Saturday, September 14, 1974 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three News Briefs From Wire Service Reports NEW YORK - Prices on the New York Stock Exchange hit the lowest pointsince the cuban missile crisis 12 years ago yesterday when the Dow Jones industrial average drop- ped to 627.19. Not since Nov. 19, 1962, when the average fell to 626.21 over anxieties caused by the U.S.-U.S.S.R. confrontation over Cuba, have prices plunged so low. More than two million shares were traded - mostly by investors anxious to unload - in the final half hour of business yesterday after the Dow Index dropped to the new low. 'I * * WASHINGTON - Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin concluded talks with U.S. officials yesterday as Secretary of State Henry Kissinger cemented plans to fly to the Middle East to mediate the dispute between Israel and her Arab neighbors. After Rabin's 40-minute meeting with President Ford, the White House made no mention of the secretary's trip. But it was learned that Kissinger has definitely decided to make another shuttle flight to the Middle East during the second week of October. WASHINGTON - CIA Director William Colby said yes- terday the Central Intelligence Agency "had no connection with the military coup in 1973" in Chile. "We did look forward to a change in government, but through democratic elections by political forces," Colby said. Colby made his remarks to a conference on the CIA sponsored by the Center for National Security Studies, sup- ported by grants from three foundations. He declined to get into details publicly about his re- ported testimony to a House Armed Services subcommit- tee last April that the CIA was authorized to spend up to $8 million between 1970 and 1973 to undermine the government of President Salvador Allende of Chile. ST. PAUL, Binn. - The pall of a possible mistrial sha- dowed the eight-month-old trial of two American Indian Movement leaders yesterday when one juror had to be hospitalized. But a defense lawyer said he is hopeful de- liberations will resume today. The mistrial possibility arose after juror Therese Scher- rier, 53, became ill with high blood pressure, postponing yesterday's deliberations. She is the juror prosecutors be- lieved mostly likely to vote for conviction. Should Scherrier be unable to return, the trial couldn't continue without the approval of both sides. Violence mars second day of Boston busing BOSTON (A') - Nine persons were arrested and one black student was slightly injured when white youths showered school buses and police cars with bricks and bottles in South Boston on the second day of court-ordered busing yesterday. In a separate incident, two persons were arrested in the Poslindale section of the city following the stoning of a bus carrying black pupils by white youths.f A crowd of about 400 white youths, with a sprinkling of adults, was involved at the fracas at South Boston High School. It marked the second straight day that buses carrying black pupils were stoned in the blue collar Irish district. IMPLEMENTATION of the racial balancing plan ordered by a federal judge had gone smoothly throughout the city' yesterday until the end of the school day. Hundreds of police had lined the bus routes to protect against any incidents. Officials said overall attend- ance in the school system yes- terday was 68 per cent of the projected 94,000 - pupil enroll- ment, about the same as Thurs- day. The first five buses leaving+ South Boston High School un- der police motorcycle escort moved down a steep hill to a+ bus staging area without trou- ble. But five additional buses taking a different road passed+ by the low income Old Colony public house project. STONES WERE thrown from a crowd of about 200 youths. There were few students on the buses. A spokesman for the mayor's office said one black student suffered minor cuts when a rocksmashed through a window. The incident took place about a half mile from the spot where eight black students and a bus monitor were injured in a similar inci- dent Thursday. The mayor's office said about 50 members of the crowd were actively throwing rocks when the incident broke out. The crowd swelled to about 400 as police moved in to force people back into the courtyards of the housing project. A brick smashed the window of a Metropolitan Police Commission van. OFFICERS surged forward to make arrests and a barrage of stones, and bottles came from the crowd. Police vehicles were hit repeatedly, but there were no reports of injuries to offic- ers. Police said nine persons were arrested before officers with- drew and the crowd dispersed 45 minutes later. A spokesman for the mayor's office had said earlier that at least 12 persons had been arrested. At South Boston High School, only 25 of the assigned 380 blacks were bused to classes Friday compared to 71 on Thursday, a mayor's office spokesman said. They were joined by 32 of 1,031 whites as- signed to the previously all- white school, the spokesman said. "IT'S SORT of lonesome, but we are teaching the kids now," said Headmaster William Reid. "The kids are learning a lot about human relations but not much education." Officials said 300 to 400 po- lice were assigned to South Bos- ton yesterday, but. Police Com- missioner Robert diGrazia laughed and said, "I think that's low." He refused to give a fig- ure, however. About 18,200 of Boston's 94,000 public school pupils are sched- uled to be bused under an inte- gration plan ordered by U. S. District Court Judge Arthur Garrity. THIS WEEKEND 8:30 $2.50 FRI. - SAT. RCA RECORDS' DAVID AMRAM AP Photo This unidentified girl was taken into custody by police yesterday when she threw a rock at a school bus carrying black students after it left South Boston High School on the second day of court-ordered busing. At least 9 persons were arrested in the incident. HAGUE EMBASSY SEIZED Japanese rebels threatenrto kili French ambassador, others, NEED KOSHER MEAT? Meat Ko-op I By AP and Reuter PARIS - French officials last night flew a mysterious Japa- nese revolutionary - who may be a key figure behind the 1972 terrorist attack on Tel Aviv Airport - to The Hague in a desperate bid to save the French ambassador and eight Ethiopian military leaders vow economic system reforms By AP and Reute A D D I S ABABA, Ethiopia, -The armed forces committee which deposed Ethiopia's once- absolute ruler, Emperor Haile Selassie, yesterday in a blood- less coup, pledged today to re- form Ethiopia's educational, legal, and near-feudal land ten- ure systems. The new military rulers down- graded the role of Lt. Gen. Am- an Andom, apparently to pre- vent him from emerging as a strong man in the wake of Se- lassie's ouster. The 13-man Armed Forces: Coordinating Committee issued what it called a correction to an announcement that Andom was its.chairman. It said he was only the spokesman, im- plying he had no more status than the other 12 members. But Andom, a popular war hero, clearly remained No. 1 in the military reform move- ment. He is acting prime min- ister, defense minister and arm- ed forces chief of staff. MEANWHILE the, whereabout of the 82-year old emperor who ruled this East African Nation for 58 years re-! mained unknown. The emperor was taken away from one of his palaces in the capital yes- terday in a humble volkswagen by soldiers to the army's Fourth Division headquarters. Diplomats said they believed; Selassie's fall could mark a major shift in Ethiopia's rela-I tions with the United States,; whose aid Ethiopians reformersr claim was a prop for the, em- peror's feudal regime.; They said Ethiopia's new rulers have told the United1 States they look elsewhere for1 military hardware unless Wash- ington boosts arms supplies to offset Russian tank and jet shipments to Somalia. ace. E V E N LEADING ministers had not been warned of the action in advance and it was not immediately clear how it would affect the operation of the council of ministers, which is in any case completely controlled by the Armed Forces Commit- tee. Addis Ababa Airport reopened to internal and international flights and the capital was calm today. American - made; M-47 tanks stationed at key points in the city yesterday had gone, A dusk-to-dawn curfew impos- ed yesterday was relaxed to be- gin tonight at 9 pm. local time. other people being held hostage there. Japanese officials in Paris said the man who had been held in a Paris jail might be the or- ganizer of the brutal attack on the airport in which 25 people were killed by members of the far left Japanese Red Army on behalf of Arab guerrilla or- ganizations. HIS RELEASE was demanded by three Japanese gunmen who broke into the French embassy in the Hague, the capital of the' Netherlands, yesterday after- noon and threatened to kill the ambassador and eighttothers un- til the man was released. ' The man, aged about 25, was arrested in France on charges of carrying false passports. French police said he was car- rying plans outlining the occupa- ton of the Japanese embassy in Paris and the kidnapping of' Japanese businessmen in Eu- rope. In yesterday'sgraid, one of the Japanese guerrillas shot and wounded two Dutch police officers, one a woman, after the officers sneaked onto the; embassy's fourth floor, where the hostages were being held. Another person also was re- ported wounded. THE GUNMEN said the host- ages would be killed at regular intervals, starting at 3 a.m.i (10 p.m. yesterday EDT) unless; the prison inmate is brought to7 them. The ultimatum, in a message scrawled in red ink and thrown1 from a fourth floor window, was] signed "The Japanese Redt - - Army." A diplomat said the note ordered that Furuyu be brought to the embassy by 3 a.m. and that a bus be ready to leave immediately for Schi- phol Airport, between The Hague and Amsterdam. It demanded further that there be a fueled jet airliner with a pilot and copilot ready to leave for an undisclosed des- ln[ation, the dipilmt said. SENARD, 54, is a career dip- POLICE SAID the Japanese lomat who has been in TheI were holding nine hostages, in- Hague for two years. He joined cluding the ambassador, Count the French foreign service in Jacques Senard, who is 54 and 1947. He was assigned to NATO took up his duties at The Hague from 1961-64, was senior coun- in 1972. Among the other host- selor in Cairo from 1965-67, and, ages were believed to be the was chief of protocol at the ambassador's secretary, a tele- French Foreign Ministry in phone operator and an embassy:g porter. Paris from 1969 until being nam- The other hostages were three ed to the Dutch post. visitors to the embassy: a rep- resentative of a French oil I company, his chauffeur and an Daily Official Bulletin unidentified man. T",o of the Japanese were armed.with pistols and the third Saturday, September 14 with a hand grenade. Day Calendar POLICE OCCUPIED the low- Res, coil.: musical instruments er 'three floors of the embassy, workshop, "How Music Is Made,"' and brought in an interpreter E. Quad, 9:30 am-5 pm. from the Japanese Embassy to Music Sch.: Roberta Pauline, so-j translate for them. They com- prano, Recital Hall, 2:30 pm: Frank: municated with the terrorists Nezwanzky, piano, Recital Hall, 8 over the embassy's internalpm telenhone system. Police said the Japanese ar- rived at the embassy in late afternoon, and the porter raced upstairs to the fourth floor to warn the ambassador. Three police officers sped to the building, found the elevator locked and climbed the stairs to the fourth floor. --1 POLICE SAID the door swung open and one of the terrorists came out shooting. He got off three or four shots and hit two of the officers. The third policeman fired back. Police said the Japanese later requested a woman doc- tor to attend the wounded per- son, but did not say who it was. Organizing CALL SANDY LEVIN 662-0240 For all persons interested in UAC Mediotrics, concerning advertis- ing, future movies and selling 4 tickets, there will be a MEETING in the UAC offices on MON., Sept. 16, at 8 p.m. I Michigan Union Billiards singer-songwriter !!! A creat classical, iazz, and folk musician. One of the hits of the Mariposa Folk Festival. j1411 Rill 1MSTRT I 741451S i free instructions pocket billiards Tues. 7-9 p.m. open 11 am. I reduced rates for couples Tues. 11 a.m-12 mid. Mon.-Sat. 1 p.m. Sun SELASSIE had been a virtual prisoner in the palace since it was nationalized by the Armed Forces Committee nearly three weeks ago. Informed sources said they believed the emperor was still being held at the division head- quarters but reports that he had been moved to Air Force headquarters at Debre Zeit, 15 miles from the capital, could not be discounted. Maw",. Selassie THE.MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXV, No. 9 Saturday, September 14, 1974 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Published d a i I y Tuesday through Sunday morning during the Univer- sity year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor; Michigan 48104. Subscription rates: $10 by carrier (campus area); $11 local mail (Michigan and Ohio); $12 non-local mail (other states and foreign). Summer session published Tues- day through Saturday morning. Subscription rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus area); $6.00 local mail (Michigan and' Ohio); $6.50 non- local mail (other states and foreign). 1 11 '. 1 1 THE ARMED forces commit- tee, now controlling the coun- try, also nationalized about 25 million dollars worth of hotels, businesses, and farms owned by, the Haile Selassie foundation, saying the charity had given preferential treatment to mem- bers of the royal family, the nobility, or the government establishment. The committee, which after yesterday's takeover said civil- ian ministers had been asked to stay in office for the time being, sealed the cabinet office this morning. Reliable sources said the committee, which yesterday es- tablished a provisional mili- tary government, gave no ex- planation for sealing of the cabinet office in the grand pal- There was also no word here on whether the emperor's par- tially paralyzed son, Crown Price Merid Azmatch Asfa Wossen, would answer the sum- mons from the Armed Forces committee to return home from Geneva to become a figurehead monarch. ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH GRADUATE STUDENTS , Presents a GRADUATE BRUNCH Bagels and Lox and Conservation SUNDAY, SEPT. 15 I E a.m. H ILLEL-1429 Hill St. 11 (7 I 1I 0