success,
place - kicking. He did this around, we could have been a but if you have the opportunity,
well enough to win the Meyer contender. it's foolish to pass it up."
Morton trophy, which isan
nually given to the football
player who, at the end of * U
spring practice, shows the
ing season. Unvriyo
most promise for the upcom- r l UEUig seson
"I played both ways," Free- University of Southern California football coach John McKay
ban remembers of those days. consented to give his first interview of the 1974 football season
They didn't have separate of- yesterday, citing "tremendous internal strife" as the reason for
fensive and defensive units dur- not holding one sooner.
ing a ten year period in thenohldgoesoer
late fifties and early sixties. In "I just couldn't bring myself to tell that big a lie," McKay
mt sophores ynear, I bele lamented, "the alumni have been clamoring for me to make
I played more minutes than any some sort of statement, but I just couldn't bring myself to tell
other end on the squad. them the truth . . . that the Trojans have no chance for the
Bump Elliot's 1960 team fin- National Championship as long as the Daily Libels continue to
ished the season with a 5-4 play football."
mark. "Our two non-conference McKay went on, showing the strain of the admission: "The
games were with Duke and Libels just play football on a different level than every other
Oregon. Duke beat Arkansas in team in the nation. No matter what their opponents do, when
either the Cotton or Sugar bowl the score shows up in print the next day the Libels have
that year, and Oregon beat another rout."
somebody in the Liberty Bowl. McKay then collapsed and was taken away by several of his
We beat them both pretty hand- players, who also seemed to be showing the strain of their
ily. _ _ ,.coach's statement


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Sports of Te Daily
From Wire Service Reports
Franklin returns
Dennis Franklin was released from University Hospital
yesterday afternoon, but arrived too late to participate in Michi-
gan's practice session. The two-time all-Big Ten signal caller
entered the hospital last Saturday for observation concerning
his viral condition.
Franklin's condition has improved sufficiently to allow him
to work out today in full equipment.
"His white blood count is going up, and he didn't lost any
weight," Schembechler said.
When asked if Franklin would play against Colorado Satur-
day, Schembechler said, "He's got to prove he's capable of
playing. He'll work with both the first and second units tomor-
row (today)."
Team Canada ready
QUEBEC - Optimism increased around the camp of Team
Canada today in advance of tonight's opener of an eight-game
series with the Soviet Union.
Most of the high spirits resulted from the realization that
Team Canada is far more prepared than was the country's entry
in the first international hockey summit conference two years
The difference in the quality of Team Canada 74 is that this
year's team is comprised of players from the World Hockey
Association. The 1972 team was made up of players from the
National Hockey League.
O.J. is okay
O. J. Simpson of the Buffalo Bills, NFL Player of the Year
last season, suffered a sprained ankle in first half action Monday
night against Oakland. It was the first game of the year for both
Buffalo and Oakland as the Bills came back in the final moments
to pull out a 21-20 victory.
Simpson, who set a rushing record of 2,003 yards last year,
picked up 78 yards on 12 carries before leaving the field just be-
fore halftime. The initial diagnosis was described as a slight to
moderate sprain and he did not play in the second half. After an
examination Tuesday, Bills officials listed Simpson as "prob-
able" for next Saturdays game against the Miami Dolphins.
Rookie relacement Gary Hayman also found himself on the
injured list. However, Hayman's injury turned out to be more
serious, a broken bone in the lower leg, and he'll be out for
the season.
Carew wan ts out
A six-hit masterpiece by Bert Blyleven led Minnesota Twins
to victory over Kansas City but Minnesota may have turned out
to be the losers after all.
Moments after the Twins 7-2 win, All-Star second baseman
Rod Carew announced that he wants to be traded.
"I need a change," said Carew. "I'd just as soon get out of
this town."
Carew, headed for his third consecutive American League
batting title, was upset that the crowd booed him when he
dropped a pop fly in the ninth.
Bagett, Hicks, Big Ten's best
Charlie Baggett of Michigan State and Tim Hicks of Illinois
have been named the Big Ten offensive and defensive players of
the week after leading their teams to impressive victories in
action last Saturday.
Baggett, a junior quarterback from North Carolina, com-
pleted only four passes against Northwestern but two were for
touchdowns of 57 and 44 yards in guiding the Spartans to a 41-7
rout. Another 44-yard pass completion set up a touchdown and
he picked u 64 yards rushing and a touchdown.
Hicks, a 6-foot-3, 235-pound linebacker from Villa Park, was
credited with 17 tackles, 16 of them solos. Perhaps the turning
point in Illinois' 16-0 win over Indiana was Hicks' remarkable one-
man goal-line stand. Hicks stopped four consecutive slashes by
Indiana from inside the four-yard line.
Williamson out, Karras in
Alex Karras, former lineman for the Detroit Lions, joined
vp n ncHowar d n 11 and Frank Gifford in the ABC broad-

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"Then we played Michigan
State in our firstfBig Ten
game, and on the first play I
learned what Big Ten foot-
ball was all about. I don't
think I've ever been hit quite
so hard. They had guys like
Brandstatter, Ed Budde, and
Dave Bierman, who all played
professional football. They
had quite a line.
Back then, Freehan preferred

When McKay awakened in the hospital, the first thing he
did was shout for this week's gridde picks. Ever since learning
that Pizza Bob's was sponsoring them with a free pizza he had
become a fanatic. When told he was in time, he settled back into
his bed and relaxed. If the Libels were going to prevent him
from a National Championship, at least they would start him off
1-0 in his never-ending gridde pickings quest.



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