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September 15, 1974 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1974-09-15

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laura Berman
howie brick
contributing editor:
mary long



page four-books
page five-profile

Number 2 Page Three Septemb4
Before and after the
alWashington notes
Sunday Magazine co-Editor Laura Ber- on the editorial page, while RO- cept for his bulbous red face peer- the tension has dissipated. A re-~ 2..
man spent the summer as an intern for DINO AND COMPANY BLAST ing over a picture of Richard M. porter says, "You should have been
the Washington Bureau of Knight News- LEAKS on the front page. Nixon. "We are praying that the here Saturday." Y
papers. Her recollections and impres- Saul Friedman, the Detroit Free members of the Judiciary Commit- £ ~
LAURA BERMAN: Press columnist, tiptoes stealthily tee will let God into their hearts," TUESDAY, AUGUST 6. Phil Gal .................
By LAURA BERMAN down the halls every day to meet he tells me. ley, the Miami Herald corres-
S IS AR June, the Judi source on the Judiciary "What if they vote for impeach- pondent, refuses to take a call
IT I AL ue h uiir Committee who lets him see all ment?" from a conservative Florida Con-
Committee is meeting in closed the evidence. "The evidence is "A vote for impeachment is a gressmnan. "The bandwagon has al-
ssintsittruhteras there, Saul says. I've seen it. Why vote against Gods will," he says. ready left, he explains. The ru- N
of evidence that have yet to be isn't the Committee seeing the .mors of resignation are flying but
examined before there can be a same things I am?" it is still not certain that he will
final vote. LATE JULY. The Judiciary Com-
I am trailing two Knight report-* * * mittee votes the first article resign.
ers, not really covering the story MID-ULY. The Prayer and Fast of impeachment. Suddenly these Wednesday, August 7. This week
but working hard at pretending I C o m m i t t e e is demonstrat- men who seemed so small in June
am. sty al da, frm erlywas supposed to be a slow one and
am. I stay all day, from early..Knight's bureau chief and news
morning until evening, asking naeditor have gone on long-overdue
questions of the Judiciary Commit- vacations, vacations that have
tee members when they make brief It has probab alwaysabeena city where now been cut short. Knight has -vultures all, watching and wait- week. Now we can only'
appearances outside thehmeeting aeean ut hbackroundstorhs ing in a kind of death watch. He end.
room - but there is nothing sub- men act out their fantasies of power and hread il heenof back roudsties- wud' e he e ita'
stantial I can find to write about. importance. But this summer the spotlight tion for months but it has to be certain. Nixon hates the White FRIDAY, AUGUST 9.'
Oh, there is some color. Rep. completed - now it is only a mat- House and Washington and, it into place. The why
Maraziti (R-N.J.) has yet to say focused dead -center on Washington and ter of time. I write a story on Bet- seems, all the people in it. The Friedman learns that S
Wlam Cohen gr R-matYc ) yng, eeroe frm Seaoseo cadier.s ty Ford. assemble It really. Nancy days he has been in this city this Buzhardt walked into
William Cohen (R-N.Y.), young, everyone from Senaors to ca bdriversas- Howe, Betty Ford's press secretary summer could be counted on the fice Monday, resignatio
handsome and blue-eyed, ends re- sumed they had a leading rolein the drama. tells me that "Mrs. Ford does not fingers of one hand and when he because they had lea:
porters' questions saying, "Gentle Iplan on becoming first lady. We is here, he is in hiding, venturing the tapes. Unless the
men, I could answer that - but itare ickin out crystal and draes out only to get into his helicopter released, the story goe
would be wrong. Clever, but not for Admiral House (the new vice- or to take an evening cruise on his and St. Clair were prepa
the stuff of which hard news is ing on the steps of the Capitol for have acquired new stature; every- presidential residence)." yacht. So Nixon went public. F
made. And yet every day, every Nixon. A clean-cut, wholesome one is impressed. At Knight, there So I write. "Betty Ford, the na- Now there are these fantastic knew that it would hu
major paper carries a story on the looking group, they sing patriotic are words of praise for Jim Mann tion's first lady hadn't finished stories circulating. That he is mad, he certainly wasn't p
Judiciary Committee-I have been songs, wave flags and pray fer- (D-S. Carolina) and for Barbara furnishing Admiral House when contemplating suicide, out of con- the outcry that followe
there and haven't seen or heard gently. Each member of the group Jordon (D-Texas). word came she would have to trol, that his aides have talked him ly had no choice but to
them happening. is praying for a different Congress- move again - this time to 1600 into resignation. Barry Goldwater Everyone in thei
PROVES to be a great sham man or Supreme Court Justice or Congressman Smith v o t e s Pennsylvania Ave." last described him as "amiable." around the TV and wal
ITh RESt en a great sham. mabne orSpeme.A Corsiessmr against impeachment, saying the * *Amiable now? Saul Friedman make his final speech t
Thereayreortngcflteshtor Cbintlmmbe.oAConresman*
is not taking place at the daily from Texas speaks to them about only article he would consider
from Texas spevotinaforisothtCamodiaoomb- THU~RSDAY, AUGUST 8. Phones quotes Sen. Griffin telling him, House staff. I sm rnigIttebls asti a h o Sot n hycis n r igng yertr re istobdHi wnmeakd tetc-adafci
running of the bulls" (as this mad the Boy Scouts and they cheer and ing. A Knight reporter goes to are ringing, typewriters are "It's too bad Haig won't be asked thetic - and affecti
surge of reporters chasing after smile. im A the sepon gous and clattering, excitement is at an all- to stay on because he has kept help but feel sorry for
congressmen has come to be The story I write is perfectly him when the session adjourns and time high. No one has talked about things going in the last few days, When he finishes1
called). And yet both the press straight but seems hilarious while asfull, Congressman Smithyoure anything besides this resgnation he has kept things from falling climbs into his black]
and the Committee have been I compose it: the president of the for days, but today feels climactic- apart." helicopter and I run t
sanctimonius and self-righteous Committee group wearing a sand- Belatedly, I get one of the green the mood is more tense, more an- dow of the National P
about the leaks - it seems that wichboard sign saying, "I am pray- press passes for the Committee ticipatory. And it is impossible to separate ing just in time to see
whenever a newspaper isn't get- ing for Richard Nixon". The sign sessions, but the excitement has Late last night- people were still rumor from truth now. Washington ring slowly over the r
ting information it starts whining covers his entire body - all ex- already passed, the momentum and gathered at the White House gate is buzzing, as they say in News- Department of Agricul

er 15, 1974
wait for the
Things fall
y of it. Saul
t. Clair and
Nixon's of-
ns in hand,
rned about
tapes were
s, Buzhardt
,red to quit.
He probably
rt him but
repa'ed for
d; he final-
office sits
tches Nixon
o the White
audlin, pa-
ng. I can't
talking, he
locust of a
o the win-
ress Build-
him whir-
roof of the


con fessions





I'M NOT evangelical at heart, but
I'm here to give testimony.,.The
disciple role is a new one for me,
and I feel kind of like Rennie Da-
vis must have in his first days with
the Guru Maharaj Ji, or like the
teenage hood, rapist and murderer
who suddenly discovers Christ and
joins the Campus Crusade tour. My
own hero is an unlikely one, a man
named W. Timothy Galwey whose
short, sweet book "The Inner Game
of Tennis" inspired me.
Nothing I'll be saying is original.
It's all in The Book, and written
more clearly than I can hope to.
Still, it's not everyday that you
find peace of mind, even if only in
playing tennis, and so I wanted to
pass on the knowledge. If I sound
facetious, I should tell you right
now I'm dead serious and any
lightness is a defense against the
snickers I've elicited while telling
my tale in the last month.
And the snickers weren't fully un-
deserved. As anyone who knows
me will gladly tell you, I am any-
thing but the picture of peace, and
the easy placidity of meditation
and Eastern Philosonhy is perhaps
the last thing you'd associate with
me. And when it comes to tennis,
my case withers still further. I
have been playing the game com-
petitively for nine years and dur-
ing all but the last month or so, I
hated it. Nothing caused me more

concentration will right other er-
rors. Between points it is equally
crucial not to let your mind wan-
der and judge. Galwey's method is
to listen to the natural rhythm of
his breathing, but I suspect any-
thing regular and non-diverting
will do. The crucial thing is to stay
involved only in the immediate
In the spirit of simplicity, I'm of-
fering only a brief sampling. Per-
haps my own experiences speak
more strongly. In the 20 or so times
I've played in the last month, I
have lost my concentration, allow-
ed my devious mind to get in the
way of my game, perhaps twice.
I've repeatedly discovered myself
coming back from 5-2 or 4-1 to
win sets. I no longer pray between
serves that my opponent will dou-
ble fault. But more than anything,
tennis has become such a pure joy
that I now feel ready to pack up,
leave school and head to the Flor-
ida red clay for a couple of years.
Already this fascination with
concentration has begun to have
a spiraling effect on the rest of my
life. It may be approaching sub-
limity in a roundabout way, but a
circuitous route is better than a
stagnant one.
THE FIRST TASK, if any of my
old plagues are yours, is to
read The Inner Game. You'll be
learning to quiet the mind as a

ply refuses to do what you tell it
to do, and the massively increasing
anxiety and tightness that inevit-
ably precipitates. You know the
highs and the lows, and the rarity
of feeling relaxed. A running
s t r e a m of invective directed
against one's body is probably
more common in tennis than in
any sport.
And that is precisely what makes
the neglected Inner Game so cru-
cial. The premise is very simple.
Only when you quiet your mind,
remove it from distractions and

An anxious player
The Inner Game is as valuable
to the experienced player who
tightens up under any kind of
pressure as it is to the novice look-
ing for the best temperament in
which to learn tennis. Before I ex-
plain a little about the art of quiet-
ing the mind, I should mention
why it helps at all. One example
should suffice. Have you ever heard
someone talk about "playing out
of his mind" or "over his head"?
(If not, proceed to the next para-
graph). The expression, though
you've probably never thought

finds peace of m ind
it will be to learn. That's why kids
who learn at a young age, before
the hodge-podge of thoughts and
habits and fears and hopes that
clutter the mind begin to interfere,
have an easier time of it. It seems
odd, but calculation inevitably be-
comes miscalculation; self-forget-
fulness breeds the most natural
excellence. So the trick is to trust
the body.
RUT HOW? The fact is that the
Zen technique requires no great
philosophical or psychological in-
sights: it is embarrassingly simple.

loss to friends, whether I'd ever
get a chance to redeem my honor.
Interspersed were self - critical
thoughts about earlier shots, di-
verting fantasies about the movie
I planned to see that night, fears
about what the people watching
me were thinking. And a general
malaise about what playing bad
tennis implied about my whole life
situation. All in all, a rather enor-
mous burden.
The trick, then, is to find some-,
thing to concentrate on when you
play. In tennis, the ball provides

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