Thursday, September 5, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Fifteen 'U' clericals debate pros e e e and.. cons of i By SANDY HAUSMAN To many people, the Univer- sity is an institution of higher learning, dedicated to higher ideals -and princples than the average busness, or even the average government. Auto its non-professional em- ployes, '-the University is like any ofther employer - maybe even a?ittle worse, if events of the past year are any indication. IN OCTOBER, the Univer- pity's service and maintenance workers began four and a half months of intense contract talks with the Regents. In April, the graduate employees voted to un- ioiize. Nyow,,members of a third group are voicing their unhappi- ness with University employ- ment policies. Leaflets and pst- ers have. apeared around cam- pus urging. about 3,000 clerical workers to organize. A hotly debated issue among' clerical workers, not surprising- ly, is wages. In November, sec- 'We're a dime a dozen in Ann Arbor. If we don't like something, the Uni- versity can just point to the door. retaries at the law school con- ducted a study and found that average starting pay for a sen- ior secretary at the University was $5,520. At Michigan State University a similar job paid $6,643, and at Eastern Michigan University,, the salary was $6,250. THE SECRETARIES conclcd- ed, "As the major employer of secretaries in Ann Arbor, t h e University is in a position to. exploit the surplus of competent women by paying low wages. Al- though University secretaries re- ceived pay raises in the last two years, the increass have not covered the increased cost of living." The University responded with a study of its own, showing that in spite of the lower starting salaries, maximum pay for the job was considerably higher than the amounts offered at oth- er schools. And many secretar- unionization ies who have been at the Uni- versity for a number of years, oppose unionizing for this very reason. A second source of dissatis- faction among some secretaries is the merit system. Under this system, raises and promotions are awarded on the basis of re- views by an employe's super- visor. "IF THE supervisor doesn't like you, you're not going any- where. It doesn't matter how long you stay. You can still be making peanuts after years of service," says a University Hos- pital secretary. But other clericals say they'd hate to see the system go. "You lose the incentive to work hard," says one. "Some people are just going to sit aroun:1, and if everybody gets paid he same, you feel silly knocking yourself out. I mean, if raises are scheduled, not ' earned, what's the point?" Union supporters also express dissatisfaction with the Univer- sity's grievance policy. Under present rules, emploves' com- plaints go to their supervisors, and any decision can be appeal- ed to several higher University officers, according to James Thiry, Director of Personnel. Order Your uscriptio Today '764-0558 CAMPUS STATE & PACKARD Your Midnight Drugstore and "The" Place to Cash Your Checks I MENOMINEE! MENEM" .rte - - Ag- - m7 ~-- _THE CREA TESCAPE .FRGM INFLA TION- Round and round she goes A group of schoolchildren romp through People's Plaza in front of the Administration Build- ing and pause to take a turn at spinning the "cube." CASES REVIEWED SEPARATELY: BUT A secretary who works in the School of Social Works! argues that the employe has lit-' tle control over this process,1 which may go on for mont's. "There's nothing to guarantee BE a fair settlement. But a lot of By PATRICIA HINSBERG people don't even start a griev- Students who cultivate their! ance procedure because their grade point averages like hot- supervisor might discriminate house flowers seldom encounter against them for complaining. A the literary college's (LSA) complaint could affect "our Office of Academic Action. Oth- chances for a raise or promo- ers, however, who juggle deci-. tion," she says. mal points with less agility face! Also important is the issue of disciplinary action w h i c hI job security. "We're a dime a ranges from a mild reprimand dozen in Ann Arbor," says a to dismissal. law school secretary. According to LSA Associate Dean and Chairman of the Ad-1 "IF WE DON'T like some- ministrative Board Charles Mor- thing, the University can just ris, official disciplinary action point to the door. And if we do falls into two categories: dis- something that our boss doesn't missal or NTR (not to register), like, it's the same story. You're and probation.' out and someone else is waiting "Action pending," an unoffic- to replace you," she says. ial action which materializes in However, for some clericals, a notification letter, is used if these issues are not essential to a student with incomplete work' a decision. Many of the anti-un- might be on probation when ion people point to negative past grades ultimately are received.! experiences with collective bar- Technically, a student is gaining and argue that unions placed on probation only is hisa do nothing but collect dues. or her overall GPA falls below 1sal rule. 2.0. The rules governing NTR's, however, are not so rigidly de- fined. The official guidelines in the LSA announcement state that a student may be dismissed "for incurring a severe loss of honor points in one term, for contin- ued below-standard work, even though an overall 2.0 is main- tained." The majority of dismissed students are not reinstated, and Morris asserts that the Admin- istrative Board is aware of the potentially harsh consequences of the NTR procedure. "NTR is not a routine mea-; sure," he says. "We may useI an NTR letter as a means ofI getting a student with academic problems to come in for coun- seling, but those cases are in- frequent." Morris affirms that there are no written rules concerning NTR decisios other than those stated in the LSA announce- ment. But he contends that the very nature of the problem re- quires that each dismissal be the result of a "complex judge- ment decision, made in consid- eration of the facts of each indi- vidual case."j The Office of Academic Ac- tion sets no quotas on dismis- sals. Statistics show that the percentage of dismissals has been steadily decreasing over the past 11 years. sva ry, student admitted to the Univer- sity is capable of doing the work," Morris says. "If a GPA' shows that a student is not do- ing well, we know that the rea- sons are likely to be other than lack of ability. A NEW BAI)GE NEW YORK 0P) - The qual- ity of the stationery organi, a- tions allocate their executives may become a badge of cffice, the Cotton Fiber Paper Council says. The Commonwealth ofVir- ginia, for example, now design- ates who among state officel holders are entitled to 101 per cent cotton fiber content paper arid envelopes, who gets 5n per cent cotton paper, wno gets 25 per cent and on along the line. The higler the rank, the bet- ter the paper. The council predicts th:it wth this trend stationery will jio i n corner offices, private w a s h- rooms and company jets as symbols of executive suite stat- us. When you want to-get away from it all . . . or get with it all, the Superscope C-101 stays with you. It's light, portable, reliable and packed with features. This recorder includes an auto shut-off at end-of-tape, to extend battery life. With built-in condenser microphone and automatic level control you can spend your time watching the action.. . not the C-101. Inputs are included for remote control microphone, external speaker, AC cord and auxiliary (for dubbing from any external source.) And, like all Superscope recorders, this unit is Solid State constructed throughout. The C-101 will operate in any position. It's a rugged recorder, designed to please ... at a price that makes it a nice getaway. Make the escape for yourself . .. take a twenty minute vacation and come down and hear the C-101 today. SUPERSCOPE C fasten to us. -x SUPERSCOPE Portable AC/DC Monaural CASSETTE RECORDER nly $49*95 -YO 4CAP4iUS ic IC Tat -YOUR CAMPUS MUSIC STORE- 336-S. STATE 769-4980 COMPLETE IN-STORE COMPONENT SERVICE Subscribe to The Michigan Daily Scientology offers hope through self-knowledge (Continued from Page 13) mostly students, who are pre- sently taking these courses at the Ann Arbor Church of Scien- tology, the money is well worth it. "It's made me aware of good communication," says one mem- ber after completing the course.; AND A Professor at Wayne State University claims that in two months of Scientology pro- cessing and training, "I have in- creased my abilities, my mem-, ory, my reflexes and, most im- portant, I have gained insight into the order and purpose of; my life." The bulletin board in t h e church's lobby is covered with similar success stories: "Happy and floating . . . you can be the same! Do it," says one. "Life can no longer hur me as it has done in t'e past," claims another. AND STILL anonaer joyously re v e a l s, "Now I can studyl anything. Even MATH - which I hated at school. I am free to learn now." But Scientology is not without its skeptics., 'We have been attacked 'n the press," says Klopp, "and criti- cized by psychiatrists, psychWlo- gists, and even by the FDA (Food and Drug Administra- tion)." A psychologist who is head of a mental health center and who refused to be identi- fied, characterized Scientology as a "super-hyped-up Christian Science-like religion," w h i c h he describes as "harmfulif used as an easy avoidance in day-to- day life." Another psychologist c I a i m s that Scientology is "non-scien- tific, but uses the guise of sci- ence in its approach." But Klopp suggests that the psychiatrists' motive is often profit-making. Since psychia- trists attempt to help their pa- tients live with their problems, she says, return therapeutic visits are usually necessary - at unnecessary prices. ALTHOUGH many people have not even heard of Scientology, its obscurity will probably not last long. "The number of mem- bers we have is doubling at an incredible rate," says another ministers of the Huron Valley Mission. Here on campus, the mission gives free IQ and per- sonality tests which draw a large number of curious stu-' dents, many of whom bezome1 I actively involved in the church. In winter term of 1962, 7.2 per And regardless ofrace, color, cent of the student body of LSA creed, or political orientation, was dismissed for academic Scientology welcomes them all. reasons, compared with 2.4 per But in the words of its found- cent in 1973. er, "We seek no revolution. We The University's literary col- seek only evolution to higher lege, has one of the lowest dis- states of being for the individual missal rates in the country. and for society." "We know that virtually every / G 7,MetAt t 7'~ Only the sun is more accurate. 'itnout a uIck-tocK, without a hum the GP Quartz movement delivers accuracy to within one minute a year and without a moment's care. it goes on and on and on without winding, without he usual maintenance expected of an ordinary watch movement, otner than a simple, inexpensive oower cell yearly replacement. Itis sen.sibly thin and amazingly rugged Assorted models in stain- S ess steel, gold-toned cases with stainless steel backs; also in 18K gold Water and shock-resistant. of course Styles available with leather straps or matching bracelets INF WATCHES SINCE 179 THRU THE rfW7,n rxrr- I